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[00:01.00]Previously on Lost: 前情回顧:
[00:03.24]Stop! I'll shoot. 停 我要開槍了.
[00:05.08]No, you won't, Sun. 不 你不會的, Sun.
[00:09.12]Jack, I need your help. Jack, 我需要你的幫助.
[00:12.56]Those aren't hers. 那些不是她的
[00:17.00]She's gone. 她死了
[00:20.76]The plane was loaded with heroin. 飛機上裝滿了海洛因
[00:26.04]- Where did you find this? - I found it in the jungle. - 你在哪里找到這個的? - 我在叢林里找到的.
[00:28.68]Take me there. 帶我過去.
[00:40.24]Eko? Who's that? Eko? 他是?
[00:42.96]He's my brother. 他是我弟弟
[00:47.68]Forgive me. Forgive me. 寬恕我 寬恕我
[01:06.72]Here. Eat. 拿著 吃吧
[01:09.68]It's OK, Yemi. 沒關(guān)系的, Yemi.
[01:15.08]Eko. Eko.
[01:27.36]All right, Eko. Go. 好 Eko 去吧
[01:34.32]Did you hear me? Go! 有沒有聽到我的話? 過去
[01:36.04]Confess that you have stolen. 對你的偷竊行為進行懺悔
[01:38.64]Yemi was hungry. Yemi 很餓.
[01:40.48]That is not an excuse. You have sinned, Eko. 這可不是理由. 你犯了罪過, Eko.
[01:44.96]Hunger does not matter. 饑不饑餓不重要
[01:51.92]Now go. 去吧
[01:53.40]Ask God for forgiveness. 請求上帝寬恕
[02:16.76]Confess! 懺悔
[02:30.36]How long has he been like this? 他這樣多久了?
[02:32.64]Couple days now. 已經(jīng)好幾天了
[02:37.04]Eko? Eko?
[02:38.80]Can you hear me? 你能聽見我說話嗎?
[02:44.72]What happened to him? 他怎么了?
[02:46.44]Before or after we saved him from the polar bear cave? 你指我們把他從北極熊洞穴里 救出來之前還是之后?
[02:50.12]Come on. Locke will want to know you guys are back. 快點 Locke肯定想知道你們回來了
[02:58.80]Stay alive, dude, OK? 好好活著 兄弟, 好嗎?
[03:11.84]What are you doing here? 你在這里干什么?
[03:14.16]I have come to give my confession. 我來懺悔
[03:17.92]- Hello, Eko. - Hello, brother. - 你好, Eko. - 你好, 弟弟.
[03:21.04]I have some merchandise that I need to get out of the country. 我有些貨物需要運到國外.
[03:24.24]You mean drugs. 你是說毒品.
[03:25.32]You will make us priests. We will fly the drugs out ourselves. 你把我們變成神父的身份 然后我們自己空運出去
[03:28.36]My signature does not make you a priest, Eko. 我的簽名并不能讓你變成神父, Eko.
[03:31.32]You could never be a priest. 你永遠成不了神父
[03:35.24]- No more! Stop! No more! - Yemi! - 不 停 停! - Yemi!
[03:40.68]Yemi! No! Yemi! 不!
[03:52.40]Father? 神父?
[03:55.08]Are you OK, Father? 你還好吧 神父?
[03:58.24]Eko. Eko, wake up. Eko. Eko, 快醒醒
[04:15.80]It is time to confess. 是懺悔的時間了
[04:20.28]To be judged, brother. 被(上帝)評判
[04:26.44]I will be waiting. 我會一直等著
[04:29.44]You know where to find me. 你知道在哪能找到我.
[04:35.08]You guys smell smoke? 你們聞到煙味了嗎?
[04:38.80]- Get him clear! - Eko! Help me! - 把他移走! - Eko! 幫幫我e!
[04:44.92]- Pick him up. - Eko. Come on. - 把他抬出來. - Eko. 快點.
[04:47.36]- We got to get you out of here. - Cover him with a blanket. Careful. - 我們得離開這里. - 給他蓋上這個 小心.
[04:55.48]Lay him down. Lay him down. 把他放下 把他放下
[04:59.40]You're OK. You're all right. 你沒問題. 你很好.
[05:03.64]My brother. 我弟弟.
[05:07.48]- Brother. - You're all right. It's OK. - 我弟弟. - 你很好 沒事的
[05:11.00]- My brother. - You're all right. - 我弟弟. - 你很好 沒事的
[05:12.80]I'll be back. 我一會兒就回來
[05:14.52]Brother. Yemi. Yemi. 弟弟 Yemi. Yemi.
[05:17.52]Charlie, is everyone OK? Charlie, 大家都還好吧?
[05:19.92]- Yeah, we're good. - Where's Eko? - 是的 我們都還好 - Eko在哪里?
[05:22.56]Hurley and I pulled him out over... Hurley和我把他拉到了那邊
[05:27.72]He was right there. 他就在那里
[05:30.64]Eko? Eko?
[05:32.32]Eko? Eko?
[06:09.80]Good evening, Jack. 晚上好, Jack.
[06:13.28]Good evening, Ben. 晚上好, Ben.
[06:14.48]I was hoping you might join me for a walk. 我希望你能跟我一起去散步
[06:18.60]What? 怎么了?
[06:19.80]Well, you say that like... 你這么說 好像如果我不答應(yīng)的話
[06:21.88]...you won't throw a bag over my head and drag me out of here if I say no. 你就不會給我?guī)项^套 把我拖出去似的
[06:26.76]Then don't say no. 那就不要不答應(yīng)啊
[06:30.08]Why don't you put this on. 穿上這個吧
[06:37.88]I'll wait outside. 我在外面等
[06:41.72]Does it hurt? 痛嗎?
[06:45.20]Sorry? 你說什么?
[06:50.40]Your neck. Does it hurt? 你的脖子 痛不痛?
[06:53.44]Any numbness in your fingers and toes? 手指和腳趾有沒有麻木的感覺?
[06:55.68]Like pins and needles when your foot falls asleep, but permanent? 就像你的腳睡著了 有不舒服的刺痛 (pins & needles為醫(yī)學(xué)名稱), 但是永久性的?
[07:03.24]Why are you asking me these questions, Jack? 為什么問我這些問題, Jack?
[07:06.00]Because, Ben... 因為你...
[07:07.80]...you have a tumour on your spine. An aggressive tumour... ...脊柱上有個腫瘤. 惡性腫瘤...
[07:11.60]...that is going to kill you. ...會要你的命
[07:16.84]I don't know when those X-rays were taken, 我不知道我看到的那些X光片 是什么時候拍的
[07:19.16]but unless they were very recent... 除非是最近幾天的事...
[07:23.56]...you're not gonna be taking walks much longer. ...不然你就沒多久的命可以繼續(xù)散步了.
[07:28.08]I have no idea what you're talking about. 我不知道你在說什么
[07:30.36]OK. My mistake then. 好吧 那就是我錯了
[07:37.44]I'm ready whenever you are. 你好了我就可以走了
[07:57.88]Stay here. 待在這里
[08:14.12]As we prepare to send Colleen on her way, 在我們準備送Colleen上路之時
[08:17.08]- I'd like to take a moment to... - I hate funerals. - 我想花一點時間... - 我討厭葬禮.
[08:21.28]He let you out? 他讓你出來了?
[08:25.24]Gave me a new shirt too. 還給了我一件新衣服
[08:31.96]Bye, Jack. 再見, Jack.
[08:44.76]* I wonder *
[08:47.64]* My little darling *
[08:50.88]* Where can you be *
[08:53.60]* This moonlit night? *
[08:57.56]* Are you holding someone tight? *
[09:02.48]* I wonder *
[09:05.52]Why did you show him my X-rays? 你為什么把我的X光片給他看?
[09:08.64]I didn't tell him they were yours. 我沒告訴他那些是你的.
[09:10.40]* My heart *
[09:11.92]But I guess you did. 但我想你已經(jīng)告訴了他 * My heart is aching *
[09:15.64]* and I'm a fool *
[09:17.44]* I'm a fool *
[09:20.00]* To let it go on breaking *
[09:25.56]I think I know how to find Jack, Kate and Sawyer. 我想我知道怎樣找到Jack, Kate和Sawyer
[09:29.12]Can I ask why he's being included in the conversation? 我能問下為什么他也參與這番對話嗎?
[09:32.00]Is that supposed to hurt my feelings? 你這么問是想讓我難受嗎?
[09:33.96]Tell him what you told me. 把你告訴我的跟他再說一遍
[09:36.04]The computer in the hatch wasn't only for pushing the button. 艙里的電腦不是只用來按按鈕的
[09:40.32]Now I'm pretty sure 我蠻確信
[09:42.96]that it could be used to communicate with other stations. 它可以用來跟其他站點交流
[09:46.16]This is fascinating, 這個很有意思
[09:47.44]but you just told me the hatch exploded. 可你剛剛告訴我艙門爆炸了
[09:50.00]One of them did. 其中一個爆炸了
[09:52.72]You want to try and communicate with The Others. 你想嘗試著跟"那些人"交流?
[09:55.44]Yep. 是的
[09:57.32]No luck, dudes. We looked everywhere. 沒有運氣 伙計們. 我們找遍了所有地方
[10:00.48]Eko's gone. Eko不見了
[10:02.00]There was no trail. 沒留下什么痕跡
[10:03.32]Not that we know what a trail looks like. 事實上我們也不知道痕跡看起來是怎么樣的
[10:05.40]When you pulled him out, did he say anything? 你們把他從帳篷里拉出來的時候 他有沒有說什么?
[10:07.80]Nothing coherent. He was just mumbling. 沒什么有條理的東西 只是嘀咕
[10:10.64]"My brother, my brother." "我弟弟 我弟弟 "
[10:14.36]Sayid, pack your gear. We're going to that computer. Sayid, 收拾一下你的東西 我們?nèi)フ夷桥_電腦
[10:17.64]- Wait, what about Eko? - We'll catch up to him. - 等等 Eko怎么辦呢? - 我們會追上他的
[10:20.36]We're all going to the same place. 我們都是去同一個地方
[10:51.52]You are home, Father. 到家了 神父
[11:58.96]Father? 神父?
[12:02.56]Oh, I was looking for Father Yemi. 噢 我是來找Yemi神父的
[12:11.40]Father Yemi is gone. Yemi神父走了
[12:14.76]He was called away quite suddenly. 他是突然被叫走的
[12:17.04]An emergency at a refugee camp down south. 南部難民營那里有緊急情況
[12:21.04]I am Amina. I work at the clinic. 我是Amina 我在診所工作
[12:25.20]This is my son, Daniel. He's the altar boy here. 這是我兒子 Daniel 他是這里的圣童
[12:30.84]Are you taking his place? 你代替他的位置嗎?
[12:33.12]Yes. 是的
[12:35.40]Will Father Yemi still go to London? Yemi神父還會去倫敦嗎?
[12:38.32]- London? - He was leaving the end of the week. - 倫敦? - 他周末要走的
[12:40.88]He was going to continue his studies. 準備去繼續(xù)留學(xué)
[12:43.32]I will take his place there too. 我也會替他去的
[13:33.60]Don't! No! Please! 不 求求你
[13:35.84]No! 不要
[13:43.44]Confess. 懺悔
[13:59.00]We're heading out to the Pearl Station. There's a computer there 我們現(xiàn)在去珍珠站. 那里有臺電腦
[14:02.32]that might help find our people. Anybody want to come along? 能幫我們找到我們的人 有人想一起去嗎?
[14:06.40]What do you mean, "Anybody want to come along?" "有人想一起去嗎?"是什么意思?
[14:08.88]If you'd like to join us, it's a free island. 如果你想加入我們,這可是個免費的島嶼
[14:12.84]Yeah, see, Jack would go and do stuff alone... 我是說, 但Jack會單獨行動...
[14:16.28]...or he'd take Sayid or Kate. ...或者帶上Sayid、Kate
[14:19.32]Yeah, well... I'm not Jack. 好吧 但我不是Jack.
[14:24.48]- The more the merrier. - I'll go! - 人越多越好 - 我去!
[14:26.80]- Great. - What? - 很好. - 什么?
[14:28.52]Anybody else wanna come, meet at the tree line in ten minutes. Bring water. 還有人想一起去的話 十分鐘后在樹排那里跟我們匯合 帶上水
[14:33.08]You're not serious. 你不是認真的吧?
[14:35.12]What? You always whine about not being included. 什么? 你總是抱怨從來沒你的份
[14:38.32]Now's our chance. 現(xiàn)在就是我們的機會啊
[14:45.40]Would you mind if I ask you a question, brother? 介不介意我問你個問題 兄弟?
[14:47.88]- Shoot. - Are we going to poke at a computer... - 說吧. - 我們是去撥弄電腦...
[14:51.72]...or are we going after your man Eko? 還是去找 Eko?
[14:54.64]Two birds, one stone. 一石二鳥
[14:58.72]Eko's heading for the plane that crashed on top of the Pearl Station. Eko是去墜毀在珍珠站入口上面的飛機那里
[15:03.52]That's quite a coincidence. 那倒是很巧啊
[15:07.20]Don't mistake coincidence for fate. 別把巧合當成是命運
[15:50.04]You're not supposed to do that. That's holy water. 你不該那樣做. 那可是圣水
[15:54.00]I'm washing away my sins. 我是要洗去我的罪過
[15:56.40]- Father Yemi would never... - I am not Father Yemi. - Yemi神父絕對不會... - 我不是Yemi神父
[16:03.52]Wait there. 在那里等著
[16:18.60]Where is Father Yemi? Yemi神父在哪里?
[16:21.12]Who wants to know? 誰想知道?
[16:31.52]Perhaps you did not hear me. Where is Father Yemi? 也許你沒聽清楚我的話. 我是說 Yemi神父在哪里??
[16:34.12]The shipment is late. 運輸晚了
[16:35.88]I just got off the telephone. 我剛接完電話
[16:37.44]- They assure me it will arrive Friday. - What shipment? - 他們保證貨星期五能到. - 運的是什么貨?
[16:40.52]You should explain our arrangement to your new priest. 你應(yīng)該向新神父解釋一下我們的安排
[16:44.60]We receive shipments of vaccines from the Red Cross. We keep 20 percent. 我們從紅十字那接受一批疫苗. 我們被允許留20%的貨.
[16:48.72]The rest we give to Emeka and his men. 其余的給Emeka和他的人
[16:51.12]In exchange for protection. 以換取保護
[16:55.44]So you see, Father... 你知道了吧 神父...
[16:57.80]...everybody is happy. ...這樣大家都開心
[17:01.28]Everybody's happy. 大家都開心
[17:03.04]Everybody benefits. 人人得利
[17:05.60]So I hope you will continue to honour our arrangements. 所以我希望你能繼續(xù)遵守協(xié)議
[17:11.64]I am not afraid of you. 我不怕你
[17:30.64]I'll be back for the vaccine on Friday, Father. 我會在星期五來拿疫苗 神父
[17:34.36]You don't want more lives on your conscience. 你不想在良心上負擔(dān)更多人命吧
[18:34.00]Hello, Eko. 你好, Eko.
[18:52.56]You want to guess what's for lunch? 想猜猜午餐吃什么嗎?
[18:56.40]I'm not big on mysteries. 我對神秘的東西不太感興趣
[18:58.56]Of course you're not. 你當然不感興趣
[19:05.64]You people have cheeseburgers? 你們居然有漢堡包??
[19:08.68]You have no idea what I went through to make this for you. 你絕對想不到為了給你做這個,我花了多少力氣
[19:12.72]I killed the cow. Processed the meat. 我殺了頭牛 處理了牛肉
[19:15.00]Baked the bun. And the fries... 烤了面包. 還有炸薯條...
[19:19.32]...try rendering animal fat. ...試試熬動物油(你就知道有多難了)
[19:22.80]No ketchup? 沒番茄醬?
[19:32.52]- I'd like to talk to him. - OK. So talk to him. - 我想和他談?wù)?- 好 談吧
[19:36.80]- Alone, please. - I'm fine with her being here. - 單獨談 可以嗎 - 留她在這里我覺得沒有問題
[19:39.64]And I'm thrilled that you're fine, Jack, but it's private. 你覺得好我很高興, Jack, 但這是私人問題.
[19:43.04]Doctor-patient confidentiality. 醫(yī)生和病人間的保密協(xié)定.
[19:49.32]Sure. 是的.
[19:51.64]Of course. 當然
[19:58.60]Mind if I eat? 介意我吃東西嗎?
[20:07.04]We had such a wonderful plan to break you, Jack. 我們曾有過一個完美的計劃來攻克你, Jack.
[20:13.80]Break me? 攻克我?
[20:14.88]Wear you down until you were convinced we weren't your enemies. 跟你一直磨下去 到你相信我們不是敵人為止
[20:18.92]Get you to trust us. 讓你相信我們
[20:21.64]And then, of course, we'd lead you to believe that you were choosing to do 然后 當然 我們會讓你相信是你自己選擇做
[20:25.56]whatever we asked you to do. 任何我們叫你做的事
[20:27.52]All of this, of course, assumed that you would get invested. 這一切 顯然 是設(shè)定了你會投入感情的前提
[20:31.76]Invested in what? 對什么投入感情?
[20:34.04]Has it not occurred to you Juliet bears a striking resemblance to your ex-wife? 你難道不覺得Juliet和你的前妻驚人的相似嗎?
[20:45.36]Why are you telling me this? 你為什么要跟我提這個?
[20:47.04]I'm telling you this, Jack, because my wonderful plan... 我告訴你這個 Jack 是因為我完美的計劃...
[20:51.40]...got shot to sunshine ...徹底泡湯了
[20:53.28]when you saw my damned X-rays and figured out I was dying. 在你看到我那該死的X光片 發(fā)現(xiàn)我就要死了的那一刻.
[20:59.28]All of this... 這一切...
[21:02.00]...you brought me here to operate on you. You... ...你帶我來這里是為了給你做手術(shù). 你...
[21:05.72]You want me to save your life. 你想要我救你的命
[21:08.40]No. I want you to want to save my life. 不 我想要你自愿救我的命
[21:12.84]But we're beyond that now, so... 但我們現(xiàn)在是不能了 所以...
[21:19.08]All I can ask is that you think about it. 我能說的就是請你考慮一下
[21:33.60]Do you believe in God, Jack? 你信上帝嗎, Jack?
[21:36.60]Do you? 你呢?
[21:40.04]Two days after I found out I had a fatal tumour on my spine, 在我發(fā)現(xiàn)脊柱上有個致命腫瘤的兩天后,
[21:43.12]a spinal surgeon fell out of the sky. 一個脊柱外科醫(yī)生從天而降.
[21:48.88]And if that's not proof of God, 如果這都不是上帝存在的證明,
[21:51.80]I don't know what is. 我不知道什么才是.
[22:11.28]Hey. You sure you're all right? 嘿. 你確定你還好嗎?
[22:15.04]We can stop for a bit and catch our breaths. 我們可以停下來一會兒 透口氣s.
[22:18.88]I'm fine. 我很好
[22:22.84]You're heading for the plane wreckage, aren't you? 你往飛機殘骸那兒走 是嗎?
[22:25.76]Charlie heard you call out for your brother before you left the camp. 在你離開營地前 Charlie聽見你喊著你弟弟的名字
[22:30.28]Is that what you're doing out here? Looking for Yemi? 你就是為了這個來這里的 找Yemi?
[22:36.08]Do not speak my brother's name again. 不要再提我弟弟的名字
[22:40.40]What are you so afraid of, Eko? 你在畏懼什么, Eko?
[22:48.48]You need to come back in two days. 你要在兩天里回來
[22:50.60]Father, what can I do for you? 神父, 我能為你做什么?
[22:53.96]The vaccines that you spoke of, how often do these shipments come? 你說的那個疫苗,多久來運一次貨?
[22:57.96]Every six months, if we are lucky. 如果我們幸運的話 每六個月一次
[23:03.04]What makes you so interested in our shipments of vaccine, Father? 是什么讓你對我們的疫苗這么感興趣,神父?
[23:09.72]You agree to give most of it to the militia? 你同意把大部分貨給民兵衛(wèi)隊?
[23:12.80]The vaccines fetch a high price on the black markets. 在黑市里這疫苗能賣很高的價錢
[23:17.32]Whatever you are thinking, do not cross these men. 不管你在想什么 不要跟這些人作對
[23:20.68]Before Father Yemi, we got nothing. 在Yemi神父之前 我們一無所有
[23:23.16]We owe whatever vaccines we have to his work. 我們所有的疫苗都歸功于他的工作
[23:28.00]You remind me of him, you know. 你讓我想起了他
[23:31.08]You're a good man too. 你也是個好人
[23:52.72]I hear you have some vaccine to sell. 我聽說你手上有點疫苗要賣
[23:55.24]I do, but it has to be done by Sunday. I'm leaving the country. 沒錯 但周日前必須成交 我要出國
[23:59.56]No problem. 沒問題
[24:11.92]The hatch is over here by the plane. Why don't you take everybody down. 艙門在飛機這兒 不如你不把所有人都帶下去吧?
[24:15.44]And you? 你呢?
[24:17.40]I'll be there in a minute. 我一會兒就去
[24:22.20]- What's Eko looking for? - His brother's body's in that plane. - Eko在找什么 - 他弟弟的尸體在那飛機里
[24:49.72]So, what exactly did you see back there? 所以, 你在剛才那里到底看到了什么?
[24:55.08]I saw it once, you know. 要知道 我也曾經(jīng)看到過一次
[24:57.00]- And what did you see? - I saw a very bright light. - 你看到什么了? - 一道很亮的光
[25:03.24]It was beautiful. 很美
[25:08.00]That is not what I saw. 那不是我看到的
[25:52.08]My brother's gone. 我弟弟不見了
[25:57.84]You set the plane on fire. 你燒了飛機
[25:59.48]Yemi's body could've burned or... not to mention animals or... Yemi的尸體可能已經(jīng)成灰了... 更不用說動物 或者...
[26:14.72]So you don't want to come down there with us? 那么,你不和我們一起下去?
[26:23.60]No. I will wait here. 不 我在這里等
[26:26.20]Well... 好吧
[26:29.40]Oh, I forgot. 噢 我忘了
[26:31.84]I found this when I was looking for you. 我找你的時候發(fā)現(xiàn)了這個
[27:19.64]Hello, Father. 你好 神父
[27:23.44]I hear you have a shipment of vaccine for sale. 我聽說你有批疫苗要賣
[27:27.52]If you thought you could do this without me knowing... 如果你以為你可以瞞著我做這事
[27:30.80]...you don't know who I am. 你就太不了解我了
[27:36.20]You know... you're lucky, Father. 要知道... 你很幸運 神父
[27:39.72]I'm a superstitious man. 我是個迷信的人
[27:42.40]I don't relish taking the life of a holy man. 我不想要圣人的命
[27:45.64]That is why, today... 所以 今天...
[27:49.08]...l'm only going to cut off your hands. ...我只會砍掉你的手.
[28:06.88]No! 不!
[28:08.64]Please, no! No! 求求你! 不 不要!
[28:11.04]You do not know who I am. 你不了解我是誰
[28:49.00]I'm Dr Mark Wickmund, 我是Mark Wickmund博士
[28:50.48]and this is the orientation film for Station 5 of The Dharma Initiative. 這卷錄象是達摩計劃第五實驗站的情況說明
[28:55.12]Station 5, or The Pearl, is a monitoring station 第五實驗站,或者叫珍珠,是個觀察站
[28:59.24]where the activities of participants in Dharma Initiative projects 所有參與達摩計劃的項目人員
[29:03.28]can be observed and recorded... 其活動都會被觀察和記錄...
[29:05.52]- Well? - The wiring is only one-way. - 怎么樣? - 線路是單向的
[29:08.72]It's a closed system. A dead end. 這是個封閉系統(tǒng) 死胡同
[29:11.24]Hey, guys? 嘿 伙計們?
[29:13.32]What are these other TVs for? 這些其他電視是干什么的?
[29:15.72]- Sorry? - All these TVs. - 什么? - 這所有的電視.
[29:19.32]This guy says that there's six stations. 這人說有六個站
[29:21.88]Wait, here, check it out. 好 這里 看看
[29:28.44]...is a monitoring station ...是個觀察站
[29:30.12]where the activities of participants in Dharma Initiative projects 所有參與達摩計劃的項目人員
[29:34.04]can be observed and recorded... 其活動都會被觀察和記錄...
[29:36.16]"Projects." More than one. "項目 " 不止一個.
[29:38.44]So maybe some of these TVs are connected to the other hatches. 所以其中的有些電視可能與其他艙相連
[29:41.72]Well, I'm suddenly feeling very stupid. 我忽然覺得自己很蠢
[29:44.32]Perhaps I could patch in one of the other feeds, 或許我能接通其他線路
[29:46.72]see if we can get another picture. 看看能不能有別的畫面
[29:58.76]The toilet still works. 馬桶還能用
[30:04.36]Anything yet? 有什么嗎?
[30:08.36]Nothing. 沒有
[30:10.72]What about now? 現(xiàn)在呢?
[30:16.52]- John? - Yeah, we got something. - John? - 有了 看到東西了
[30:19.32]Wow. Wow.
[30:22.84]- What is it? - That's a good question. - 這是什么? - 問得好
[30:27.12]Those are computers. 那些是電腦
[30:28.88]Great. 很好
[30:30.00]That's what you're looking for. 就是你們要找的
[30:31.80]Now we can get out of here. 現(xiàn)在我們能出去了
[30:49.20]I guess he'll be expecting us. 我猜他會等我們出現(xiàn)
[31:04.04]- You don't trust me anymore? - I trust you just fine. - 你不再信任我了? - 我信
[31:06.96]Just thought I'd put a movie in. 只是想給你放本電影
[31:08.88]- I'll pass on the movie. - You'll like this one. - 我不想看什么電影 - 你會喜歡的
[31:11.32]To Kill a Mockingbird. It's a classic. To Kill A Mockingbird (<殺死一只知更鳥>,根據(jù)同名小說改編) 很經(jīng)典的
[31:13.84]- I don't want to watch a movie now. - I'll turn the sound down then. - 我現(xiàn)在沒心情看電影 - 那我把聲音關(guān)小
[31:20.76]I felt like I should apologize, say I'm sorry. 我想我應(yīng)該道歉 說聲對不起
[31:25.60]I'm sorry for bringing you here. 我對把你帶到這里
[31:28.24]And for everything that's been done to you and your friends. 還有我們對你和你朋友做過的事表示抱歉
[31:32.88]You have to know... 但你必須知道...
[31:35.44]...we were desperate. ...我們非常絕望
[31:38.20]It was all so we could save his life. 只有這樣才能救他 (忽略我說的所有話)
[31:44.52]Ben. Ben.
[31:47.56]He's a great man. 他是個大好人
[31:51.28]I know you find that hard to believe, but he is. 我知道你很難相信 但他確實是的 (Ben是個騙子)
[32:00.44]You probably feel like... 你也許覺得... (而且他非常危險)
[32:03.00]...you don't have a choice... ...你沒有選擇...
[32:05.24]...but you do, Jack. ...但其實你有的, Jack.
[32:09.56]Free will is all we've got. 我們擁有的也只有自由意志而已 (我們之中有人想要改變)
[32:18.76]Anyway, I just wanted to put in my two cents. 無論如何, 我只想表達我的意見 (必須像是我們已盡力救他)
[32:23.56](這就看你了 Jack)
[32:30.52]I told you before you can trust me. 我說過你可以信任我.
[32:36.28]I want you to trust me... 你要相信我...
[32:38.88]...now when I tell you that doing the surgery is absolutely ...現(xiàn)在我告訴你做手術(shù)是,
[32:43.44]the right thing for you to do. 絕對是明智之舉.
[32:45.64](這是個很復(fù)雜的手術(shù) 沒人會發(fā)現(xiàn))
[32:50.40]It's the right thing because he deserves to live. 這是對的,因為他應(yīng)該活下來 (而且我會保護你的)
[33:05.56]- Turn the movie off. - Jack. - 把電影關(guān)了 - Jack.
[33:07.60]Turn it off! Now. 關(guān)掉! 馬上.
[33:13.28]All right. It's off. 好吧 關(guān)掉了
[33:27.72]Think about what I said. Please. 好好想想我說的話
[33:43.64]- Where are you going? - London. - 你去哪里?? - 倫敦.
[33:46.88]Are you a bad man? 你是壞人嗎?
[33:52.40]My mum says you're a bad man. 我媽媽說你是壞人
[33:57.64]Only God knows. 只有上帝知道
[34:07.24]I see you have your vaccine. 我看你拿到疫苗了
[34:09.04]Do you expect me to be grateful? 你希望我心存感激嗎?
[34:11.40]I know what you were planning to do. 我知道你計劃做什么
[34:13.64]- Those men, I helped you... - They will be replaced by others! - 那些人 我?guī)椭?.. - 那些人會被其他人代替
[34:21.52]What are they doing? What is the meaning of this? 他們在做什么? 這是什么意思?
[34:25.12]We are boarding up the church. 他們在封教堂
[34:28.60]We can no longer use it. 已經(jīng)不能再用了
[34:31.00]This is Yemi's church. 這是Yemi的教堂
[34:33.16]- You have no right to do this. - It is no longer sacred. - 你們無權(quán)這么做 - 它已經(jīng)不神圣了
[34:36.56]And one day you will be judged for what you did. 總有一天上帝會懲治你
[34:41.08]If I were you, 如果我是你,
[34:42.80]I would start making my peace now. 我現(xiàn)在就開始彌補
[34:45.00]I would go to London and begin to repent 去倫敦 好好懺悔
[34:47.52]because you owe God for every life you've taken. 因為你欠上帝你奪走的每一條人命
[34:51.68]And you truly believe this is Yemi's? 你真的認為這是Yemi的?
[34:56.80]You owe him one church. 那你欠他一座教堂
[35:19.64]Yemi. Yemi.
[35:22.48]Wait. 等等
[35:26.12]Yemi. Yemi.
[35:29.68]Yemi. Yemi.
[35:33.12]You say you want to hear my confession. 你說過想要聽我的懺悔
[35:36.60]Why? Why now? 為什么? 為什么是現(xiàn)在?
[35:39.92]Show yourself. Where are you? 快現(xiàn)身! 你在哪里?
[35:43.28]Where? 哪里?
[36:03.80]Are you ready, Eko? 準備好了嗎, Eko?
[36:09.48]Yes. 是的
[36:12.16]I am ready, Yemi. 準備好了, Yemi.
[36:29.52]I ask for no forgiveness, Father. 我不請求任何原諒 神父
[36:33.60]For I have not sinned. 因為我沒有罪
[36:37.00]I have only done what I needed to do to survive. 我所做的一切 只是為了生存
[36:45.92]A small boy once asked me 曾有一個小男孩問我
[36:48.80]if I was a bad man. 是不是壞人
[36:52.28]If I could answer him now, 如果現(xiàn)在可以回答的話
[36:54.84]I would tell him 我會告訴他
[36:57.12]that, when I was a young boy, 當我還是個孩子的時候,
[37:00.04]I killed a man to save my brother's life. 為了救我弟弟 我殺了人
[37:07.84]I am not sorry for this. 我并不后悔
[37:11.00]I am proud of this. 我以此為榮
[37:21.84]I did not ask for the life that I was given... 我并沒有乞求給予我生命
[37:25.76]...but it was given, nonetheless. 但主還是給了....
[37:30.20]And with it... 我也盡了全力...
[37:32.08]...I did my best. ...做到最好.
[37:40.84]You speak to me as if I were your brother. 你跟我說話這架勢 好像我是你弟弟一樣
[37:49.44]Who are you? 那你是誰?
[37:58.40]Who are you?! 那你是誰?
[38:00.32]Who are you?! 那你是誰?
[38:08.80]Who are you? 那你是誰?
[38:31.16]The Lord is my shepherd. 主是我的牧者
[38:33.32]I shall not want. 我不要求
[38:35.72]He leadeth me in paths of righteousness... 他引領(lǐng)我們走上公正的道路...
[39:07.92]Eko. Eko.
[39:23.48]Oh, Eko. Oh, Eko.
[39:29.64]It's OK. It's OK. 沒事的. 沒事的
[40:36.00]What did he say, John? 他說什么, John?
[40:41.16]He said... we're next. 他說... 接下來就輪到我們.

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