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[00:00.91]previously on "grey's anatomy"... 前情提要...

[00:02.71]I'm in love with you,george,and I hope you're in love with me,too. 我愛上你了 George 我希望你也愛我

[00:05.56]I was named chief resident. 我被任命為住院總醫(yī)師

[00:07.69]I've failed my intern test. 我沒通過實習(xí)考試

[00:09.33]You can start from the very beginning. 你可以從頭開始

[00:11.48]Repeat my internship? 重新實習(xí)?

[00:12.80]- I met a woman last night. - Hi. - 我昨晚認(rèn)識了一個女的 - 嗨

[00:14.67]You met a woman last night? 你昨晚認(rèn)識了一個女的?

[00:15.82]I'm lexie.Lexie grey. 我叫Lexie Lexie Grey

[00:19.22]he's gone. 他走了

[00:20.77]I can't leave you,but you're constantly leaving me. 我不能離開你 但你經(jīng)常離開我

[00:23.13]It's over...so over. 結(jié)束了...全都結(jié)束了

[00:38.72]in the practice of medicine,change is inevitable 在醫(yī)學(xué)領(lǐng)域 改變是必然的

[00:42.84]new surgical techniques are created,procedures are updated 新的技術(shù)不斷被研發(fā) 程序不斷被更新

[00:46.93]levels of expertise increase. 專業(yè)水平不斷提高

[00:49.74]Innovation is everything. 改革不斷進行

[00:52.31]Nothing remains the same for long. 沒有什么是一成不變的

[00:55.79]We either adapt to change... 我們要主動去適應(yīng)...

[01:00.03]or we get left behind. 否則就被落在后面

[01:12.54]I have five rules.Memorize them. 我有五條規(guī)矩 你們記清楚了

[01:15.01]Rule number one,don't bother sucking up. 規(guī)矩一 不要獻媚

[01:16.72]I already hate you.That's not gonna change. 我恨你們 這不會改變

[01:18.30]Trauma protocols,phone lists,pagers.The nurses will page you. 創(chuàng)傷通則 電話單 呼叫器 護士們會傳呼你們

[01:21.10]You answer every page at a run-- a run.That's rule number two. 你必須隨叫隨到 還要跑著去 這是規(guī)矩二

[01:25.64]You're supposed to follow me. 你們應(yīng)該跟著我

[01:30.13]Your first shift starts now and lasts 36 hours. 你們的第一個輪班現(xiàn)在開始 持續(xù)36小時

[01:33.61]You're grunts,nobodies,the bottom of the surgical food chain. 你們是小人物 外科食物鏈的最底層

[01:36.57]You run labs,you write orders,you work every second night until you drop, 你們做化驗 寫醫(yī)囑 不停加班 直到倒地不起

[01:39.87]and you don't complain. 而且不能抱怨

[01:42.98]On call rooms.Sleep when you can,where you can. 待命室 能睡就睡會

[01:45.54]You know,but not with anybody. 不過不是跟別人睡

[01:47.78]Not attendings-- especially not attendings. 尤其是...別跟主治醫(yī)生睡覺

[01:50.04]Sleeping with attendings-- not a good idea. 跟主治醫(yī)生睡覺 絕對不是好主意

[01:52.60]Where was I? 我說到哪了?

[01:54.83]Um,rule number three. 呃...規(guī)矩三

[01:57.69]If you're sleeping,do not wake you unless a patient's actually dying. 我睡著了 如果不是有人快死 別叫醒我

[02:00.95]The dying patient better not be dead when I get there, 而且保證那個病人 不會在我到的一刻死掉

[02:03.13]because not only will you have killed someone, 因為你們不僅會害死病人

[02:05.20]you will have woken me for no good reason.Are we clear? 還會為無聊的理由叫醒我 懂嗎?

[02:09.22]- yes? - That was four rules.You said five. - 怎么了? - 你說有五條規(guī)矩 現(xiàn)在才四條

[02:11.82]Rule number five-- when I move,you move. 規(guī)矩五 我一走 你們就跟著

[02:25.15]Go! 快走!

[02:27.78]I hate them.you don't hate them.You hate you. - 我恨他們 - 你不恨他們 你恨你自己

[02:29.95]That was hideous.I feel like a fraud. 真可怕 我在虛張聲勢

[02:32.45]I rocked it.I think I'm the new nazi. 我喜歡這樣 我是新的納粹

[02:34.44]Oh,you are not the new nazi. 你不是新的納粹

[02:35.98]Meredith,I need to talk to you. Meredith 我有話跟你說

[02:37.77]- George.Hi. - Hey. - George 你好 - 嘿

[02:39.18]- How was your vacation? - Um,fine. - 假期過的怎么樣? - 還好

[02:41.42]- Um,meredith,can we - 'cause mine was... - Meredith 我能... - 我的假期...

[02:43.14]I didn't do much.I hung out alone...for 17 days. 什么都沒干 我獨處了17天

[02:46.88]Which is the last time that I saw you, 我最后見你那天

[02:49.33]the day of cristina's wedding,which was...well... Cristina婚禮那天...

[02:53.04]then mer and cristina went on cristina's honeymoon without me. Mere和Cristina去度蜜月了 沒帶上我

[02:55.78]Girl-on-girl honeymoon. 兩個女的度蜜月

[02:57.63]and then alex took a road trip to see ava without me. Alex去看Ava了 也沒帶上我

[03:00.08]I did not go to see ava.And her name's rebecca. 我沒去看Ava 而且她應(yīng)該叫Rebecca

[03:02.69]And I didn't go see her.I just drove in that direction. 我沒去看她 只是方向相同而已

[03:04.48]Oh,why is everyone so tingly and hurt? 為什么一個個都垂頭喪氣的?

[03:06.39]I mean,I'm the one who was left at the altar. 是我在婚禮上被人拋棄了

[03:09.50]I'm fine,by the way. 順便說 我現(xiàn)在挺好的

[03:11.28]I honeymooned in hawaii and I snorkled. 我去夏威夷度蜜月 還潛水了

[03:14.15]What'd you do,george? 你做了什么 George?

[03:15.89]- Um,meredith... - I-I really need to talk to you. Meredith...我有話跟你說

[03:17.75]Uh,hey,you want to know-- 你們聽著

[03:19.14]hey,um,this is for residents only.No interns. 這里是給住院醫(yī)生的 實習(xí)生不許來

[03:21.99]- Yeah. - Yeah,get outta here. - 是啊 - 是啊 趕緊離開

[03:24.26]- babies. - yeah,go away. - 孩子們 - 快離開

[03:25.49]007s in traini. 007正在接受培訓(xùn)呢

[03:26.96]seriously. 說真的

[03:28.22]I guess I should be going,too. 我想我也該走了

[03:29.92]no,george.We didn't mean you. 不 George 我們不是指你

[03:31.18]- No,I'm an inrn. - Wait.What did you want to tell me? - 不 我是實習(xí)生 - 等等 你剛要說什么?

[03:33.16]Uh,is this how it's gonna be all year? 難道整年都要這樣?

[03:34.40]Because bambi has got to learn how to cope. 他已經(jīng)實習(xí)了一年了

[03:36.03]At least he came back. 至少他回來了

[03:37.22]yeah,cut him some slack. 是啊 讓他喘口氣

[03:38.57]Dude,he failed his exam and got left back in kindergarten. 他考試掛了 又回到了原點

[03:40.39]Mm-hmm. 嗯

[03:41.17]He won't even look at me. 他還是不肯望著我

[03:45.22]Have you seen burke? 你看見Burke了么?

[03:48.03]No.Have you seen derek? 沒有 你看見Derek了么?

[03:50.48]No. 沒有

[03:51.47]Wait,you haven't seen either of them since the wedding? 等等 婚禮之后 你們就沒見過他們?

[03:53.57]nope. 沒有

[03:54.46]And you're all fine? 你們還好么?

[03:56.30]- yep - Wow.. - 是 - 哇哦...

[03:58.52]You're either incredibly healthy or completely messed up. 你們要不是真的沒事 就是徹底的崩潰了

[04:07.81]your interns are back from holiday today. 你的實習(xí)生們度假歸來了

[04:09.32]Uh,not my interns.They're residents.I'm free. 不是我的實習(xí)生了 他們是住院醫(yī)生了 我自由了

[04:12.33]Right.Well--here,nurse.The point is,uh,dr.Yang. 護士 給你 問題是Yang醫(yī)生

[04:15.35]The burke thing-- she doesn't know. Burke的事她還不知道

[04:16.95]I'm supposed to tell her. 我應(yīng)該告訴她的

[04:18.32]Burke asked me to tell her.Any thoughts? Burke讓我告訴她 你有什么想法?

[04:21.21]- Honesty always works best. - Yeah,that's true. - 實話實說最好 - 是啊 沒錯

[04:24.09]You want to get together for a drink after work tonight? 晚上下班后 要不要一起喝一杯?

[04:26.32]- Why? - Well,I don't know. - 為什么? - 我也不知道

[04:27.97]I just thought it might be a good idea to get together and have 只是覺得一起喝點東西很好

[04:29.54]oh,you don't have anybody to talk to. 你沒人可以聊天

[04:31.24]No,I have people to talk to. 不 當(dāng)然我有

[04:32.45]Addison is gone,burke isn't around, Addison走了 Burke也不在

[04:35.26]and you and grey aren't smelling each other in the elevators anymore. 你和Grey也不再在電梯里 眉來眼去

[04:38.05]- I have people to talk to. - Who? - 我可以找到人聊天 - 誰?

[04:39.70]I have...chief. 我可以找...主任

[04:41.93]I-I have the chief to talk to.Hey,chief. 我可以找主任 嘿 主任

[04:44.10]Want to get together for a drink after work? 下班后去喝一杯 怎么樣?

[04:45.23]I don't drink.Dr.Bailey,we need to talk. 我不喝酒 Bailey醫(yī)生 我們得談一下

[04:47.38]- We have traumas coming in. - You're avoiding me.We need to talk. - 傷者馬上就要來了 - 你在躲我 我們得談?wù)?/p>

[04:49.84]About you choosing dr.Torres to be your chief resident over me? 談關(guān)于你選Torres醫(yī)生 做住院總醫(yī)師?

[04:52.85]Respectfully,no,sir.We're not going to talk about that. 不 先生 我不想談這個

[04:55.27]Someone mention a drink later?'Cause I'm in. 有人說去喝一杯?我也去

[04:56.90]- Nobody mentioned a drink. - You mentioned a drink. - 沒人這樣說 - 你剛說的

[04:58.45]I did not mention a drink. 我沒說

[05:00.57]All right,people.We've got three M.V.C.S 大家聽著 我們有3個傷者

[05:03.54]rolling in back-to-back from a multicar pileup. 多車連環(huán)相撞事故

[05:06.28]We need every trauma room open and everyone suited up. 每個治療室 每個人都準(zhǔn)備好

[05:08.67]Is there anything I-I should do,sir? 我應(yīng)該做什么嗎

[05:10.45]- Save lives. - No.I mean as,uh,chief resident. - 拯救生命 - 不 我是說 作為住院總醫(yī)師

[05:13.96]Anything in particular? 有什么特別要做的?

[05:14.99]Make sure your residents run their traumas. 確保每個住院醫(yī)生 都在治療病人

[05:17.04]This is their first day on their own. 這是他們做住院醫(yī)生的第一天

[05:19.93]Where...are the residents you've assigned to this E.R.? 你指派給急診室的住院醫(yī)生 都去哪了?

[05:24.54]Oh.Oh,I,uh,I,uh,I paged them.I-- I paged them. 我已經(jīng)傳呼他們了

[05:29.06]- Bailey? - What? - Bailey? - 什么?

[05:30.83]Uh,I,uh,paged,uh,grey,yang,stevens and karev,but they're not here yet. 我傳呼過Grey Yang Stevens 還有Karev 但他們還沒來

[05:35.80]When I page 'em,they come running. 我傳呼的時候 他們總是跑著來

[05:37.89]Get it together,torres. 把事情搞定 Torres

[05:39.90]Yes,sir. 好的 先生

[05:42.27]Okay,you did not have to say that in front of the chief. 你沒必要在主任面前 這么說話吧

[05:44.43]You asked...boss. 你問我的 老板

[05:49.01]There's derek. Derek在那兒

[05:50.17]- Is burke with him? - I don't see him. - Burke和他在一起嗎? - 我沒見到

[05:52.36]Where have you been?We have multiple M.V.C.S due any second. 你們?nèi)ツ牧? 許多車禍傷者隨時都會到

[05:54.86]we're here,aren't we?We're here. 我們來了 不是嗎? 我們來了

[05:56.23]Just-- just get ready,okay?And monitor your interns. 準(zhǔn)備好 好嗎? 看好你們的實習(xí)生

[05:58.69]Okay,one,two,go get stat packs. 一號 二號 去拿急救包

[06:00.96]Uh,three,four,go meet the ambulances. 三號 四號 去等救護車

[06:03.95]- "One and two"? - No,I can't remember their names. - "一號 二號"? - 我記不得他們的名字

[06:08.64]I don't respond to being called a number. 如果被喊號碼 我不會理你

[06:10.65]George,go wait for the ambulance. George 去等救護車

[06:12.46]The rest of you come with me. 其他人跟我來

[06:13.87]All right,you guys stand against the wall and out of the way unless I call for you. 你們靠墻站著 別擋路 除非我叫你們

[06:17.35]Okay,this is what's called a trauma situation. 好了 這就叫緊急事件

[06:20.10]So there's gonna be lots of activity and a lot of patients, 會有很多事情做 有很多病人

[06:23.38]so if you guys have any questions at all,just ask,okay? 如果你們有問題 盡管問 明白嗎?

[06:29.25]I heard she,like,freaked out and killed a guy and had to go on probation. 我聽說她害死了一個病人 被觀察了一段時間

[06:32.36]great.We're stuck with a dud. 真不錯 我們跟著一個廢物

[06:36.20]So,hey,you're an intern...again. 你又再做實習(xí)生了

[06:38.39]Yeah. 是

[06:39.60]I won't tell anybody.The other interns, 我不會告訴其他實習(xí)生的

[06:41.33]- I won't-- - that's--that's okay. - 我不會 - 那沒什么

[06:43.00]Do you know which one is meredith grey? 你知道誰是Meredith Grey嗎?

[06:45.46]Yeah,I haven't,uh,told her you're here yet.I was going to... 我還沒告訴她你在這里 我本打算...

[06:48.74]so you know o I am? 那你知道我是誰?

[06:50.00]Yeah,I know who you are. 是 我知道

[06:51.92]What's she like?I-I mean,is she nice? 她怎么樣? 我-我是說 她人好嗎?

[06:54.08]'Cause--'cause my dad,he won't--he won't tell me.Is sh--sh... 因為我爸爸 他不肯... 他不肯告訴我

[07:01.13]uh,grey,don't let them just stand here. Grey 別讓他們傻站著

[07:03.33]Let's move,people. 快行動

[07:08.55]Unrestrained driver,D.O.A.At the scene. 情況不受控制 在現(xiàn)場死了

[07:10.54]Just need someone to pronounce him. 只是需要醫(yī)生 宣布一下死亡

[07:11.65]Oh,crap.Dead guy.Why'd you get me all excited with the sirens? 死人 你干嘛開著警報 讓我興奮半天

[07:15.31]Okay,who wants to see a dead guy? 行了 誰想看看這個死人?

[07:17.25]Nancy walters,34 years old,weeks pregnant.Complete upper arm amputation. Nancy Walters 34歲 孕婦 上臂部分完全截斷了

[07:21.97]Pressure dressings applied.Two large bore I.V.S started. 已經(jīng)加壓包扎 2包大口徑靜脈滴注

[07:24.85]Did he say "arm"?My arm is gone? 他是在說"手臂"? 我手臂沒了?

[07:27.09]Miss walters,you're gonna be okay.Grey,check the wound. Walters小姐 你會沒事的 Grey 檢查一下傷口

[07:30.93]I really need my arm. 我不能失去手臂

[07:33.32]45-year-old male,sustained a knee injury. 45歲 男性male 膝蓋受傷

[07:35.31]That guy,the guy that's dead,he hit a deer, 死了那家伙 撞到一頭鹿

[07:37.96]and then the lady hit him,and then I hit the lady. 然后那個女士撞到他 我撞到那個女士

[07:41.18]knee is blowing up like a balloon. 膝蓋腫得跟氣球似的

[07:42.91]Hey,I'm hungry.Can I get something to eat? 嘿 我餓了 能不能讓我吃點東西?

[07:46.20]okay,everybody get a good look?Time of death--8:22. 行了 大家都看完了? 死亡時間 8:22

[07:52.86]not time of death.This guy is not dead. 不是死亡時間! 這家伙還沒死!

[07:54.53]- he was dead. - Well,he's not dead now. - 他剛才死了 - 他現(xiàn)在沒死

[07:56.05]Let's bag him.Okay,we've got a-- 把他包起來 我們...

[07:57.44]we've got a guy who's risen from the dead over here. 我們有個病人 死而復(fù)生

[07:59.22]get outta the way! 別擋路!

[08:01.25]- Are--are you meredith grey? - Yeah. - 你是不是Meredith Grey? - 是的

[08:03.20]- I--I'm lexie. - Great.Move. - 我叫Lexie - 知道了 讓開

[08:05.01]Lexie grey.I'm--I'm your sister. 我叫Lexie Grey 我是你妹妹

[08:14.57]Greys'Anatomy Season 4 Episode 01 實習(xí)醫(yī)生格蕾 第四季 第01集

[08:28.24]that girl out there,the dopey,wide-eyed one? 看沒看到 站在那邊的女孩 笨笨的 大眼睛的那個?

[08:30.67]Apparently we're related. 很明顯 我和她有血緣關(guān)系

[08:32.34]Oh,you--you met lexie? 你見過Lexie了?

[08:33.87]Oh,you knew.Knew about it and didn't tell me,huh? 你早知道了 知道了卻不告訴我?

[08:36.36]I've...kind of had a lot ing on. 我...我有很多事情要做

[08:38.88]This is trauma room one.As you can see,it's-- 這是一號診療室 你們可以看到

[08:41.99]there's a trauma. 這兒有個傷者

[08:43.38]Hey,guys,do you need some help?Please tell me you need some help. 你們要不要幫忙? 告訴我你們要

[08:46.04]It's a little crded in here already,iz. 這里已經(jīng)很擠了 Izzie

[08:48.95]what do you got for me? 什么情況?

[08:50.25]uh,nancy walters.Complete amputation. Nancy Walters 被截肢了

[08:52.59]the baby looks fine,but she's having some contractionS. 她的孩子情況還不錯 只是她有點宮縮

[08:54.79]Hi,nancy.I'm dr.Sloan.You mind if I take a look? Nancy 我是Sloan醫(yī)生 不介意我看一下吧?

[08:57.00]It's a clean cut. 切口很整齊

[08:58.57]You want to rub up against me,you gotta buy me a drink first. 你要洗手上臺 先去幫我買飲品

[09:01.90]Hang antibiotics and put on a sterile,moist dressing. 吊抗生素 用消過毒的濕紗布敷傷口

[09:04.12]There's a chance at a good recovery here. 有恢復(fù)良好的可能

[09:05.90]Do we have an arm? 找到斷臂了嗎?

[09:07.24]They're looking for it. 正在找

[09:08.43]My baby has no father.He's already down two arms. 我孩子沒父親 他已經(jīng)缺少兩只手臂的懷抱

[09:11.91]So he r-really needs me to have an arm. 他真的需要我手臂完好

[09:17.07]Get me that arm. 幫我找到那只斷臂

[09:19.35]Okay,somebody set up for a traumatic effusion drainage. 好 來個人進行外傷積液引流

[09:21.76]Ah... 啊...

[09:23.08]and order him 4 of morphine. 給他弄4支嗎啡

[09:26.67]she means one of you morons. 她對你們這些笨蛋們說呢

[09:27.91]Get her an 18 gauge needle and a 20 cc syringe and the damn morphine. 給她拿一個18G粗針 一個20毫升注射器 還有嗎啡

[09:31.68]hey,uh,morphine's cool,but I'd kill for something to eat. 嗎啡很好 不過我快餓死了

[09:35.78]A healthy appetite after a trauma like this? 受這么重的傷 胃口還這么好?

[09:37.78]That's a very good sign,joey. 是個很好的現(xiàn)象 Joey

[09:39.06]You think he'll need surgery? 要給他動手術(shù)嗎?

[09:40.20]That depends on the x-rays. 看X光片再說

[09:50.31]knee looks good.No surgery. 膝蓋沒事 不用動手術(shù)

[09:57.94]okay.This is cristina-- dr.Yang. 好了 這是Cristina...Yang醫(yī)生

[10:00.71]She's working. 她正在工作

[10:01.82]Yep,saving lives and taking names. 對 救人性命 送人性命

[10:05.64]so...I have these interns and nothing to do. 我?guī)н@些實習(xí)生 卻無事可做

[10:10.05]And,uh,I think I'm a really bad teacher. 我真覺得自己是個差勁的老師

[10:13.04]And I think they hate me.And now I'm a fraud. 他們討厭我 我現(xiàn)在想露一手 騙騙他們

[10:15.73]So any chance you wanna let me in on this?Please. 有機會讓我露一手嗎? 拜托

[10:19.87]izzie,this guy was dead,and now he's undead. Izzie 這人本來死了 現(xiàn)在又沒死

[10:22.48]So that kinda makes him like a zombie 就跟僵尸一樣

[10:24.60]my personal zombie.So no,you can't get in on this. 我自己的僵尸 所以不行 你不能摻和

[10:28.79]Now go be A...fraud somewhere else. 去別的地方騙 好了

[10:30.75]- I don't like you. - Mm-hmm. - 我不喜歡你 - 嗯哼

[10:32.75]- let's go,people. - Excuse me. - 走吧 各位 - 不好意思

[10:35.76]You know,where have you been?I've been waiting for these. 你去哪兒了? 我一直等這個呢

[10:37.23]I got--I was-- I met my sister,uh,for the first time ever... 我遇到我姐姐了... 第一次見面...

[10:40.97]oh,hey.Which,uh, 那...

[10:42.19]got me,you know,weird. 讓我 感覺怪異

[10:43.98]So then I got,um,lost on my way to x-ray 所以我去X光室的時候迷路了

[10:46.01]'cause I was all in my head,you know,about-- about meeting meredith. 因為我滿腦子想的都是關(guān)于... 見到meredith的事

[10:49.48]Meredith is your-- is your sister? Meredith是你...姐姐?

[10:51.41]Meredith grey.Lexie grey.We're half sisters.So you know her? Meredith Grey Lexie Grey 同父異母姐妹 你認(rèn)識她?

[10:55.41]Oh,we need to page dr.Shepherd. 得呼叫Shepherd醫(yī)生

[10:57.45]Dr.Shepherd.He--he's the,um...neurosurgeon? Shepherd醫(yī)生 他是...神經(jīng)外科醫(yī)生?

[11:00.53]Okay,somebody page derek shepherd right freakin' now. 對 來人 立即呼叫Derek Shepherd

[11:05.06]grey.Thank you. Grey 謝謝

[11:06.29]Seattle grace. 西慈醫(yī)院

[11:08.16]Thank you. 謝謝

[11:09.70]Hi.How are you? 你好嗎?

[11:11.97]I have a patient with a severed arm 我有個病人手臂斷了

[11:13.37]and no one seems to be able to find it. 似乎沒人能找到斷臂

[11:16.00]Have you seen it? 你看見了嗎?

[11:17.05]Your severed arm?No,I haven't seen a severed arm. 你找的斷臂? 沒 沒見過

[11:19.04]- Meredith,how - hey,um,I'm--I'm so sorry about before. Meredith 怎么說 我對之前的事很抱歉

[11:22.25]I just was so nervous about meeting you. 我只是見到你太緊張

[11:24.28]Don't block the E.R.Doors.I know that now. 不該堵在急診室門口 我現(xiàn)在知道了

[11:25.78]That was a good lesson. 是很好的教訓(xùn)

[11:26.93]- You're the girl from the bar. - Sorry? - 你是酒吧里的那個女孩 - 什么?

[11:29.08]The girl from the bar? 酒吧里的那個女孩?

[11:30.70]Oh,my god.Yeah.Oh,my god.Yeah. 天哪 是的

[11:33.74]Yeah. 是的

[11:35.02]oh,my god.you--you work here. 天哪 你...在這里工作?

[11:36.60]Yeah,I do. 是的

[11:37.83]- Girl from the bar? - Mm-hmm. - 酒吧里認(rèn)識的女孩? - 嗯哼

[11:41.47]I'm the gi from the bar. 我也是你酒吧里認(rèn)識的

[11:46.31]Uh...she hates me.My sister hates me. 她恨我 我姐姐恨我

[11:51.81]- Meredith is your sister? - My half sister,yeah. - Meredith是你姐姐? - 是的 同父異母

[11:55.80]- Hey,uh,you're dr.Shepherd. - That's right. - 你是Shepherd醫(yī)生 - 沒錯

[11:57.37]I'm--I'm supposed to be finding you for a consult. 我...就是來找你去會診的

[12:01.75]hey.There you are.I missed you this morning. 你在這兒 我今早想你來著

[12:04.37]Yeah,I didn't want to be late for my second first day as an intern. 對 我第二次當(dāng)實習(xí)生 第一天不想遲到

[12:07.11]Maybe you can look at it like this-- you have one up on everyone. 也許你可以這么想... 你比別人有優(yōu)勢

[12:11.52]You're gonna be,like,the rock star intern. 你會成為 實習(xí)生中的明星

[12:13.24]Yeah,I'm sure that's how everyone's gonna see me when they find out. 是的 我知道大家發(fā)現(xiàn)我第二次實習(xí) 會怎么想

[12:16.72]Or maybe they'll see you as the daddy intern. 也許他們會把你看作 當(dāng)爸爸的實習(xí)生

[12:20.12]What? 什么?

[12:22.07]Wh-what did you just say? 你剛說什么?

[12:25.70]Oh...I'm not--I'm not pregnant.I just... 沒...我沒懷孕 我只是...

[12:29.60]I mean,I might be pregnant. 我是說 我可能懷孕了

[12:31.76]Yeah,my boobs are a little sore,which... 是的 我胸部有些脹痛...

[12:36.78]hey,I'm trying to cheer you up here,george. 我在努力給你打氣 George

[12:38.84]This is--I mean,if I am knocked up,that's a good thing,right? 我是指 如果我累劈了 這么給我打氣會很好 不是嗎?

[12:42.88]Callie,I'm just a little distracted.I'm having a bad day. Callie 我只是有些心煩 今天很糟糕

[12:46.32]Okay,you're having a bad month. 好吧 你這個月都會糟糕

[12:47.59]Okay,I'm having a bad month. 好吧 我這個月都會糟糕

[12:52.57]Love you. 愛你

[12:56.15]- help!We need doctors.Help! - Inside voice. - 救命! 醫(yī)生 救命! - 小聲點

[12:58.66]Uh,we found an arm in the road. 我們在路上撿到一只斷臂

[13:01.35]- Here,I bagged that - that's my arm. - 這里 我包起來了 - 是我找的那個

[13:04.36]dad,dad,tell them she's hurt!Dad,come on. 爸 告訴他們她受傷了! 爸 快點

[13:07.93]Tell the doctor!Tell 'em she's hurt. 告訴醫(yī)生!告訴他們她受傷了

[13:09.56]- Uh,any way we can go with the severed arm? - She's in the truck,and she's hurt. - 我們能去處理斷臂嗎? - 她在車上 她受傷了

[13:12.20]Is that your blood?Are you hurt? 是你的血嗎? 你受傷了?

[13:14.34]She's in our truck,and she's not moving.v 她在我們車上 都不動了

[13:17.29]She's bleeding really bad. 流了很多血

[13:18.56]There's another crash victim. 還有個車禍傷員

[13:19.98]We're gonna need gloves,I.V.S,gauze,ab pads,trauma gowns. 要手套 靜脈點滴 紗布 除顫器和手術(shù)服

[13:23.44]Still want to babysit the arm? 還想去看斷臂嗎?

[13:26.64]Come on 快來

[13:28.50]michael! Michael!

[13:33.04]No way. 沒戲

[13:36.53]is she dead? 她死了嗎?

[13:40.56]Michael,this is a hospital,and I'm a people doctor.I... Michael 這是醫(yī)院 我是救人的醫(yī)生...

[13:46.38]- can you save her? - Michael,come on. - 能幫我救救她嗎? - Michael 行了

[13:49.76]- I'm sorry,but she's - roadkill. 對不起 但她她被撞死了

[13:54.48]she opened her eyes.Look.She's still alive! 她的眼睛還睜著 她還活著!

[14:00.91]oh,god.Don't look at me like that.or like that. 天哪 別那么看著我 或者像你這樣看我

[14:08.00]Michael,let's go back to the truckCome on.. Michael 我們回車上去 快..

[14:09.53]Please. 求你了

[14:12.13]Oh,okay,all right.All right. 好吧 好的

[14:14.09]Uh,I'm gonna need a jumbo catheter, 我需要一根巨大的導(dǎo)尿管

[14:15.83]a 16 gauge needle,the biggest ambu bag you can find 16G粗針 最大的蘇醒球

[14:19.18]and something that shaves fur. 還有刮毛的用具

[14:24.60]what's the matter with you people?When I say move,you move.Move! 你們怎么了? 我說去 你們就去 快去!

[14:30.36]back of his skullis completely disconnected from his first cervical vertebrae. 后面的頭骨和第一節(jié)頸椎完全斷開

[14:34.10]He's been internally decapitateD.Holy crap. 體內(nèi)斬首 天哪

[14:36.66]Yeah,90% of these die in the field. 是的 這種病例9成都會死亡

[14:38.36]And the other 10%? 另外1成呢?

[14:39.55]I've never seen one live. 我從沒見過生還的

[14:40.77]There's always a first time,though,right? 不過 總有第一次 對嗎?

[14:42.14]I mean,he came back from the dead. 他已經(jīng)死里逃生了

[14:47.48]Henry,I'm dr.Shepherd. Henry 我是Shepherd醫(yī)生

[14:49.80]The back of your skull is disconnected from your spine. 你后面的頭骨和頸椎斷開了

[14:52.00]I'm gonna try and reconnect it in surgery. 我會做手術(shù)試著接上

[14:54.19]Do you understd me? 我說的 明白嗎?

[14:55.58]Blink once for yes,twice for no. 是的話 眨一次眼睛 不是 眨兩次

[14:59.57]Okay,good.I know it's scary,but I promise you,I'm gonna do everything I can. 好 很好 我知道有些害怕 但我向你保證 我會盡全力救你

[15:03.47]Do you have family? 你有家人嗎?

[15:06.30]All right.We're gonna contact them,okay? 好 我們會聯(lián)系他們的 好嗎?

[15:09.37]- All right,let's get him in a halo. - uh-huh. - 好的 給他固定頸椎 - 呃

[15:11.00]Contact his family.find out if he's an organ donor. 聯(lián)系他的家人 看他是不是器官捐贈者

[15:19.99]You,finish up with the splint,then get him up on crutches. 你們 上好夾板 給他拐杖起來

[15:26.17]Hey.How's joey? Joey怎么樣?

[15:27.87]It's a hungry hippo missing a kneecap. 是個需要護膝的大胃王

[15:30.44]Can't you assign me something good? 不能給我安排點好病人嗎?

[15:32.02]I don't switch out patients,karev. 我不會給你換病人的 Karev

[15:33.74]But it's not even surgical. 但這個根本不用動手術(shù)

[15:34.87]It's a waste of my skills. 浪費我精力

[15:36.05]- You're staying here with joey. - Come on. - 你在這里負責(zé)Joey - 得了

[15:37.50]- No! - Fine.I'm going to bailey - 不! - 好吧 我去找Bailey

[15:40.07]You are a resident.You go where I say. 你是住院醫(yī)生 我說去哪兒你就去哪

[15:47.06]my arm is gone. 我的手臂不見了

[15:49.16]we have the arm, 我們找到了

[15:50.64]and dr.Sloan checking right now to see if we can reattach it. Sloan醫(yī)生正在檢查 看能不能接上

[15:54.08]Is there someone we can call? 要給誰打電話嗎?

[15:56.07]There's no...no,I just...I just moved here. 沒... 我...剛搬來

[16:00.90]I'm all-- I'm all by myself.There's no one.I have no one. 我就一個人 沒別人

[16:05.61]Well,dr.Sloan should be here any minute. Sloan醫(yī)生馬上就來

[16:07.89]I wanted a kid and... 我想要個孩子...

[16:10.41]I was sick of waiting for the right guy,so... 我厭倦了等待另一半 所以...

[16:14.40]in my family... 我家里...

[16:17.39]in my family,you don't go out and get pregnant. 我家里 決不容許約會一兩次 就生下孩子的行為

[16:20.64]So now I'm alone and... 所以現(xiàn)在我孤身一人...

[16:22.73]I'm having a baby,and I don't have a father for the baby, 我有了孩子 但孩子沒有爸爸

[16:25.93]- and I don't have an arm. - it's okay. - 我的胳膊也沒了 - 沒關(guān)系

[16:29.59]Here's dr.Sloan. 這是Sloan醫(yī)生

[16:31.39]Nancy...I'm happy to report that your arm is in good shape. Nancy 好消息是你的胳膊狀況很好

[16:36.09]Dr.Grey here is gonna clean it up a little,and-- Grey醫(yī)生會清理干凈

[16:38.70]and I'm gonna put that arm back where it belongs,okay? 我會把那只胳膊物歸原主 好吧?

[16:42.48]Okay. 好吧

[16:45.81]Okay. 好了

[16:47.14]We got a 150-pound female with... 150磅的雌性

[16:49.90]lacerations on the chest and haunches,short,fast breaths. 胸部和腰腿部有傷口 呼吸很快而短促

[16:53.07]Any recommendations? 有什么建議?

[16:54.39]Uh,doctor,michael's a big boy. 醫(yī)生 Michael長大了

[16:56.43]He doesn't need you to perform make-believe medicine,right,michael? 他不需要你假裝看病 對吧 Michael?

[16:58.98]it's not make-believe.She can help. 不是假的 她能幫忙

[17:01.35]Michael,enough.I apologize.We're just wasting your time. Michael 夠了 我很抱歉 我們只是在浪費你的時間

[17:03.75]No kidding. 確實是

[17:04.91]- Michael. - Please don't let her die. - Michael - 別讓她死了

[17:07.17]Michael,it is a deer. Michael 它只是一只鹿

[17:10.14]We're gonna take her home and skin her and freeze the meat,okay? 我們把她帶回家 扒了皮 把肉凍起來 好嗎?

[17:12.54]What?Why?! 什么? 為什么?!

[17:13.99]Because that's what you do.You don't try and save 'em.You eat 'em. 因為你就該這么做 你不用盡力搶救它們 你要吃了它們

[17:16.98]No,daD.The doctor can save her. 不 爸爸 醫(yī)生能救她

[17:19.16]- No,she can'T. - You don't know that. - 不 她不能 - 你不知道

[17:20.60]My son needs to learn to grow up and face things. 我兒子需要學(xué)會成長 面對事情

[17:25.07]You're rht.I am not helping him. 你是對的 我不會幫助他

[17:28.08]I'm helping bambi. 我要幫助小鹿Bambi

[17:30.08]So get me the ambu bag and the sane.I'm starting an I.V. 給我急救袋和SANE 我要靜脈注射

[17:33.62]Thank you. 謝謝

[17:40.88]Still no sign of burke.Oh,you've got a severed arm. 還是沒有Burke的消息 斷臂

[17:43.65]My arm.Mine.Get away from it. 我的胳膊 我的 別想插手

[17:45.81]Maybe he's not on today. 也許他今天沒上班

[17:47.07]Maybe you should just see him and get it over with. 也許你該見見他 把事情解釋清楚

[17:48.62]No,no,no,no. 不 不 不 不

[17:49.36]If I never see him again,I won't care. 如果我以后見不到他 我就不在乎了

[17:51.21]Well,I've seen derek,and derek has seen me. 我看到了Derek 他也看到了我

[17:53.16]And?Awkward.Plus he seems to know lexie. - 然后呢? - 尷尬 而且他好像認(rèn)識Lexie

[17:56.00]And? 然后?

[17:56.55]More awkward.Your intern is my half sister. 更尷尬 你的實習(xí)生是 我同父異母的半妹妹

[17:58.70]How weird is that? 多奇怪啊?

[17:59.78]Well,I'm trying to save bambi's life. 我正全力搶救Bambi

[18:01.34]My interns think I'm a loser. 我的實習(xí)生覺得我很失敗

[18:03.49]- Severed arm. - Callie's a bitch. - 斷臂? - Callie真夠嗆

[18:05.73]- Word. - She won't let me off my patient, - 注意用詞 - 她不讓我離開病人

[18:07.05]and there's nothing wrong with him except he's a nut job. 他根本沒事 除非他是個瘋子

[18:09.51]Severed arm. 斷臂

[18:10.56]Does anybody know anything about deer? 有人知道鹿的事嗎?

[18:12.11]Ey taste good. 很好吃

[18:13.44]Evil. 魔鬼

[18:15.80]Oh,george,severed arm. George 斷臂

[18:18.07]Plus mer's half sister is my intern,izzie is playing dr.Dolittle, 還有 Mer的同父異母妹妹是我的實習(xí) Izzie正在扮演怪醫(yī)Dolittle(游手好閑的)

[18:21.80]oh,and alex hates your wife. Alex討厭你老婆

[18:23.91]Dr.Sloan's ready for the arm. Sloan醫(yī)生準(zhǔn)備好接胳膊了

[18:26.43]- I'll say it. - George is being an ass. - 收到 - George這個笨蛋

[18:28.81]I think it's my fault. 我想是我的錯

[18:30.68]I said some things,and now he's not talking to me. 我說了不該說的話 他現(xiàn)在不理我了

[18:32.57]I don't know what he's got to complain about. 我不知道他想抱怨什么

[18:34.12]Those new chick interns are hot. 新來的實習(xí)多辣啊

[18:35.62]- He's married,alex. - Yeah,he's married. - 他已經(jīng)結(jié)婚了 Alex - 對 他已婚了

[18:37.81]You know who's seriously hot?That lexie girl. 你知道哪個最辣嗎? 是那個叫Lexie的女孩

[18:41.57]Get out...before I hurt you. 在我沒傷害你之前 出去

[18:45.16]I'm going over callie's head to bailey. 我要越過Callie找Bailey

[18:47.48]Uh,callie is over bailey's head. Callie是Beiley的上司

[18:49.14]Spiritually,bailey's over everyone's head. 精神上 Beiley是每個人的上司

[18:53.04]dr.Bailey.How are things goi? Beiley醫(yī)生 進展如何?

[18:55.61]I wouldn't know.Ask dr.Torres. 我不知道 去問Torres醫(yī)生

[18:58.00]- Miranda - I don't want to talk. - Miranda - 我不想說話

[19:00.36]Miranda,it is not like you not to want to talk. Miranda 不是你想不想的問題

[19:02.47]Fine.How's your wife? 好吧 你老婆怎么樣?

[19:06.46]Well,she'S...she'S...good. 她...她不錯

[19:09.35]I haven't moved back in yet. 我還沒搬回去

[19:10.85]She hasn't let me move back in yet. 她還沒讓我搬回去

[19:13.96]She's not taking my calls.Wait. 她還是不接我電話 等等

[19:16.99]That's not what I want to talk to you about. 我不是要跟你說這個

[19:18.68]I want to talk about chief resident. 我要談?wù)勛≡横t(yī)師長的問題

[19:20.39]Now we're gonna have this conversation. 現(xiàn)在我們談吧

[19:21.89]Are you ordering me to stand here and talk to you about this,chief? 你在命令我站在這跟你談這個嗎 頭

[19:24.40]No,I'm not ordering you. 不 我沒命令你

[19:25.47]- But I just thought we could - okay,then.Good-bye,sir. - 我覺得我們可以談?wù)?- 好吧 回見

[19:30.74]I talked to the family they're on their way. 我聯(lián)系了家人 她們在路上

[19:32.51]GoodI put an entire O.R.On hold.We don't have much time. 好 我預(yù)定了手術(shù)室 我們時間不多

[19:35.32]Uh,can I get a progress note? 能給我一份病情記錄嗎?

[19:37.49]Uh,do you maybe want to have a drink later? 你想一會喝點東西去嗎?

[19:41.31]- What? - A drink. - 什么? - 喝點東西

[19:43.55]Give me one reason why we can't hang out. 給我一個不能一起出去的原因

[19:45.80]I don't like you. 我不喜歡你

[19:47.24]You don't like me because of meredith? 你因為Meredith不喜歡我?

[19:49.66]I don't like you because you're you. 我不喜歡你 是因為你是你

[19:51.64]Hmm.How is meredith,by the way? Meredith怎么樣?

[19:54.49]Is she okay? 她還好吧?

[19:55.83]She's fine. 她很好

[19:56.90]She's always fine.That's her problem. 她一直都很好 這就是她的問題

[19:59.79]We're fine people.We do fine.We're fine. 我們都是正常人 我們行為正常 我們很好

[20:07.40]How's dr.Burke?I haven't seen him around. Burke醫(yī)生怎么樣? 我沒看到他

[20:10.21]Is--is he off today? 他今天歇班?

[20:14.23]Here. 給

[20:15.89]Dr.Burke handed in his letter of resignation two weeks ago. Burke兩個星期前遞交了辭呈

[20:19.61]He wanted me to tell you. 他想讓我告訴你

[20:22.22]He's g-gone? 他走了?

[20:24.69]I'm sorry. 抱歉

[20:26.24]- Well,don't be.I'm - fine? - 不用 我 - 很好?

[20:28.87]Yeah. 對

[20:50.43]- Circulatory system of a deer? - Shut up. - 鹿的循環(huán)系統(tǒng)? - 閉嘴

[20:53.80]Oh,dr.Bailey. Beiley醫(yī)生

[20:55.58]Uh,couldn't you use an extra set of hands in the O.R.Today? 你今天手術(shù)室需要額外人手幫忙嗎?

[20:58.76]I saw an appy on the board.I'm--I'm great at appys. 我看到板子上有闌尾切除手術(shù) 是我強項

[21:01.12]Talk to torres.She's in charge of what cas you get now. 跟Torres說 她分配你該管的病例

[21:04.25]It's hard to set a shattered kneecap when your patient's in the pit, 你的病人坐在坑里 很難固定粉碎的膝蓋骨

[21:07.03]don't you think? 你不覺得嗎?

[21:09.08]whatever. 隨便了

[21:12.12]I don't know how you did it. 不知道你怎么做到的

[21:13.35]Did what? 做什么?

[21:14.90]Get 'em to listen to you,to give you some respect. 讓他們聽你的 并且尊敬你

[21:22.55]Hey,dr.Bailey,you wouldn't happen to know anything about, 嘿 Bailey醫(yī)生 你是不是碰巧知道

[21:26.13]uh,the anatomy of a deer? 呃 怎么解剖鹿?

[21:31.02]Not my intern,not my business,not anymore. 你不再是我的實習(xí)生了 不歸我管

[21:36.70]Your husband's injuries are s-severe. 你丈夫的傷勢非常嚴(yán)峻

[21:40.33]Uh,they're traumatic in the extreme. 呃 極厲害的外傷

[21:42.83]I'm sorry.What does that mean? 不好意思 這是什么意思?

[21:45.97]The only thing holding his head on to his body is skin and muscle. 他的頭還能撐在身體上 全靠他的皮膚和肌肉

[21:49.35]If he moves even a fraction of an inch,it could kill him. 就算他動一丁點 都會害死自己

[21:52.51]S-so are you saying that the-- 你是說--

[21:54.99]I'm--I'm saying that when you see him,this could be the last time-- 我--我是說 這可能是你最后一次--

[22:00.89]this could be the last time you see him alive. 這可能是你見他的最后一面

[22:09.22]are you in pain,sweetie? 你痛嗎 親愛的?

[22:13.49]Good. 很好

[22:14.51]Two blinks-- you aren't in pain. 眨兩下-- 你不痛

[22:19.15]Why isn't daddy answering? 爸爸為什么不回話啊?

[22:20.95]Just-- right now we just need to wish daddy good luck in his surgery 現(xiàn)在我們要祝爸爸手術(shù)好運

[22:23.98]and tell him how much we love him.Okay? 然后再告訴他 我們有多愛他 好嗎?

[22:28.49]'cause we do. 因為我們真的很愛你

[22:30.93]I love you so much,henry. 我好愛你 Henry

[22:40.95]What's--what's three blinks? 眨-- 眨三下眼算什么意思啊?

[22:42.90]Uh,we've only been working with one and two. 呃 我們只看眨一下還是兩下的

[22:48.69]Is it "I love you"? 是不是"我愛你"?

[22:50.27]Are you telling us you love us? 你是不是在說你愛我們?

[22:54.15]three blinks is I love you. 眨三下說明"我愛你"

[22:59.30]We're gonna be fine,henry. 我們會沒事的 Henry

[23:03.07]You're gonna make it,and we're all gonna be just fine. 你會撐過去 我們都會沒事的

[23:08.63]it's time to go. 該走了

[23:10.46]Okay,guys.Let's let these doctors fix daddy up. 好了 孩子們 讓醫(yī)生把爸爸治好吧

[23:50.41]george. George

[23:53.62]George. George

[23:56.11]why are you avoiding me? 你為什么躲著我?

[23:58.17]I'm on my way to surgery. 我趕著去做手術(shù)

[23:59.14]No,I don't mean right now.I mean. 不 我不是說現(xiàn)在 我是說

[24:02.28]not one word i17 days? 17天來一句話都不說?

[24:06.66]I tell you that I love you,and not one word?Where have you been? 我告訴你我愛你 然后你一言不發(fā) 你去哪了?

[24:10.47]I've been right here. 我一直在這兒

[24:11.90]You know where? Exactly where I was a year ago. 知道哪里嗎? 一年后我原地未動

[24:16.16]I'm sorry. 我很抱歉

[24:20.66]I--I'm freaking out. 我-- 我抓狂了

[24:21.86]I'm an intern again. 我又做回實習(xí)生了

[24:23.14]Yeah,we're all freaking out. 是啊 我們都抓狂了

[24:25.18]We're all freaking out. 我們都抓狂了

[24:26.41]I'm in charge of a group of interns who think I'm crazy. 我負責(zé)帶的一群實習(xí)生 認(rèn)為我是個瘋子

[24:28.37]And I might actually be crazy,because day one of me being in charge, 也許我真的瘋了 因為今天是我?guī)说牡谝惶?/p>

[24:31.57]and I'm obsessed with rescuing bambi. 而我卻執(zhí)迷不悟地在救小鹿斑比

[24:32.99]We're all freaking out. 我們都瘋了

[24:34.69]Since when did you start calling me bambi? 你啥時開始叫我斑比了?

[24:36.58]- What? - I'm not calling you bambi. - 什么? - 我沒叫你斑比

[24:38.10]No,I mean,I know I-I-- I under-- I expect it from cristina or alex, 不 我是說 我知道--我以為 這話會出自Christina或Alex之口

[24:42.23]- but- - I'm bambi. - 但- - 我才是斑比

[24:44.42]I'm bambi,george,okay? 我才是斑比 George 好吧?

[24:46.01]If anyone in this situation is a sad little cartoon character,it's me. 如果有人是可悲的卡通小角色 那么這人就是我

[24:51.48]I'm all alone in the forest-- all alone in the forest,george-- 我在森林里孤獨一人-- 只有我一個 George--

[24:54.43]and my mother's been shot by a hunter,and where are you? 我的媽媽被一個獵人射中 你又在哪里?

[24:58.25]Where the hell are you? 你到底在哪里啊?

[25:04.35]I'm on my way to surgery. 我趕著去做手術(shù)

[25:12.04]I really am up for a drink,you know? 我真的挺想去喝一杯 知道不?

[25:14.03]If you,uh,need to talk. 如果你 呃 想要找人傾訴

[25:15.69]What would i need to talk about? 我要談什么呀?

[25:17.71]Meredith. Meredith

[25:18.97]You were lucky,man. 你還真是幸運 兄弟

[25:20.39]That girl jerked you around. 那姑娘把你耍得團團轉(zhuǎn)

[25:21.82]You have no idea what you're talking about. 你不知道你在說什么

[25:23.52]Hey,I'm just. 嘿 我只是

[25:26.04]seemed like you could use a friend about now. 覺得你現(xiàn)在可能需要一個朋友

[25:29.82]Meredith's mother never wanted her. Meredith的媽媽從未想要她

[25:32.45]and her father was never man enough to hang around. 她爸爸也從未像個男人一樣守護她

[25:34.29]She has a right to be damaged,and us,together,it's a big step for her. 她很受傷但也不能怪她 和我們在一起的事 她算是邁了一大步

[25:37.59]Her best friend gets left on the altar, 她最好的朋友被丟在了祭壇那

[25:39.36]and all she sees now is things like this,they don't work. 她看到的事情都是 都沒指望的

[25:41.45]She panics. 她恐慌

[25:42.52]She wants this. 她需要這個

[25:43.33]She doesn't know how to have it. 她不知道怎樣處理它

[25:45.08]And you know what? 你知道嗎?

[25:45.77]That's not her fault. 那不是她的錯

[25:46.97]So don't ever talk to me about meredith grey again, 所以別再和我談Meredith Grey了

[25:48.84]because you do not know what you're talking about. 因為你不知道你在說些什么

[25:51.18]And I don't need a friend. 還有 我不需要朋友

[26:00.15]Okay,nancy,I want you to count back from a hundred,okay? 好 Nancy 我要你從100開始倒數(shù) 好嗎?

[26:02.93]No. 不要

[26:03.92]No.I'm not ready. 不 我還沒準(zhǔn)備好

[26:05.12]It's just like going to sleep. 就跟睡著了似的

[26:06.75]I can't do any of this alone. 我一個人做不到

[26:08.13]I don't want to be alone anymore. 我不想再孤單一人了

[26:09.78]I know. 我知道

[26:10.54]- No,I'm scared. - I know. - 不 我好害怕 - 我知道

[26:12.04]I am scared,meredith. 我害怕 Meredith

[26:13.60]I know. 我知道

[26:17.74]I think it's very brave,what you're doing. 我覺得你表現(xiàn)得很勇敢

[26:21.30]It's much better to be alone and feel like a success than to be in a relationship 比起在戀愛中感覺很失敗

[26:25.03]and feel like a failure all the time,right? 現(xiàn)在單獨一人感覺更好 不是嗎?

[26:27.12]That's what I think. 我也這么想

[26:29.71]So let's just take care of your arm,and then we'll deal with the rest later,okay? 所以讓我們來弄好的手臂 然后再處理其他事情 好嗎?

[26:42.17]Well,it looks like I'm back to babysitting. 好像我在幫人看孩子似的

[26:47.62]What the hell? Who took my clamps and the bandage scissors? 搞什么? 誰把我夾子和繃帶剪刀拿走了?

[26:53.24]joey? Joey?

[26:59.05]there's a foreign body. 有夾雜物

[27:00.29]His abdomen's rigid. 他腹部僵硬

[27:01.13]Somebody page dr.Bailey right now. 誰現(xiàn)在呼一下Bailey醫(yī)生啊

[27:02.71]Go! 快去!

[27:03.89]Come on,joey. 加油 Joey

[27:09.35]you like hamburgers,don't you? 你喜歡漢堡包 是嗎?

[27:11.17]Yeah. 是啊

[27:12.87]And spaghetti with meatballs,and lasagna? 肉丸子意粉呢 烤寬面條呢?

[27:16.18]Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm

[27:18.30]That's beef. 那是牛肉哎

[27:19.65]That's cow you're eating,son. 你吃的是牛哎 兒子

[27:22.02]What do you mean? 什么意思?

[27:22.97]Could we have the "circle of life" lesson later? 我們晚點再說"生命循環(huán)"吧?

[27:26.10]I need to get in here. 我得進去檢查

[27:26.95]Sorry. 抱歉

[27:34.62]her eyes are glassy. 她的眼睛呈玻璃狀

[27:36.25]You,get in here and ventilate. 你 過來幫她呼吸

[27:44.49]We're losing her. 她快不行了

[27:45.32]This is absolutely childish and ridiculous. 這真幼稚 荒謬得要命

[27:47.40]No,it's not. 不 不是的

[27:48.30]It's not childish to hold on to hope. 堅持希望并不幼稚

[27:49.68]It's actually hard-- very,very hard. 這其實很難-- 非常非常難

[27:51.18]Your son just wants to believe that some things can work out for the best. 你兒子只是想相信 有些事情可以有極致的結(jié)果

[27:55.04]Get me the paddles. 給我電擊板

[27:58.65]Come on,come on,come on. 快點 快點 快點

[27:59.70]What's she doing? 她在干嘛?

[28:00.45]Insuring we never see the inside of an O.R.This year? 是不是我們今年進不了手術(shù)室了?

[28:06.96]she's in v-fib.I'm gonna shock. 她在室顫 我要電擊了

[28:08.08]Charge to 300 and stand back. 充電到300伏 退后

[28:11.88]okay,clear. 好 小心讓開

[28:22.01]oh,my god. 哦 天哪

[28:23.52]Oh,my god.She's alive? 哦 天哪 她活過來了?

[28:25.21]It worked.She's okay.Everything's gonna be okay. 有用了 她沒事了 一切都會好的

[28:30.26]oh,my god. 哦 天哪

[28:35.65]Got a big bleeder. 找到個大出血點

[28:37.07]Dr.Grey,press and hold right here. Grey醫(yī)生 壓住 保持別動

[28:38.72]she's having contractions. 她在宮縮

[28:39.92]Well,take a look,george. 去看一下 George

[28:41.51]Probably the stress. 可能只是肌肉較緊

[28:42.89]No,these are strong,and they're two minutes apart. 不 很劇烈 每隔兩分鐘一次

[28:44.94]call O.B.And get someone in here. 打電話給婦科醫(yī)生 找人過來

[28:47.26]Uh,I don't think there's time to call O.B. 呃 我覺得沒時間叫婦科醫(yī)生了

[28:49.33]Her water just broke,and she's crowning. 她的羊水破了 陰道口擴張

[28:50.80]Call peds.Get a warmer in here. 打電話叫Peds人來 弄個保暖箱過來

[28:51.91]This baby's coming now. 孩子要出生了

[28:53.20]O'malley,get her up in stirrups. O'Malley 要讓她做馬鐙狀分娩

[28:54.34]Can we put her in a reverse trendelenburg, 我們能不能把她反過來

[28:55.95]have one of the nurses press her abdomen since she can't push? 因為她不能用力推 讓一個護士按住她的腹部 好嗎?

[28:57.39]Try it without all the jostling. 盡量不要推

[28:58.93]I'm holding on to a major artery here. 我正盯著一根大動脈

[29:01.12]Okay,clamp. 好的 夾子

[29:06.12]Scissors. 剪刀

[29:08.79]I got it. 我找到他了

[29:09.97]I got him. 我抱住他了

[29:17.59]great job,george. 干得漂亮 George

[29:19.36]Thanks. 謝謝

[29:19.91]yeah,yeah,we're all heroes. 對 對 我們都是英雄

[29:21.54]Now if no one minds,I'd like to get this woman's arm sewn on. 沒人反對的話 我要給她縫合手臂了

[29:28.32]like she said,she's gonna need it. 她說了很需要它

[29:37.28]I'm starting the fusion now. 我要開始熔合了

[29:41.07]Did. 他...

[29:42.39]he just move? 他是不是動了一下?

[29:45.79]oh,he d-- he definitely moved. 他...他確實動了一下

[29:46.82]The anesthesia's light. 麻藥劑量不夠

[29:47.80]- Yang,stabilize his neck. - okay,three,come and grab his feet. - Yang 穩(wěn)住他的頸部 - 好的 3 來抓住他的腳

[29:50.46]Go under the drape and do not contaminate the sterile field. 在簾布下做 不要弄臟了消毒區(qū)

[29:52.96]we need to keep him very still until he is under. 必須讓他紋絲不動直到手術(shù)完成

[29:54.19]We can't risk even the slightest movement. 就算輕輕動一下 我們也冒不起這個險

[29:58.62]You cannot move. 你不能動

[30:00.10]Do you hear me? 聽見了嗎?

[30:00.84]This is not an option. 你別無選擇

[30:02.18]Everything is not gonna be fine if you move. 你要是動就完了

[30:04.05]It will be the opposite of fine. 一切都完了

[30:06.89]You cannot leave the people you love.They need you. 你不能撇下愛你的人 他們需要你

[30:11.81]not just the memory that you love them. 不僅僅只有你愛過的回憶

[30:24.63]Anyone care to explain to me how my patient wound up in this O.R. 誰跟我解釋下 為什么我的病人在這里開刀...

[30:27.50]And I wasn't even informed? 卻沒人通知我?

[30:29.11]Karev? Karev?

[30:32.09]dr.Karev didn't page you because he knows how to prioritize. Karev醫(yī)生沒有叫你是因為 他懂得分優(yōu)先次序

[30:36.67]Ten minutes ago,this patient was coding from a perfed abdomen. 十分鐘前 這個病人腹腔穿孔

[30:41.20]Under the circumstances, 情急之下

[30:42.81]dr.Karev's quick thinking is the reason that your patient is even still alive. 多虧Karev醫(yī)生當(dāng)機立斷 你的病人才逃過一劫

[30:48.53]I'll expect a fully dictated chart before you leave tonight,karev. 今晚下班前最好給我 一份詳細的報告 Karev

[30:53.32]Ah,jackpot. 大將在此

[30:55.02]Did he swallow those? 他是吞下去的?

[30:57.49]Poor fool.He must suffer from pica, 大白癡 一定是得了異食癖

[31:00.32]an uncontrollable urge to eat any and everything. 不管看到什么就是控制不住想去吃

[31:03.64]Check it out-- a buffalo nickel. 看 5分錢的水牛鎳幣

[31:05.63]Dr.Bailey,I saw you were scrubbed in. Bailey醫(yī)生 我看見你洗手進來

[31:09.83]I thought I'd stop by and see what you've got. 我想來看看你有什么收獲沒有

[31:12.38]What I've got? 收獲?

[31:15.08]$2.37,sir.in change. 2.37美圓 先生 做零錢

[31:36.15]it like a cute festival in here. 這里就像是兒童樂園

[31:40.52]I delivered that one an hour ago. 一小時前我接生了那個孩子

[31:43.92]Oh,my god. 天啊

[31:45.15]W-- why aren't you,like,jumping up and down? 你怎么一點都不興奮?

[31:48.81]I've done this before. 我早試過了

[31:50.79]This is d閖? 小菜一碟

[31:57.68]look,george,you didn't pass your intern test. George 雖然你沒通過實習(xí)生考試

[32:00.27]You know,it--it happens. 但是這沒什么大不了的

[32:01.94]It's--it's nobody's fault. 能怪誰

[32:04.99]Right? 對嗎?

[32:06.79]It's nobody's fault. 是啊 能怪誰呢

[32:09.45]Yeah,it's just that callie gave cristina the study cards, 只是Callie給了Cristina學(xué)習(xí)卡

[32:12.21]and meredith didn't write anything down,and cristina was planning a wedding,and izzie-- Meredith什么也沒寫下來 Cristina又在準(zhǔn)備婚禮 而Izzie

[32:16.33]izzie just had to. Izzie只好這么做

[32:18.70]you know,I'm--I'm-- I'm responsible. 我很有責(zé)任心的

[32:21.09]I've always been the responsible one. 有責(zé)任心的人總是我

[32:22.86]I'm not saying,"what about me?" 我不是在說"我怎么辦?"

[32:24.01]I'm not saying,"when do I get what I want? 也不是在說 "我什么時候能得到自己想要的?"

[32:25.97]"When do I get to be someone other than the guy who repeats his intern year?" "我什么時候才能更進一步 而不是留下來再做一年實習(xí)生?"

[32:28.83]- I'm not saying that,but- - but what about you? - 我沒有這么說 但是... - 但你怎么辦

[32:30.71]Yeah! 對!

[32:35.67]I didn't plan on being here. 我本沒有打算會來這里

[32:38.84]I was all set for an internship at mass gen. 我已經(jīng)完全準(zhǔn)備好在Massgen實習(xí)

[32:41.59]And then. 誰知...

[32:42.82]my mother gets the hiccups,and I'm at a funeral. 我媽媽打了個嗝 就說再見了

[32:47.37]You know,we all have problems. 我們都有煩惱

[32:51.78]Mo die,and dads drink so much that they don't even know what year they're in,and sisters--I-- 媽媽死了 爸爸喝酒喝得 不知今昔何年 而姐姐...

[32:58.08]I didn't even know that there was a meredith grey until a couple of months ago. 兩個月前我還不知道 有個Meredith Grey

[33:02.07]And she won't--she doesn't even want to talk to me. 而她...她甚至不想搭理我

[33:05.28]I don't want to be here. 我不想留在這里

[33:08.04]You know,I. 我...

[33:09.42]I'd giving anything to not be here. 要是能離開這里 我愿意付出任何代價

[33:13.03]You know,to--to have my life work out the way I planned, 那樣我能有自己的活法 按自己的計劃行事

[33:16.80]to even have time to ask,"what about me?" 還會有空閑去問 "我怎么辦?"

[33:20.17]So you--you change. 所以 你要改變

[33:21.59]You--you get over it. 你要克服它

[33:25.46]I'm here now,so. 我已經(jīng)來了 所以...

[33:29.61]and you. 而你

[33:33.83]you delivered a baby today. 你今天接生了一個嬰兒

[33:38.17]So. 所以

[33:39.57]stop feeling sorry for yourself. 不要再老大不高興的樣子

[33:48.75]You. 你

[33:53.92]are kind of awesome. 讓我意外

[33:57.45]I know. 我知道

[34:15.33]**Psych's prepared to consult on the patient? Karev去確認(rèn)下精神科 是不是準(zhǔn)備好了來會診

[34:18.60]Thank you. 謝謝

[34:20.32]Now whether you like it or not,you and I are gonna talk. 無論你愿不愿意 我們都需要談?wù)?/p>

[34:22.56]- Chief- - I know you're angry and disappointed. - 主任 - 我知道你很生氣很失望

[34:24.74]No,I'm not angry. 不 我沒生氣

[34:26.13]I'm not disappointed. 我沒失望

[34:27.53]I'm speechless. 我是無話可說了

[34:30.00]I don't want to talk because I am speechless. 我不想談是因為我無話可說了

[34:32.07]It makes me speechless to realize you didn't think that. 我無話可說是因為你竟然沒意識到

[34:36.43]I would've made an-- an excellent chief resident. 我會成為一個出色的住院部主任

[34:39.50]You're right. 你說得對

[34:40.37]You would've made an excellent chief resident. 你會成為一個出色的住院部主任

[34:43.41]But you'll make an even more excellent surgeon. 但你會成為一個更出色的外科醫(yī)生

[34:47.62]You belong in the O.R.,Bailey. 手術(shù)臺才是你的歸屬 Bailey

[34:51.27]Focus on honing those skills, 努力讓自己的醫(yī)術(shù)更爐火純青

[34:53.10]not on how well you can juggle schedules or fill out paperwork. 而不應(yīng)去關(guān)心如何排期手術(shù) 或者做做文案工作

[34:58.32]Believe me,I know. 相信我 我知道的

[35:00.62]You'll thank me for this one day. 總有一天你會感謝我

[35:04.13]But not today. 但絕不是今天

[35:19.10]I'm the one that could use a friend. 你可以當(dāng)我是朋友

[35:22.24]I said that you could use a friend.I could use a friend. 我是說你可以當(dāng)我是朋友 我是你的朋友

[35:24.67]Look,mark-- no,I didn't come to seattle for addison. - 聽著 Mark... - 不 我來西雅圖不是為了Addison

[35:27.85]I didn't come to seattle to be chief. 也不是為了當(dāng)主任

[35:29.12]I came to seattle for you,okay? 我來是因為你 你知道嗎?

[35:30.95]I came to seattle to get you back. 我來西雅圖是為了讓你回心轉(zhuǎn)意

[35:41.26]I know.I want to take it back now,but I already said it,so. 我知道 我想收回 可是我已經(jīng)說出口了 所以...

[35:47.67]maybe we should have a drink. 也許我們該一起喝一杯

[35:49.33]We could. 可以?

[35:50.10]Yeah.Not today. 是的 但絕不是今天

[36:02.95]I know you didn't wake up this morning expecting this was how your first day was gonna go. 我知道你們沒想到第一天會是這樣

[36:07.40]You thought you'd get to reattach an arm or observe brain surgery. 你們原以為會重接手臂或是觀看腦部手術(shù)

[36:12.23]Instead you helped save the life of a deer. 誰知道卻是幫忙救一只鹿

[36:14.60]You can bitch and complain about it,or you can adjust your expectations. 你們可以大發(fā)牢騷 或調(diào)整一下心態(tài)

[36:17.94]'Cause like it or not,you're stuck with me. 因為不管喜不喜歡 你們都跟定我了

[36:20.00]And I'm the kind of doctor who lets a little kid convince her she can do the impossible. 我就是那種能被小孩說服 去做些傻事的醫(yī)生

[36:26.49]Oh,plus,when I woke uphis morning,I thought today was gonna go a lot differently,too. 還有 我也原以為今天會有驚喜

[36:30.75]I thought I was gonna get the good interns. 我以為我會分到些不錯的實習(xí)生

[36:32.40]Instead I get stuck with the duds. 誰知道碰上一群沒用鬼

[36:35.53]So I have to adjust my expectations as well. 所以我也要調(diào)整一下心態(tài)

[37:33.06]- What? - We heard-- - 干嘛? - 聽說...

[37:34.65]we heard you delivered a baby today. 聽說你今天接生了一個孩子

[37:36.27]On your very first day as an intern. 在實習(xí)的第一天

[37:39.59]Yeah. 是啊

[37:40.59]- what was it like? - did you do it all by yourself? - 感覺如何? - 你全靠自己嗎?

[37:42.42]Was it just like-- did your head just explode with the amazingness? 你有被興奮感沖昏頭腦嗎??

[37:45.78]Your very first day. 第一天

[37:52.99]It was pretty cool. 的確蠻酷的

[37:54.97]He came out really fast. 出來得很快

[37:58.21]I had to,uh. 我必須...

[38:00.39]you know,determine the position of the cord. 判斷臍帶的位置

[38:02.15]You know what a reverse trendelenburg is? 知道什么是骨盆向健側(cè)倒置嗎?

[38:14.86]I filled this entire bag with coins from my patient's stomach today. 這袋子裝滿了從我病人肚子里取出的硬幣

[38:18.69]No kidding? 開玩笑吧?

[38:36.16]I miss rebecca. 我很想Rebecca

[38:46.66]I miss burke. 我很想Burke

[38:54.73]Want some money? 要錢嗎?

[38:57.25]Change. 變化

[39:00.49]we don't like it,we fear it. 我們不喜歡 也害怕

[39:07.27]what? 干嘛?

[39:08.65]You want to humiliate me some more? 還想來損我嗎?

[39:10.98]'Cause I get it.I suck. 我知道了 我很爛

[39:12.15]I suck at my job. 工作很爛

[39:13.37]I suck as a wife. 做老婆也爛

[39:14.26]I suck all around,so. 什么都爛

[39:16.93]go ahead.Humiliate me some more,please. 來吧 拜托再損我?guī)拙?/p>

[39:24.59]Hope tomorrow's better. 明天會更好

[39:29.23]But we can't stop it from coming. 但我們阻止不了變化

[39:37.26]meredith. Meredith

[39:42.56]meredith. Meredith

[39:51.46]We either adapt to change. 我們要么逆來順受

[39:57.55]or we get left behind. 要么被殘忍淘汰

[40:17.77]I,uM. 我...

[40:21.47]you're not ready for 你還沒準(zhǔn)備好

[40:23.65]no. 沒有

[40:25.91]I asked for too much. 我要求太多了

[40:28.67]I think so. 是的

[40:31.45]So this is it? 就這樣了?

[40:36.59]Yeah. 是

[40:38.22]We're breaking up. 分手

[40:41.43]We're breaking up. 分手

[40:43.89]It hurts to grow. 成長是痛苦的

[40:46.02]Anybody who tells you it doesn't is lying. 如果說不痛 那是騙你的

[40:49.63]We're broken up. 我們分手了

[40:53.37]It's done. 結(jié)束了

[41:20.19]so a breakup kiss. 吻別

[41:21.42]A breakup kiss. 吻別

[41:25.51]And some breakup sex. 最后的激情

[41:26.69]Yeah,breakup sex. 沒錯 最后的激情

[41:28.46]But here's the truth. 但有句話是真的

[41:30.25]sometimes the more things change,the more they stay the same. 改變越多 越難改變

[41:49.02]and sometimes-- oh,sometimes change is good. 有時 噢 有時改變太美妙了

[41:57.25]I love you,too. 我也愛你

[41:59.63]Sometimes change is. 有時 改變就是...

[42:06.50]everything. 一切


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