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[00:01.00]Previously on Lost: "迷失"前情提要
[00:03.60]- Hugo, you can go back to your camp. - What about my friends? Hugo 你可以回去了
[00:07.04]Your job is to tell the rest of your people they can never come here. 我的朋友們呢?
[00:11.68]Rest in peace, Mr Eko. 安息吧 Eko
[00:16.16]And thank you for helping me find my... 謝謝你幫我找到我的...
[00:19.14]抬起頭朝北看 John
[00:23.76]I don't care what Jack said. 我不在乎Jack說過什么
[00:25.52]They've got him and we have to get him back. I owe him that. 他們抓住他了 我們得救他回來
[00:28.40]The Pearl is a monitoring station 我欠他的
[00:31.44]where the activities of participants in Dharma Initiative projects 那里可以觀察和記錄
[00:35.20]can be observed and recorded. 達(dá)摩計(jì)劃人員的一舉一動(dòng)
[00:43.64]I guess he'll be expecting us. 我想他等著我們呢
[00:58.64]To the left of it. Put it over there.
[01:01.72]A Ping-Pong table? Where'd the hell that come from? 乒乓臺(tái)?
[01:05.04]Jin found it when he was out looking for firewood. Jin拾柴火的時(shí)候找到的
[01:07.84]We made legs for it and paddles. 我們做了桌腿兒和球拍
[01:10.56]Now all we need is a ball. 就缺球了
[01:12.20]Found it? 找到的?
[01:13.76]Must have landed in the jungle when the hatch exploded. 肯定是艙門爆炸時(shí)掉進(jìn)叢林里的
[01:16.64]- I thought the hatch collapsed. - All I know is the sky turned purple. 我以為是艙門倒塌了
[01:17.94]聽著 哥們兒 我只知道天變紫了
[01:20.04]After that I don't ask questions. I just make myself a salad and move on. 那之后 我就不再問問題 只想安心過日子
[01:24.24]Yeah, I can see that's working for you. 是啊 看得出來
[01:26.32]Hey, you seen Kate around? 你見Kate了嗎?
[01:29.12]Wow, she's not back yet? 什么 她還沒回來?
[01:33.48]You guys find anything we can use for a ball? 你們找到能當(dāng)球用的東西了嗎?
[01:35.76]No. 沒
[01:38.84]That's my Guns and Ammo. Where did you get it? 嘿 那是我的"槍支與軍火"(軍事雜志)
[01:41.32]It was in the magazine stack. 你打哪兒找到的?
[01:43.80]We share things now. 那些東西現(xiàn)在是大伙兒的了
[01:46.08]Listen, Zorro, it was in my stuff. 聽著 佐羅 這是我的東西
[01:49.00]Stuff you decided to party with while you thought I was dead. 當(dāng)你們以為我死了的時(shí)候
[01:52.04]Listen, hillbilly, if you want it that bad, take it. 拿走取樂的東西
[01:52.02]聽著 鄉(xiāng)巴佬 如果你這么想要 拿去
[01:58.44]Just keep it. 你留著吧
[02:16.28]We need to eat. 我們得吃東西了
[02:20.64]Are we still on course? 我們走的路還對(duì)嗎?
[02:28.48]We're still heading north on a bearing of three-zero-five. 我們還在向北3-0-5的方向走 對(duì)的
[02:32.16]- Yes. - I'm sensing a lack of confidence. 是的
[02:34.84]We've been walking for two days following a bearing 我們走了兩天了
[02:37.48]provided by the carvings on a stick. 順著那棍子上刻的指南針刻度走
[02:39.64]- And? - We're going to chance upon the Others? 然后呢?
[02:40.58]你真覺得咱們能就這樣 找到那些人的營(yíng)地嗎?
[02:43.44]I don't know what we're going to chance on, Sayid, but... 我不知道我們將遇到什么 Sayid
[02:46.60]...my bearing is the only bearing we've got. 但是這個(gè)是我們唯一的定位器
[02:52.84]I'm going to find some fruit. 我摘點(diǎn)水果去
[02:54.68]Then we're going to have a rational conversation regarding our next move. John 關(guān)于我們下一步怎么辦 得理智的好好談一談
[04:14.30]<"#ffff00">迷失 第3季 第11集
[04:32.80]You all looking for something... like this? 你們都在找...這種東西?
[04:35.72]Cool, a ball. 哇 球耶
[04:38.68]We need to do a little quid pro quo first. 嗯 我們需要先做點(diǎn)小交易
[04:41.20]I've been gone, you thought the store was having a going-out-of-business sale, 我知道我不在的那段時(shí)候
[04:45.84]but now I'm back and I want what's mine. 但是現(xiàn)在我回來了 我要回我的東西
[04:48.40]Yeah, but it wasn't really yours to begin with. 是嗎? 但是這些本不是你的啊
[04:50.80]A: It was mine when I took it. 首先 我拿的時(shí)候就是我的了
[04:53.16]B: Who the hell are you? 其次 你他媽是誰?
[04:56.08]And C: Because I'm fair, I'm going to let you play me for it. 最后 我這人講究公平 你們可以跟我打球賭這些
[05:01.24]Play Ping-Pong? 打乒乓?
[05:03.00]That's right, Avalanche. You bastards put up your best player. 是啊 胖子
[05:06.72]One game. 玩一局 我贏了的話
[05:08.08]And when I crush them,
[05:09.68]you all got to bring me every piece of my stash back. 把我所有的東西都還給我
[05:13.24]If you lose? 你輸了呢?
[05:15.64]I ain't gonna lose, but... 我不可能輸 但是...
[05:19.04]...if I do... 如果我輸了 什么要求盡管提
[05:20.96]...tell you what, name it.
[05:32.68]Looks like Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon got something good. 喲 似乎"臥虎藏龍小姐"有什么點(diǎn)子啊
[05:36.56]Lay it on me. 盡管說
[05:39.48]No nicknames. 不許給人起外號(hào)
[05:41.40]If you lose, no nicknames for anyone. 如果你輸了 不許給任何人起外號(hào)
[05:45.36]For a week. 一周內(nèi)
[05:47.52]Nice. 好啊
[05:50.84]You're on. 就這么定了
[05:54.40]Pick your player. I'll be back in an hour, 你們選個(gè)人吧
[05:56.68]then let the slaughter begin. 我一小時(shí)后回來 然后殺你們個(gè)片甲不留
[06:04.24]Are you sure it's completely isolated? 你確定這個(gè)屋子周圍什么都沒有?
[06:07.60]I've circled the house. 我轉(zhuǎn)了一圈
[06:09.48]There's nothing but jungle surrounding it. Here. 只有叢林
[06:16.04]That dish still work? 那個(gè)發(fā)射器還好著嗎?
[06:17.56]A dish of that size would have broadcasting capabilities 這么大的衛(wèi)星發(fā)射器
[06:20.60]of thousands of miles. 幾千里內(nèi)應(yīng)該都能接收到信號(hào)
[06:23.12]Danielle, you once mentioned a radio tower. Danielle 你曾說過有個(gè)無線電塔
[06:26.52]- Is this it? - I have never been here before. 是這個(gè)嗎?
[06:31.76]The man in the house, seen him before? 屋子里那人 你說你曾見過他?
[06:33.68]On a video feed from the Pearl Station. 在珍珠站的錄像里
[06:36.52]- So who is he? - Only one way to find out. 那么他是誰?
[06:42.68]- We ask him. - What's this for? 我們?nèi)査?br /> [06:45.60]If I'm unarmed, he won't feel threatened. 這是干嗎?
[06:45.82]我不帶武器的話 他就不會(huì)覺得受威脅
[06:49.36]In case he is threatened, you can cover me from here. 萬一他還是覺得的話 你們可以從這掩護(hù)我
[06:53.28]Hey, where are you going? 嘿 你這是去哪兒?
[06:54.84]I have no interest in that man inside the house. 我對(duì)屋里那人沒興趣
[06:58.12]I have survived on the island 我之所以還能活下來 正是因?yàn)槎惚芘c他們的正面接觸
[06:59.68]precisely by avoiding these types of encounters.
[07:04.36]I'll wait for you by the stream. 我在小溪邊等你們
[07:07.00]For those of you who survive. 等能活下來的
[07:31.64]Najeev. Najeev. Najeev
[07:48.76]- Did you cook this? - Yes. I did. 這是你做的?
[07:52.04]Well, it's delicious. 是的
[07:55.92]My name is Sami. 我叫Sami
[07:58.00]Najeev. Thank you. 我叫Najeev 謝謝
[07:59.96]Please, sit. Sit. 請(qǐng)坐 坐啊
[08:04.52]So where are you from? 你是哪兒人 Najeev?
[08:05.92]- I'm Syrian. - Please. 我是敘利亞人
[08:09.02]你跟我一樣 都是伊拉克人
[08:19.12]What do you want from me? 你想干嗎?
[08:20.88]You're an excellent cook. 你是個(gè)很棒的廚師 而我...
[08:23.60]And I have a restaurant... 我有個(gè)餐館 比這里好很多
[08:26.32]...much nicer than this place.
[08:28.48]Come take a look. 來看看
[08:30.24]If you like it, I will hire you 如果你喜歡的話 我會(huì)雇你 薪水翻一番
[08:33.08]at twice your pay here.
[08:35.68]You're offering a stranger a job because of a single meal? 您因?yàn)橐活D飯就給一個(gè)陌生人工作?
[08:38.64]I'm offering you a job 我給你工作是因?yàn)槲覀冊(cè)谶@都是外人
[08:40.24]because we are outsiders here.
[08:43.04]And because... my chef just quit. 而且 我的主廚辭職了
[09:27.60]- No, he's been hit. - Not yet. You want to get shot too? 他被擊中了 被擊中了
[09:30.60]I didn't cross the line! We had a truce. 別急
[09:33.36]This is my land. You said I could stay here. 咱們休戰(zhàn)了!
[09:35.48]No. I am not who you think I am! - 我不... - 你們說過我可以待在這
[09:38.40]My name is Sayid Jarrah. 我叫Sayid Jarrah
[09:40.56]I was on a plane that crashed here months ago. 我?guī)讉€(gè)月前飛機(jī)失事 才到這的
[09:45.08]- A plane? - I'm unarmed. I swear. 飛機(jī)?!
[09:46.78]我沒武器 我發(fā)誓
[09:51.60]Stay right there. 就待在那兒!
[10:05.04]Drop the rifle! Drop it right now! 把來復(fù)槍扔掉!
[10:06.18]放下 現(xiàn)在
[10:07.80]Back up. Back up. 后退
[10:15.80]Are you all right? 還好嗎?
[10:17.96]You really did crash here? 你真的是墜機(jī)的嗎?
[10:19.76]Over 40 of us, yes. 是 我們40多人
[10:22.80]I'll go in first, make sure it's OK. 我先進(jìn)去 確保安全
[10:26.56]Who are you? 你是誰?
[10:28.56]My name is Mikhail Bakunin. 我叫Mikhail Bakunin
[10:31.96]And I am the last living member of the Dharma Initiative. 我是達(dá)摩計(jì)劃最后一個(gè)存活人員
[10:42.48]Watch your step. 小心
[10:46.52]Please. 請(qǐng) 坐下
[10:52.72]Here, let me. 讓我來
[10:56.28]You've had experience treating gunshot wounds? 你知道怎么清理槍傷?
[10:58.80]I spent some time in Afghanistan. 我在阿富汗斯坦待過
[11:01.92]I had experience with field medicine in the Soviet Army. 我接觸過戰(zhàn)地醫(yī)療
[11:07.20]In the kitchen on the top shelf there is a medical kit. 廚房頂架上有醫(yī)藥箱
[11:10.32]Will you bring it, please? 你能把它拿來嗎?
[11:13.20]It's all right, Kate. 沒事的 Kate
[11:23.44]- How did you get here? - I almost don't know where to begin. 你怎么到這的?
[11:27.52]Why don't you begin with the Dharma Initiative? 為什么不從達(dá)摩計(jì)劃說起?
[11:30.68]I grew up in Kiev and joined the Soviet Army. 我在基輔長(zhǎng)大參軍
[11:34.32]I was stationed at a listening post in Vladivostok. 在海參崴一個(gè)監(jiān)聽站服役
[11:39.84]After the Cold War... 冷戰(zhàn)之后 我們冷戰(zhàn)輸了以后
[11:42.00]...after we lost the Cold War,
[11:43.80]my unit was decommissioned. 我的部隊(duì)解散了
[11:46.84]I was dismissed from my life in the military. 而我也退役了
[11:49.48]And after years of conducting unpleasant actions against our enemies, 這么多年來 與敵人間這些令人不快的經(jīng)歷
[11:55.44]I found myself wanting to do something good. 使我想做些有意義的事
[11:58.36]So I replied to a newspaper advertisement. 所以我回應(yīng)了一則報(bào)紙招聘廣告
[12:01.16]- An advertisement? - "Would you like to save the world?" 招聘廣告?
[12:02.82]"您想不想拯救世界?" 這么寫的
[12:06.00]That's how I met them. The Initiative. 我就這樣加入了達(dá)摩計(jì)劃
[12:08.32]Very secretive. Very rich. And very smart. 他們非常隱秘 富裕 而且極度聰明
[12:13.64]- So when did you come to the island? - Eleven years now. 那你什么時(shí)候來這個(gè)島?
[12:17.08]I liked computers, communications equipment, 11年了
[12:17.22]我喜歡電腦 交流設(shè)備
[12:21.44]and being alone, like a lighthouse keeper. 還有像個(gè)守?zé)羲娜艘粯营?dú)處
[12:24.72]So they put me in this station. 所以他們把我放在這個(gè)站點(diǎn)
[12:26.88]- They called it "the Flame." - What's the purpose of the Flame? 這個(gè)站點(diǎn)叫"火焰站"
[12:31.44]To communicate with the outside world, of course. 當(dāng)然是跟外界聯(lián)系
[12:39.76]Ready to play? 開始?
[12:45.52]Ready to play? 開始?
[12:57.52]Your move. 到您了
[13:03.48]What happened to the Dharma Initiative? 達(dá)摩計(jì)劃其他人怎么了?
[13:06.72]They're all dead, of course. 他們當(dāng)然都死了
[13:08.72]They foolishly initiated a war against the Hostiles. 他們傻乎乎地跟敵人打了一仗
[13:12.40]A "purge," they called it. "肅清" 他們這么叫它
[13:15.12]And how did you survive this purge? 你怎么活下來的?
[13:18.76]By not participating in it. 因?yàn)槲覜]參加啊
[13:21.48]I told you, I like being alone. 給你說了
[13:24.44]And the Hostiles allowed you to stay here? 可敵人們讓你留這?
[13:28.00]After it was over, four men appeared in the yard. 結(jié)束后 4個(gè)人來了
[13:31.80]They offered a truce. 他們來休戰(zhàn)
[13:34.32]They said to imagine a line extended all the way around the valley. 他們?cè)谏焦人闹?想象有一條界線
[13:37.68]As long as I did not cross it, I would be left alone. 只要我不越過 我就可以安全待著
[13:43.96]Then they took two cows and I never saw them again. 然后他們帶走了兩頭奶牛 之后我就再?zèng)]見過他們
[13:47.44]They weren't interested in the dish? 他們對(duì)那個(gè)衛(wèi)星接收器都沒興趣?
[13:49.40]Why would they be? It hasn't functioned for years. 他們?yōu)槭裁匆信d趣呢?
[13:53.96]Who are they, these Hostiles? 這些敵人 到底是誰?
[13:56.16]I do not know. 我不知道 但他們比我們?cè)绲竭@
[13:58.24]But they were here for a long time before we were.
[14:01.68]A very long time. 早很多
[14:27.32]I'm looking for Sami. 我找Sami
[14:29.96]Sami. Sami!
[14:33.40]Najeev, I am so glad you came. Najeev 你來了真好
[14:37.60]What do you think? It's a simple place, as you can see, 覺得怎么樣?
[14:38.50]這里很簡(jiǎn)潔 但我們顧客滿盈
[14:40.64]but we have good customers.
[14:44.32]Here's my wife. She's in charge of the kitchen. 這是我太太
[14:49.64]Amira, come meet Najeev. Amira 來見見Najeev
[14:59.88]Pleasure to meet you. 您好
[15:04.60]Are you sure this is him? 你確定就是他嗎?
[15:07.04]Yes. 是
[15:09.36]Look, I don't know who you think I am. 聽著 我不知道你們認(rèn)為我是誰
[15:43.76]What did you just say? 你剛說什么?
[15:45.40]I told Nadia to be polite because you are my guests. 我告訴Nadia禮貌些 因?yàn)槟銈兪强腿?br /> [15:48.08]Nadia? Nadia?
[15:50.00]After Nadia Comaneci, 是啊 是以Nadia Comaneci命名的 世上最棒的運(yùn)動(dòng)員
[15:52.04]the greatest athlete the world has ever known.
[15:55.92]We have the same birthday. 我們同一天生日
[15:59.08]What? 什么?
[16:06.24]Excellent work, if I say myself. 好了
[16:06.46]不是我自夸 縫得很好
[16:09.04]Thank you, Mikhail. 謝謝 Mikhail
[16:10.88]Perhaps I can begin to earn your forgiveness by offering some iced tea? 也許我能招待你們冰茶 讓你們?cè)徫?br /> [16:14.96]I will also check on your friend. 我去看看你們的朋友
[16:32.44]Don't waste your time. 別費(fèi)勁了
[16:33.68]For ten years I've tried to defeat that game, 10年了 我試著贏這個(gè)游戲
[16:35.96]but it was programmed by three grand masters. 但是這是3個(gè)大師級(jí)人物編的程
[16:38.56]And it cheats. 它會(huì)作弊
[16:40.60]Ready to play?
[16:42.48]I've played computers and I'm pretty sure they don't know how to cheat. 我玩過很多電腦游戲
[16:46.88]That's what makes being human so distinctly... 這就更顯得人類如此...
[16:51.12]...wonderful. 不可思議
[17:03.48]What's wrong? 怎么了?
[17:06.04]It doesn't make any sense. 只是... 這不合情理
[17:08.40]Why would they let him stay here... with all this stuff? 他們?cè)趺磿?huì)讓他待這呢?
[17:11.60]- All this equipment? - Actually it makes perfect sense. 跟這堆東西一起 這些儀器
[17:14.68]What are you talking about? 事實(shí)上 這非常合乎道理
[17:16.20]The reason they let him stay here is because he is not Dharma. 怎么講?
[17:16.58]他們讓他留這 因?yàn)樗皇沁_(dá)摩的人
[17:22.12]He is one of them. 他是他們的人
[17:28.76]He shot you and you just let him? 他開槍打了你 而你剛讓他...
[17:32.52]Why are we still sitting here? 我們還坐這干嗎?
[17:34.72]We are sitting here, Kate, because I am certain he is not alone. Kate 我們之所以在這
[17:52.88]So... 你真的是頭號(hào)選手 苦瓜臉?
[17:54.76]...you really the number one draft pick, Grimace?
[17:58.08]Yep. 是的 有"仁慈規(guī)則"嗎?
[18:00.00]- Are we playing with the mercy rule? - Mercy rule?
[18:03.16]Yeah, like if I'm up 11-0, then I, you know, 仁慈規(guī)則?
[18:03.42]就是如果11比0的話 那么我就自動(dòng)勝出
[18:07.72]automatically win.
[18:09.80]- You're gonna go up 11-0? - No, I mean either one of us. 你覺得你能11比0?
[18:11.78]不 我們都有可能
[18:15.36]Sure. We can have a mercy rule. 當(dāng)然
[18:19.12]- You want to volley for serve? - I'll tell you what. 你要先發(fā)球嗎?
[18:22.28]- Be my guest. - Take him down, Hurley. 請(qǐng)便
[18:24.18]贏了他 Hurley
[18:27.84]Come on, Hurley. 加油 Hurley
[18:29.28]Zero serving zero. 0比0
[18:39.72]One-nothing. 1比0
[18:48.68]I grow the tea myself. 我自己種的茶 所以如果苦的話請(qǐng)包涵
[18:51.12]So pardon its bitterness.
[18:52.72]Any tea is good tea. 有茶就好
[18:54.24]You know how long it's been since we've seen ice? 你知道我們有多久沒見過冰了嗎?
[18:58.36]I noticed a series of thick wires as I walked around the station. 我看了看 發(fā)現(xiàn)有很多電線啊
[19:02.32]This is the hub, but they go underground to various stations all over the island. 這里有集線器 那些線都是地下線
[19:06.68]And these cables, do any of them run into the ocean? 這些電纜中有通向海底的嗎?
[19:09.32]Yes, there is an underwater beacon that emits sonar pings 水下有探照燈用來發(fā)射聲納波
[19:12.96]to help guide in the vessels. 給船導(dǎo)航
[19:14.52]- By vessels, you mean submarines? - Yes. 你說的船是潛水艇?
[19:17.84]The Initiative used one to bring us here. 我們就是坐著一艘過來的
[19:20.52]But I imagine the Hostiles have either destroyed or commandeered it by now. 但我覺得現(xiàn)在敵人們
[19:24.92]That explains how they were able to get around my position 所以他們能
[19:28.04]- and capture our sailboat. - You had a sailboat? 繞開我的位點(diǎn) 捕獲了我們的帆船
[19:32.24]Until we lost it to your Hostiles. 你的敵人把它搶走了
[19:35.72]That's very unfortunate. 真不幸
[19:38.76]Well... 其實(shí)
[19:40.76]...at least we were able to kill one of them. 至少我們殺了他們中的一個(gè)人
[19:50.40]Why are we continuing to play this little game... 既然我們都知道該怎么做
[19:55.60]...when we all know it has moved to the next stage? 干嗎還在這兜圈子?
[20:27.04]Get some rope. 拿繩子來
[20:50.80]Drink. 喝吧
[21:04.92]You were a torturer, were you not? 你在共和國(guó)衛(wèi)隊(duì)是負(fù)責(zé)拷問犯人的?
[21:07.48]In the Republican Guard.
[21:11.36]Do you not recognise... 你記不起你的犯人嗎?
[21:13.44]...one of your victims?
[21:15.52]Do you not recognise the woman that you tortured? 你難道認(rèn)不出你折磨過的女人嗎?
[21:18.80]Do you not recognise my wife? 你難道認(rèn)不出我妻子了嗎?!
[21:21.08]No. I've never seen... 不 我從沒...
[21:25.60]You've confused me with someone else. 你認(rèn)錯(cuò)人了
[21:33.44]Amira was arrested for harbouring an enemy of the state. Amira因?yàn)楦C藏?cái)橙吮蛔?br /> [21:39.24]She was held for three months while she was questioned. 關(guān)了并被拷問了三個(gè)月
[21:47.28]Her arms bear the scars of those questions. 她被拷問的時(shí)候 手臂留下了傷痕
[21:51.88]So I assure you, Najeev, I am not confused. 所以我很肯定的告訴你 Najeev 我沒搞錯(cuò)
[22:00.32]My name is not Najeev. 我不叫Najeev
[22:03.52]I'm Sayid Jarrah. 我叫Sayid Jarrah
[22:06.56]I was in the Republican Guard and, yes, I was an interrogator, 我曾服役于共和國(guó)衛(wèi)隊(duì)
[22:10.04]but I have never seen your wife. 我曾是質(zhì)問者 但我從沒見過你妻子
[22:12.40]Maybe she saw me at the same facility, but I do not know her! 也許她見到一樣的人
[22:17.32]I can remember every face of every person I've interrogated. 我記得我審問過的每張臉
[22:21.08]She remembers your face. 她記得你的臉
[22:26.36]She remembers it so well 記得那么牢
[22:29.08]that she recognised it from a mere glimpse 以至于從你工作的飯店路過時(shí) 一眼就認(rèn)出你來了
[22:32.28]when we walked by the restaurant where you worked.
[22:45.52]What do you want from me? 你想我怎么樣?
[22:47.64]I want you to admit to what you did. 我想讓你承認(rèn)你的所作所為 如果你不的話
[22:51.80]And if you don't...
[22:54.36]...you will leave this room in that bag. 那你要想離開這里 只有被裝進(jìn)那個(gè)包里了
[23:07.36]How do you know he isn't alone? 你怎么知道還有其他人?
[23:09.16]The horse outside is still saddled, 外面馬上配有馬鞍
[23:11.16]and the stirrups are set up for someone shorter than this man. 還有馬鐙明顯是一個(gè) 比他矮很多的人用的
[23:14.76]You think the Others sent someone to keep him company? 你覺得那些人派了個(gè)人跟他作伴?
[23:17.48]They sent someone out here because they lost communications. 他們派人來因?yàn)樗麄兪チ寺?lián)系
[23:21.00]Maybe when the sky turned purple? 可能是天空邊紫的時(shí)候?
[23:23.76]That would be my guess. 我也是這么想的
[23:25.60]If someone's here, they're hiding good. 那么 如果有人在這的話 他們藏的真隱秘
[23:27.76]I checked every nook and cranny of this place. 每個(gè)地方我都搜過了
[23:34.60]Not every nook and cranny, John. 還不夠徹底 John
[24:05.72]Are you ready to tell me the truth? 你準(zhǔn)備說真話了嗎?
[24:07.64]I have told you the truth. 我已經(jīng)告訴您真話了
[24:14.24]I do not know you. 我不認(rèn)識(shí)你
[24:16.88]You tortured her. 你折磨過她
[24:20.92]No, I would never touch a woman. 沒有
[24:30.72]Do you think this will do any good? 你覺得這樣逼我有用嗎?
[24:33.08]That this will make me confess to something I didn't do? 逼我承認(rèn)我從未做過的事情?
[24:36.24]My wife confessed to something she didn't do. 我妻子承認(rèn)了她未做過的事
[24:39.28]She confessed when you poured a pan of boiling oil over her arms. 當(dāng)你往她手臂上潑了一鍋滾油的時(shí)候 她承認(rèn)了
[24:43.32]- No. I did not. You have the wrong... - Admit it! 我沒有 你認(rèn)錯(cuò)...
[24:44.98]承認(rèn)吧 承認(rèn)吧
[24:47.84]Admit it!
[24:49.52]I cannot admit to something I didn't do. 我不能承認(rèn)我沒做過的事
[25:02.20]That is enough for today. 今天就到此為止吧
[25:12.08]Then I will see you tomorrow. 我明天再來
[25:46.04]Your move. 輪到你了
[25:57.76]Your move. 輪到你了
[26:09.60]- What is it? - C-4. 這是什么?
[26:12.80]Explosive. 炸彈
[26:17.80]- The whole place is wired. - Why? 這個(gè)地兒全是電線
[26:21.52]I don't know. 我不知道
[26:26.44]Your move. 輪到你了
[26:36.04]Your move. 輪到你了
[27:29.32]Your move. 輪到你了
[27:48.12]Manual override achieved. 手動(dòng)代理啟用
[27:50.44]For pallet drop, enter two-four. 貨盤下降 輸入2-4
[27:53.44]For station uplink, enter three-two. 站臺(tái)衛(wèi)星上行鏈路 輸入3-2
[27:56.52]For mainland communication, enter three-eight. 大陸通信 輸入3-8
[28:07.72]The satellite dish is inoperable. 衛(wèi)星天線不可使用
[28:09.72]Communications are down. 通信終止
[28:12.92]For sonar access, enter five-six. 聲納連接 輸入5-6
[28:22.84]Sonar is inoperable. 聲納不可使用
[28:26.04]Has there been an incursion on this station by the Hostiles? 有沒有敵人入侵這里?
[28:29.08]If so, enter seven-seven. 如有 輸入7-7
[28:37.64]Keep your voice low and your hands in front of you. 別出聲 把手放在身前
[29:09.00]Stop right there. 別動(dòng)
[29:13.80]Put the gun on the ground... now. 把槍放到地上 快
[29:28.84]- What are you doing? - It's her. 你干嗎?
[29:32.04]She was there. She was at the dock. 她也在那里
[29:34.16]She was there when we were kidnapped. 她在那個(gè)碼頭
[29:36.60]She knows where Jack is. 她知道Jack在哪
[29:43.80]Are there any more of you here? 你們還有其他人在這里?
[29:53.32]Let's take her upstairs. 把她帶到樓上去 快點(diǎn)
[29:56.04]John, we're coming up. John 我們上來了
[30:01.16]- John! - Out here. John!
[30:14.96]This is simple. Send her over to me and I will release him. 很簡(jiǎn)單
[30:16.70]放了她 我就放了他
[30:18.84]- Then we'll go our separate ways. - Don't listen. 然后你們走你們的路 我走我的
[30:21.32]- If he's gonna kill me, I'd be dead. - Shut your mouth. 別聽他的
[30:23.96]- Listen to me. - Sayid, do not let her go. 閉嘴
[30:24.22]- 聽我說 - Sayid 別放走她
[30:26.00]- I will execute you. - He's not going to do it. 我現(xiàn)在就可以宰了你
[30:28.28]- Quiet, John. - I'm keeping him alive. - 他不會(huì)下手的 - 別說了 John
[30:30.32]- Mikhail! - Calm down, everyone! 他活命就全靠我了
[30:30.02]- 我保證 - Mikhail
[30:31.86]- Mikhail! - Sayid
[30:34.64]- Sayid. - I'll handle this, John. 我來處理 John
[30:36.56]John. John
[30:42.28]Don't let her talk to him! 別讓她和他說話
[30:46.64]- Stop! - Just do it, Mikhail! - 住手! - 動(dòng)手吧 Mikhail!
[30:53.36]John! John!
[31:00.40]Finish it! 來啊
[31:04.92]Kill me. 殺了我
[31:21.20]Oh, come on.
[31:24.08]Sorry I beat you so bad, dude. 兄弟 抱歉痛宰了你
[31:26.20]Sorry you hustled me, you mean. 不好意思 你草割了我 你個(gè)小心眼
[31:28.84]My mom had a table in her basement. 我媽媽在地下室放了一張桌子
[31:31.56]And I played a lot at the institu... this place I hung out for awhile. 我經(jīng)常在那里玩
[31:38.64]- I got kind of good. - Hooray for you. 我打得還行
[31:41.88]Doesn't look like that last slam caused any long term damage to your forehead. 看起來最后那個(gè)猛扣
[31:46.60]You got three points, better than zero. 你得了3分 總比鴨蛋好啊
[31:48.68]Something you want? 你到底要什么?
[31:50.56]I came to give you back some of your stuff. 我來是把你的東西還給你
[31:53.48]You're the kind of guy that needs stuff. 我知道你是那種人 需要這些玩意
[31:57.08]You a shrink now? 你現(xiàn)在成了心理醫(yī)生?
[32:00.00]She'll be OK, dude. 她沒事的 兄弟 我說Kate
[32:04.08]I know you're worried, but she's with Locke and Sayid. 我知道你擔(dān)心她 但她和Locke和Sayid在一起
[32:07.12]- She's going to be fine. - Yeah, thanks for the pep talk, Lump... 她沒事的
[32:09.06]- 好 謝謝你來鼓舞我 胖... - 兄弟
[32:12.76]It's Hurley... or Hugo, if you want. 我叫Hurley 或者Hugo 如果你想這么叫的話
[32:20.04]Get bent, Hugo. 去你的 Hugo
[32:28.80]You ready to go, Locke? Locke 準(zhǔn)備好走了嗎?
[32:31.16]I'll be there in a minute. 我馬上就來
[32:34.72]Has there been an incursion on this station by the Hostiles? 有沒有敵人入侵這里?
[32:38.40]If so, enter seven-seven. 如有 輸入7-7
[32:46.88]Danielle! Danielle! Danielle! Danielle!
[32:52.40]Tell me something, 告訴我
[32:54.40]were you ever a member of the Dharma Initiative 你曾經(jīng)是達(dá)摩計(jì)劃的一員?
[32:57.56]or was everything you said a lie? 還是你剛剛一直在撒謊?
[33:00.48]Of course I'm wasting my breath. 顯然我是在浪費(fèi)時(shí)間
[33:02.92]I was never a member, but everything else I told you was true. 我從來都不是他們一伙的 但其余我告訴你的都是真的
[33:06.80]I moved into the station after the purge. 在"肅清"之后 我到了這里
[33:08.96]The purge, a group of scientists attacked your people. 你說的"肅清"是 一群科學(xué)家來攻擊你們的人?
[33:11.88]Believe what you want, but that is what happened. 隨便你信不信 但事實(shí)就是這樣
[33:15.72]Your friends, did he kill them? 你的朋友 他殺了他們?
[33:17.96]No. They're collecting whatever may be useful from the farmhouse. 沒有
[33:21.72]And now we have our ticket to where the Others live. 現(xiàn)在我們有籌碼可以去那些人住的地方
[33:24.44]Where we'll find your daughter and Jack. 那里可以找到你的女兒和Jack
[33:27.20]And finally, perhaps, a way home. 可能最后還能找到回家的路
[33:30.88]There is nothing you could do to me that would make me lead you there. 我不會(huì)受你的威脅 帶你去那里的
[33:37.04]I didn't say you were our ticket, did I? 我似乎沒有說你是我們的籌碼
[33:47.64]This is a map showing electrical and data cabling, 這是張電力以及數(shù)據(jù)同步傳輸電纜圖
[33:51.04]running from the Flame, here, 從火焰站開始
[33:53.88]to a place called The Barracks, here. 延伸到一個(gè)叫做"兵營(yíng)"的地方
[33:56.88]Comprised of houses, dormitories with water and power, 那里有幾百間宿舍有水有電
[34:00.48]large enough to accommodate an entire community. 足夠容納所有人
[34:04.72]Sounds like a place well worth visiting, don't you think? 聽起來值得去一看 你說呢?
[34:09.00]There will come a time when your guard is down. 你們守衛(wèi)總有松懈的時(shí)候
[34:12.16]And when it is, 到那時(shí) 我會(huì)毫不猶豫地殺了你們
[34:13.84]I will not hesitate a moment before killing you.
[34:19.16]- You should know this before you... - He's making an excellent point. - 這點(diǎn)你早該知道 - 他說得很對(duì)
[34:22.80]You have a map. Why keep him alive? 你有地圖
[34:52.60]After my husband and I first arrived to Paris, 當(dāng)我和我丈夫剛到巴黎的時(shí)候
[34:56.96]I was afraid to ever leave our apartment. 我很害怕離開我們的房間
[35:02.12]So I would stare out the window into the alley... 所以我就從窗戶向小巷望去
[35:05.92]...and I would see this cat looking for scraps. 我看到這只貓?jiān)谡沂2顺?br /> [35:09.76]One day some children came into the alley 一天 一些小孩來到了小巷 把它關(guān)到一個(gè)盒子里
[35:12.96]and trapped it in a box.
[35:15.44]I watched them light firecrackers... 我看到他們點(diǎn)燃爆竹 扔到盒子里去
[35:20.04]...and drop them in the box.
[35:23.60]I could hear him howl from three stories above. 我從三樓都能聽到它的慘叫
[35:29.68]So finally, I had a reason to leave my apartment. 所以 我終于有理由離開我的房間
[35:36.08]I rescued this cat, 我救了這只貓 把它帶回了家
[35:37.84]and I brought him home.
[35:40.76]He sits with me when I read. 我看書它在旁邊坐著
[35:44.28]He sleeps with me... 和我一起睡覺 它會(huì)打呼
[35:48.68]...and he purrs.
[35:53.72]But... 但是 每隔一段時(shí)間
[35:55.76]...every once in a while
[35:57.80]he will bite me or scratch me. 它會(huì)咬我 抓我
[36:04.72]He does this... 它這么做因?yàn)橛袝r(shí)會(huì)忘記它是安全的
[36:06.84]...because sometimes
[36:09.36]he forgets that he is safe now.
[36:12.64]So I forgive him when he bites me... 所以它咬我 我不怪它
[36:17.40]...because I know what it is like 因?yàn)槲抑罌]有安全感是種什么滋味
[36:21.08]to never feel safe.
[36:26.44]And that is because of you. 這都是拜你所賜
[36:32.88]So today... 所以今天...我只要求你做一件事
[36:35.16]...I ask only one thing of you.
[36:40.36]I ask you now, 我要求你能像個(gè)男人樣
[36:42.48]that you show me the respect
[36:44.88]of acknowledging what you did to me. 承認(rèn)你對(duì)我的所做所為
[36:49.72]That it was you who questioned me... 是你審問我 拷打我
[36:53.64]...that tortured me...
[36:57.08]...and that you remember me. 還有你記得我
[37:14.36]I remember you. 我記得你
[37:20.32]I remember your face. 我記得你的長(zhǎng)相
[37:24.64]Your face has haunted me ever since I left Iraq. 自從我離開伊拉克 我的腦海中就一直浮現(xiàn)你的臉
[37:44.60]I am sorry. 對(duì)不起
[37:48.48]I am so sorry for what I did to you. 我為我所做的事表示抱歉
[37:53.32]I am so sorry.
[38:03.52]I forgive you. 我原諒你
[38:10.40]When my husband returns, 當(dāng)我丈夫回來后 我會(huì)告訴他認(rèn)錯(cuò)人了
[38:13.28]I will tell him I made a terrible mistake.
[38:18.52]That it was not you. 告訴他不是你
[38:23.04]And he will release you. 他會(huì)放了你
[38:26.28]Why? 為什么?
[38:29.04]Why are you letting me go? 你為什么放我走?
[38:32.24]We are all capable of doing what those children did to this cat. 那些小孩對(duì)這只貓所做的 我們也都可以
[38:39.52]But I will not do that. 但我不會(huì)那么做
[38:41.60]I will not be that. 我不會(huì)那樣
[38:56.24]We should kill him, Sayid. Sayid 我們?cè)摎⒘怂?br /> [38:57.80]He already told us that he would kill us. 他都說了他會(huì)殺我們
[39:06.56]No. 不
[39:09.52]He's my prisoner. I will decide his fate. 他是我的囚犯
[39:18.76]I can see you didn't find anything worth taking. 看得出你沒發(fā)現(xiàn)有用的東西
[39:21.60]Actually, I just played that chess game again. 我又下了那盤棋
[39:24.12]And now I realise why you didn't want me to beat it. 現(xiàn)在我知道你為什么不想讓我贏了
[39:30.12]Meaning what? 什么意思?
[39:40.68]What have you done, John? John 你干了什么?
[39:43.12]That was our one hope of communication with the outside world! 那個(gè)地方是我們和外界 取得通信的唯一希望
[39:46.36]The computer said if there was an incursion by the Hostiles, 電腦說如果有敵人入侵
[39:49.44]I should enter seven-seven. 就輸入7-7 所以我輸入了7-7
[39:51.48]So I entered seven-seven.
[40:00.88]We should go. 我們?cè)撟吡?br /> [40:02.48]If anyone's around, this explosion's going to attract their attention. 如果附近有人的話 爆炸肯定會(huì)把他們引來

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