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[00:01.04]Previously on Lost: "迷失" 前情提要
[00:02.60]You brought me to operate. 你把我?guī)磉@里 給你做手術(shù)
[00:04.12]You think I trust you, that I'm gonna just do the surgery 你以為我信任你 給你動手術(shù) 并期望你讓我走嗎?
[00:07.08]and hope that you let me go?
[00:09.04]Jack... you have to do it. Jack...
[00:12.36]How did they get you to ask me? What did they offer? 你必須這么做
[00:14.92]- Nothing! - Why are you here? - Jack 求你 - 他們給了你什么?
[00:14.92]- 沒什么 - 那你在這里做什么?
[00:16.48]They're gonna kill Sawyer! 他們要殺了Sawyer
[00:24.40]Tomorrow morning, first thing. 明天早上 大清早 我會取出你的腫瘤 保住你性命
[00:26.16]I'll get it out, and I'll keep you alive.
[00:30.68]I'm ready. 我準(zhǔn)備好了
[00:32.48]No! No! Sawyer, please! 不! 不!
[00:35.72]You get your hands off of him! Sawyer 求你! 你快把手從他身上挪開!
[00:39.88]I made a small incision in Ben's kidney sack. 我剛在Ben的腎上切了一個小口
[00:42.88]Now, if I don't stitch that back up in the next hour, he's dead. 如果在下個小時之內(nèi)不縫合的話 他就沒命了
[00:46.16]Now get in here and bring that walkie-talkie! 現(xiàn)在就給我進(jìn)來 帶上對講機(jī)
[01:34.08]Hello. 你好
[02:18.08]I fell asleep? 我睡著了
[02:19.52]With candles burning. That's real safe. 蠟紙還燒著 真是安全啊
[02:27.44]We don't have to keep doing this, you know. 我們不需要繼續(xù)這么做 你知道
[02:30.32]Are you saying that because you don't think it's gonna work? 你這么說 是因為你覺得它不會起作用
[02:34.00]Or because you're afraid he'll find out? 還是因為你害怕他會發(fā)現(xiàn)?
[02:39.92]Lift up your shirt. 撩起你的衣服
[02:58.24]OK. 好了
[03:01.88]- Some doctor you are. - I'm not doing this as your doctor, 你真是個好醫(yī)生
[03:03.16]我做這些不是因為我是你的醫(yī)生 因為我是你的妹妹
[03:04.76]I'm doing it as your sister.
[03:09.12]I don't like you being here alone. 我不希望你在這孤獨一人 過來和我住吧
[03:11.04]Come stay with me.
[03:12.64]I like living on the beach. 我喜歡住在海灘上
[03:15.60]This is Miami, Rachel. 這里是邁阿密 Rachel
[03:18.36]Everything's on the beach. 一切都在海灘上
[03:26.76]You have an hour head start before they come. Kate 在他們追你之前 你有一小時的時間逃跑
[03:29.04]Take the walkie, take Sawyer, go. 帶上對講機(jī) 和Sawyer快跑
[03:30.96]Wait, where are you? 等等 你在哪里? 你在哪?
[03:32.20]Kate, just listen to me! Do you remember what I told you on the beach? Kate 聽我說 好好聽我說
[03:35.72]Do you remember what story I told you when you were stitching me up? 記得你在幫我縫合時 我跟你說的那個故事嗎?
[03:39.80]- Do you remember it? - Yes! Yes! I remember! - 還記得嗎?! - 是的 是的 我記得!
[03:43.92]When you get safe, you radio me and you tell me that story. 等你安全之后 在對講機(jī)里 告訴我那個故事
[03:47.80]Jack, please... Jack 求你...
[03:48.88]If you don't call in an hour, I'll know something went wrong and he dies! 如果一小時內(nèi)我沒收到呼叫 就知道事情不妙 那他就得死!
[03:52.68]- I can't leave without you! - Yes, you are. Go. - 我不能扔下你 - 你可以的 快走
[03:55.12]- Jack, I can't! - Go! Now! - Jack 我不能 - 走! 快!
[03:57.24]- I can't! - Kate! Damn it! Run! 我不能!
[03:58.68]Kate 該死的 快跑!
[04:05.04]Juliet, stop the bleeding and stitch him up. Juliet 快止血 把他縫合起來
[04:08.04]She's not a surgeon. She can't fix this. 她不是外科醫(yī)生 她做不來的
[04:12.44]He's right. 他說得沒錯
[04:22.52]Let's go. 我們走
[04:26.00]- Warning. - Sawyer, let's go! Sawyer 我們走! Sawyer!
[04:28.60]- Warning. - Sawyer!
[04:41.40]Then what the hell do you suggest we do? 你他媽的到底要我們怎么做?
[04:46.16]Go get Danny, 去找Danny 然后找到Austen和Ford 把他們帶過來
[04:47.56]then find Austen and Ford and bring them back.
[04:51.16]No. You do that and Ben dies. 不 如果你這么做 Ben就死定了
[04:53.80]- Go. - No, you think I'm lying? - 去吧 - 你以為我在說謊?
[04:56.04]You think that this is a bluff? I will let him die. 你以為我在嚇唬你? 我真的會讓他死!
[04:58.80]No. Jack. You won't. 不 Jack 你不會!
[05:02.32]Go. Get them back. 去 把他們找回來
[05:05.52]If you have to... 如果必須的話...
[05:08.60]...kill them. 殺了他們
[05:24.08]<"#DB70DB">迷失 第03季 第07集
[05:34.36]生物研究大樓正處在 安全等級5
[05:47.96]- Hello? - Dr Burke? - 喂? - Burke醫(yī)生?
[05:49.52]- Yes. - It's Diana from Mittelos BioScience. 是的
[05:50.48]我是Mittelos生物科學(xué)的Diana 我想同您確認(rèn)下明天的預(yù)約
[05:52.20]- Confirming your appointment tomorrow. - 2.00, right?
[05:55.00]2.00. Dr Alpert asked me to tell you he's looking forward to meeting you. - 恩 2點好嗎? - 2點
[05:55.76]Alpert醫(yī)生讓我告訴您 他非常期待與您見面
[05:58.72]- Me, too. Thank you. - Goodbye. 我也是 謝謝你
[06:50.84]Stay here. 呆在這兒
[06:56.72]- Hello, Juliet. - Hey. 你好 Juliet
[07:02.40]Hey, Ed. 嘿 Ed
[07:06.44]Why exactly are you here? 你在這里做什么?
[07:08.20]Oh, today's lab work, 恩 我... 今天的實驗室工作
[07:11.20]I got home and I realized that I inverted some numbers. 我...我回家后發(fā)現(xiàn) 我顛倒了些數(shù)字
[07:14.80]It couldn't wait until morning? 不能等到明早嗎?
[07:19.00]- Edmund? - I'm sorry. 恩... Edmund?
[07:22.16]How rude of me. 對不起 我太失禮了
[07:23.44]Juliet, this is Sherry. Sherry, this is Juliet... 恩 Juliet 這是Sherry Sherry 這是Juliet
[07:27.04]...my ex-wife. 我的前妻
[07:31.80]Juliet's leaving. Juliet正要走了
[07:35.40]I am. 是的
[07:39.24]Jules... Jules?
[07:41.76]...could you please turn off the lights? 能不能麻煩你把燈關(guān)了?
[07:56.28]You haven't thought this through. Your plan's not going to work. 你還沒有徹底考慮全面 Jack 你的計劃不會成功的
[07:59.56]Yeah? Why's that? 是嗎? 為什么?
[08:01.16]Your friends won't make it to your side, because we're not on that island. 你的朋友們不可能回到你們的營地 因為我們不在那個島上
[08:06.60]We're on a smaller island, two miles off shore. 我們在一個更小的島 離海岸2英里
[08:11.20]Afraid so. 恐怕是的
[08:17.44]So, why don't we see if we can come up with some kind of peaceful resolution. 為什么我們就不能想出一個 和平的解決方法呢?
[08:24.04]- A peaceful resolution? - That's right. - 和平的解決方法? - 是的
[08:26.32]Is that what you call asking me to kill Ben while on the operating table? 是指你讓我在手術(shù)臺上殺了Ben
[08:30.00]- "Make it look like an accident"? - Ridiculous. - 并做得像一場意外? - 太荒謬了
[08:32.56]- What are you trying to do, Jack? - She said if I did, she'd protect me! - 她想要Ben去死 她說如果我這么做... - Tom 他在說謊
[08:33.88]- 她就會保護(hù)我 - 我不知道你要怎樣 Jack
[08:35.96]Enough! 夠了!
[08:40.24]Juliet, get out. Juliet 出去
[08:44.04]- Tom, he's lying! - You said you can't stitch him up? Tom 他在說謊
[08:45.56]你說你不能縫合他 那你也沒有必要在這里了
[08:47.28]Then you don't need to be in here.
[08:50.08]Go, Julie. 出去 Julie
[08:58.32]Don't let him fool you. 別讓他愚弄了你
[09:00.32]He'll never let a patient just die. 他不會眼睜睜看著病人死去的
[09:07.32]Hey! 嘿!
[09:08.76]Hey! Can anybody hear me? 嘿 有人聽見我嗎?!
[09:13.52]- What happened? - Open the cage! 發(fā)生什么了?
[09:15.72]- Where's... - Just open the damn cage! - 把籠子打開 - 他們在...
[09:36.44]That's our island? 那就是我們的島嗎?
[09:38.12]You didn't believe me before? 先前就告訴過你 你不相信?
[09:39.84]We need a boat. 我們需要一條船.
[09:41.08]And a couple of towels and a buffet lunch. 對啊 還有幾條毛巾還有一頓自助午餐
[09:43.16]We'll follow the beach. There's got to be one. 我們沿著海岸走
[09:45.64]How else do they get back and forth? 一定會找到一條船的
[09:47.60]Well, why don't we just stop and ask for directions? 我們?yōu)槭裁床煌O聛韱枂柭?
[09:53.16]- Jack, are you there? - Yeah? Jack 你在嗎?
[09:55.48]- Yeah, I'm here. - Are you OK? 是的 是的 我在
[09:57.20]- I'm fine. - Tell him I said hi. Get to the point! 你還好嗎?
[09:57.84]代我向他問好 快說重點!
[09:59.64]Jack, we need a boat. We need some way to get off of this island. Jack 我們需要一條船
[10:03.92]You heard her. 你聽到了
[10:06.12]How do they get off this island? 他們要怎么離開島?!
[10:09.92]What's he doing? 他在干什么?
[10:11.48]Kate? Kate! kate?
[10:17.32]Kate! 快跑 快跑!
[10:22.68]Come on! 快點!
[10:34.80]Come on! Go! Go, go! 走!
[10:35.52]走 走!
[11:06.28]This way! 這邊!
[11:08.80]Jason, you all right? Jason 你還好嗎?
[11:13.20]They're over there! 在那里! 在那里!
[11:23.24]Come on! Get inside! Get inside! Go! 快點!
[11:24.16]進(jìn)去 進(jìn)去!
[11:30.72]Come on! 快
[11:35.80]Be quiet, be quiet, be quiet! 安靜點 別出聲
[11:41.32]Be quiet... 什么?
[11:43.84]Where'd they go? 他們?nèi)ツ膬毫?
[11:45.40]That way. 那邊
[11:56.56]Nice to meet you, Sheena. 很高興見到你 Sheena
[12:00.44]Is it true? 是真的嗎?
[12:02.20]- Is what true? - What you said. 什么是真的?
[12:05.40]Did Juliet really ask you to kill him? Juliet 真的叫你殺了他?
[12:09.80]Yeah, and in about 40 minutes, she's gonna get her wish. 沒錯...
[12:11.24]再過40 分鐘 她就能得嘗所愿了
[12:20.24]That's not helping... 這...
[12:24.24]...anything. 作用
[12:29.68]Now... 現(xiàn)在...
[12:32.28]...could somebody please get Juliet? 有人能找到Juliet 嗎?
[12:45.28]Juliet? Juliet?
[12:47.64]Edmund wants to see you in his office. Edmund 要你去他的辦公室
[12:51.28]Do you work here? 你在這里工作嗎?
[12:53.28]I'm the new research assistant. 我是新來的研究助理
[12:57.00]Of course you are. 當(dāng)然
[13:13.64]I want in. 我想加入
[13:16.56]- In on what? - I know what you're doing, Juliet. 加入什么?
[13:17.72]我知道你在干什么 Juliet
[13:22.00]- I'm not really sure what you... - I read your notes. 我真的不知道你...
[13:25.64]I know what you took from the lab. 我知道你從實驗室拿了什么
[13:27.36]The only thing I don't know is... 我唯一不知道的是...
[13:30.24]...who's your guinea pig? 誰是你的實驗小白鼠?
[13:34.52]Ed, I've... Ed 我已經(jīng)...
[13:36.20]I've been doing my research in my own lab on my own time. 我在自己的實驗室里研究
[13:40.32]- I don't really see how... - It's your sister, isn't it? 用的是我自己的時間
[13:41.68]是你姐姐 對嗎?
[13:45.80]Jules, there's two ways this plays out. 聽著 Jules
[13:49.68]One is your research is potentially... 一種是 你的研究非常驚人
[13:56.40]And the other... 另一種
[13:58.44]...it raises some very serious ethical questions. 就是你引起了一些很嚴(yán)重的道德問題
[14:02.72]Maybe even criminal concerns. 甚至可能與犯罪扯上關(guān)系...
[14:06.48]But if you collaborate with me... 但是如果你與我合作
[14:10.44]...based on my reputation, 基于我的名譽(yù)
[14:13.32]all this is viewed as cutting-edge science. 所有一切都將被視為科學(xué)研究
[14:17.60]And we will win prizes and drink champagne... 而且我們會獲得榮譽(yù) 喝著香檳
[14:23.56]...and do a lot of good for people. 造福人類
[14:35.32]Why don't I give you time to think about it? 你為什么不花點時間仔細(xì)想想?
[14:53.92]Juliet. Juliet
[14:57.68]Ben's awake. Ben醒了
[15:00.88]How? 怎么會?
[15:02.28]Shephard says he's a spinal surgeon, not an anaesthesiologist. Shephard說他是脊椎科的外科大夫 可不是麻醉專家
[15:08.08]Ben's asking for you. Ben在找你
[15:19.08]This a hobby of yours, Underdog, digging holes? 這就是你的興趣愛好 刨坑挖洞?
[15:22.32]Yep. That and basket weaving. Want one? 沒錯 還有編制籃子
[15:27.68]- Have a tunnel to the mainland? - No, but I've got a boat. 有沒有通向主島的隧道?
[15:29.68]不 但我有船
[15:32.64]- Can we use it? - Yeah. 我們能用嗎?
[15:34.72]- But we've got to hurry. - Hold on a second, sister. 可以 但我們得快點
[15:37.28]You happen to find us in the woods, you have a boat 稍等 小妹妹
[15:39.76]and you're gonna let us use it? 你又碰巧有一條船
[15:39.72]而你又讓我們上船 哈?
[15:43.12]There's something we need to do first. 有些事我們得先去做
[15:45.84]My boyfriend is being held prisoner. 天啊...
[15:48.20]If you help me rescue him, I promise I'll get you back to the other island. 如果你幫我把他救出來 我保證
[15:52.40]Your boyfriend, 你的男友
[15:54.36]his name happen to be "Karl"? 他是叫karl嗎?
[15:58.84]Yeah. 沒錯
[16:01.56]Come on. 啊 快點
[16:06.88]- I stopped the surgery. - I know. 我暫停了手術(shù)
[16:11.00]I've been able to hear you for a few minutes now. 我聽你講話好幾分鐘了
[16:15.52]It's very clever of you. 你很聰明
[16:17.60]I should have seen it coming. 我早該預(yù)料到
[16:21.88]- Are you in pain? I can... - No. 你痛嗎?
[16:22.88]- 我可以... - 不
[16:25.60]But thanks all the same. 但是還是謝謝你了
[16:40.48]I'd like to speak to Juliet alone, please, Jack. 我想單獨和Juliet談?wù)?求你了 Jack
[16:43.92]No, no, I'm sorry. 不行
[16:45.56]Please. I'm asking you. 不行 我很抱歉
[16:45.72]求你了 我在請求你...
[16:49.00]One gentleman to another. 兩個紳士之間的要求
[16:52.72]It won't hurt you to give me three minutes, will it? 給我三分鐘不會對你有什么傷害...
[16:57.56]Knowing I have only 27 left. 要知道我只剩下27 分鐘?
[17:13.72]- If you touch him, if you try to... - I won't. 如果你碰他 如果你敢試試看--
[17:20.68]You've got three minutes. 好 就給你3分鐘
[17:45.48]I'm Tom, by the way. 順便說下 我是Tom
[18:07.12]They've got history. 他們有段過往
[18:26.44]I would like for you to go back in there, 我希望你回去
[18:28.60]put Ben under and finish the surgery. 麻醉Ben 完成手術(shù)
[18:33.20]And why would I wanna do that? 我為什么要這么做?
[18:35.88]Because I'm going to go help your friends escape. 因為我會幫你救出你的朋友
[18:49.88]Thank you for taking the time to let us make our pitch, Dr Burke. 感謝你花時間 Burke博士
[18:53.56]Mittelos BioScience is based in Oregon, we're just outside of Portland. Mittelos生物科技在奧勒岡州
[19:01.64]These shots might seem cheeseball, but our people really are this happy. 這些照片看起來有些假 但是我們的人真的都很快樂
[19:05.72]Now, why? Because we're privately funded. Privately funded means freedom. 為什么呢?
[19:13.20]We organize trips every week in and around the Portland area, 我們每周都組織在波特蘭附近的旅行
[19:16.40]which is just awesome for hiking, and biking, and river running. 對于遠(yuǎn)足 騎車 泛舟 都是極佳的選擇
[19:22.68]Look, when your company reached out to me, I was flattered, 聽著 當(dāng)你...
[19:27.24]but I don't really know why you would want me. 我真的很榮幸
[19:29.56]Is it true that you successfully impregnated a male field mouse? 您是不是成功給一個雄性田鼠受孕?
[19:35.24]Well, he didn't carry to term. 嚴(yán)格意義上還不算
[19:38.52]- You mind if I ask you something? - Sure. 介意我問你幾個問題嗎?
[19:45.32]What do you see? 你看見了什么?
[19:48.92]Well... it's a human womb, obviously. 很顯然 是個人類胚胎
[19:52.52]Judging from the decomposition of the endometrium, I'd say the woman was 70. 從子宮內(nèi)膜的分裂程度愛看
[19:57.00]- Actually, she's 26. - What happened to her? 不 事實上 她只有26
[20:01.20]What if I told you that you could have complete freedom and money to find out? 她怎么了?
[20:01.16]如果我告訴你 你可以有足夠的金錢和自由去研究怎樣?
[20:06.92]We think you're special, Dr Burke. 我覺得你很特別 Burke博士
[20:09.48]We want you to lead a team of highly trained people 我希望你領(lǐng)導(dǎo)一個受過嚴(yán)格訓(xùn)練的團(tuán)隊
[20:11.96]because we think you're just that good. 因為我們認(rèn)為你很出色
[20:14.88]I can't. 我不行
[20:17.24]Why can't you? 為什么不行?
[20:19.20]My ex-husband wouldn't let me. 我的前夫不會同意的 我...
[20:21.24]- He wouldn't give you this opportunity? - No. 他不想讓你獲得這次機(jī)會嗎?
[20:22.56]不 他不想讓我獲得任何東西
[20:24.08]He would never give the OK. 他永遠(yuǎn)不會同意的--
[20:25.96]- We could reach out to him. - Don't bother. 也許我們可以代表你去找他--
[20:28.40]- Must be something he'd respond to. - If he were hit by a bus. 不用麻煩了
[20:32.20]That would work. 怎樣?
[20:37.04]- That was totally inappropriate. - No. 這完全不合適
[20:38.00]不 不 不--
[20:38.96]不 我 哦...
[20:42.00]I'm sorry that I wasted your time. 很抱歉我浪費了你的時間
[20:44.84]- Dr Burke, please, you... - No. I'm sorry. Burke博士 請 你--
[20:45.28]不 很抱歉
[20:47.96]Whatever you think I am, I'm not. 無論你覺得我是什么人 你都錯了
[20:51.52]I'm not a leader, Mr Alpert. 我不是領(lǐng)導(dǎo) Alpert先生
[20:54.72]I'm a mess. 我什么都不是
[21:38.24]Oh, hell. 好啊
[21:50.60]Karl's gotta be in there. Karl一定是在那里
[21:52.60]What, you mean you ain't sure? 什么 你意思你不確定?
[21:54.92]It's the only place I haven't looked. 這是我唯一沒見過的地方
[21:57.08]- You know the guard? - Yeah. 你認(rèn)識守衛(wèi)?
[21:59.80]- His name's Aldo. - "Aldo"? 是的
[22:03.88]OK, Lollipop, tell me how we're gonna get by him with one gun and no bullets? 好吧 大頭妹 你能不能說說我們怎么能
[22:08.36]I've got an idea. 我有個主意
[22:10.96]Of course you do. 你當(dāng)然有
[22:14.12]- Open the door! - Alex? 開門!
[22:16.52]What the hell are you doing? Alex?
[22:18.00]They got out of their cages! I caught them in the jungle. Now open up! 你他媽的在干嗎?
[22:21.64]Just stop! You're not supposed to be here. Your dad's gonna kill you! 現(xiàn)在快開門 Aldo!
[22:21.44]哇 哇 停下來
[22:23.28]Alex 你不應(yīng)該在這里
[22:25.80]My dad was the one who told me to bring them here, to you. 如果你爸爸發(fā)現(xiàn)了 他會殺了我
[22:29.48]Look, maybe you should call him. I'm sure he's got nothing better to do. 或許你應(yīng)該和他打個電話
[22:40.72]- Danny, I need Ben. - Why? Danny 我要和Ben講話
[22:45.40]I got Alex here, she's got Austen and Ford with her... 為什么?!
[22:45.44]聽著 Alex在我這里
[22:50.08]Damn it! Whatever she says don't believe it! 媽的 不論她說什么 都別信
[22:52.36]You hold them right there, I'm on my... 你把他們留在你那
[22:55.24]Don't get mad at me because you fell for the old Wookiee Prisoner gag. 別生我的氣 因為你蠢得
[23:00.00]- Where's Karl? - What are you talking about? Karl在哪里?
[23:02.92]Shoot him in the knee. 朝他膝蓋開槍
[23:05.76]- What? - We don't have time. I'll do it. - 什么? - 把來復(fù)槍給我
[23:06.84]我們沒時間耗了 我來
[23:10.48]OK! All right! He's at the end of the hall! Room 23! Keys are in my pocket! 哇! 哇! 好吧!
[23:11.16]他在艙的最里面 23房間
[23:20.64]Good con, I almost believed you're gonna shoot him. 漂亮的騙術(shù) 雀斑女
[23:23.36]It wasn't a con. 不是騙術(shù)
[23:25.64]Here it is! 到了!
[24:31.64]Help! 你們的生活!
[24:42.32]You're OK. You're OK, Karl.
[24:55.80]Is he OK? 他還好吧?
[24:56.88]We got your boyfriend back. Where's your damn boat? 聽著 我們把你男朋友帶回去
[25:06.92]Idiot. 蠢材! 他們?nèi)四?
[25:08.00]- Where are they? - I don't know. Alex was with them. 我不知道
[25:11.16]Danny! Alex和他們一起
[25:13.88]We're letting them go. 我們放他們走
[25:15.32]- Letting 'em go? - Ben gave the order. 放他們走?
[25:17.52]- Ben's in surgery. - He woke up. Ben下了命令
[25:17.64]Ben在動手術(shù) 我剛剛就在那里
[25:19.52]- He woke up? - Shephard won't do the surgery 他醒了
[25:19.56]噢 他醒了 哈?
[25:21.76]unless he knows his friends are off the island. Do you want Ben to die? Shephard不會完成手術(shù) 除非他知道他朋友離開了島
[25:26.00]I know Ben would rather die than let them go! 我知道Ben死也不愿放他們走
[25:42.72]Hey. 嘿
[25:45.28]How was the interview? 面談怎么樣了?
[25:48.20]It's not for me. 不適合我
[25:50.16]- What? - It's fine. 什么?
[25:52.28]They're too far away anyway. It's Portland. 算了
[25:52.40]不管怎么說他們太遠(yuǎn)了 在波特蘭
[25:54.96]- You didn't say no because of me? - Why would I want to go to Portland Jules 你不用因為我而拒絕的
[25:56.36]為什么我要千里迢迢去波特蘭 做根本不會成功的研究?
[25:59.00]for research that doesn't even work?
[26:02.88]Because it does work. 因為它成功了
[26:11.00]I'm pregnant. 我懷孕了
[26:16.68]I'm pregnant. 我懷...我懷孕了
[26:20.08]- What? - Look, look... 什么?
[26:20.80]聽著 我也做了血液檢測
[26:22.80]I took a blood test, too.
[26:24.40]I didn't want to tell you till I was sure. 我不想在確定之前告訴你
[26:29.72]- It worked. - Yeah. 成功了
[26:38.36]My whole life, all I ever wanted was to have a baby 傾其一生 我只想有個孩子
[26:41.12]and now because of you I can! 現(xiàn)在 因為你 我就要...
[26:48.32]God, now I just need to get healthy! 上帝啊 我現(xiàn)在只需要保持健康
[26:51.88]Now I just need to get healthy 現(xiàn)在我只需要 我只需要保持健康
[26:53.96]so I can see the bugger get into an lvy League school. 就能看著小家伙進(jìn)常春藤盟校 你知道嗎?
[26:58.28]Of course you will. You will. 你會的
[27:00.92]Now you can tell that bastard ex-husband of yours what he can do with his ethics. 你會的
[27:00.12]嘿 現(xiàn)在你可以告訴你那狠心的前夫 他那所謂的道德問題
[27:09.08]Because you're insufferable, and you're mean. 因為你太傲慢 太小氣了
[27:12.92]You asked me for the truth, Mom, and that... 好 你問過我真相 媽媽 那是...
[27:15.36]Ed. Ed!
[27:17.92]Let me call you later, OK? OK, bye. 我晚點打給你 好嗎?
[27:21.36]- Hello, Jules. What's up? - She's pregnant. 再見
[27:21.56]你好 Jules
[27:25.68]- Excuse me? - It worked. Rachel's pregnant. 什么?
[27:31.72]Julie 那是...
[27:35.48]Wow. 哇 呃...我想要 呃 我想要參觀你的實驗室
[27:37.80]I need to see your labs. We'll have to verify the data. 我們要核實一下數(shù)據(jù)在...
[27:41.20]No. 不
[27:42.96]I'm not interested in publishing, Ed. 我對公之于眾沒興趣 Ed
[27:46.04]It's my sister. 她是我姐姐
[27:47.76]Fine. If you're not interested, why are you concerned if... 好 如果你沒興趣 那為什么要關(guān)心...
[28:10.04]- You OK? - Yeah. 你還好嗎?
[28:13.32]I just don't like blood too much. 我只是不怎么喜歡血
[28:16.16]Well, then you probably won't want to be looking at that. 好...那你可能不想要看這個
[28:23.96]So, if you really can get off the island, 那 呃 如果你們真的能離開這島
[28:26.84]why didn't you just take him to a facility? 為什么不帶他去醫(yī)療結(jié)構(gòu)?
[28:29.08]Why all this? 為什么要這樣?
[28:31.16]Because ever since the sky turned purple, we... 因為自從天變紫色以后 我們--
[28:35.28]- What the hell happened? - I just nicked an artery. 發(fā)生了什么事?!
[28:39.32]- Isn't that what you already did? - Yeah, well, that was on purpose. 就和你以前干的一樣?!
[28:41.08]是啊 那次是故意的
[28:44.48]Can you fix it? 噢...你能彌補(bǔ)嗎?
[28:46.92]Damn it! 該死
[28:53.88]- You got him? - I got him. - 你扶住他了? - 我扶住了
[28:57.56]- Karl? - Nice ride. 不錯的船
[28:59.00]- Karl, we're gonna go now, OK? - Help me. 幫我 我們要走了 好嗎?
[29:01.68]Can you stand? OK. Come on. 你能站嗎?
[29:03.56]好了 來吧
[29:07.48]So... you're the boss's daughter? 那么...你是老大的女兒 對嗎?
[29:11.84]I never saw that coming. Let's go, Cheech. 還真沒預(yù)料到呢
[29:14.36]走吧 醉鬼
[29:15.96]We're going for a little ride. 我們要搭會順風(fēng)船
[29:18.40]- Careful. - All right. Easy. - 小心點 - 簡單
[29:21.68]I'm gonna put you in the boat, all right? 我要把你放在船上 好嗎?
[29:24.64]Wait, wait. 等等
[29:28.68]- Are you OK? - Danny. - 你會好的 - Danny...
[29:29.88]No. "Sawyer." 不 Sawyer
[29:32.52]Danny! Danny!
[29:47.64]- No! - Danny! - 不! - Danny!
[30:06.72]- What happened? - I can't see. 怎么了? 他是...
[30:08.52]- What? - There's too much blood. 我看不見了
[30:10.72]All right, get over here. 我看不見了
[30:10.84]好吧 過來
[30:12.40]Tom, he is going to die if you don't get over here now. Tom 你再不過來他就會死
[30:19.00]Go. 走
[30:22.00]Get out of here. 離開這里
[30:25.04]You heard the lady. 你聽到那女士的話了
[30:28.76]- Let's go! - Not you, Alex. 走吧
[30:30.00]不是你 Alex
[30:31.92]- You're staying. - Why? 你留下
[30:34.48]We both know your father. Why?
[30:36.04]And the only way he'll let Karl live is if you're here when he wakes up. 我們都知道你爸爸 他讓Karl活下來的唯一辦法
[30:43.12]I'm sorry, Alex. 我很抱歉 Alex
[30:53.32]Hey, Alex. 嘿 Alex
[30:55.04]Hey. 嘿
[30:57.24]I missed you. 我想你
[30:59.36]I know. I missed you, too. 我知道
[31:04.32]You have to go away now... 你現(xiàn)在必須要走 我會馬上來見你的 好嗎?
[31:06.88]...but I'll see you real soon, OK?
[31:10.04]I love you. 我愛你
[31:16.80]I have to go to sleep now. 我要睡了
[31:30.40]Wait. 等等
[31:34.88]Easy. OK. Easy. 慢慢來 好 慢慢來
[31:40.24]Wait, wait... 等等...穩(wěn)住 該死的
[31:41.32]Keep it steady, damn it! Hold it steady. 穩(wěn)住
[31:46.72]Jack, are you there? Jack 你在嗎?
[31:53.28]All right, hold that up to me. The walkie. Hold it up to me. 好吧 拿給我
[31:56.72]- What about the suction? - Just do it! 對講機(jī) 拿給我
[31:56.80]- 手術(shù)怎么辦? - 照做就是了!
[32:05.60]Yeah, I'm here, Kate. You OK? 我在聽 Kate
[32:08.20]Yeah, I... We've got a boat. They're letting us go. 是的 我...我們有船了
[32:12.24]Who's letting you go? 他們讓我們走
[32:14.92]The blonde woman. 金發(fā)碧眼的女人
[32:16.68]- So you're safe? You and Sawyer? - Yes! Yeah. 這么說你和Sawyer都還安全?
[32:20.04]- Tell me. - Tell you? 告訴我
[32:23.28]On the beach, the day of the crash, the story I told you. 告訴你什么?
[32:26.16]If you're safe, tell me. 我跟你說的故事...
[32:26.12]如果你現(xiàn)在安全 就告訴我
[32:28.36]- You think this is the best time to... - Shut up! 現(xiàn)在說這些可不是時候...
[32:33.36]You... were doing a surgery on a girl. 你...
[32:39.32]And you messed up. 你搞砸了
[32:41.04]You made a mistake. 你犯了個錯誤
[32:44.36]You tore something on her back and all the nerves came loose. 你撕裂了她背部的什么 所有神經(jīng)都松落了...
[32:52.32]And you said you were so afraid. 你說你害怕極了...
[32:56.68]And you said the fear was so... 你說那種恐懼是那么的...
[33:00.56]...real. 真的 你當(dāng)時不知所措...
[33:03.12]And you didn't know what to do.
[33:09.52]So you counted to five. 你數(shù)著數(shù) 從一數(shù)到五...
[33:14.56]And then you weren't afraid anymore. 之后你再也不怕了...
[33:18.36]And then it was just gone. 恐懼的感覺就這么消失了...
[33:24.28]And you fixed her. 你醫(yī)好了她
[33:27.00]You saved her. 你救了她
[33:46.88]I need you to make me a promise, Kate. kate 我要你保證
[33:49.40]Jack? Jack...
[33:50.52]Promise me that you'll never come back here for me. 保證不再為了我而回來
[33:55.40]Don't come back, Kate. kate 別再回來了
[33:56.72]- Jack, where are you? - Turn it off. Jack 你在哪
[33:59.48]Jack? Jack! Please, where are...? 關(guān)了它
[34:00.48]Jack 求你了 你在哪...
[34:14.12]Trades are coming up. 交易完成
[34:17.96]We gotta go. 我們得走了
[34:23.12]- Let's go. - OK. - 走吧 - 好
[35:12.16]We have some paperwork we need you to sign... 有些文件要你簽署 不過慢慢來
[35:15.12]...but take your time, there's no rush. 不著急
[35:17.28]Thank you. 謝謝
[36:18.88]Were you able to remove the tumour? 你有把握切除這腫瘤嗎?
[36:24.24]Yeah. 有
[36:29.36]You'll want to do a biopsy, see if it's malignant. 你幫他做個活組織切片檢查 看看是不是惡性腫瘤
[36:37.48]So, what now? I just go back to my cell? 現(xiàn)在怎么辦 要我回房間呆著嗎?
[36:42.00]Until they figure out what to do with you. 等著他們?nèi)绾翁幹媚惆?br /> [36:48.52]"They." "他們"...
[36:55.08]What'd he say? 他在說什么?
[36:57.32]- I'm sorry? - Ben. 什么?
[36:58.68]Ben 他說了什么讓你決定救他
[37:00.44]What did he say that made you want to save his life?
[37:07.24]It doesn't really matter what he said. 他說什么無關(guān)緊要
[37:09.24]It matters to me. 對我來說很重要
[37:12.40]After everything that I have been put through... 經(jīng)歷了這么多事情之后 你欠我個解釋
[37:17.20]...you owe me an answer.
[37:20.20]And I wanna know what he said. 我要知道他說了些什么
[37:40.64]Tissue? 紙巾?
[37:42.48]Thank you. Thanks. 謝謝
[37:55.36]- Have we met? - Hello, Dr Burke. 我們見過嗎?
[37:56.52]Burke醫(yī)生 你好
[38:00.84]- Mr Alpert? - I'm... so sorry for your loss. 是Alpert先生嗎?
[38:07.12]What are you doing here? 你在這干嗎?
[38:08.72]I saw what happened on the news and your office said you were down here. 我看了新聞報道
[38:12.88]I just wanted to express my condolences in person 你辦公室里的人說你到這來了
[38:16.08]before I went back to Portland. 表達(dá)下我個人的哀悼之情
[38:17.72]This is Ethan, he's one of my colleagues. 這位是Ethan
[38:19.80]It's a pleasure to meet you. 他是我的同事
[38:28.12]He was hit by a bus. 他被公交車撞了
[38:29.96]I know. They say you were there when it happened. It must... 我知道了 聽說事發(fā)時你就在現(xiàn)場
[38:32.96]No, no. In our interview... - 那肯定是 - 不 不 在我們面談時我當(dāng)時說..
[38:37.36]I said that I wanted him to get hit by a bus. 我說我希望...
[38:43.52]Dr Burke, I realize you're a little shook up right now, Burke醫(yī)生 我能理解你現(xiàn)在有點后怕
[38:46.60]but this is just a tragic accident. 但那是個意外
[38:48.96]You can't blame yourself. 你不必責(zé)怪自己
[38:51.44]I don't even remember you saying that. 我都忘記你說什么了
[38:58.44]Why are you here, Mr Alpert? Alpert先生 你為什么來這?
[39:01.00]Look, I know the timing is horrible, 看 我知道時間緊迫 我們來這是因為...
[39:04.56]but we came because we're that serious about getting you to come work with us.
[39:11.88]Just give us six months. 只要6個月
[39:13.64]If you need to, you can be back before your sister gives birth. 如果有必要 你可以在你姐姐臨產(chǎn)時再回來
[39:19.24]- How did you know that my? - We're very thorough 你怎么知道我的...
[39:21.88]in our recruitment process.
[39:33.08]Can my sister come? 我姐姐能來嗎?
[39:34.76]Won't work, we're pretty remote. 不可能 我們呆的地方相當(dāng)?shù)钠?br /> [39:36.64]She wouldn't have access to the treatment that she needs. 她得不到她期望的待遇的
[39:39.76]But it's Portland. There's plenty of clinics and... 但 但那是在波特蘭
[39:43.36]We're not quite in Portland. 事實上我們不止在波特蘭
[39:55.64]I want to know what he said. 我要知道他說的話
[40:03.40]I've been on this island for three years, Jack. Jack 我已經(jīng)在這島上呆了三年
[40:07.28]Three years, two months, and 28 days. 3年2個月28天
[40:14.36]He said that if I... 他說如果我...能讓他活下去...
[40:18.08]...let him live...
[40:21.52]...and I helped you... 如果我能協(xié)助你...
[40:28.48]...that he would finally let me go home. 他就讓我回家

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