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[00:01.04]Previously on Lost: "迷失"前情提要 ...
[00:02.64]I don't care what Jack said. 我不管Jack怎么說
[00:04.08]They've got him and we have to get him back. I owe him that. 他們抓了他 我們得把他救回來
[00:07.08]The man, you said you'd seen him? 屋子里的那個人...你說以前見過他?
[00:08.76]On a video feed from the Pearl Station. 在珍珠站的錄像里見過
[00:10.76]Why are we continuing to play this game 為什么我們還繼續(xù)玩這個小游戲?
[00:13.04]when we all know it has moved to the next stage? 明知道它已經進入了下一步?
[00:19.52]This is a map showing electrical and data cabling 這張地圖標示了電力和通訊電纜走向...
[00:22.04]comprised of houses and dormitories. Sounds like a place worth visiting. 是由庫房和住宅構成
[00:26.52]When I saw the lightning hit the roof, you were electrocuted. 我看到閃電擊中了頂棚 你被電死了
[00:30.16]When you heard Claire, you drowned trying to save her. 當你聽到Claire在水里的呼聲
[00:33.00]I dove in so you never went in! 試圖救她的時候 你淹死了
[00:32.96]我游過去 免得你下水 我已經努力了 兄弟
[00:34.68]I've tried, brother, to save you, but no matter what I try to do, 我已經救了你兩次 但是不管我怎么努力
[00:39.12]you're going to die, Charlie. Charlie 你還是會死
[01:25.64]Mum? 媽? 媽!
[01:29.24]Mum! Mum! Mum!
[01:45.20]Oh, look, Aaron, your mom has finally decided to wake up. 看啊 Aaron 你媽咪終于醒了
[01:53.24]Only way I could get you to sleep in was to borrow the midget. 唯一能讓你睡著的辦法 就是把這小不點借走
[01:58.64]And what is all this? 啊 這些是什么?
[02:00.88]An aperitif of Mysterious Island fruit 神秘的島上水果開胃餐
[02:05.04]before the breakfast picnic I have set up in your honour... 我以你的名義準備了野餐早點...
[02:10.04]...a short walk down the beach. 往海灘走過去就是了
[02:12.28]- What's gotten into you, Charlie? - Sorry? Charlie 你這是怎么啦?
[02:14.88]It's just, you've been so depressed all week, and... 什么?
[02:17.76]...now it's breakfast in bed and picnics? 而現在送來早餐 準備野餐
[02:20.88]I woke up and I thought, 早上我醒來 我想
[02:22.24]it's time to stop feeling sorry for yourself and seize the day. 不該再自怨自艾了 應該把握今天
[02:25.60]I can't think of anyone I would rather do some day-seizing with than you. 而我最想的是跟你一起把握今天 而不是別人
[02:32.08]So, what do you say? 那... 你說呢?
[02:34.80]Let's drop the cherub off with Auntie Sun and Uncle Jin 我們讓小寶寶交給
[02:39.60]and you and I go for a little stroll. 你和我去散散步
[02:43.84]I would love to. 樂意至極
[02:47.92]From the position of this stream, we should be here. 從這條河的位置看來 我們應該在這兒
[02:50.84]If the scale is right, 如果地圖的比例正確的話
[02:52.68]his people are two miles in that direction. 他的人在這個方向 距這兒兩英里遠
[02:57.08]I don't expect you to confirm that. 我不指望得到你的證實
[03:02.92]That's an electrical wiring map, Sayid. Sayid 這是電纜分布圖
[03:05.36]I'm not sure it's accurate. 我可不敢肯定它會如你想的那么精準
[03:06.84]Well, certainly not as infallible as the magical carvings on your stick. 它當然不像你手杖上 刻著的魔法雕刻那么絕對可靠
[03:10.48]The stick did get us to that station. 嘿 是手杖指引我們去那個站點的
[03:12.60]The station which you accidentally blew up? 噢 那個你不小心炸了的站點
[03:14.96]If you warned me the basement was rigged with C-4, I might've been more careful. 如果你早提醒我 地下室安裝了c4炸藥
[03:24.48]Why don't you just tell us if we're going the right way? 為什么你就不能說說 我們是否走對了路?
[03:27.32]You're going the right way. 你們走對了
[03:28.88]- Remind me why we're keeping him alive? - What, we shoot him like a dog? 倒是提醒我了 干嘛我們要留這個活口
[03:30.60]你有什么高見 我們拿他像狗一樣獵殺?
[03:32.44]- No. I like dogs. - He's right. 不 我喜歡狗
[03:35.16]They will not trade his life for your friend's. 他是對的 他們那幫人 不會拿他的命來交換你朋友的
[03:37.92]- We should shoot him. - Enough. Nobody's shooting anybody. 我們該殺了他
[03:38.88]夠了 都別想殺人
[03:41.72]The map says where they are, he says the map is right. 地圖上指示了他們那幫人的位置 而且他說了地圖是正確的
[03:44.44]So just keep moving. 繼續(xù)走吧
[03:52.48]OK. Here we are. Here we are. 好了 我們到了 我們到了
[03:55.80]- Not bad? - Not bad at all. 不賴吧 是嗎?
[03:58.64]All right, if you'll take your seat, 好的 如果你坐下來
[04:00.72]we will begin with our first course, 我們就上第一道菜 麥片 我們有新鮮的水果色拉
[04:03.84]which is cereal. Then we have a fresh fruit salad...
[04:07.16]- Good morning. ...and... 早上好
[04:09.88]Good morning, yourself. 你也早
[04:13.56]- What brings you down the beach? - Boar are thick. Desmond 是什么風 把你吹到海灘上來啦?
[04:16.32]I was hoping you might wanna join me in a hunt. 野豬長的越來越肥了
[04:20.04]Oh, well, thanks for the invite,
[04:23.16]but as you can see, we're just about to begin a picnic. 謝謝你的邀請
[04:23.56]但是你也看到了 我們的野餐剛開始
[04:27.92]Well, I think hunting might be a... 我想打獵也許...
[04:30.56]...a better way to spend your day, Charlie. 是你消遣的更好選擇 Charlie
[04:33.24]Of all the things you could choose to do today, 我的意思是 在你今天所能選擇做的事情之中
[04:35.80]hunting with me might be your best option. 和我打獵是你最好的選擇
[04:37.96]Oh, my God. 天啊 天啊
[04:40.64]- What is it? - I know how to get us off this island. 怎么回事?
[04:59.88]<"#ffff00">迷失 第3季第12集
[05:12.04]- Sun! Jin! - Claire? What's the matter? Sun! Jin!
[05:14.80]I need Jin's nets and fish. Claire 怎么回事?
[05:16.64]Hurry, and buckets. I need those too. 我要Jin的網和魚
[05:17.06]我們得快點 我還要些桶
[05:20.20]- We have to catch the birds. - What birds? 我們得抓鳥
[05:22.28]They flew over, they'll only be here today, so we need to catch it now. 什么鳥?
[05:22.54]它們剛飛走 而它們只會在這兒歇腳
[05:25.88]Oh, this sounds like fun! 所以 如果我們想抓一只的話 現在就得動手了
[05:26.18]噢 聽起來像是找樂子
[05:28.56]- Can you get some nets? - Nets for what, Barb... 你能拿些網來嗎?
[05:29.94]野蠻人 要網干什么
[05:34.40]Nets for what, "Claire"? Claire 要網干什么?
[05:36.80]OK, five minutes ago, a flock of sea birds flew over my head. 好吧 一群海鳥五分鐘前從我頭上飛過
[05:40.56]Sea birds are migratory, they're gonna keep heading south. 海鳥是遷棲性的
[05:44.80]- I don't understand why we need to... - They're tagged! 對不起 我不明白為什么我們需要...
[05:47.84]"Tagged?" 它們被做了標記
[05:49.48]Scientists tag birds so they can track them. 被做了標記?
[05:51.72]So when they eventually land in Australia or New Zealand or wherever, 所以它們最終在澳大利亞或新西蘭 或隨便什么地方落地的時候
[05:56.04]somebody's gonna gather them up. 有人會把它們圈起來
[05:59.36]- We can send a message. - If we can catch one. 我們可以送個信
[06:02.00]OK, so here's the plan. 前提是我們能抓住一只鳥
[06:03.28]First we cut up fish, make chum, that will get the birds in the water. 好了 這就是計劃
[06:03.46]首先 我們得把這些魚切碎 做成魚餌
[06:06.96]And then we're gonna need to cut up some of this net. 然后 我們要把這些魚網割開
[06:09.96]Charlie, can you go get some knives? Charlie 你能拿刀來嗎?
[06:13.80]Charlie? Charlie
[06:16.36]- Charlie! - Yeah. Charlie!
[06:19.80]How do you even know this stuff about birds, Claire? Claire 你怎么懂得這些鳥的事情?
[06:22.60]I watched a lot of nature shows with my mum. 我和我媽以前看過很多自然節(jié)目
[06:25.00]Doesn't exactly make you an expert. 那不能讓你變成專家
[06:30.12]I don't want to see you wasting your time, that's all. 我只是...
[06:29.46]我不想眼睜睜得看著你浪費時間 就這么回事
[06:34.64]What happened to "seizing the day"? 那你的所謂"把握今天"呢?
[06:39.76]I'm sorry. 對不起
[06:41.96]I don't see the point. 看不出這么做有什么意義
[06:55.96]Hold still, dear, just another second. 親愛的 別動
[06:59.72]There. We're through now. 好了
[07:07.84]Ms. Littleton, I'm Officer Barnes. Littleton小姐 我是Barnes警官
[07:09.76]Sorry to bother you, but I need to ask you a few questions. 抱歉打擾你了 但我必須問你幾個問題
[07:12.60]Can I ask you how the accident happened? 我能問下事故是這么發(fā)生的嗎?
[07:16.68]A truck forced us off the road. 有輛貨車把我們擠出了公路
[07:20.00]OK. And who was driving? 好的 當時誰在駕駛?
[07:25.36]Me. 我
[07:28.76]- Has anyone contacted your father? - He died when I was two. 有人聯系過你父親嗎?
[07:31.96]Sorry to hear that. 我父親在我兩歲的時候去世了
[07:35.56]I spoke with the truck driver. He's fine, by the way. 我和貨車司機談過了
[07:38.40]- He said that when you hit him... - No, he hit us. 順便說下 他沒事
[07:40.26]不 是他撞的我們
[07:42.16]About what speed would you say that happened? 事故發(fā)生的時候你的車速大概是多少?
[07:45.16]It came out of nowhere. 發(fā)生的太突然了 我不...
[07:46.56]- I didn't... - That's not the question I asked. Littleton小姐 你不要答非所問
[07:51.16]I don't know how fast I was driving. 我不...我不知道當時我開的多快
[07:54.32]Why are you even asking me these questions? 為什么你要問我這些問題?
[07:56.72]These questions are standard procedure when there's a fatality. 這些問題是發(fā)生車禍后的標準程序
[08:01.80]My mother is in surgery. 我母親還在手術臺上
[08:04.20]- She's not dead! - Right. 她沒死
[08:09.12]- So she is. - This is not my fault! 她是沒死
[08:14.16]Didn't say it was. 沒說是你的錯
[08:15.64]G'day, Ms. Littleton. Littleton小姐 日安
[08:30.76]Can I ask you something? 我能問你點事嗎?
[08:44.16]I told you that your daughter was living with them... 我告訴過你 你女兒和他們那幫人住一起...
[08:49.32]...and you haven't asked me a single question about her. You haven't... 你連一句話都沒提起過她
[08:52.96]Your friend, Jack... 你沒...
[08:53.10]你的朋友 Jack...
[08:56.12]...you care about him? 你為他擔心嗎?
[08:59.84]Yes. 是的
[09:02.16]Imagine 16 years from now, 想像一下從現在開始的16年里
[09:04.68]you're told he was still alive, but in your heart 你被告知他還活著
[09:08.44]you know that he wouldn't remember you, he wouldn't know you. 但在你的內心
[09:08.66]你知道 他可能不記得你
[09:14.80]He wouldn't even know that you ever cared about him. 甚至不知道...
[09:26.80]I haven't asked you questions about my daughter... 我沒問過你我女兒的事...
[09:31.16]...because I do not want to know the answers. 因為我不想知道答案
[09:49.60]- Water? - No, thank you. 喝水嗎?
[09:51.54]不 謝謝
[09:54.16]So how did you get here? How'd you get onto this island? 你是怎么來這的?
[09:57.44]Don't waste your breath. Whatever he says will be a lie. 你怎么來到這個島上的?
[09:57.78]別多費口舌 他說的任何事都可能是謊言
[10:01.04]I was recruited when I was 24. 我24歲就被招募進來了
[10:03.32]- I was approached... - I didn't ask when. I asked how. 有個人來找我...
[10:04.62]我沒問你什么時候來的 我是問你怎么來的
[10:06.88]They brought me on the submarine. 他們用潛艇把我?guī)н^來的
[10:09.12]So your people can come and go whenever they want? 所以你的那幫人能來去自如?
[10:11.88]Go, yes. 去倒沒問題 但是兩周前...
[10:13.44]But two weeks ago, our underwater beacon stopped emitting its locator signal. 我們的水下信號站停發(fā)了信號
[10:17.92]There was an event, an electromagnetic pulse. 發(fā)生了一起事故 電磁沖擊波
[10:21.24]- Impossible to come back. - Why would you want to come back? 潛艇不可能回來了
[10:24.20]You would not understand. 為什么你想回來?
[10:29.20]Try me. 說來聽聽
[10:31.08]I misspoke. 你誤會了
[10:32.88]What I meant to say is, 我的意思是說
[10:34.76]- you are not capable of understanding. - And why not? 你不可能懂
[10:37.52]- Kate... - Because you are not on the list. 為什么我不可能?
[10:43.44]What list? 什么名單?
[10:49.08]The man who brought me here, who brought all of my people here, 帶我來的那個人...
[10:52.92]he is a magnificent man. 他是個...偉人
[10:58.04]If Ben's so magnificent, then why did he need one of us to save him? 如果Ben如此偉大 那為什么還要我們中的某個人救他?
[11:01.28]Ben? Ben is not... Ben? Ben不是...
[11:06.60]I will try to make this as simple as I can. 我會盡量把這事說得簡單點
[11:09.04]You are not on the list because you are flawed. 你們不在名單上 因為你們有缺點...
[11:14.00]Because you are angry. 因為你們容易發(fā)怒...
[11:17.24]And weak. And frightened. 虛弱和容易受驚嚇
[11:20.68]The more I learn about you, the more I suspect you are not as omniscient 我對你的人了解的越多
[11:24.16]as you'd have us believe. 我就越懷疑你 并不像表面上那樣無所不知
[11:26.36]Don't speak to us as if you know us. 別說的好像你很了解我們似的
[11:28.60]Of course I don't know you, Sayid Jarrah. How could I? 我當然不了解你了 Sayid Jarrah
[11:34.20]And you, Kate Austen, are a complete stranger to me. 還有你 Kate Austen 你對我來說就是個陌生人
[11:40.08]But you, John Locke, 不過你 John Locke 對你 我可能有點印象
[11:41.92]you I might have a fleeting memory of.
[11:43.84]But I must be confused because the John Locke I know was para... 但有點模糊了
[11:47.00]Hey! - 因為我所知道的john locke已經 - 嘿!
[11:50.12]Look at this. 看這個
[11:56.92]Over here. Come on. 這里 過來
[12:41.72]Well. Looks like we're here. 看來 我們已經到這了
[12:51.72]- Will this work? - Yes. Work. 這樣有用嗎?
[12:53.00]是的 有用
[13:03.88]Sun... Please help. 呃 Sun...請幫忙
[13:07.20]OK. 好的
[13:16.08]- Smells great. - Let's get it over with. 味兒真大啊
[13:17.84]- 讓我們一口氣做完吧 - 好
[13:22.88]- This was my mother's worst fear. - What do you mean? 這是我媽媽最害怕的事
[13:26.12]That I would end up doing something very much like this, cutting bait. 什么意思?
[13:30.32]She had high hopes for my future. 切魚餌 她對我的未來期望很高
[13:33.28]They did not include marrying a fisherman's son. 而這樣的期望并不包括 嫁給漁夫的兒子
[13:38.12]Well, I guess we don't always turn out like our mothers want. 呃 我想我們并不是總會 按照媽媽的想法活著
[13:41.48]Of course, mine never worked a day in her life. 當然 我從來沒讓我媽媽滿意過
[13:49.32]My mom was a librarian. 我媽媽曾是一個圖書館管理員
[13:52.72]"Was?" 曾是?
[14:00.20]We should get this stuff out there. 我們把這些東西搬過去吧
[14:22.60]Where were you? 你去哪了?
[14:26.80]I went home to take a shower. 我回家洗了個澡
[14:29.32]- That must've been nice. - They said she was still in surgery. 很享受啊
[14:35.20]I had glass in my hair, Aunt Lindsey. 我的頭發(fā)里有玻璃 Lindsey阿姨
[14:37.40]Well, I'm glad that you're feeling refreshed. 哦 我很高興你恢復了
[14:44.88]Good afternoon. Are you the daughter? 下午好 你是她女兒嗎?
[14:49.00]I'm Dr. Woodruff from neurosurgery. I'll be observing your mother. 我是神經科的Woodruff醫(yī)生
[14:53.36]How is she? 她怎么樣了?
[14:55.08]We've managed to stabilize her immediate injuries, but... 我們嘗試穩(wěn)定她的急性創(chuàng)傷
[14:59.04]...your mother's suffered a severe head trauma. 但你媽媽遭受了嚴重的腦損傷
[15:01.92]We have to wait for the swelling to go down 我們要等她的腦內腫脹消除后
[15:04.00]before we determine the full extent of her injuries. 才能確定她的損傷程度
[15:08.76]But... I'm afraid we're looking at fairly widespread damage. 但是 恐怕她已經受傷太重了
[15:14.44]What does that mean? 那 那是什么意思?
[15:16.32]It means that right now, these machines are sustaining her life. 我是說 此刻是這些機器在維持她的生命
[15:21.20]But, I mean, it won't always be... When she wakes up, she won't need... 但不會永遠都...
[15:24.24]我是說 如果她醒來 她就不需要...
[15:25.84]I can't say with any real confidence... 我不能向你保證
[15:29.08]...that she will wake up. 她會醒來
[15:45.96]- Can she hear us? - I like to think she can. 她能聽到我們說活嗎?
[15:49.28]How long will she be like this? 她會維持這樣多久?
[15:51.48]Could be a day, a week, or years. 可能一天 一星期 也可能很多年
[15:53.52]We'll just have to wait and see. 我們只能等待和觀察
[15:56.44]But she'll be well looked after. 但我向你保證 她會受到很好的照顧
[15:58.48]Oh, that's very nice, 噢 這樣很好 可是我們付不起醫(yī)療費
[16:01.04]- but we can't pay for that. - Don't worry. 不用擔心 她的費用已經解決了
[16:03.64]Her expenses have already been taken care of.
[16:10.52]By whom? 誰解決的?
[16:12.28]I've been asked to keep that confidential. 我被要求保守這個秘密
[16:36.80]One... two... 一 二
[16:45.00]Oh, no! 噢 不!
[16:51.88]Look, I'm sorry! 聽著 我 實在對不起
[16:53.52]I'm sorry, man! 對不起啊
[16:55.92]- What is wrong with you? - I was shooting at a boar! 我已經說了 對不起
[16:58.40]- I had no idea you were out here. - Where's Charlie? Is he with you? 聽著 我本來想射野豬 我不知道你們在這
[17:02.24]He's at camp. I'm sorry. 他和你一起嗎?
[17:03.48]- So it was just you? - Aye, it's just me. 聽著 我真的很抱歉如果我嚇跑了
[17:07.08]Hunting in the exact same spot as we're setting our trap? 是的 只有我
[17:11.60]I was following a boar, Claire. 我在追蹤一只野豬啊 Claire
[17:13.68]Oh! So it's just coincidence, then. 噢 那么只是巧合咯
[17:17.68]Where is it? 它在哪里?
[17:20.44]It got away. 它跑了
[17:27.44]You don't want me to catch the birds, do you? 你不想我抓到鳥兒 是不是?
[17:30.04]You and Charlie. What's going on? 你和charlie 到底發(fā)生什么事?
[17:33.48]Why wouldn't I want you to catch the birds? 我為什么會不讓你抓鳥?
[17:50.12]What is it? 那是什么?
[17:51.64]Don't touch it! Don't even go near it. 不要碰它
[18:00.28]What are these pylons? 這是什么塔?
[18:03.04]What do you think they are? 你認為呢?
[18:07.80]A security perimeter. 是周邊安全設施
[18:10.04]Those sensors on the side would be triggered 那些傳感器會被觸發(fā)
[18:12.76]if anyone passed between them. 如果有人穿過去的話
[18:18.20]It's an alarm system or a trap. 是一個警報系統(tǒng)或者陷阱
[18:21.12]Either way, we will be safer going around it. 不管怎樣 我們都得從邊上繞過去
[18:23.48]You're right, it was a security perimeter. 沒錯 是個安全設施
[18:26.92]But like everything on this island, it hasn't functioned in years. 但這島上的其他東西 好像都不運作了
[18:30.36]Of course it hasn't. 這個還能用
[18:33.80]If you wish to waste your time, be my guest. 如果你想浪費時間 隨你便
[18:36.56]The pylons encircle the entire barracks. 這些塔包圍了整個營地
[18:39.60]There is no going around them. 不能繞路通過
[18:41.84]If you don't believe me, look at your map. 如果不相信我 就看地圖
[18:56.48]He appears to be telling the truth. 他好像在說實話
[19:04.20]John! John! John? John!
[19:10.08]Thank you. 謝謝你
[19:34.36]Oh, my God. 噢 我的天哪
[19:40.32]Sorry. 對不起
[19:54.12]He suffered a cerebral haemorrhage. 他好像是腦溢血了
[19:56.24]Why did you do that? We needed him! 你為什么要這樣做?我們需要他!
[20:00.52]- They'd never trade him. - You don't know that! 他們不會拿他來交換Jack
[20:02.88]You don't know it either. What we know was that he shot one of his own people - 你怎么知道 - 你也不知道啊
[20:04.48]他殺了自己人 那個人本來 就不想卷進現在這個狀況
[20:06.92]who didn't want to be in this situation. I'm gonna stick with my opinion.
[20:10.68]- We could've discussed it. - Nobody asked me when we brought him. 所以我會堅持我的想法
[20:10.88]是啊 我們本該討論一下
[20:12.08]我們帶他來之前并沒有人 問過我這個事情
[20:14.48]All right. 好了
[20:15.52]Pardon me for not knowing that they had 原諒我對他們這個 音波武器圍欄一無所知
[20:19.12]a "sonic weapon fence."
[20:21.04]I didn't know he was going to die. How would I know that? 我不知道他會死 我怎么知道呢?
[20:24.04]Why are you really here? 你到底想來這里干什么?
[20:26.28]Are you here for Jack? 你是為了Jack而來的嗎?
[20:28.72]Why else would I be here? 不然我還來干什么?
[20:31.72]We'll talk about this later. 我們待會再談這個
[20:33.20]Fine by me. Just tell me how we're going go through this. 好啊
[20:37.00]We're not going to go through it. We're going over it. 說下我們要怎樣穿過去
[20:41.84]- Sayid, where's the axe? - In his pack. Sayid 斧子在哪里?
[20:44.36]No, wait a minute, I got it. Here, I got it. 在他的包里
[20:44.64]不 等等 我來拿
[20:45.76]來 我來拿
[20:57.76]I thought you didn't know there was any C-4. 我以為你不知道那里有c4炸藥
[21:01.28]Well, I stand corrected. 好吧 我認錯
[21:03.68]Why did you take it? 你為什么要帶它?
[21:05.92]You never know when a little C-4 might come in handy. 你也不知道 c4炸藥什么時候就能派上用場
[21:09.68]You'll have to do better than that. 你得給我一個更好的解釋
[21:21.44]OK, there you go. 好 真乖
[21:24.72]What's going on with you, Charlie? 你是怎么了 charlie?
[21:27.04]- I just put Aaron down. - No! 我只是讓Aron躺下
[21:29.24]- You and Desmond, what's going on? - What are you talking about? 不 我是說你和desmond 發(fā)生什么事了?
[21:33.56]You don't know anything about Desmond shooting his gun and scaring the birds? 那么你是不知道Desmond開了槍 還把鳥兒都嚇跑了?
[21:37.80]- I've been with Aaron all morning. - You're lying, Charlie. 我整個早上都和Aaron在一起
[21:41.00]I am not lying. 你在說謊 Charlie
[21:44.80]What happened to the guy this morning, 那個早上起來要去野餐
[21:47.20]who wanted to have a picnic and "seize the day?" 要"抓住今天"的男孩哪去了?
[21:49.56]You really want to know the truth? 你真的想知道真相嗎?
[21:52.72]That glint you saw could be anything, 你的主意有多種可能性
[21:54.68]a piece of glass stuck in the bird's foot, or it could be nothing at all. 可能會有東西綁在鳥兒腳上
[22:01.12]I don't want to advocate false hope, Claire. That's all. 我不想做徒勞的功夫 Clair 就是這樣
[22:06.16]Well, I'm sorry I bothered you with my stupid ideas. 哦 我愚蠢的想法 打擾了你 真抱歉
[22:09.76]It won't happen again. 絕對不會有下一次
[22:11.16]And Charlie, I don't want my baby around liars. 還有 Charlie 我不希望 我的孩子生活在謊言的周圍
[22:13.72]- I think you might be overreacting. - Overreacting? 我想你是有點反應過頭了?
[22:17.12]No, I thought you were here for me, that I could count on you. 不 我以為你會在我身邊 我可以依靠你
[22:20.40]- I was wrong. - No. Claire! 我錯了
[22:22.20]No, I'm on my own! And at least I know that now. 不是的 Claire
[22:21.64]不 我得靠自己 至少現在我知道了
[22:25.48]- Claire! - Just go! Claire
[22:37.20]Morning, dear. Oh, I like your new doctor. 早上好 親愛的
[22:38.70]噢 我喜歡你的新醫(yī)生
[22:40.44]- What new doctor? - Oh, the American. 什么新醫(yī)生?
[22:42.84]He's in with your mum now. 噢 那個美國人
[22:44.74]Brown醫(yī)生 請馬上到手術室
[22:58.48]Excuse me... 不好意思
[23:07.44]The nurse said... 呃...護士說
[23:10.84]Are you a doctor? 你是醫(yī)生嗎?
[23:13.80]Yes. 是的 呃...
[23:19.24]I'm very sorry, 我...我很抱歉
[23:21.68]I shouldn't be disturbing you. I was just leaving. 我不應該打擾你
[23:26.80]What are you doing here? 你在這里干什么?
[23:29.08]- I was just on my way out. - If Carole knew you were here... 我正要離開呢 Lindsey
[23:32.12]She'd what? What would she do? 她會怎樣?她會怎么做?
[23:34.36]- She wouldn't act the way you are. - Aunt Lindsey... 她不會跟你一樣反應
[23:36.66]Lindsey姑媽 這是...發(fā)生什么事了?
[23:38.32]...what's going on here, who is he? 他是誰?
[23:41.76]It doesn't matter. Just go. 沒有關系了 你走吧
[23:44.12]Maybe you should tell her, Lindsey. She deserves to know. 或者你應該告訴她 Lindsey
[23:47.40]- Please, just leave us alone. - You are not the arbiter here. 她應該知道
[23:49.10]- 你沒有權利做決定 - 不
[23:51.56]- Claire has every right to know... - You're taking advantage of her! - 在這個情況下 - 你在利用我姐姐現在的情況
[23:55.96]Just stop it! 我相信Claire有權知道
[23:58.96]You are the one paying the bills? 是你為我們付的帳單嗎?
[24:01.04]Are you the one taking care of all this? 是你在照料這一切嗎?
[24:06.64]Yes. 是的
[24:14.52]Then who are you? 那么你是誰?
[24:22.20]I'm your father, Claire. 我是你的父親 Claire
[24:59.04]The system appears to fire a sonic pulse 這個系統(tǒng)是用來啟動音波震動的
[25:01.76]when an object breaks the plane between two pylons. 當有物體闖進兩個高壓塔之間
[25:04.36]So, as long as we don't break the plane, 所以
[25:06.04]只要我們不闖過這個平面 就不會被傷到
[25:07.88]we should remain unharmed.
[25:09.80]Why not use the explosive you took? 為什么不用你帶來的塑料炸藥?
[25:11.80]Be my guest. You wanna go stick it on? 請便 你把它綁在上面怎么樣?
[25:14.52]Whoever climbs over, give those sensors a wide berth. 不管誰爬過去 都得跟傳感器保持安全距離
[25:17.68]I'll go first. 我先去
[25:23.32]Give me a hand. 幫我一把
[26:23.32]I guess I'll go next. 我下一個吧
[26:59.36]- Here you go. - Thanks. 來
[27:05.72]- You have every right to be upset. - It just doesn't make any sense. 你有權不開心
[27:10.16]Desmond's never gone boar hunting and the boar never come close to the beach. Desmond以前從來不去獵野豬
[27:14.40]Well, whatever is going on, they're still talking about it. 呃 不管發(fā)生什么
[27:25.44]- Can you watch him? - What are you going to do? 你能看著他嗎?
[27:30.88]Get some answers. 找答案
[27:38.76]I'll be with you in a sec. 我待會就來
[27:44.64]There you go. 可以了
[27:46.76]That'll be ten bucks. 10塊錢
[27:59.24]What are you doing here? 你來這里干嘛?
[28:01.16]Buy you a cup of coffee? 請你喝杯咖啡?
[28:06.00]- I have nothing to say to you. - Claire, I'm leaving tonight. 我跟你無話可說
[28:07.30]Claire 我今晚就要走了 然后我會永遠離開你的生活
[28:09.40]Then I'll be out of your life forever. Just... one cup of coffee. 僅僅是一杯咖啡
[28:21.64]So, it's true? 那么這是真的了
[28:24.72]Yes. It's true. 是的 是真的
[28:33.04]How did you find out about the accident? 你怎么知道發(fā)生了意外?
[28:35.40]A doctor friend in Sydney told me. 一個悉尼的醫(yī)生朋友告訴我的
[28:37.32]I got the call... the minute your mother went into surgery. 你媽媽做手術的時候 我就接到電話了
[28:43.60]Why did she tell me that you were dead? 為什么她跟我說你死了?
[28:47.44]Well, because I, no doubt, left her with so many wonderful memories. 因為我 毫無疑問 留給她很多美好的回憶
[28:54.76]Look, we had a fling. 聽著 我們當時是一時放縱
[28:57.44]I was back in Los Angeles when she told me that she was pregnant, 我回到洛杉機她就告訴我她懷孕了
[29:00.60]that she was going to have the baby... you. 她想要這個孩子 她想要你
[29:02.76]And you didn't... you didn't want to see me? 你就不...你就不想見見我嗎?
[29:05.60]No, I came out a bunch of times when you were little. 不 不是的 你小的時候我來過很多次
[29:09.88]I stayed over, gave you toys. 我在這里過夜 給你買玩具
[29:13.20]I... sang to you. 給你唱歌
[29:18.12]Why'd you stop coming? 那為什么不再來了?
[29:21.64]Because your aunt hates me. 因為你阿姨討厭我
[29:23.76]And your mother didn't like the fact that I had another family. 而且你媽媽不喜歡我 呃
[29:28.76]Why are you here now, then? Why did you come? 那你現在為什么要在這里? 你為什么要來?
[29:30.92]Could've paid her bills from the States... 你在美國付她的帳單就好了
[29:33.20]I came over because I wanted to help. 我來是因為我想幫忙
[29:36.28]Help with what? 幫什么忙?
[29:38.44]Claire... your mother is alive... Claire 你媽媽是沒有死
[29:44.20]...but she's not really living. 但她并非真正地活著
[29:46.64]- What's that supposed to mean? - It means 你這是什么意思?
[29:48.96]that now may be the time to look at other alternatives, 意思就是說 或者現在 應該考慮下其他選擇了
[29:51.96]other ways to relieve her pain. 其它可以讓她解脫的方法
[29:54.64]Now, it is illegal to turn off her machines, 關掉她的機器是違法的
[29:57.36]but I know of ways that can achieve the same effect 但我知道如果達到同樣的效果 而不用引起法律后果
[30:00.24]- without the legal consequences. - Just stop it! 說夠了
[30:03.12]You didn't come here to help me. 你不是來這里幫我
[30:05.12]- You came to fix a mistake you made. - No, honey, that's not true... 你只不過是想來彌補你 所犯過的錯誤
[30:08.84]You think just paying her bills makes you noble or something? 不 親愛的 不是這樣的
[30:08.54]給她點錢 你自己就是紳士了?
[30:12.64]You come down here and you try and get me to kill her? 你這么大老遠來 是想讓我殺了她?
[30:20.32]You know, just go. 別做夢了 走開
[30:22.00]Why don't you just go? Go back to your "real" family. 你最好走
[30:28.36]You know... 你知道嗎
[30:31.48]...you might be my father... 也許你真的是我父親
[30:35.76]...but I don't even know your name. 但我甚至連你的名字都不知道
[30:39.76]And I want it to stay that way. 而且 我永遠也想不知道
[30:44.12]Claire! Claire, listen to me! Listen to me! Claire...Claire
[30:45.42]Claire 聽我說
[30:48.72]Do not keep your mother alive for the wrong reasons. 不要讓你媽媽為了錯誤的理由活著
[30:51.96]Now, there is hope and there is guilt. 希望和罪惡并存 相信我
[30:54.16]And believe me, I know the difference. 我知道它們的區(qū)別
[31:05.32]Good-bye, kiddo. 再見 孩子
[31:07.36]It was great seeing you again. 很高興再次見到你
[31:50.68]What the hell are you doing? 你到底在做什么?
[31:53.32]You followed me? 你跟蹤我
[31:57.12]Stay back! 呆那兒別動!
[31:58.96]- It's one of the birds. - Stay back! 是其中一只
[32:19.16]How did you know it was going to be here? 你怎么知道它在這里?
[32:21.48]- I didn't. - Yes, you did. 我不知道
[32:22.88]不 你知道
[32:24.48]You had to. That's what you and Charlie were arguing about. 你肯定知道
[32:30.44]You knew. 你知道的
[32:33.04]- How would I? - I don't know. 我為什么知道?
[32:35.04]You walked straight here, 我不懂 但你肯定知道 你直接就往這邊走
[32:37.04]no doubt at all about where you were going. 沒有任何的懷疑
[32:39.40]You came right to this beach and right to this rock. 直接走到這片海灘 這塊巖石這里
[32:43.28]And lo and behold, there's the bird! 你瞧 找到鳥了
[32:47.80]What the hell is going on, Desmond? 到底發(fā)生了什么 Desmond?
[32:57.76]See that spot over there? 看見那地方嗎?
[33:03.92]That's where Charlie slipped and fell in. 那是Charlies滑倒的地方
[33:07.36]He got pounded again and again by the rocks and... 一次次地被浪頭撞向巖石
[33:11.16]...broke his neck. 直到撞斷他的脖子
[33:13.52]What? 什么?
[33:15.28]What are you talking about? 你到底要說什么?
[33:18.48]That's where Charlie died. 那兒就是Charlie死去的地方
[33:35.20]Look what Desmond found. 看Desmond找到了什么
[33:37.68]How about that? 怎么樣?
[33:40.20]It does have a tag. 的確是有標簽
[33:42.08]You were right. 你是對的
[33:48.28]Desmond told me everything. Desmond 把一切都告訴我了
[33:53.52]About all his visions... 他能預見未來
[33:56.68]...that he knew you were going to get hit by lightning... 知道你會被閃電擊中
[34:02.16]...that you were going to drown trying to rescue me in the ocean. 下海救我的時候會被淹死
[34:10.52]How you died trying to get me this bird. 還有在幫我 抓這只鳥的時候又是怎樣死的
[34:13.72]You don't believe all that, do you? 你并不是全都相信 對嗎?
[34:39.60]Now, who turned the telly off? 誰把電視關了?
[34:41.88]Don't they know how much you love your nature shows? 他們難道不知道你喜歡看自然節(jié)目?
[34:47.44]That's better. 這樣好多了
[34:52.12]So, how are you today, Mum? 今天怎么樣 媽媽?
[34:54.96]Did you have an OK night? 昨晚睡的好嗎?
[35:10.24]There's... 有些...呃
[35:13.72]...something I have to tell you. 有些事情...我應該告訴你
[35:16.72]Something I should've told you a long time ago. 很早以前就該告訴你了
[35:27.48]I'm pregnant. 我懷孕了
[35:35.60]I'm giving it away. 我...我...我要把孩子送掉
[35:39.68]It's for... It's for the best. 這樣...這樣最好
[35:48.32]I wish... 我希望
[35:55.56]I don't know how you did it... 我不知道你是怎么做到的
[35:58.60]...raising me alone. 獨自把我撫養(yǎng)長大
[36:01.40]It must've been so hard. 肯定很艱難
[36:05.24]And I was just... awful. 而我又那么的...
[36:10.72]Awful. 差勁
[36:13.92]So horrible to you. 對你那么壞
[36:21.20]I'm so sorry, Mum. 對不起 媽媽
[36:26.92]I'm so sorry. 對不起
[36:32.88]I'm so sorry for all the awful things I said to you in the car. 在車上對你說了 那么可怕的話 對不起
[36:39.16]That... 我說我恨你
[36:41.52]...that I hated you.
[36:43.76]And that... I wished you weren't my mother,
[36:47.36]and... I wished you were dead. 甚至希望你死
[36:52.40]It's all my fault. 都是我的錯
[36:54.68]The accident... 那場事故 所有一切
[36:56.88]...and everything.
[37:04.36]I'm so sorry, Mum. 對不起 媽媽
[37:07.88]I'm so sorry. 對不起
[37:13.56]I'm so sorry. 對不起
[37:19.24]I'll see you soon, OK? 我很快再來看你 好嗎?
[37:23.24]"To whom it may concern, 致看到紙條的人: 我們是815航班的幸存者
[37:25.28]We are survivors of Oceanic Flight 815.
[37:31.08]We have survived on this island for 80 days. 我們已在這個島上度過了80天
[37:35.76]Six hours into the flight, the pilot said we were off course 我們飛行了6個小時后 機長通知我們偏離航線
[37:38.76]and turned back towards Fiji. 遂飛回斐濟
[37:43.00]We hit turbulence and crashed. 但遇到氣流墜機了
[37:46.28]We've been waiting here all this time, 我們一直在等待...
[37:49.44]waiting for rescue that has not come. 等待著遲遲不到的救援
[37:53.12]We do not know where we are, we only know you have not found us. 我們不知道自己身處何方
[37:58.52]We've done our best to live on this island. 我們頑強地在島上活著
[38:01.04]Some of us have come to accept we may never leave it. 當中有些人已經接受了 會在島上生活一輩子的事實
[38:06.76]Not all of us have survived since the crash. 并不是所有人都從 那次墜機中活了下來
[38:10.64]But there is new life, too. 但也有新生命的降臨
[38:13.12]And with it, there is hope. 那就是希望
[38:15.96]We are alive. 我們仍然活著
[38:20.80]Please don't give up on us." 請不要放棄我們
[38:23.64]It's... 真的 呃...
[38:26.76]It's perfect, Claire. 太完美了claire
[38:36.72]I'm not giving up on you either, Charlie. 我也并沒有放棄你 Charlie
[38:41.84]It's going to be OK. 事情會好起來的
[38:43.96]You're going to be OK. 你也會沒事的
[38:51.24]We'll get through this together. 我們一起面對
[39:38.92]What? 怎么了?
[39:42.16]We're here. 在這兒

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