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大學(xué)英語(yǔ)自學(xué)教程 unit 13





[00:00.00]Unit 13 text A
[00:07.55]An insurance agent called me this morning.
[00:12.41]This particular agent wanted to discuss my automobile coverage,
[00:18.76]but the next agent to call might be interested in my life insurance program
[00:26.02]my health insurance,or fire protection for my home and furniture.
[00:29.81]則對(duì)我的壽險(xiǎn),健康險(xiǎn),我的住宅和家具 的防火險(xiǎn)感興趣.
[00:33.59]The American consumer often feels constantly disturbed by insurance agents
[00:43.55]Many agents selling many different policies
[00:49.50]call us by phone and sometimes even come to our doors.
[00:56.95]These insurance agents are always friendiy, well dressed,
[01:04.31]and eager to be of help.
[01:08.86]Yet few Americans really enjoy visiting with these eager helpful men and women.
[01:18.24]We are not happy when they call us;
[01:23.38]we are on guard when they visit our homes
[01:29.26]They are never really our friends;at best, they are a necessary evil.
[01:36.71]Three reasons why we are unwilling to discuss insurance can be suggested
[01:44.65]First of all, insurance is expensive.
[01:50.92]A young father who purchases a fairly small life insurance policy
[01:57.97]agrees to pay a sum of $200 every year for 40 years-a total of $ 8,000.
[02:10.12]Many college students pay $ 800 to $1,000 per year for car insurance.
[02:20.38]In effect,they pay as much for the insurance as they do for the car itself
[02:28.85]Health insurance that pays for modern medical miracles
[02:35.61]often costs Americans as much as $2,000 every year.
[02:43.16]Adequate insurance is expensive;
[02:48.44]it is a major item for most families,
[02:54.50]Insuranee also reminds us that we live in an unsafe world
[03:03.33]We are human and we must face the possibilities of illness,injury
[03:12.60]death, and financial loss.
[03:17.64]Our rational minds recognize the many unfortunate events that can occur,
[03:25.69]but in our hearts we hope that we might be spared.
[03:33.55]Serious injury or death is not a pleasant subjectto discuss or even consider.
[03:43.32]We are afraid; we would rather talk about football or the weather
[03:52.46]or what we had for lunch.
[03:57.43]Finally, insurance is a difficult, complex subject.
[04:05.29]No one understands it completely and only a few insurance professionals
[04:14.35]really feel comfortable in a discussion
[04:19.63]of automobile, life,and major medical coverages.
[04:25.80]We feel inadequate and try to hide our ignorance by avoiding discussions of insurance.
[04:35.75]Yet these three reasons for not discussing insurance provide three excellent reasons:
[04:46.22]why we should learn more about it.
[04:50.87]Insurance is expensive.
[04:55.94]In a lifetime,many of us spend as much on insurance as we do on the purchase of a home.
[05:05.37]If we are to spend our money, intelligently,
[05:10.94]we need information about the products and services available.
[05:17.60]We don't depend entirely on salespeople when we buy a car
[05:24.75]a house, or a suit of clothes.
[05:30.42]Neither should we depend entirely on the agent when we buy insurance.
[05:34.15]同樣,買保險(xiǎn)時(shí)我們也不應(yīng)完全依賴代理 人.
[05:37.87]We need a basic knowledge of insurance coverages if we are to be intelligent consumers.
[05:46.51]The intelligent consumer look problems in the face.
[05:53.88]Although accident, illness, and death are not pleasant subjects,
[06:01.46]each of us knows we face these possibilities.
[06:07.93]It is better that we plan for these situations by finding means to deal with them
[06:16.08]than to just hope that they will somehow go away.
[06:22.46]Although insurance can be complex,
[06:28.21]its basic conceptsare neither difficult nor impossible to learn.
[06:35.65]Quite the opposite.
[06:39.91]Insurance fundamentals can be understood by those willing to study them.
[06:47.98]Serious study provides knowledge.
[06:53.94]The study of insurance is an effectiveproven method of dealing with the insurance ignorance faced
[07:03.89]by many American families.

[07:08.75]Text B
[07:11.62]What Is Money and What Are Its Functions?
[07:16.87]Money is something you've been familiar with through out your life.
[07:21.94]In fact, you may already consider yourself an expert on the subject.
[07:28.00]You regularly use money to measure the value of things you own.
[07:33.64]You also have some of it in your pocket and in bank accounts.
[07:39.10]It might surprise you to learn
[07:42.65]that there's a great deal of disagreement among economists about what money is and how to measure it.
[07:46.43]關(guān)于什么是貨幣及如何 衡量它有許多爭(zhēng)議,你可能會(huì)很驚訝.
[07:50.20]Money serves a number of functions,
[07:54.28]and any definition of money must consider all of its functions.
[07:57.17]任何關(guān)于貨幣的定義都必須考慮它所有的功能 .
[08:00.05]The four major functions of money
[08:04.00]are as a medium of exchangea standard of value,
[08:07.97]a standard of deferred payment, and a store of value.
[08:15.91]A Medium of Exchange.
[08:19.36]As a generally accepted medium of exchange,
[08:23.93]money rules out the need for barter,
[08:27.87]the direct exchange of one item for another.
[08:32.63]Barter is a very inconvenient means of trading
[08:37.59]because it requires the double coincidence of wants.
[08:42.58]A seller with a good or service to offer
[08:47.31]must search for a buyerwho has exactly what the seller desires.
[08:53.79]For example, if a baker wants meat,
[08:58.36]he must search for a person
[09:02.48]who sells meatand wants bread under a barter system.
[09:08.08]Because money is generally accepted as payment for any purchase,
[09:13.53]a baker who sells bread for money
[09:17.30]can use the money to buy meator anything else he wants.
[09:23.15]A Standard of Value.
[09:26.62]Money provides a unit of account
[09:30.70]that serves as a standard to measure value
[09:35.24]The value of an item is a measure of what a person will sacrifice to obtain it.
[09:41.90]How much is a two week vacation in Hawaii worth to you?
[09:46.87]If you're like most people,
[09:50.13]you'll probably respond to such a question
[09:54.08]by valuing the vacation in dollars--
[09:58.65]say $2,000--rather than in terms of other things (like your car).
[10:05.91]Whether or not you're conscious of it,
[10:10.17]you're constantly valuing items in dollars.
[10:14.71]As a standard of value,
[10:18.08]money allows the addition of values of many different itemsas automobiles, repairs,
[10:26.23]and all other goods and services.
[10:30.39]The concept of GNP is useless
[10:34.75]without a standard of valuesuch as the dollar.
[10:39.50]A Standard of Deferred Payment.
[10:44.26]Many contracts involve promises to pay sums of money in the future.
[10:50.50]The unit of account for deferred payment of debts is also money.
[10:56.07]If you borrow money to buy a car,
[10:59.93]the loan contract specifies how much you must pay back every month
[11:05.68]and the number of months required to satisfy your obligation.
[11:10.95]However, money serves its function as a standard of deferred paymerit
[11:17.12]only if its purchasing power remains fairly constant over time.
[11:23.68]If the price level rises,
[11:27.15]the future purchasing power of moneyover time will go down.
[11:32.72]Similarly,a decrease in the price level will increase the futurepurchasing power of money,
[11:40.26]A Store of Value.
[11:43.43]Money can also serve as a store of value
[11:48.00]that can he quickly converted to goods and services.
[11:52.67]Money as the actual medium of exchange is completely liquid,
[11:58.42]meaning it can immediately be converted to goodsand services
[12:03.70]without any inconvenience or cost.
[12:07.64]Other assets that serve as stores of value must first be sold
[12:13.81]to be converted into a generally accepted medium of exchange.
[12:16.64]轉(zhuǎn)換成一種能廣泛接受 的交換媒體.
[12:19.47]There are often costs and inconvenience associatedwith liquidating other assets.
[12:26.63]Holding money as a store of value
[12:30.39]thus can reduce the transaction costsinvolved in everyday business.

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