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[00:30.00]And now, dancing on stage three, 此刻在第三臺(tái)跳舞的是 圣保羅的驕傲Corvette!
[00:32.96]the pride of St. Paul, Corvette!
[01:16.60]No! That's the money for the orphanage! 不 那是捐給孤兒院的善款
[01:20.16]That means, Mr. LaShade, you're The Cobra. 就是說(shuō) Lashade先生 你就是眼鏡蛇
[01:23.80]Sorry, baby. It's just business. 抱歉 寶貝 生意歸生意
[01:26.32]- All this time, it was you. - Pretty and smart. 整件事都是你在搗鬼
[01:28.12]才貌俱全 真是可惜啊
[01:29.76]What a shame.
[01:33.08]Razzle Dazzle! 讓你眼花繚亂!
[01:46.56]Autumn, Crystal, bad news. Autumn Crystal 告訴你們個(gè)壞消息
[01:49.40]Corvette was working for the Cobra. Corvette在為眼鏡蛇效力
[01:53.60]But fear not, he will pay. 但是不用怕...他會(huì)付出代價(jià)的
[01:57.36]And, cut! 停!
[02:00.40]- Check the gate. - Checking. 檢查一下門(mén)! 在查
[02:02.52]- Let me give you a hand. - Thank you. 來(lái) 我來(lái)拉你一把
[02:05.00]Billy Dee, it was so great working with you. 噢 謝謝
[02:05.00]Billy Dee 跟你合作棒極了
[02:07.32]The pleasure was all mine. 別這么說(shuō) 這是我的榮幸 讓我感激不盡
[02:09.08]- You're sweet. - Take care. - 你人真好 - 你也一樣 保重
[02:10.56]You too. 好了 這是Corvette的最后一場(chǎng)戲
[02:12.00]All right, that's a series wrap for Corvette!
[02:15.24]- Let's hear it for Nikki! - Well done, lass. 讓我們?yōu)镹ikki歡呼!
[02:17.88]- Well done, Nikki. - Thank you. Nikki 干的好!
[02:19.52]- On ya, Nikki! - Thanks. 謝謝 多謝
[02:21.00]Brilliant, Nikki, as always. 精采絕倫 Nikki 一如既往
[02:23.60]You know, you don't need to die. 你用不著死去
[02:25.44]- We can bring you back next season. - How? 下一季我們就讓你回歸
[02:28.32]Well, we could say that Corvette was wearing a bulletproof vest. 怎么回歸?
[02:28.68]我們可以說(shuō) Corvette當(dāng)時(shí)穿著防彈衣
[02:35.16]Bulletproof breast? 防彈胸
[02:37.68]Look, I'm just a guest star. We all know what happens to guest stars. 瞧 我只是個(gè)客串嘉賓 我們都知道客串嘉賓的命運(yùn)
[02:41.32]Now that your work's done here, 既然你在這的工作結(jié)束了
[02:43.24]I suppose you'll be leaving Sydney and heading back to L. A? 我猜你要離開(kāi)悉尼回洛杉磯去了
[02:46.52]No, I'm not leaving Sydney. 不 我不打算離開(kāi)悉尼
[02:48.88]I love you. 我愛(ài)你
[02:51.00]I love you, too. 我也愛(ài)你
[03:01.40]Son of a bitch! All right, come on, let's go, one more. 媽的
[03:04.84]- You said best out of five. - Well, now we're going best of seven. 好吧 來(lái) 我們?cè)賮?lái)一局
[03:16.04]Are you OK? 你沒(méi)事吧?
[03:23.96]- What happened? - Pa... lyz... 發(fā)生什么事了?
[03:26.80]- What'd the hell she say? - I don't know. - 她到底在說(shuō)什么? - 我不知道
[03:29.00]Let's get her some water! Get help! 給她弄點(diǎn)水喝 去找人幫忙
[03:42.20]What are you doing? Get moving! 你在干嘛呢? 快去呀!
[03:45.36]Dude... 伙計(jì) Nikki死了
[03:48.12]...Nikki's dead.
[03:53.00]Who the hell's Nikki? Nikki到底是誰(shuí)?
[04:17.40]Howie, the frittata is amazing. Howie 菜肉餡煎蛋餅味道好極了
[04:20.52]It's my new chef. He's fantastic. 是我的新廚師做的
[04:23.28]- Paulo, come in here. - Yes, sir? Paulo 過(guò)來(lái)
[04:26.20]Paulo, my boy, you have a new fan. 是先生 有什么吩咐嗎?
[04:26.42]Paulo 我的孩子 你有了個(gè)新粉絲
[04:28.92]- I'd like you to meet Nikki. - The food is amazing. 來(lái)見(jiàn)見(jiàn)Nikki
[04:31.92]You're too kind. 這些吃的絕對(duì)令人稱(chēng)奇
[04:33.84]The secret is the shaved truffles. 您太客氣了
[04:37.40]- Luckily for you they're in season. - You know, you should ask for a raise. 你真幸運(yùn) 現(xiàn)在正好是它們的上市季節(jié)
[04:44.88]Excuse me. 失陪
[04:46.52]He just came to Sydney. Heard I was hiring 他剛來(lái)悉尼
[04:49.16]and showed up at my office every day until I gave him the job. 聽(tīng)說(shuō)我在招人 他就每天在我辦公室 蹲點(diǎn) 直到我答應(yīng)雇他為止
[04:53.40]Apparently, back home, 很顯然 回到家他就是巴西的Wolfgang Puck (加州名廚)
[04:55.44]- he's the Wolfgang Puck of Brazil. - Wow.
[05:01.68]Here. Try one of these homemade rolls. 給 嘗嘗他自制的面包卷
[05:05.20]Please. Please, do. 請(qǐng) 請(qǐng)嘗嘗
[05:13.72]Oh, it's beautiful. Howie, you shouldn't have. 噢 真精致
[05:16.30]Howie 你不該買(mǎi)的
[05:18.84]I realize, of course, it's not a ring. Not yet. 我懂 當(dāng)然了 這不是戒指
[05:22.68]But when my wife... 目前還不是 但是當(dāng)我的妻子...
[05:28.40]Paulo. Paulo! Paulo Paulo!
[05:43.72]He is gone. 他死了
[06:00.12]I would have loved if you could have figured out a way 如果你能想法不讓我
[06:02.80]where I didn't have to eat the same food as him. 跟他吃一樣的東西 我會(huì)很高興的
[06:07.08]Nobody else knows about this thing? 沒(méi)其他人知道這東西吧?
[06:09.40]Everything in here is way off the books. 這兒的一切都是非法的
[06:17.36]- What? - Ashes are evidence, Paulo. - 干嘛? - Paulo 煙灰是證據(jù)
[06:19.56]We poisoned him. Let's not poison ourselves. 我們毒死了他 別把自己也毒死了
[06:37.00]Razzle frickin' dazzle. 太讓人眼花繚亂了
[06:41.76]- What happened? - We don't know. 發(fā)生什么事了?
[06:44.28]She's got no gunshot wound, knife wound, no polar bear bite, nothing. 不知道
[06:44.46]沒(méi)槍傷 沒(méi)刀傷 沒(méi)有北極熊的咬痕 什么也沒(méi)有
[06:48.08]- Maybe it was something she ate. - Maybe she was poisoned. 也許是她吃的東西要了她的命
[06:51.20]We should check the food to see if anyone else is sick. 也許她被下毒了
[06:51.34]我們應(yīng)該檢查下食物源 看看其他人是否得病了
[06:54.08]She's got gunk under her fingernails. 在她指甲下面有糊狀的東西
[06:58.32]- Where did you find her? - Right here. 你在哪兒發(fā)現(xiàn)她的?
[07:00.64]She stumbled out of the jungle, face planted, 就在這兒
[07:00.94]她踉踉蹌蹌的從叢林里走出來(lái) 一頭倒栽下來(lái)
[07:03.04]said something like "plywood", and then, sayonara. 她說(shuō)"夾板"和"再見(jiàn)"之類(lèi)的話(huà)
[07:07.16]Actually, I think she said "power lines". 其實(shí) 我覺(jué)得她說(shuō)的是"電力線(xiàn)"
[07:09.36]Who the hell knows what she said? She was five seconds from dying. 鬼知道她說(shuō)的是什么
[07:12.64]- Seeing light at the end of the tunnel. - "Paulo lies." 她就掙扎了五秒鐘
[07:15.96]That's what she said, not "power lines". "Paulo lies." Paulo說(shuō)謊!
[07:18.72]- Who the hell's Paulo? - Paulo's her... husband. 到底誰(shuí)是Paulo?
[07:20.38]Paulo是她的丈夫或者男朋友 或者她的隨便什么人
[07:22.32]Or her boyfriend. Or whatever.
[07:24.84]- They live down the beach. - Where the hell is he? 他們住在海灘上
[07:27.36]'Cause if he lies, that might be a good place to start. 那他在哪兒?
[07:27.66]如果他撒謊 我們就有頭緒能著手查了
[07:33.32]"English expat Howard L. Zuckerman, 80天前
[07:33.78]開(kāi)創(chuàng)了熱門(mén)電視"揭密" "突擊A隊(duì)"和 "紳士Kincard博士"的
[07:35.92]the creative force behind such hit shows
[07:38.28]as Expose, Strike Team Alpha, and Dr. Kincaid, Esquire,
[07:40.22]英國(guó)人 Howard L. Zuckerman
[07:43.08]was found dead in his palatial Sydney estate from heart failure." 被發(fā)現(xiàn)因心力衰竭死于其悉尼的豪宅
[07:54.84]Are you chewing gum? 你在嚼口香糖嗎?
[08:01.16]Nicotine gum. 尼古丁口膠劑
[08:03.08]I quit. 我戒煙了
[08:08.60]A toast. To our new life together. 為我們的新生活干杯
[08:11.40]Cheers. 干杯
[08:13.28]There's nowhere to sit. 沒(méi)位子了
[08:15.48]No tables, no chairs, nothing. 沒(méi)桌子 沒(méi)椅子 什么都沒(méi)有
[08:18.36]Good call, Boone. Boone 你真是男人中的上帝
[08:19.96]- You want a chair from the restaurant? - Forget it. Let's leave. 要我從餐廳里隨便拖把椅子嗎?
[08:23.48]You screwed up seats in first class. Why would you be able to find them here? 算了吧 我們還是走吧
[08:23.82]在一等艙里 你就吵的我們沒(méi)位子坐了
[08:27.40]- Can I have this chair, please? - Yeah. 請(qǐng)問(wèn)我能用這把椅子嗎?
[08:30.32]- Be my guest. - Boone, let's just go! 可以 隨便
[08:31.26]Boone 我們走吧!
[08:33.88]- Thanks, anyway. - Boone! 不管怎樣還是要謝謝你
[08:36.28]I'm coming, Shannon. Boone!
[08:37.64]If you quit flirting with random guys maybe we could get on the plane. Shannon 我來(lái)了
[08:37.94]要不是你隨便跟人打情罵俏 我們?cè)绲巧巷w機(jī)了
[08:41.84]Promise me we'll never end up like them. 向我保證我們永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì)變成他們那樣
[08:49.24]I promise. 我保證
[08:50.72]Paging Captain Stewart, please pick up a courtesy call. Captain Stewart. Stewart機(jī)長(zhǎng)請(qǐng)有電話(huà)找您
[09:11.12]Boone! Please! I need help!
[09:14.84]Help me! 救命!
[09:35.36]Hey, hey! Get away from there! 嘿! 快離開(kāi)這兒!
[09:37.56]Hey, get back! Get down! 嘿!回去!趴下!快離開(kāi)那兒!
[09:39.40]Get away from there!
[09:59.68]Paulo! Paulo!
[10:01.20]Are we alive? 我們還活著嗎?我們活著嗎?
[10:02.52]Did we survive? Look at me. Am I OK?
[10:05.32]Am I OK? 看著我 我還好吧?我沒(méi)事吧?
[10:06.76]Hey, do you have a pen? 嘿!你有筆嗎?你有筆嗎?
[10:08.60]- Do you have a pen? - A pen? 筆?
[10:10.64]Hey, does anybody have a pen? 誰(shuí)有筆?!
[10:22.88]Paulo? Paulo! Paulo!Paulo 你沒(méi)事吧?
[10:25.28]- Are you OK? - Yeah.
[10:29.08]- I think so. - Baby, look at me. 寶貝 看著我 看著我
[10:31.20]Look at me.
[10:33.56]- Where's the bag? - What? - 包在哪兒? - 什么?
[10:36.92]The bag! Paulo, where is it? Paulo 那個(gè)包 它在哪?
[10:44.64]I'm telling you, this is the trail. 我告訴你 這是個(gè)腳印
[10:46.52]- What do you know about tracking? - I know what a footprint is. 對(duì)于追蹤 你知道多少?
[10:49.76]Over here. 我知道足印的樣子
[10:56.72]I'm guessing that's Paulo. 我猜這就是Paulo
[11:09.08]He's just like Nikki. No wound, nothing. 和Nikki一樣 沒(méi)有傷口 一點(diǎn)痕跡也沒(méi)有
[11:12.84]Yeah, I know. Why are his pants undone? 嗯 我知道
[11:17.60]- And why is his shoe in that tree? - Maybe he stepped on something. 為什么他的鞋子在樹(shù)上?
[11:26.80]You see something? 你看見(jiàn)什么了嗎? Sawyer?
[11:30.20]Nothing. 沒(méi)有
[11:32.88]No! 不!別
[11:40.60]Dude, what are you doing? 哥們 你干嘛呢?
[11:42.20]You ever think they might have been poisoned? 兩個(gè)人死了 難道你沒(méi)想過(guò) 也許他們是被毒死的嗎?
[11:44.52]That's evidence. You're messing up the crime scene. 那是證據(jù)
[11:47.68]"Crime scene?" 你在弄亂犯罪現(xiàn)場(chǎng)
[11:49.24]- Is there a forensics hatch? - Stop! 犯罪現(xiàn)場(chǎng)?
[11:53.80]Monster. 怪物
[11:59.28]How many times do I have to tell you, there's no such thing as monsters. 75天前
[11:59.30]我跟你說(shuō)過(guò)多少次了 世界上根本沒(méi)有怪物
[12:03.64]Maybe it was a dinosaur. 可能是只恐龍
[12:05.48]It's not Jurassic Park, Paulo. It's the South Pacific. Paulo 這可不是侏羅紀(jì)公園 這里是南太平洋
[12:08.52]Then what was it? You saw the trees move. 那到底是什么呢?
[12:11.64]Would you start focusing? 你就不能好好想想嗎?
[12:13.56]We've been here for six days. The Coast Guard will be here any second. 我們已經(jīng)在這兒呆了六天了 對(duì)嗎?
[12:17.20]And I don't think they're gonna take, "I'm looking for my script bag" 我想他們不會(huì)借口說(shuō) "嘿 你知道嗎?
[12:21.12]as an excuse for not getting on the rescue boat. 我在找我的手提包"而沒(méi)坐救生艇
[12:23.88]Hey! Did you guys lose your luggage? 好吧 好吧 好吧
[12:23.90]嘿 你們掉了行李了嗎?
[12:27.08]Yeah, I lost mine, too. 是的 我也掉了
[12:28.64]I found some other stuff, though. 我找到了其他東西 如果你們需要褲子或T恤什么的
[12:30.48]So if you need anything... pants, or a sweatshirt...
[12:34.20]...I can help you find some that fit. 我能幫你們找些合身的
[12:38.44]I'm Ethan, by the way. 順便說(shuō)下 我叫Ethan
[12:40.28]Hi, I'm Nikki and this is Paulo. 嗨 我叫Nikki
[12:43.36]- Hi. - And you're so sweet, Ethan. 嗨Paulo
[12:44.42]Ethan 你人真好 但實(shí)際上我們不是在找衣服
[12:46.00]But, actually, we're not looking for clothes.
[12:48.88]Yeah, see, Paulo here lost his nicotine gum. 嗯 瞧 Paulo在找尼古丁口膠劑
[12:52.28]- You might have luck looking inland. - In the jungle? 去小島內(nèi)陸找找 說(shuō)不定運(yùn)氣會(huì)好些
[12:55.40]The plane split apart over the island, 叢林里面?
[12:55.50]飛機(jī)墜落小島的時(shí)候 它已經(jīng)被大卸八塊了
[12:57.48]so some of the stuff might have rained down in there. 所以部分東西可能散落在那兒了
[13:00.48]Boone! Boone took the water. Boone Boone把水拿走了
[13:03.00]- No one would have understood. - What is going on? 情況失控了 沒(méi)人會(huì)明白的
[13:05.60]Someone had to take responsibility. 40 would have never lasted! 怎么回事?
[13:08.88]Leave him alone! - 閉嘴! - 別管他!
[13:14.32]It's been six days. 已經(jīng)六天了 我們依舊等著有人能來(lái)
[13:16.64]We're all still waiting for someone to come.
[13:20.76]We have to stop waiting. 我們不能坐以待斃
[13:24.60]We need to start figuring things out. 我們得找到出路
[13:27.64]Now, I found water, fresh water, up in the valley. 我找到了水...干凈的水... 在上面的山谷里
[13:31.96]I'll take in a group at first light. 明天一早我會(huì)帶一隊(duì)人去
[13:34.48]If you don't want to come, then find another way to contribute. 如果你不想來(lái) 那就干點(diǎn)別的來(lái)做貢獻(xiàn)
[13:39.16]Because every man for himself is not gonna work. 只顧自己是成不了事的
[13:44.20]But if we can't live together, 但是如果我們不能一起活著
[13:49.72]we're gonna die alone. 我們就會(huì)孤單地死去
[13:56.00]I'm with Jin. It's the monster. 我同意Jin的說(shuō)法
[13:58.36]- Because that makes the most sense. - It does. 是怪物作祟
[13:58.70]是啊 真有道理啊
[14:01.40]Locke said when Eko died, his last words were "you're next". 是有道理
[14:01.42]Locke說(shuō)當(dāng)Eko死去的時(shí)候 他最后一句話(huà)是說(shuō) "你是下一個(gè)"
[14:04.80]And Nikki and Paulo were with them. Nikki和Paulo和他們?cè)谝黄?br /> [14:07.60]He was talking about them. 他說(shuō)的是他們兩個(gè)
[14:09.20]He wasn't saying "you're next" about them. 他說(shuō)的"你是下一個(gè)" 并不是指他們
[14:11.96]He was sayin' "you're next" as in, you're all next. 他說(shuō)的"你是下一個(gè)" 是指全部的人
[14:15.36]Yeah, that's not really better. 是 聽(tīng)起來(lái)好不了多少
[14:17.60]All right. So here's how I see it. 好 我是這么想的
[14:20.44]We want to know what happened, 要知道發(fā)生了什么事?
[14:22.04]we gotta find out whatever we can about these jabonies. 我們得盡力查查這兩笨蛋的事
[14:24.96]- "Jabonies?" - Nina and Pablo. Ja-bo-nies?
[14:27.28]Dude, show some respect. Nina和Pablo
[14:28.76]You know their names. It's Nikki and Paulo. Dude 尊重一下他人
[14:29.34]你知道他們的名字 是Nikki和Paulo
[14:31.52]Whatever, Hugo. Where's their tent? 管他的 Hugo
[14:35.00]And we better get some shovels. 我們最好帶上鐵鏟子
[14:46.20]Hey, Dr. Arzt. 嘿 Arzt博士
[14:48.44]Hi. 噢 你好
[14:49.52]You're a scientist, right? 你是一個(gè)科學(xué)家 對(duì)嗎?
[14:51.84]And an educator, yes. 而且是個(gè)教育家 是的
[14:54.80]What are you doing with all this stuff? 你在弄些什么東西?
[14:57.16]Since we got here I discovered 20 new species. 噢 從我們到這里開(kāi)始 我已經(jīng)發(fā)現(xiàn)了20個(gè)新物種
[14:59.48]I'll be the next Charles Darwin. 我會(huì)成為下一個(gè)查爾斯 達(dá)爾文
[15:01.14]啊... 那是Latrodectus女王 (毒蜘蛛的一個(gè)屬)
[15:03.36]That is Latrodectus regina.
[15:06.00]Very dangerous. 非常危險(xiǎn)
[15:08.08]They call her the Medusa spider. Her pheromones are very strong. 他們稱(chēng)她為米杜莎蜘蛛
[15:10.22]她的分泌物非常劇烈... 只要一點(diǎn)氣味
[15:11.84]One whiff and every male of the species would be here in seconds. 這個(gè)物種的每只雄性 都會(huì)很快來(lái)到這里
[15:15.60]Not unlike you, I guess. 就像你一樣
[15:19.04]So, you're probably too busy to help me, then? 那么你或許很忙 沒(méi)時(shí)間幫我吧
[15:21.76]No, no, not at all. I'm fine. 不不不...不 一點(diǎn)也不會(huì)
[15:24.84]I can help. What can I do you for? 我可以 呃 我可以幫你
[15:26.48]Well, I'm trying to find my luggage, 我能為你做什么?
[15:26.74]自從墜機(jī)以來(lái) 我一直在找我的行李
[15:28.80]and since the plane broke apart over the jungle,
[15:32.00]I was wondering if you knew about trajectories and stuff? 我在想你會(huì)不會(huì)知道些軌道線(xiàn)的知識(shí)?
[15:36.76]Do I know about trajectories? 我嗎?
[15:40.36]Allow me to draw you a map, Madame. 讓我給你畫(huà)個(gè)地圖 女士
[15:46.80]Are you sure we should listen to a high school teacher? 你確定我們?cè)撀?tīng)那個(gè)高中老師的話(huà)嗎?
[15:49.68]Junior high, and yes. 是中學(xué) 是的
[15:52.60]What's your problem with Leslie, anyway? 你對(duì)Leslie有意見(jiàn)嗎?
[15:55.00]- Leslie? - You're jealous. Leslie?
[15:58.04]Of him? Never. 你在嫉妒
[15:58.14]對(duì)他? 不可能
[16:00.08]Yeah, his spiders turn me on so much I had to sleep with him to get the map. 是啊 他的蜘蛛可吸引我了 我得跟他睡覺(jué)才能拿到地圖
[16:04.44]I wouldn't be surprised. You slept with Zuckerman. 我不會(huì)奇怪
[16:09.84]I did that for us. 我是為了我們才那樣做的
[16:15.04]OK. I'm sorry, I just... 對(duì)不起 我只是... 我不相信那男的
[16:16.88]I don't trust that guy.
[16:18.88]We should have gone to Ethan. He would have helped. 我們應(yīng)該去找Ethan 他會(huì)幫助我們的
[16:21.52]Paulo, look. Paulo 看
[16:26.60]Another plane. 另一架飛機(jī)
[16:29.20]- It's been here awhile. - Go up there. 看起來(lái)在這里有一陣子
[16:31.44]- Maybe there's a radio. - Are you insane? 快上去 可能會(huì)有些無(wú)線(xiàn)電或什么的...
[16:34.00]If I go up there that thing's gonna fall. 你是瘋了嗎? 如果我上去 這東西可能會(huì)塌下來(lái)
[16:36.88]- You're not gonna fall. - What? 你不會(huì)摔下來(lái)的
[16:39.16]You want me to die? 什么? 你想我死嗎?
[16:40.96]Come on. Let's keep going. 走吧 我們繼續(xù)走
[16:48.28]What is that? 那是什么?
[17:07.92]OK, let's do it. 好 打開(kāi)它
[17:16.00]- Let's check it out. - Whoa. 我去看看是什么
[17:18.68]So, our carry-on bag fell from the sky, 你的意思是 我們的手提箱從天上掉下來(lái) 打開(kāi)一個(gè)下水孔
[17:21.56]opened a manhole, crawled inside and closed the doors behind itself? 自動(dòng)爬進(jìn)去然后還關(guān)起門(mén)?
[17:25.20]You don't want to climb up to a plane, but now you want to climb down a ladder 你不愿意爬上一輛飛機(jī)...
[17:29.24]into a dark tunnel.
[17:31.60]I don't think so. 我不想這樣
[17:38.88]Hey, man, be careful. 嘿 伙計(jì) 小心點(diǎn)
[17:40.88]Why? They don't live here anymore. 為什么? 他們都不住這了
[17:43.08]So, Sun checked the food. Sun查過(guò)他們的食物
[17:44.96]They're eating the same as us and no one else is sick. 跟我們吃的一樣 其他人身體都沒(méi)事
[17:48.56]- Could be a virus. - Dude. 可能是病毒
[17:51.28]Monster. 老兄...是怪物
[17:54.76]Creepy. They collected bugs? 真恐怖 他們搜集昆蟲(chóng)嗎?
[17:57.12]I think these were Arzt's. 噢 我想那是以前Arzt留下的
[17:59.32]He collected all kinds of creepy crawlies before he... 他搜集很多令人毛骨悚然的爬行動(dòng)物 在他被...炸死之前
[18:03.16]...exploded. 他們一定曾是朋友
[18:04.44]They must have been friends.
[18:06.36]"Expose." "揭密"?
[18:08.48]- Did you just say Expose? - Yeah. 你剛才是說(shuō)"揭密"嗎?
[18:10.76]What the hell is Expose? 是的
[18:12.20]Only the most awesome hour of television ever. 什么是"揭密"?
[18:14.80]It's like Baywatch, only better. 只有"海灘護(hù)衛(wèi)隊(duì)"比那個(gè)更好 (老友記中Joey和Chandler最?lèi)?ài)看的電視劇)
[18:16.96]It's about Autumn and Crystal, Autum和Crystal..兩個(gè)脫衣舞女郎
[18:18.64]two strippers that solve crimes 在文雅爾雅的俱樂(lè)部老板Lashade先生的 幫助下偵破案件
[18:20.40]with the help of their suave, smooth-talking club owner, Mr. LaShade.
[18:24.20]- How'd I miss that? - Check it out. 我怎么會(huì)錯(cuò)過(guò)這個(gè)?
[18:26.04]Look at the cast list. Nikki Fernandez. 看這個(gè)演員表 Nikki Fernandez
[18:28.28]That's gotta be why she was in Australia. 這就是她為什么會(huì)在澳洲的原因
[18:30.52]- This must have been her big break. - Certainly sounds like it. 這一定是她事業(yè)上的大突破
[18:31.82]呃 聽(tīng)起來(lái)是這樣
[18:33.88]No way. 不可能
[18:36.12]Mr. LaShade was The Cobra? Lashade先生就是眼鏡蛇?
[18:37.92]Is that supposed to mean something? 這個(gè)意味著什么嗎?
[18:40.00]Dude, the Cobra's this big bad guy. 老兄 眼鏡蛇是個(gè)大壞蛋
[18:42.24]His identity's been shrouded in mystery for four seasons. 整整4季 他的身份都籠罩在神秘的迷霧里
[18:47.80]They had a walkie-talkie? 他們有個(gè)對(duì)講機(jī)?
[18:49.44]Every one of those bastards on the other side of the island 在島上另一邊的那些混蛋
[18:52.32]had one like this hanging from their belts. 每個(gè)人身上都有這個(gè)東西 掛在他們的皮帶上
[18:54.44]So how did Nikki and Paulo get one? 那么Nikki和Paulo是怎么拿到的?
[18:57.16]I'll tell you how. 讓我來(lái)告訴你吧
[19:01.00]They were working with The Others. 他們?yōu)槟切┤俗鍪?br /> [19:07.76]- What gives you the right? - We thought it was best for everybody. 什么權(quán)利讓你這樣做?
[19:08.96]你必須得明白 這樣做是為了每個(gè)人好
[19:11.24]Are you my mother? She knows what's best for me. 對(duì)不起 你是我媽媽嗎?
[19:13.88]- Other than that, I decide. - What's going on? 因?yàn)樗胖朗裁词菍?duì)我最好的
[19:13.52]除此之外 那就由我自己決定
[19:14.92]嘿 發(fā)生什么事了?
[19:16.96]Kate and her two boyfriends found a case of guns from the plane. Kate和她的兩個(gè)男朋友發(fā)現(xiàn)一個(gè) 從飛機(jī)里掉出來(lái)的裝滿(mǎn)槍的箱子
[19:20.48]They decided not to tell the camp. 可是他們卻決定不告訴大伙
[19:22.24]The case is locked. 聽(tīng)著 箱子是鎖著的
[19:23.72]The key is around Jack's neck. I promise they're safe. 鑰匙掛在Jack的脖子上 好嗎?
[19:26.52]You're all out of control. 我向你保證 那些東西很安全
[19:29.24]The pigs are walking. The pigs are walking! 豬都會(huì)走路了?
[19:37.84]So, where did you say you found that case? 那么...你說(shuō)你們是在哪找到那箱子的?
[19:45.36]It's just water, Paulo. 只是水啊 Paulo
[19:47.28]- Stop being such a wuss and dive in. - Why me? 別再猶猶豫豫的 跳進(jìn)去
[19:50.64]Well, as you had no trouble reminding me, 為什么是我?
[19:51.00]呃 正如你一直說(shuō)的 我都和Zucherman睡過(guò)覺(jué)
[19:53.40]I slept with Howie Zuckerman.
[19:55.12]The least you could do is go for a swim. They found the case on the bottom. 所以我想你至少可以下去游游泳吧
[19:58.96]- Let me ask you something. - What? 讓我問(wèn)你點(diǎn)東西
[20:00.96]If you didn't need me to find that bag would we still be together? 什么?
[20:00.92]如果你不需要我找那個(gè)包 我們還會(huì)在一起嗎?
[20:04.28]That bag is worth eight million dollars. 那個(gè)包值800萬(wàn)美金
[20:07.64]Just dive in, Paulo. 跳下去 Paulo
[20:38.64]Well? 怎樣?
[20:42.08]- Nothing. - There's nothing down there? 沒(méi)有
[20:47.72]Just dead bodies. 就是些尸體
[20:58.72]OK, so they had a walkie-talkie. 好 那么他們有對(duì)講機(jī)
[21:00.44]You think they were working with The Others? How? 你認(rèn)為他們?yōu)槟切┤俗鍪? 怎么做?
[21:03.04]Like Michael. 像Michael那樣
[21:04.44]If that's the case, then why did they kill Nikki and Paulo? 如果是那樣 他們?yōu)槭裁匆獨(dú)⒘薔ikki和Paulo?
[21:07.48]Who knows why those people do anything? 誰(shuí)會(huì)知道那些人做事的原因?
[21:09.60]What matters is, they could be out there now, waiting to get us. 重要的是那些人可能現(xiàn)在 就在外面等著抓我們
[21:12.88]I don't know, dude. 我不知道 老兄
[21:14.36]I was with The Others two weeks ago. They're on the other side of the island. 我兩星期前和那些人在一起
[21:18.04]Then who dragged me into the jungle? 那么是誰(shuí)把我拖到叢林里的?
[21:22.56]The Others came into our camp. 那些人進(jìn)入我們的營(yíng)地
[21:24.20]They grabbed me, put a bag over my head. 他們抓了我 用包裹住我的頭
[21:26.76]And if I hadn't gotten away, they would have killed me. 如果我沒(méi)有逃走 他們會(huì)殺了我
[21:31.32]Look, y'all stay here. Let me see if I can see any sign of them. 聽(tīng)著 你們都在這呆著
[21:34.96]- I'll do a perimeter sweep. - Where'd you get the gun? 我去清掃一下周邊
[21:37.72]- Got it off one of them. - When were you gonna let us know? 你哪里來(lái)的槍?
[21:41.48]I guess right now. 我猜是現(xiàn)在
[21:48.08]What, exactly, is a perimeter sweep? 清掃周邊是什么?
[21:51.48]Shouldn't we cover them up? 嘿 我們要把他們蓋起來(lái)嗎?
[21:53.24]Yes, of course. 是的 當(dāng)然要
[22:22.00]Nice night. 美好的夜晚
[22:27.12]- What are you doing? - Nothing. 你在干什么?
[22:29.76]It looks like you're digging a hole. 看起來(lái)你好像在挖洞
[22:35.80]Every man's entitled to his secrets, but can I give you a piece of advice? 每個(gè)人都有權(quán)利保留自己的秘密 Paulo 不過(guò)我可以給你點(diǎn)建議嗎?
[22:39.92]Please, John. 可以 John
[22:41.12]Put the shovel away and save yourself trouble. 你應(yīng)該把鏟子丟掉 給自己省些麻煩
[22:43.48]Why is that? 為什么?
[22:45.92]Things don't stay buried on this island. 東西不會(huì)永遠(yuǎn)都在這島上埋著
[22:50.68]The beach is eroding. 沙灘會(huì)侵蝕
[22:52.48]Winter's coming. High tide. 冬天就要來(lái)了...漲潮得厲害
[22:54.40]Whatever it is you're hiding, pick a spot that won't wash away. 不論你在藏些什么 得確定這里不會(huì)被海水沖走
[22:59.36]See you back at camp. 營(yíng)地見(jiàn)
[23:50.16]Who left this open? 是誰(shuí)讓這個(gè)開(kāi)著?
[23:51.60]Tom was down here a couple of days ago. Tom幾天前下過(guò)這里來(lái)
[23:53.72]Have him cover it up with a plank. 那讓他用飛機(jī)把它蓋起來(lái)
[24:03.64]Is that him? Shephard? 這就是他...Shephard?
[24:05.88]Yes. 是的
[24:09.20]He's cute. 很帥
[24:12.96]Why are we doing this? 我們?yōu)槭裁匆@么做?
[24:14.56]Shephard will never agree to do the surgery. Shephard永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì)同意做手術(shù)
[24:17.16]- No, I can convince him to do it. - How? 不 我可以說(shuō)服他
[24:19.96]The same way I get anybody to do anything. 怎么說(shuō)服?
[24:24.00]I find out what he's emotionally invested in, 我找到他的情感弱點(diǎn) 然后為之利用
[24:26.68]and I exploit it.
[24:30.48]So, what? 那怎樣 我們抓他們?nèi)齻€(gè)人 也包括Ford和Auston嗎?
[24:31.92]So, we just grab all three of them? Ford and Austen too?
[24:34.84]- No. They need to come to us. - How do we make that happen? 不 要他們自動(dòng)送上門(mén)
[24:37.92]Michael, of course. Michael 當(dāng)然要利用他
[24:42.08]Are we done here? 我們可以走了嗎?
[24:43.44]This place gives me the creeps. 這地方讓我毛骨悚然
[25:15.20]Hey, Desmond. 嘿! Desmond
[25:17.72]You hear about Nikki and Paulo? 你聽(tīng)說(shuō)Nikki和Paulo的事了嗎?
[25:19.60]Aye. Tragic. 嗯 悲劇
[25:21.08]So, do you know anything? 那么...你知道些什么嗎?
[25:25.04]- How do you mean? - Can you... 你指的是什么?
[25:28.32]...you know, use your psychic powers? - It doesn't work like that.
[25:32.28]- I only see flashes. - No offence, dude, but... 我看到的東西就是一閃而過(guò)
[25:34.20]恕我冒犯 但是...就超能力而言 你的似乎挺差勁的
[25:36.04]...as far as superpowers go, yours is kind of lame.
[25:41.64]Thanks, anyway. 還是謝謝你
[25:44.08]I do know she was with your mate this morning. 我是看到她今天早上和你同伴在一起
[25:47.44]My mate? 我的同伴?
[25:49.24]I saw her with your boy Sawyer. 我看見(jiàn)她和你的...你的男孩Sawyer...
[25:54.40]The dead girl, Nikki. 那個(gè)死去的女孩...Nikki
[25:56.44]He said he didn't know her. 他說(shuō)他不認(rèn)識(shí)她
[25:58.20]Then why was she yelling at him? 那為什么他對(duì)她嚷嚷?
[26:00.40]Yelling? 嚷嚷?
[26:02.24]- Aye. - At Sawyer? This morning? 嗯
[26:03.36]對(duì)Sawyer 今天早上?
[26:08.32]Right before she died. 就在她死之前
[26:22.64]Vincent, dude! Vincent! 兄弟!
[26:25.08]He saw Sawyer and Nikki fighting. That doesn't prove anything. 那么他看到Sawyer和Nikki吵架
[26:28.48]Look at the facts and ask yourself, 這不能證明什么
[26:28.82]你自己好好想想 為什么Sawyer 在調(diào)查這件事上這么合作?
[26:30.64]why is Sawyer gung-ho about investigating this?
[26:33.24]What's in it for him? He pretended he didn't know their names. 這跟他有什么關(guān)系?
[26:34.78]他裝作不知道他們的名字 而他又和Nikki吵過(guò)駕
[26:36.60]- Then he was fighting with Nikki. - Sawyer's not a murderer.
[26:40.00]He went all the way across the island to help Michael. 他一路穿過(guò)島去救Michael
[26:42.92]It is The Others. I know what they can do. 這是那些人做的 我知道他們能做什么
[26:45.72]OK, you know what? I'll go get Desmond. 好 這樣吧?
[26:47.96]He'll tell you exactly what he saw. 我去找Desmond 他會(huì)說(shuō)清楚 他到底看到什么
[26:53.92]Sun? Sun?
[26:59.32]It was me. 是我
[27:01.28]What? 什么?
[27:05.04]It was me who took you. 是我?guī)ё吣愕?不是那些人
[27:07.32]Not The Others.
[27:13.96]I wasn't myself, 那時(shí)候我心煩意亂
[27:16.12]after Locke hit me. Locke打了我...又羞辱了我...
[27:17.96]After he humiliated me.
[27:21.56]Sawyer told me I could get even by helping steal the guns. Sawyer告訴我?guī)退禈?他就給我我要的
[27:24.48]We just made it look like The Others. 我們就弄得...像...那些人干的
[27:31.84]I didn't mean to hurt you. 我并不想傷害你
[27:37.96]I'm sorry. 對(duì)不起
[27:44.84]Everybody, we're heading to the Pearl Station. 9天前
[27:44.98]嘿 大伙 我們要出發(fā)去珍珠站
[27:47.56]There's a computer that might help us. Anybody want to come? 那里有電腦 可能會(huì)幫我們找到自己人
[27:50.88]- I'll go. - Great. 有人想一起去嗎?
[27:50.94]我去 很好
[27:52.60]- What? - Anybody else want to come? 什么?
[27:54.52]Meet us at the tree line in ten minutes and bring water. 還有其他人想去嗎 10分鐘后 在森林邊上見(jiàn) 要帶上水
[27:57.32]- You're not serious? - What? 你不是說(shuō)真的吧
[28:00.24]You always whine about not being included. 什么?你總是嘮叨著不能參與進(jìn)去
[28:02.76]Now's our chance. 現(xiàn)在是我們的機(jī)會(huì)了
[28:10.48]Hey, guys? 嘿 大伙們 其它這些電視機(jī)是干嘛的?
[28:12.64]What are these other TVs for?
[28:15.08]Sorry? 什么?
[28:16.36]All these TVs. 這些電視機(jī)
[28:18.68]This guy says that there are six stations. 這人說(shuō)有六個(gè)站...
[28:21.36]Wait, here, check it out.
[28:23.32]Hi, I'm Dr. Mark Wickmund.
[28:28.16]There's a monitoring station where the activities of participants in Dharma
[28:33.00]in our initiative projects can be observed and recorded.
[28:38.88]"Projects." More than one.
[28:41.12]Maybe some of these TVs are connected to other hatches. 所以也許這些電視中某些 能連上其他的艙
[28:43.92]I'm certainly feeling very stupid. 呃 我突然覺(jué)得我很笨
[28:46.08]Perhaps I could patch in one of the other feeds, 也許我能收取其他的信號(hào) 看看能否接收到其他畫(huà)面
[28:48.56]see if we can get another picture.
[29:01.12]The toilet still works. 廁所還能用
[29:19.48]- Gimme the gun. - What the hell are you talking about? 把槍給我
[29:22.96]Give it to me. 你到底在說(shuō)什么?
[29:26.88]It ain't even loaded. 子彈都沒(méi)上膛
[29:29.36]Then how are you "sweeping the perimeter"? 那么你怎么清掃周邊?
[29:31.76]Quit lying, dude. 別再說(shuō)謊了兄弟
[29:33.00]Desmond saw you fighting with Nikki this morning. Desmond看見(jiàn)你今天早上和Nikki吵架了
[29:39.28]Oh, I see what this is. 噢 我知道這是干嗎了
[29:42.16]Villagers got themselves some torches. 村民們找到縱火犯了
[29:45.04]- Did you kill them? - No. 你有沒(méi)有殺他們?
[29:46.86]不 不 我沒(méi)有殺他們
[29:49.68]No, I didn't kill them.
[29:52.92]Yeah, me and Nikki went at it this morning, 是 我和Nikki今天早上吵...
[29:56.76]- because she wanted a gun. - Why didn't you tell us this before? 是因?yàn)樗胍恢?br /> [29:58.62]你之前為什么不告訴我們?
[30:04.40]Because of the dirt under her nails. - 因?yàn)樗讣桌锏哪嗤?- 什么?
[30:07.00]- What? - She was digging. 她在挖東西 而我們見(jiàn)到他的時(shí)候 我看見(jiàn)了翻松的泥土
[30:09.44]And when we found him, I saw a fresh mound of dirt.
[30:12.16]She was burying something. 她在埋些什么 如果你在死之前 花時(shí)間去挖個(gè)洞
[30:13.96]And if you take the time to dig a hole right before you die,
[30:17.68]then what you're hiding's probably pretty damn good. 那么你要藏的一定是好東西
[30:20.56]So what was it? What did she hide? 那么那是什么?
[30:35.92]Go ahead, take 'em. 拿去
[30:38.72]Because whatever happened to those two, I had nothing to do with it. 因?yàn)椴还苣莾扇税l(fā)生什么事 都不關(guān)我的事
[31:06.52]Did you know Thanksgiving was two weeks ago? 你知道感恩節(jié)是兩個(gè)星期以前嗎?
[31:11.72]We missed it, Paulo. Just like we're gonna miss everything. 我們錯(cuò)過(guò)了 Paulo 好像我們 會(huì)錯(cuò)過(guò)所有東西
[31:15.20]They're going to find us. 他們會(huì)找到我們的
[31:17.56]We'll get rescued. You'll see. 我們會(huì)獲救的 等著瞧吧
[31:20.76]OK, where did this sudden burst of optimism come from? 好吧 你怎么突然這么樂(lè)觀起來(lái)了?
[31:26.12]I don't know. I guess it's how you look at things. 我不知道 我猜...
[31:31.64]Like the bag.
[31:33.04]I mean, maybe not finding it was good for us. 我是說(shuō) 找不到它 對(duì)我們而言也許是好事
[31:37.64]- How do you figure that? - Look what it did. 你怎么會(huì)那么想?
[31:42.24]It might've torn us apart. 它可能讓我們...分開(kāi)
[31:47.40]Yeah. 是的
[31:54.44]Wait here. 等著
[31:55.96]- I'm gonna get us some breakfast. - OK. 我去給我們弄點(diǎn)早餐
[32:26.48]OK, I know you have them. 好 我知道你有
[32:28.88]- Give me a gun! - I don't have the guns. 給我一支槍
[32:32.12]- The A-Team took 'em all. - Right. 我沒(méi)有槍
[32:33.92]Except for the ones you kept for yourself. A隊(duì)把他們拿走了
[32:33.56]對(duì) 除了你給自己留的一支
[32:36.36]Even if I had a gun, I wouldn't give it to you. 就算我有槍 也不會(huì)給你
[32:39.12]Judging by the fire you're breathin', 根據(jù)你一肚子火氣 我感覺(jué)不會(huì)有什么好結(jié)果
[32:41.24]I got a feelin' no good would come of it.
[32:43.32]- Sawyer, give me a gun. - I got a better idea, sister. Sawyer 給我一支槍
[32:47.60]How about you go stick your head in the ocean and cool yourself off. 我有個(gè)更好的主意 妹子
[32:52.88]Thanks for nothing. 算了 不勞費(fèi)心
[32:56.80]And who the hell are you? 你是誰(shuí)啊?
[33:07.20]Thanks for nothing. 什么都不謝
[33:24.36]Charlie told me it was your idea... Charlie告訴我...綁架我是你的主意
[33:28.28]...to kidnap me.
[33:37.96]- You gonna tell Jin? - No. 你會(huì)告訴Jin?
[33:48.40]Why not? 為什么不?
[33:49.60]Because then we'd have to dig another grave. 因?yàn)槟菢游覀兙偷迷偻谝粋€(gè)墳?zāi)?br /> [34:00.72]- Why are you giving me these? - Because they're worthless here. 你為什么要給我這些?
[34:05.92]And I thought I was gonna get out of this without a lecture... 看吧 我想我會(huì)甩掉這些..
[34:18.72]Nikki and Paulo... Nikki和Paulo...
[34:21.04]I guess we didn't really know you very well. 我猜我們并不是太了解你們
[34:25.52]And it appears you killed each other for diamonds. 看來(lái)你們?yōu)榱算@石而自相殘殺
[34:30.32]But I know there were good parts to you, too. 但我知道你們也有好的地方
[34:32.60]You were always nice to me. 你們總是對(duì)我很好 是營(yíng)地的一分子
[34:37.24]And you were a member of the camp.
[34:39.96]And... I really loved Expose. 還有...我真的喜歡"揭密"?
[34:47.96]OK, then. 好了 那么 再見(jiàn)
[34:49.60]- Good-bye. - Wait. 等等
[35:03.92]Rest in peace, Nikki and Paulo. 安息吧 Nikki和Paulo
[35:13.04]- Come on, Nikki. Just tell me. - It's a surprise. 8小時(shí)以前
[35:13.28]快點(diǎn) Nikki 告訴我
[35:16.60]We're almost there. 我們快到了
[35:19.68]OK, ready? 好 準(zhǔn)備好了?
[35:22.64]- Yeah. - I found the diamonds, Paulo. 是的
[35:24.08]我找到了鉆石 Paulo
[35:27.76]What? Where? 什么? 哪里?
[35:30.76]Right here. 這里
[35:35.04]Give them to me. 把它們給我
[35:38.80]- What are you talking about? - What am I talking about? 你在說(shuō)什么?
[35:42.84]What's this? Your nicotine gum? 這是什么?
[35:45.92]You wanted to stop looking for the bag because you'd already found it! 你不想找那個(gè)包是因?yàn)槟阋呀?jīng)找到了
[35:50.16]I know you have them. Where are they? 你知道你擁有他們 Paulo 那么它們?cè)谀?!
[35:52.28]Calm down, OK? 好 冷靜 好嗎?
[35:55.64]What the hell is that? 那是什么東西?
[35:57.56]噢! 你是瘋了嗎?
[36:00.08]- Are you out of your mind? - You remember Dr. Arzt's friend?
[36:03.48]Did it bite you? 它咬你了嗎? 痛不痛?
[36:06.68]Does it hurt?
[36:08.52]He told me why they call it the Medusa spider. 他告訴我為什么它會(huì)被稱(chēng)作米杜莎蜘蛛
[36:10.96]Wanna know why? 想知道為什么嗎?
[36:15.00]What did you do? 什么...你做了什么?
[36:20.48]Because one look from Medusa would turn anyone to stone. 因?yàn)楸幻锥派催^(guò)的人都會(huì)變成石頭
[36:23.48]Just like one bite from this spider will paralyze you. 就像被蜘蛛咬一口你就會(huì)癱瘓...大概...
[36:26.64]For about eight hours. 噢 大約8個(gè)小時(shí)
[36:29.76]It won't kill you. It'll just slow your heart rate down 它不會(huì)殺死你
[36:30.96]它只會(huì)... 使你的心跳速率減到很慢
[36:33.08]to the point where even a doctor would have a hard time hearing it beat. 連醫(yī)生也難以察覺(jué)到...
[36:39.00]You won't be able to move a muscle, 你的肌肉不能動(dòng)
[36:41.12]so I'll be able to do all sorts of nasty things to you. 那么我就可以對(duì)你做任何齷齪的事情
[36:46.04]And since it bit you on your neck, I'd say paralysis will happen fast. 由于它咬了你脖子 癱瘓應(yīng)該會(huì)更快起效
[36:56.52]I'm guessing that you have the diamonds on you. 我猜你會(huì)把鉆石帶在身上 對(duì)不?
[37:07.44]In a shoe, maybe? 在鞋子里 可能嗎?
[37:17.20]I think I know where. 我想我知道在哪
[37:28.52]Son of a bitch. 混蛋
[37:33.04]- I'm sorry. - You're only sorry you got caught. 對(duì)不起
[37:34.48]你遺憾是因?yàn)槟惚蛔プ×?br /> [37:39.64]I was afraid of losing you. 我...害怕...失去你
[37:47.92]If you found the diamonds, you wouldn't need me anymore. 如果你找到了鉆石... 你就不再需要我了
[38:30.00]Damn it! 噢! 見(jiàn)鬼!
[38:33.24]No! No! No!
[38:55.92]You OK? 啊 你還好嗎?
[39:04.56]- Hey! Hey, what happened? - Paralyzed. 嘿 嘿 發(fā)生什么事了?

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