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[00:00.66]Previously on "Lost"... 劇情回顧...
[00:01.72]Boone, what do you see? Boone 你看到什么?
[00:28.71]All right, all of you, get up. 好了 都起來
[00:31.17]We're moving out. 我們要出發(fā)了
[00:36.05]Moving out where? 出發(fā)去哪?
[00:37.43]Back to where you came from. 回到你原來的地方
[00:43.59]Your buddy ran off into the jungle. 你的同伴獨自跑到叢林里了
[00:45.59]Michael-- he just left. Michael 他離開了
[00:50.38]Walt! Walt !
[00:52.29]What are we supposed to do, wait for him? 那我們該如何? 等他?
[00:56.64]What are you doing? 你要干什么?
[00:57.86]I'm going to help him find his friend. 幫他尋找他的朋友
[01:29.14]You thirsty, dog? 你很渴嗎 狗?
[01:31.46]Yeah, you're always thirsty, aren't you? 你總是很渴 對嗎?
[01:35.76]So drink. 那就喝
[01:42.46]Come on. 來
[01:45.23]Gather your things. 收拾好你東西
[01:48.07]Where are we going? 我們?nèi)ツ?
[01:50.38]Sayid? Sayid ?
[01:54.45]Come on. Right over here. 來 在這邊
[01:55.88]Where are we going? 我們?nèi)ツ?
[02:10.96]What do you think? 覺得如何?
[02:14.29]Does it have an inside? 里面有東西嗎?
[02:34.79]When did you do this? 你什么時候做這些的?
[02:37.38]It's all yours. 全屬于你
[02:40.53]Thank you. 謝謝
[02:44.03]You're quite welcome. 不用謝
[03:15.76]I'm sorry. 對不起
[03:28.12]You need to carry that all the time? 你要一直都帶著槍?
[03:31.18]I only carry it because I have someone to protect. 我?guī)е?是因為有人需要保護
[03:55.79]Ana, it's got to be over an hour. Ana 休息超過1小時了
[03:58.35]Shouldn't we start moving again? 是否應(yīng)該趕路了呢?
[04:01.35]Let 'em rest a little while longer. 再呆一會
[04:03.53]Yeah, but what if they come? 但萬一"他們"來呢?
[04:07.12]She's lost. 她迷路了
[04:09.38]I am not lost. 我沒迷路
[04:12.12]Then tell me, Ponce de Le髇, which way are we supposed to go? 那你告訴我 Ponce de León (西班牙冒險家,哥倫布助手) 我們該走哪條路呢?
[04:19.56]All right, then, genius. Which way would you go? 那好 天才 你要走哪條路?
[04:23.75]Hey, I'm with you-- 我只是跟著你
[04:26.34]Sit tight and wait for Mr. Eko to show up and guide us. 坐在一旁 等Eko先生來給我們帶路
[04:31.76]If your friend didn't run off, 如果你朋友不是擅自跑了
[04:34.23]Eko would still be here, now wouldn't he? Eko會在這 不是嗎?
[04:36.75]You sure didn't have any problem leaving him behind, though, huh? 你卻拋下你朋友不管
[04:41.48]Mike only cares about himself and his kid. Mike只關(guān)心他和他兒子
[04:44.53]Neither's got squat to do with me. 況且關(guān)我什么事!
[04:46.85]Glad you feel that way. 很高興你這么想
[04:50.40]Didn't expect to see you again. 還以為見不著你了
[05:03.70]Yeah, yeah, Chewie, I know. My arm's about to fall off. 好了 英雄 我知道 我的手臂要斷了
[05:12.21]You okay? 你還好吧?
[05:13.54]Yes, but we have to go. 很好 但我們要起程了
[05:17.41]I saw them. 我見到"他們"了
[05:18.81]- What? How many were there? - What do you mean, you saw them? -什么?有多少人? -你說什么? 你見到"他們"?
[05:20.90]- Did you see the kids? - Libby. -有見到孩子嗎? -Libby
[05:25.09]We need to go. Now. 我們得走了 馬上
[05:28.12]All right. 好的
[05:30.04]We're moving out. 我們出發(fā)
[05:32.72]Now! 快
[05:54.24]So does all this... 那么說 這些...
[05:56.56]the tent, the flowers... 帳篷 花...
[06:01.15]mean that we're serious now? 意味著我們是認真的?
[06:03.85]Quite definitely not. 當(dāng)然不是
[06:06.45]I do this for all the girls I meet on deserted islands. 在荒島上每遇到一個女孩 我都會為她這么做
[06:13.96]Don't go anywhere. 別走開
[06:17.64]- Where are you going? - To get some water. -你要去哪? -去拿點水
[06:25.69]Let me. 讓我來
[06:36.55]I'll be right back. 我很快回來
[06:51.96]That was quick. 真快
[07:00.00]迷 失 第二季 第六集
[07:15.16]There's nothing! 沒見到什么
[07:18.91]There's no one there. 那邊沒人
[07:20.34]I am telling you I saw Walt. 我見到Walt
[07:23.03]- It was a dream, Shannon. - He was here. -只是個夢 Shannon -Walt當(dāng)時就在這
[07:25.21]I saw him. He went into the tent. 我真的見到他 他跑進帳篷
[07:27.69]I was only gone for a few moments. You must have fallen asleep. 我只是出去一小會 你肯定是睡著了
[07:30.25]This was not a dream! 這不是夢!
[07:32.81]- I saw Walt! - Then where is he? -我見到Walt -那現(xiàn)在他在哪呢?
[07:38.14]Hey. 嘿
[07:39.45]What's going on? 怎么回事?
[07:40.44]Nothing. It's just a dream. Everything's fine. 沒什么 夢而已 沒什么事
[07:50.91]Shannon. Shannnon
[07:53.07]What's wrong? 怎么了?
[07:54.90]Shannon had a nightmare. Shannon發(fā)惡夢了
[07:58.20]Why is he up? 怎么他醒了?
[08:00.37]- I woke him. - You woke him? -我弄醒他的 -你弄醒他?
[08:02.84]I heard screams. I got worried. 我聽到尖叫聲 我擔(dān)心
[08:04.51]Why, would you rather I had left him over there alone? 你想我讓他一個在那邊?
[08:07.11]You heard screams, so you woke up the baby and ran towards them? 你聽到尖叫聲 那你就弄醒孩子 然后來看?
[08:09.74]It sounded like she needed help. 我想她需要幫忙
[08:12.01]Well, he's gonna need feeding now. 他需要喂食了
[08:13.47]He's gonna be up all night and fussy all day. 看來他明天一整天 都要睡不著和煩躁不安了
[08:16.51]Sorry. 你說什么?
[08:17.58]All right, well, no harm done. Give him here, then. I got him. 沒什么 來 給我抱抱
[08:28.91]It's okay. 乖
[08:30.99]It's okay. 乖
[08:34.74]Wait. 等等
[08:36.10]Wait! 等等
[08:39.50]Come back with me, and let's talk about this. 回來 我們好好談?wù)?br /> [08:41.92]Do you believe me? 你相信我嗎?
[08:48.98]I know what I saw. 我見到什么 我心中有數(shù)
[09:10.19]Beautiful, Sophie. 很美 Sophie
[09:11.85]Okay, can you bring your shoulders down for me a little? 能把肩膀放低一點嗎?
[09:14.74]And stand up. Good. And finish. 站直 好 完畢
[09:19.38]Very nice, ladies. 很好 姑娘們
[09:20.90]Did my papa see me? 我爸爸見到我跳嗎?
[09:26.58]I think so. 應(yīng)該見到
[09:30.20]Wonderful. All right. Thank you for a great class today, ladies. 很好 這堂課你們表現(xiàn)很好 姑娘們
[09:36.99]Very nice work, Gina. 跳得不錯 Gina
[09:45.29]He wants me to be his au pair. Can you believe that? 他要我來做他家保姆 你信嗎?
[09:48.69]Au pair, my ass. 保姆 我的天
[09:50.16]"Live in my big 'ouse, take care of my kids." "在我的大房子里 照顧我的孩子"
[09:53.54]Next thing you know, it's... 然后你知道的 很..
[09:54.58]"Oh, I'm so sorry. I did not know you were in ze shower." "噢 很抱歉 我不知道你在洗澡"
[09:58.01]Oh, please! What a perv. 噢...真變態(tài)
[10:01.60]Hello? 喂?
[10:02.68]Shannon, your father's been in an accident. Shannon 你父親出了事
[10:05.77]I'm on my way to St. Sebastian's. I'll meet you there. 我正趕去Sebastian家 那邊見
[10:10.28]- Mrs. Rutherford? - Yes? -Rutherford夫人? -嗯?
[10:12.54]Why don't we talk down here? 談一下好嗎?
[10:17.52]Doctor, my husband Adam-- how is he? 醫(yī)生 我丈夫Adam... 他怎么樣了?
[10:20.79]Your husband was in a head-on collision with an S.U.V. 你丈夫的車和一山地跑車正面撞在一起
[10:23.89]He suffered massive internal injuries. 他內(nèi)臟嚴(yán)重受傷
[10:28.93]He stopped breathing at the site of the accident. 在事故現(xiàn)場 當(dāng)時已停止呼吸
[10:33.43]I'm afraid we were unable to resuscitate him. 恐怕我們無法救活他了
[10:37.07]I'm so sorry. 很抱歉
[10:41.58]- May I see him? - Of course. -我能去看看他嗎? -當(dāng)然可以
[10:48.33]Would your daughter like to come? 你女兒要不要來?
[10:50.27]Stepdaughter. 過繼的女兒
[10:53.33]Come on, Shannon. 來 Shannon
[11:06.22]How much further to their camp? 離他們營地還有多遠?
[11:09.06]A day, maybe more. 還要一天 可能不止
[11:11.86]Maybe less. 可能不用一天
[11:13.25]Thanks for being so specific. 謝謝說得這么精確
[11:21.71]Damn it! 該死的!
[11:24.24]I'm okay. I'm fine. 我沒事
[11:27.60]You want to let me just take a look at your shoulder? 我來看看你的肩膀?
[11:30.35]- What, are you a doctor? - Clinical psychologist. -你是醫(yī)生? -臨床心理學(xué)家
[11:34.59]You're a shrink. 你是精神病醫(yī)生吧?
[11:36.57]Maybe you ought to talk to my shoulder. 也許你該和我肩膀聊聊
[11:40.41]How did you get shot anyway? 你是怎么受傷的?
[11:42.63]With a gun. 當(dāng)時我拿著槍
[11:45.50]He got shot when they took my kid. 在他們搶走我孩子時受的傷
[11:54.07]It's bad, right? 很糟糕 對嗎?
[11:56.24]Yeah, it's bad. 對 挺糟糕的
[11:59.08]But it's not real bad. 但不會有很大問題
[12:01.38]Come on. You're gonna be okay. 走吧 沒事的
[12:04.39]Let's go. 走吧
[12:10.49]All right. I'm fine. 我沒事
[12:17.25]Let me give you a hand, okay? 我來幫你
[12:23.78]Tell me again why we're doing this here when there's a dryer in the hatch? 艙內(nèi)有干衣機 怎么要這晾衣服?
[12:28.98]I don't like the hatch. 我不喜歡那艙
[12:31.50]Oh. It's 'cause of the doomsday button, isn't it? 因為那個"世界末日"按鈕?
[12:34.67]Well, who needs a dryer when we've got sun and fresh air? 有陽光 有新鮮空氣 誰還要干衣機?
[12:38.58]Wouldn't want to spoil ourselves, now would we? 不要寵壞自己了 對嗎?
[12:41.61]Yeah, "spoil." 嗯 "寵壞"
[12:43.70]Hey. 嘿
[12:45.02]Do you guys know where Michael and Walt 你們知道Michael和Walt
[12:46.87]left the stuff they didn't take with them on the raft? 把他們沒帶上船的東西放在哪嗎?
[12:49.68]- What kind of stuff? - Their clothes. -什么東西? -衣物
[12:52.72]Uh, I think their stuff's still on the beach, 我想還在沙灘上
[12:54.85]back where their tent is. 在他們帳篷的后面
[12:56.61]Thanks. 謝謝
[13:00.93]Poor thing. 真可憐
[13:03.05]It can't be easy losing the one person you love on the island. 在島上失去心愛的人 那滋味真不好受
[13:24.62]Here. Smell this. That's his, right? 來 聞一下 這是他的 對嗎?
[13:27.92]Come on, get a good whiff. 來 好好聞一下
[13:29.74]You're always trying to run off and find him? 你總是獨自跑掉去找他?
[13:31.64]Then find him. Find Walt! 那就去找他 找Walt
[13:37.77]Good dog! Find Walt! 好狗 找Walt
[14:04.33]I know I woke you, and I'm so very, very sorry. 我知道我叫醒了你 對不起對不起
[14:07.61]But I mean, staying awake for eight hours straight? 但怎么8個鐘頭了 還沒睡著呢?
[14:10.52]Isn't that just cruel and unusual punishment? 這懲罰太殘忍 太重了吧?
[14:13.27]How's that cradle treating you? 搖籃怎么了?
[14:15.22]The cradle is great. It's the baby that's the problem. 搖籃很好 問題出在孩子上
[14:19.81]- What's wrong? - He just won't sleep. -怎么了? -他就是不睡
[14:29.69]May I? 我來試試?
[14:31.35]Sure. 好
[14:37.35]Babies like the feeling of being constricted. 嬰兒喜歡被裹起來的感覺
[14:41.34]It's not until we're older that we develop a desire to be free. 到長大了 才不想被"裹"起來
[14:47.78]There. 給
[15:00.85]You know, I think everybody knows more about my baby than me. 我想每個人都比我了解我孩子
[15:05.13]Everybody? 每個人?
[15:07.77]Charlie read me the Riot Act last night for waking him. Charlie昨晚告誡我 弄醒他會讓他煩躁不安
[15:11.64]And as mad as it made me, turns out he was right. 看現(xiàn)在這情形 看來他說得對
[15:17.28]You know, it's like we're playing mom and dad to this baby, 我們就像這孩子的母親和父親
[15:20.37]yet I don't remember marrying him. 然而我卻不記得我嫁過他
[15:24.17]No, seriously. I mean, we're practically strangers, him and me. 我說真的 實際上我們是陌生人
[15:27.14]For all I know, Charlie could be some religious freak. 就我所知而言 Charlie可能是某個宗教怪胎
[15:29.91]I seriously doubt that. 我很懷疑那一點
[15:31.49]Then why is he carrying around a Virgin Mary statue? 那他為什么到處拿著一個圣母像?
[15:36.30]A what? 什么?
[15:37.72]You know, one of the little statues. 一個小雕像
[15:39.95]He says he found it in the jungle. 他說在叢林里面找到的
[15:43.52]Hmm. 嗯...
[15:45.66]How about that? 難道是那東西?
[16:23.60]- Death sucks, doesn't it? - Boone! -親人的逝去總令人悲痛不已 -Boone!
[16:28.62]- Hey. - Hey. -嘿 -嘿
[16:34.31]I'm so sorry, Shan. 我感到很難過 Shan
[16:39.16]You came back. 你總算回來了
[16:52.65]Where did the poster of Marky Mark go? Marky Mark海報哪里去了?
[16:54.99]I'm 18, Boone. 我18歲了 Boone
[17:02.72]Your mom's gonna freak. 你媽媽會很生氣的
[17:04.65]It's a wake. 這是一種振作
[17:07.38]I mean, seriously, who doesn't serve booze at a wake? 說真的 要振作 誰不喝點酒呢?
[17:12.73]Scotch? 蘇格蘭酒?
[17:16.96]To your dad. 敬你的父親
[17:31.85]Maybe after all this you'll come visit me in New York? 也許打這后 你來紐約找我?
[17:37.83]I won't have to visit 我不必去找你
[17:39.56]if I get that job at the Martha Graham dance company. 如果我得到 在Martha Graham舞蹈公司的工作
[17:43.42]I'll be living there. 我會在那住
[17:45.88]Right. The internship. 對 實習(xí)
[17:50.14]I know it's like a 1 in 3,000 chance, but 我知道只有三千分之一的機會
[17:53.60]I might get it. 但我也許能行
[17:55.99]Absolutely. 絕對可以
[18:03.30]Have you spoken to my mother? 你和我媽媽談過嗎?
[18:07.25]She's going through her thing, and I'm going through mine. 我們互不理睬的 獨自嘗著自己的苦水
[18:12.04]Have you two been getting along? 你們有相處過嗎?
[18:16.52]She hates me. 她討厭我
[18:19.82]Just try to talk to her. 試試和她聊聊
[18:24.89]From day one, she resented my relationship with him... 從他們結(jié)婚的第一天起 她就不滿我和他的關(guān)系...
[18:29.68]with dad. 我和爸爸的關(guān)系
[19:05.36]We need a break. 我們要休息一下
[19:07.06]Five minutes! 五分鐘
[19:08.64]Here. 給
[19:23.43]What are you looking at? 你看什么?
[19:25.64]We have to cut inland. 我們要往島內(nèi)走
[19:27.90]What? Into the jungle? 什么? 進入?yún)擦?
[19:33.46]They said their people were on the beach. If we keep walking-- 他們說他們的人在海邊 如果我們繼續(xù)走...
[19:36.46]The beach curves into a peninsula ahead. 這海岸彎成一個半島
[19:40.91]It may not be passable. 可能走不過去
[19:43.75]"May not"? 可能走不過?
[19:47.13]May not. 對
[19:50.24]You're doing this to get the cowboy back faster, aren't you? 你這么做是想把這家伙送回去 對嗎?
[19:54.57]You would risk our lives to help him? 你拿我們的生命冒險 來幫他?
[19:58.80]It's the only way I know. 這是唯一的方法
[20:03.64]I liked you better when you weren't talking. 我更喜歡不說話時的你
[20:12.51]I can't believe he's still asleep. 真不敢相信他還在睡
[20:17.14]Swaddling works every time. 嬰兒總愛在襁褓中入睡
[20:22.65]Hey, do you want to hold him? 你想抱一下嗎?
[20:28.47]That's okay. 不用了
[20:30.57]Put your arms out. 伸手出來
[20:37.18]It's okay. 沒關(guān)系的
[20:38.92]Here. 來
[20:49.07]- He smells good. - He does, doesn't he? -他氣息很好 -那當(dāng)然
[20:54.63]Oh! 噢!
[20:58.07]- Hello, Charlie. - Hello. -你好 Charlie -你好
[21:01.18]Hey, John just taught me a new trick-- swaddling. John剛教我一招 用襁褓包
[21:05.80]That's excellent. 這法子很好
[21:09.98]I just came to take him so you could have your walk. 我過來照顧他 以便你可以散下步
[21:17.88]Well, great timing. Yeah. I've got to get going. 你來得正是時候 我要起程了
[21:23.44]I got him. 抱著了
[21:29.65]Well, thanks for your help, John. 謝謝你的幫忙 John
[21:32.07]You're welcome. 不客氣
[21:38.81]What? 什么?
[22:05.59]Shh! 噓!
[22:15.35]I'm fine. I'm fine. 我沒事 我沒事
[22:19.84]Shh! Shut up. 噓! 別出聲!
[22:22.45]What? They can't talk at all? 什么? 話都不能說?
[22:24.49]If he talks, he's gonna get us all killed. 如果給"他們"聽到 大家都沒命的
[22:27.11]By what? Them? 什么東西? "他們"?
[22:29.36]I thought they lived a day back that way. 我想他們住在沿這路 要一天路程的那邊
[22:30.95]How about you shut your mouth and get your buddy over here moving? 你還是住口 叫你的同伴上路吧!
[22:37.19]What happened to you people? 你們到底怎么了?
[22:44.39]You want us to take you back with us? Fine. 你想我們帶你回去? 好
[22:47.36]But you want me to keep quiet? 但如果你想讓我保持安靜
[22:51.57]Then you need to tell me why I have to. 那你要告訴我 為什么我要這么做
[23:04.90]They came the first night that we got here. 我們來這里的第一晚 他們就來了
[23:12.42]And they took three of us. 他們抓走我們?nèi)齻€人
[23:15.03]Nothing happened for two weeks. 然后兩周之內(nèi)都沒什么事發(fā)生
[23:17.59]Then they came back and took nine more. 但兩周后 他們又來 再抓走九個
[23:24.49]They're smart, 他們很聰明
[23:26.99]and they're animals. 他們是禽獸
[23:29.03]And they could be anywhere at any time. 隨時隨地他們都可能出現(xiàn)
[23:34.50]Now we're moving through the jungle-- 現(xiàn)在我們穿越叢林
[23:36.79]their jungle-- 這個屬于他們的叢林
[23:38.84]just so that you can save your little hick friend over here. 只有這樣 才救得了你這個鄉(xiāng)下人朋友
[23:43.44]And if you think that one gun and one bullet is gonna stop them, 如果你幻想 一把槍一發(fā)子彈能制服他們
[23:49.30]think again. 那你就慢慢幻想
[23:55.23]So shut your mouth and keep moving. 閉上你的臭嘴 繼續(xù)上路
[23:59.17]They took my son. 他們搶走了我兒子
[24:03.91]They took a lot of things. 他們搶走很多東西
[24:34.68]I know what it is to lose someone you care deeply about. 我明白你失去親人的感受
[24:46.65]You really think that this is all about Boone? 你真的認為我全因Boone才這樣?
[24:53.40]I saw Walt, Sayid.
[24:55.33]我見到Walt Sayid
[24:58.88]Then why are we sitting at Boone's grave?
[25:07.91]- Just go back, Sayid. - Where are you going?
[25:09.84]-你回去 Sayid -你去哪里?
[25:14.12]To find him. 在找Walt
[25:21.08]It came. 信來了
[25:23.51]Really? 真的?
[25:25.05]- Oh, my god. - Open it. -天啊 -打開看看
[25:32.52]- I can't open it. - You what? -我不行 -什么?
[25:35.48]You open it. 你來打開
[25:36.57]You have been waiting six months for this letter. No way I'm opening it. 你等這信等了六周 沒理由讓我來打開
[25:54.22]I got it. 我成了!
[25:55.26]- You got it? - I got it! -你成了? -成了!
[25:57.11]Oh, my god! You're going to New York! 噢 天 你要到紐約去了!
[26:00.37]Oh, my god! 天啊
[26:03.19]Hello? 喂?
[26:04.70]Yeah, this is her. 對 我就是
[26:08.68]Um, that's impossible. 那不可能
[26:12.66]Okay. Are you sure? 好的 你確定?
[26:15.95]Of course. 當(dāng)然
[26:17.80]I will certainly do that. 我會的
[26:20.22]Sorry. 對不起
[26:24.37]What? 什么?
[26:26.34]My rent check bounced. 我房租卡沒錢了
[26:29.70]But you're, like, rich. 但你看起來...很有錢
[26:36.62]I'm sorry. I would have offered you something to drink, 對不起 我應(yīng)該給點東西你喝的
[26:38.59]but I have to be at a meeting in ten minutes. 但十分鐘后我要參加一個會議
[26:41.19]Yeah. Um... my checks are bouncing. 我的房租卡沒錢了
[26:45.59]Well, that's what happens when you make withdrawals 那是因為你要搬出去住
[26:47.77]and you don't make deposits, Shannon. 而你又不存款 Shannon
[26:49.77]When do I get the money dad left me? 什么時候我可以拿到 爸爸留給我的錢?
[26:54.67]The money from the will? 來自遺囑的錢
[26:57.84]There was no will. 沒有什么遺囑
[27:00.54]What? 什么?
[27:02.88]Shannon, your father and I had a living trust. Shannon 你父親和我有個生前信托
[27:06.98]Everything passed to me. 所有東西都歸我
[27:08.91]I'm afraid there was nothing specifically designated for you. 恐怕沒有東西指定給你的
[27:14.68]Why would he do that? 他為什么要那么做?
[27:16.64]Well, maybe he just wanted you to find your own way. 也許他想你自力更生
[27:20.72]We all have to work, Shannon. 我們都要工作 Shannon
[27:23.12]Most of us are the better for it. 工作才有錢
[27:25.85]I can work. I just got this really prestigious internship, 我會工作 我剛得到這個有名的實習(xí)機會
[27:30.01]and I'm not gonna make any money for awhile, 我暫時不會賺到錢
[27:32.78]but I'm gonna be working, like, 16 hours a day. 但我將會工作...每天16個小時
[27:35.65]The only thing I've ever seen you do 16 hours a day straight is sleep. 我知道你唯一能連續(xù)做16個小時的事 就是睡覺
[27:40.77]I just need to get to New York. 我只是要到紐約去
[27:46.63]I need just something-- something to get started. 我只是需要點資金起步
[27:52.20]I'll pay you back. 我會還你的
[27:53.72]This week it's an internship. 這周是實習(xí)
[27:56.29]Last year it was what, interior design? 去年是什么來著 內(nèi)景設(shè)計?
[28:01.37]You'll never pay me back. 你永遠還不了錢給我
[28:04.52]And you'll only hate yourself even more. 那樣你只會更憎恨自己
[28:09.10]I really want this, Sabrina. 我真的很需要錢 Sabrina
[28:12.14]I can do this. 我會做得很出色的
[28:16.36]I'm sorry, Shannon. 對不起 Shannon
[28:22.76]You're on your own. 你自己看著辦吧
[28:38.77]Oh. Double sixes. How nice for you. 噢 雙六 你真厲害
[28:42.29]Lucky. 運氣
[28:51.29]I hope you didn't get the wrong idea, 看到我抱著孩子
[28:53.69]seeing me with the baby. 希望你不要想歪了
[28:56.74]What wrong idea would that be? 什么想歪了?
[29:00.25]You and Claire are close, and 你和Claire感情很好
[29:02.37]you spend a lot of time with Aaron. 你花很多時間來陪Aaron
[29:05.03]I just wouldn't want to overstep my bounds. 我只是不想我越過我的底線
[29:09.09]Did she tell you we had a fight? 她有沒有告訴你我們發(fā)生口角?
[29:12.20]She didn't say it was a fight. 她認為這不是口角
[29:18.84]She was gonna give it up, you know. 她打算忘了這件事
[29:21.77]For adoption. 為了孩子
[29:24.30]She tell you that? 她告訴你了嗎?
[29:25.89]Yeah, when I built the cradle. 在我做搖籃的時候她告訴了我
[29:30.42]Oh, of course. 那也是
[29:33.14]When you built the cradle. 在你做搖籃時
[29:36.50]- Why do you ask? - She's... -為什么問這個? -她...
[29:40.23]She's got a bit to learn about being a mum-- 要做媽媽 她還有很多東西要學(xué)
[29:43.91]responsibility and all. 責(zé)任 還有很多很多
[29:46.65]Hmm. Now that's an interesting thingto say 嗯 有件有趣的事情要說說
[29:51.01]for a heroin addict. 海洛因癮君子
[29:54.67]Recovering addict. 正在戒毒的癮君子
[29:57.67]Recovering. 正在戒毒
[30:05.37]It's your turn. 該你擲了
[30:30.47]Here, let me help you. 來 我來幫你
[30:34.99]I got him. 我來
[30:36.91]I said I got him, man. Take a break. 我說我來 伙計 休息一下
[30:39.42]Look-- 聽著...
[30:40.43]What, you suddenly give a damn about me? 什么? 你突然關(guān)心起我來了?
[30:45.91]Just leave me alone, both of you. 你們兩個都不要理我
[30:50.42]I got it. 我行
[30:54.74]Hey! 嘿
[30:55.75]Hey! Hey, hey, hey! Hey. 嘿 嘿
[30:59.54]Come here. 來
[31:00.93]Come here. 來
[31:03.75]Hey. Sawyer? Hey, you okay? 嘿 Sawyer 沒事吧?
[31:09.80]I would've left you behind. 我丟下你不理...
[31:12.30]Shut up, man. Don't try that. 住口 老友 別傻
[31:15.71]I did leave you behind. 我確實曾拋下你不理
[31:18.57]Yeah, well, good thing I ain't you. 好在我不是你
[31:30.03]Hey! Uh, hey, hey! No, no, no, no. Sawyer! Sawyer! 嘿 不要 Sawyer!
[31:35.85]Sawyer! Hey! Sawyer! 嘿
[31:39.88]Water! Water! 水! 水!
[31:41.61]- Sawyer! - Here you go. -Sawyer!
[31:43.05]Sawyer. Come on, man. Sawyer! 醒醒 老友
[31:45.28]Here. Here. 給
[31:48.29]Come on. 快
[31:50.74]Sawyer. Sawyer
[31:56.53]What's the matter with him? 他到底怎么了?
[31:57.56]Well, the fever-- he's got an infection. He's dehydrated. 嗯...他發(fā)燒了 傷口感染 身體脫水
[32:00.50]We gotta keep moving. 我們得繼續(xù)前進
[32:02.72]- What? - We gotta keep going. -什么? -得繼續(xù)前進
[32:06.50]You want to stay, that's fine. But we're rolling out. 你想原地不動 好 但我們要動身了
[32:09.54]We can't just leave him, Ana. 我們不能丟下他不理 Ana
[32:11.44]Maybe if we just rest a little while, he'll regain consciousness. 也許如果我們再休息一會 他會恢復(fù)意識
[32:14.73]Rest? Here? 休息? 在這?
[32:17.56]Do you remember what happened to us, what they did to us? 你還記得我們所發(fā)生的事 他們怎樣對我們嗎?
[32:22.86]You remember Goodwin? 你還記得Goodwin嗎?
[32:29.62]Ana's right. Maybe we should just push on. Ana說得對 也許我們要上路了
[32:32.07]Hey, you know what? I don't remember Goodwin. 我不知道什么Goodwin
[32:34.74]And I'm really sorry about whatever happened to him, but I don't care. 對他的事我感到很抱歉 但我可不管
[32:39.76]Mr. Eko? Eko先生?
[32:42.63]Can you help me make a stretcher? 能幫我做個擔(dān)架嗎?
[32:52.07]Hey, Bernard, I need four sticks. Sturdy ones about 5 feet long. Bernard 我需要4根木棒 5英尺長 結(jié)實的那種
[32:56.93]Yeah. You got it. 好 知道了
[32:58.12]You're gonna carry your friend? 你打算抬你朋友走?
[32:59.68]Yeah. We're gonna carry him. 對 我們打算抬他
[33:07.53]Why are you doing this, Shannon? 為什么你這么做 Shannon?
[33:10.47]I didn't ask you to follow me. 我沒叫你跟我來
[33:12.55]No, you'd rather be out here alone and get lost or hurt. 你這樣子出來 很容易迷路和受傷的
[33:15.19]I don't need your help, Sayid. 我不需要你的幫忙 Sayid
[33:16.81]Walt is not out here! Walt不在這里
[33:19.04]You're following a labrador, not a bloodhound, 你跟著的是條拉布拉多狗 不是警犬
[33:21.37]in an effort to find a boy who is on a raft in the middle of the ocean! 找在海洋中一只木筏上的小孩
[33:23.89]- He's not on the raft. - What are you talking about? -他不在木筏上 -你說什么?
[33:28.42]We found the bottle on the beach. 我們在沙灘上找到那瓶子
[33:32.58]The bottle with the messages that they brought with them? 那個他們帶在筏上的裝有紙條的瓶子?
[33:38.66]I know he's out here somewhere. 我知道他在這里某個地方
[33:41.38]I saw Walt. 我見到Walt!
[33:44.29]And the raft is gone, and he is all alone. 木筏沒有了 他孤身一人
[33:52.62]Shannon. Shannon
[34:59.21]Come on. 用力
[35:10.96]Cindy? Cindy ?
[35:12.55]Okay. 好了
[35:13.83]Here. 這邊
[35:14.96]Cindy! Cindy ?
[35:16.96]Where's Cindy? Cindy在哪里了?
[35:20.31]She was just here. 剛才還在這里的
[35:21.39]Cindy. Cindy! Cindy Cindy!
[35:24.20]I don't know. She was-- - Did they take her? 我不知道 她... -他們捉了她去?
[35:26.25]How could she just be gone? 她怎么一下子不見了?
[35:27.44]Cindy! Cindy! Cindy Cindy!
[35:30.04]I'm going after her. 我去找她
[35:31.89]No. We stay together. 不 我們在一起
[35:34.39]We split up, we give them what they want. 我們分開 那正合他們的意
[35:37.67]This is all your fault. 全是你的錯
[35:39.36]We never should have gone through the jungle. 我們本不應(yīng)穿越叢林的
[35:42.07]You risked our lives to save him. He's already dead! 你用我們的性命冒險去救他 而他已經(jīng)快死了
[35:46.92]This one's on you. 這次錯在你
[36:01.26]What the hell is that? 那什么鬼東西?
[36:09.51]Oh, god! 天啊
[36:11.29]Run! 跑!
[36:20.79]- Hey. - Hey. -嘿 -嘿
[36:40.03]She said no. 她不答應(yīng)
[36:47.11]I guess she knew why I asked for the money. 我想她知道我為什么要向她要錢
[36:52.30]Can I crash at your place in New York for... 在紐約 我可以到你那里借宿嗎?
[36:55.06]just a little while, until I get on my feet? 就一會 直到我站穩(wěn)腳跟?
[37:06.90]I'm leaving New York. She offered me a job. 我要離開紐約 她給了我一份工作
[37:15.01]You're going to work for your mother? 你要為你媽媽干活?
[37:17.15]It's a really good job, Shannon. 那份工真的很好 Shannon
[37:26.54]Look, this is all I have right now, 現(xiàn)在我僅有這么多
[37:28.20]but my trust fund's gonna kick in at the end of the month. 這個月尾我的信托基金就會入我?guī)?br /> [37:30.47]And after that I could absolutely keep you afloat. 那樣的話 我絕對可以養(yǎng)活你
[37:33.47]Thank you, but, um... 謝謝 但是...
[37:37.26]I'm gonna figure out a way to make my own money. 我得想個法子自己賺錢
[37:39.68]But who knows when that's gonna be? Just take it. 但誰知道以后會怎樣? 拿去吧!
[37:44.55]What, you don't think I can do it? 你認為我做不到?
[37:47.10]I didn't say that. 我沒這么說
[37:49.00]You believe I can, or don't you, Boone? 你信我還是不信我 Boone?
[37:55.37]Okay, you know what? 好 你知道嗎
[37:57.54]I really want you to just take your money, go work for your mother. 我只想你拿回你的錢 給你媽媽賣命去
[38:01.40]I don't want it. Just take it, all right? 我不想要
[38:03.44]- I'm trying to help you, Shannon! - I don't want your money! -我只是想幫你 Shannon! -我不想要你的錢!
[38:08.15]Okay. 那好
[38:21.52]Shannon! Shannon !
[38:23.91]Are you okay? 你沒事吧
[38:25.16]Do not help me up! 不要幫我!
[38:33.06]Let's go back. 我們回去吧
[38:40.54]Why don't you believe me? 為什么你不信我?
[38:46.68]I need you to believe in me! 我需要你相信我
[38:49.55]- I do believe in you. - You don't! -我真的相信你 -你沒有!
[38:52.71]No one does. 沒人信我
[38:56.03]They think that I am some kind of joke. 他們認為我只是個笑話
[39:00.69]They think I'm worthless. 他們認為我很沒用
[39:02.81]Shannon, you are not worthless. Shannon 你并非沒用
[39:05.90]You say that now, 你是這么說
[39:09.31]but you don't... 但你還是不信我...
[39:14.32]you're just gonna leave me. 你將拋下我不理...
[39:20.16]I know as soon as we get out of here, you're just gonna leave me. 我知道我們一旦離開這里 你就會拋下我
[39:31.29]I will never leave you. 我永遠不會拋下你
[39:37.66]I love you. 我愛你
[39:43.11]And I believe you. 我也相信你
[39:47.31]You do? 真的嗎?
[39:51.13]I do. 真的
[40:26.74]Shh. 噓
[40:31.36]Do you see him? 你見到他了嗎?
[40:37.08]Walt! Walt !
[40:38.78]Walt! Walt !
[40:41.88]Walt! Walt !
[40:44.69]- Walt! - Shannon! -Walt! -Shannon !
[40:46.63]Walt! Wait! Walt!等等
[40:53.09]Shannon! Shannon !
[40:57.59]Shannon! Shannon !
[41:00.83]Shannon! Shannon !

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