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[00:01.00]Previously on Lost: "迷失" 前情提要
[00:02.48]There's a rental car parked out front. Go to Sioux City. 外面有輛租來的車
[00:05.36]I want you to check in at the Sage Flower Motel. 我們?nèi)ヌK市
[00:06.06]你去Sage Flower旅館住下
[00:08.04]Wait for me. I'll be there in the a.m. 在那兒等我 我早上會到那兒的
[00:10.24]- I love you. - I love you, too. 我愛你
[00:12.60]Go. Go. 我也愛你
[00:13.42]走吧 快走
[00:21.80]I don't care what Jack said. 我不管Jack怎么說
[00:23.28]They've got him. We have to get him back. I owe him. 他們抓了他 我們必須救他出來 是我欠他的
[00:25.68]Circumstances have changed. He may not want to be rescued. 很明顯 形勢有所改變
[00:28.72]If he's shaking hands with The Others, he has a reason. 也許他不想被救走
[00:29.26]即使他和那幫人握手 我敢肯定他是有苦衷的
[00:31.20]We came to rescue Jack. 我們就是來救Jack的
[00:33.24]- Hi. - What are you doing here? - 嗨 - 你來這兒干嘛?
[00:35.52]- I came to get you. - Get out of here. 我來救你
[00:37.56]- Get down! Get her down! - Don't hurt her! 快離開這兒
[00:41.00]I made a deal with them. They're gonna let me go. 我和他們有個約定
[00:44.44]- Where? - Home. 他們準(zhǔn)備放我走
[00:48.52]Jack, we need to go. Jack 我們該走了
[00:53.20]Hold it right there! Get your hands up! 嘿 呆那兒別動!
[00:55.40]Get down! I said, get down! 把手舉起來!
[00:56.04]跪下! 我說跪下!
[00:58.36]- What are you doing here, John? - Sorry, Jack. John 你在這兒干嘛?
[01:00.80]Sorry for what? Jack 對不起
[01:50.32]I was just bringing you something to eat. 我只是來給你送點(diǎn)吃的
[01:55.28]Enjoy your sandwich. 好好享用你的三明治吧
[02:14.76]Been on the road awhile? 車子拋了很久了吧?
[02:16.52]How long's it gonna take? 你修好它要多久?
[02:17.96]Well, your fan belt's shot. 風(fēng)扇皮帶斷了
[02:19.72]It'll take two days, maybe three. 我得修兩天 也許三天
[02:23.20]Three days for a fan belt? 修根風(fēng)扇皮帶要三天?
[02:25.12]Welcome to lowa. 歡迎來到愛荷華州
[02:30.84]- Name's Johnny. - I'm Lucy. 我叫Johnny
[02:44.12]They're all 18 karat gold. Typically they retail for 500 bucks. 全部都是18K的足金
[02:48.48]Come on, those don't look real. I'm not buying. 得了吧 看上去不是真貨
[02:51.00]...going out of business. You'll never find... 我不想買
[02:53.52]If you need a lift, I'm finished in an hour. 我舅舅破產(chǎn)了 聽著 你永遠(yuǎn)都不會...
[02:55.76]What con are you pulling? I'll call the cops! 如果你要搭車去鎮(zhèn)上 我辦完事一小時(shí)后就啟程
[02:57.92]- Your loss. - Hey, there a problem, buddy? 你騙誰呢?
[02:58.46]好吧 隨你的便 反正是你的損失
[03:00.12]Yeah, there's a problem. I'm getting scammed, that's the problem. 伙計(jì) 有麻煩嗎?
[03:00.74]是的 有點(diǎn)麻煩
[03:03.92]- I'm sorry. - Do you think I'm an idiot? 我在被人詐騙
[03:06.04]Hey, you don't have to buy them. 你以為我是白癡嗎?
[03:07.92]Those are fake necklaces and you're a rip-off artist. 嘿 老兄 如果你不想買...
[03:10.84]- They're real. - Call the cops. 這些都是真貨
[03:13.56]- I'll sell them to somebody else. - Hey, let me see those. 報(bào)警吧
[03:13.66]你不想買的話 我就賣給別人
[03:18.32]My father owns a jewellery store. I think I can spot a fake. How much? 我父親經(jīng)營著一個珠寶店
[03:20.54]我想我認(rèn)得出假貨 什么價(jià)?
[03:23.72]- Sixty bucks. - I'll take the one on the end. 60美元
[03:28.64]Whatever. 隨你的便
[03:32.16]- Thanks. - Yeah. 多謝
[03:37.68]Can I get my money back? 我能要回我的錢嗎?
[03:43.76]Hey! 嘿
[03:47.96]Why'd you help me? 你為什么要幫我?
[03:50.08]Just one girl watching another girl's back I guess. 我想僅僅是一個女孩 護(hù)著另一個女孩而已
[03:53.24]Or you're stranded here 你不知何故 困在此地
[03:55.16]and for some reason you didn't want that guy calling the cops. 不想那家伙把警察招來
[04:06.96]I'll give you a ride into town, you buy me a drink. 我會帶你進(jìn)城的
[04:20.76]What? 有何貴干?
[04:24.00]Kate... Kate
[04:26.80]John? What are you doing? John?
[04:30.88]- Did they capture you? - Yes. But only temporarily. 他們抓了你嗎?
[04:32.30]沒錯 但是...
[04:38.16]I came to say goodbye. 我是來跟你告別的
[04:41.72]- Goodbye? - I'm leaving with them. 告別?
[04:44.28]What the hell is going on? What are they doing to you? 我要和他們一起走了
[04:47.00]Are you brainwashed? Where did Jack go? 我是說 他們拿你怎么啦? 你被洗腦了嗎?
[04:49.44]Jack didn't go anywhere, Kate. Jack 要去哪兒?
[04:49.86]Jack哪兒也不去 Kate
[04:51.44]He's gonna have to stay behind like you. 他得跟你一樣留下來
[04:54.64]You can't trust them. 你不能相信他們
[04:55.72]If they told you they're gonna take you home, they're lying. 如果他們告訴你 他們準(zhǔn)備送你回家
[04:58.60]I don't want to go home, Kate. 他們是在說謊
[04:59.54]Kate 我不想回家
[05:02.20]I want you to know I made a strong case for you. 你要知道 我為你打包票
[05:05.12]I told them that you were a good person. Reliable. Smart. Honest. 我告訴他們說你是個...
[05:07.38]可信 聰明 正直的好人
[05:09.88]And then they told me who you were and what you had done. 然后他們告訴我 你的為人及你的所作所為
[05:14.52]Let's just say forgiveness isn't one of their strong suits. 這么說吧 他們可沒那么寬容
[05:21.92]Good luck. 祝好運(yùn)
[05:24.44]- Where are you going? - Coming out. John 你要去哪兒?
[05:26.40]Hey... Just... 出來了
[05:26.94]嘿 等等...
[05:28.76]Where's Jack and where's Sayid? Have you seen Rousseau? Jack和Sayid在哪兒?
[05:37.40]John, please, what's happened to you? John 求你了 你到底是怎么啦?
[05:39.68]I'm sorry, Kate. Kate 對不起
[06:12.76]What's wrong with you? 你是怎么啦?
[06:14.20]Don't look at me, and pretend we're not talking. 別盯著我看 就當(dāng)我們沒說話
[06:17.32]- I'm not supposed to be here. - Good, then scram. 我可不想呆在這兒
[06:18.94]說的好 那你走吧
[06:20.56]Dude, you need to know that there's been some chatter. 老兄 你必須意識到 Paulo和Nikki及其他的事
[06:23.44]After Paulo and Nikki and everything... 已經(jīng)引起了流言蜚語
[06:25.80]- Tomorrow there's gonna be a vote. - A vote for what? 明天有個表決
[06:29.72]To decide whether or not to banish you. 表什么決?
[06:32.76]Banish me? 驅(qū)逐我? 把我趕到哪兒去?
[06:35.00]- Where? - There was a debate about that. 至于這個還有點(diǎn)爭執(zhí)
[06:37.08]But the consensus was half a mile down the beach. 但是多數(shù)人想把你 趕到半英里以外的海灘上
[06:40.28]"Consensus"? 多數(shù)人的意見?
[06:41.84]I'm only saying this because there may be a way to fix it, 我只能這么講 也許還有其他法子
[06:45.24]to like, make amends. 比如 賠禮道歉
[06:49.44]- I don't do amends. - You might wanna ask yourself 我可不會賠禮道歉
[06:50.90]你可以捫心自問 那些好東西
[06:52.60]about all the good stuff that comes from being a part of this society. 是由于有了這個"社會" 才能存在
[06:57.80]I mean, you can't even feed yourself. You use our latrine, 你甚至不能自給自足
[07:01.00]drink the water Steve brings every morning to the trough. 你用著我們的茅廁
[07:02.38]喝著Steve每天早上 帶到水槽來的水
[07:04.48]What? 你想說什么?
[07:05.64]You know how for three days, ten hours, and 15 minutes 你知道3天10小時(shí)15分鐘...
[07:09.24]- I ain't allowed to use nicknames? - Yeah? 不讓我叫綽號是什么感覺?
[07:11.76]Well, you, sir... Hugo... 沒錯
[07:11.38]你 Hugo先生 胖球
[07:15.76]...are rotund, annoying, and you're ruining my damn view. 討人厭 破壞了這兒的好風(fēng)景
[07:20.68]How's that for amends? 這個賠禮道歉如何?
[07:22.76]You're making a big mistake, dude. 老兄 你犯了大忌
[07:27.24]Banish me. 驅(qū)逐我
[08:53.80]How about you tell me your name? 說說你的名字怎么樣?
[08:57.16]- It's Lucy. - And what's your real name? 我叫Lucy
[09:00.20]- Next time, don't think about it. - I didn't... 下次有人問 你別再想了
[09:02.72]Not even for a second. - 我沒想 - 一秒鐘也不行
[09:05.08]So, why "Lucy"? 為什么叫Lucy?
[09:07.52]She's a saint. 她是個圣徒
[09:08.76]I had to memorize them in Sunday school, 在主日學(xué)校我得記住所有人
[09:10.84]so they're still rattling around in my brain. 可能腦海里始終縈繞
[09:13.24]What makes a girl who went to Sunday school scared of cops? 是什么令一個 上過主日學(xué)校的女孩害怕警察呢?
[09:23.60]A few months ago I killed my stepfather 幾個月前我殺了我的繼父
[09:25.84]and escaped from the Marshal who arrested me for it. 我從抓我的執(zhí)法官手里逃脫了
[09:31.52]Why? 為什么?
[09:35.12]Because he was a bad guy. 因?yàn)樗莻€壞蛋
[09:40.28]So, what the hell are you doing in lowa? 你到愛荷華州來干嘛?
[09:45.44]I want to talk to my mother. 我想跟我母親談?wù)?br /> [09:50.64]You're gonna have a really hard time doing that. 這事會很難辦
[09:53.40]If you did what you just said you did, 因?yàn)槿绻阏娓闪四阏f的那些
[09:55.28]the feds are gonna be watching her 24l7. 警察會時(shí)刻監(jiān)視著她
[09:58.04]- I'll figure something out. - Oh, you will? 我會想辦法
[09:59.74]噢 你會想辦法?
[10:01.32]What, you want to help me? 怎么 你想幫我?
[10:08.88]Absolutely. 沒錯
[10:11.48]Why? 為什么?
[10:18.20]I fell in love with the wrong guy. 我愛錯了人
[10:21.16]And then I gave him my life savings. 然后給了他畢生儲蓄
[10:25.28]He conned me and embarrassed me. 他欺騙我 使我陷入窘境
[10:28.08]He was a bad guy. 他是個壞蛋
[10:31.76]So, I'll help you get the meeting with your mom, "Lucy", 所以...
[10:32.62]我會幫你見你媽媽... Lucy
[10:36.52]because one of us deserves something good. 因?yàn)槲覀冎性撚腥吮簧拼?br /> [11:54.00]I ain't gonna get the Korean vote. 我一定拿不到韓國人的投票了
[12:04.12]Shoot. What the... 噢! 可惡!
[12:05.80]過來 過來
[12:07.56]Come here. Come on.
[12:33.92]All right. Let's do it. 我們做吧
[12:37.00]Do what? 做什么?
[12:38.84]I'm ready to do it. Make amends. 我已經(jīng)準(zhǔn)備好了...
[12:41.16]Change the vote. 賠禮道歉 扭轉(zhuǎn)投票
[12:44.32]I don't want to be banished, OK? You happy? 我不想被驅(qū)逐 好嗎?
[12:48.24]Dude, you stink. 老兄 你很臭耶
[12:50.44]What is that? Fish? 那是什么 魚嗎?
[12:53.24]- No. - Did you try to gut one yourself? 不是
[12:57.04]How have you not learned that by now? We've been here three months. 你怎么現(xiàn)在還沒學(xué)會?
[13:00.84]- Could we just do this? - Do what? 我們都來這兒三個月了
[13:04.92]Make nice? 做好人?
[13:07.80]Apologize for calling me all those names. 叫我綽號 先向我道歉
[13:13.68]I'm really sorry I called you "rotund". 叫你"胖球" 我真的很對不起
[13:17.24]- Really? - Oh, God. You're worse than a girl. 真的嗎?
[13:18.84]噢 天哪 你比小女孩還難哄
[13:20.72]Come on, let's spread the love. 來吧
[13:22.16]我們?nèi)鞑?br /> [13:54.48]- What am I doing here? - Why don't you tell me? 我到底在這兒干嘛?
[13:56.84]- I don't know. - Well, I don't know, either. 你怎么不告訴我?
[13:57.96]呃 我也不知道!
[13:59.48]So, why don't you let go of my wrist? 干嗎不放開我?
[14:22.28]So, what the hell happened? 到底發(fā)生什么事了?
[14:25.64]I was making a cup of tea. A canister came in through the window. 我在沖茶
[14:32.16]So, what did you do to piss them off? 你做什么惹他們生氣了?
[14:35.60]You're wasting your time. The knife is too big. 你在浪費(fèi)時(shí)間
[14:39.36]- Use something smaller. - We're going back. 需要個小點(diǎn)的 安全別針...
[14:41.88]What? They did this to us. Why would we go back? 我們要回去
[14:42.24]什么? 他們這樣對我們
[14:45.24]You say "they" like you didn't lock me in a cage 你為什么還要回去?
[14:45.80]你說"他們" 好像你沒把我關(guān)在籠子里
[14:47.80]and watch me break rocks all day. 看著我整天敲鎖頭
[14:54.20]We're going back to your village because my friends were probably gassed like us. 我們回你的村子
[14:59.36]Your people are gone anyway. I saw them all pack up and leave. 反正你的人已經(jīng)走了
[15:02.60]- What? - Locke came in and he said goodbye. 我看見他們收拾包袱離開了
[15:06.48]They were going somewhere else. 他們正離開去別的地方
[15:08.24]Going? Going where? 離開? 去哪兒?
[15:09.64]He didn't exactly tell me. 他并沒有告訴我
[15:14.92]Welcome to the wonderful world of not knowing what the hell's going on. 歡迎來到對所有事情 一無所知的奇妙世界
[15:45.64]Go, go, go! On the ground. 閃開! 閃開!
[15:48.80]Get down. On the ground! 蹲下! 趴在地上!
[15:51.24]Let's see those hands. 讓我看到你的手!
[15:52.88]- Get back in the house. - Got her. 抓到了 抓到了!
[15:54.76]Let me see those hands. 讓我看到你的手!
[15:57.88]Long time no see, Austen. 很久不見了 Austen
[16:06.72]- Who the hell are you? - I'm just selling Bibles. 你到底是誰?
[16:38.56]Hi. 嗨
[16:42.44]They questioned me for half an hour. 他們審問了我半小時(shí)
[16:44.48]He confiscated my case. 他沒收了我的箱子
[16:46.76]He was asking me about selling Bibles... 他盤問我賣圣經(jīng)的事和...
[16:49.56]It's a good thing I know how to lie. 噢 還好我知道怎么撒謊
[16:51.36]Yeah. Now we know what we're up against. 是啊 現(xiàn)在知道我們在對付什么了
[16:53.76]Now we know there were six guys waiting to take you down, Lucy. 沒錯 現(xiàn)在我們知道有六個家伙...
[16:55.92]等著抓捕你 Lucy
[16:57.56]Yeah, it's OK. I'll figure it out. 沒事 我會想出辦法的
[16:59.40]Figure it out? 想出辦法?
[17:01.12]That Marshal, I don't know what you did to him, 那個執(zhí)法官 我不知道你對他干了什么
[17:04.32]but if he ever gets his hands on you, it is gonna be you or him. 但如果你讓他逮著
[17:07.44]Look, if you've changed your mind, if you don't want to help me, I get it. 只能拼個你死我活
[17:07.96]聽著 如果你改變主意了
[17:09.56]如果你不想幫我 我能理解
[17:11.48]No, I do want to help you. But if I'm lying to federal agents, 不 我想幫你
[17:12.72]Lucy 如果要我對聯(lián)邦警探說謊
[17:14.96]so that you can have a chat with your mom, 使你和你媽媽得以交談
[17:18.00]then I at least need to know that there's a pretty good reason. 那至少你得給我個像樣的理由
[17:24.36]He used to get drunk, 他過去常酗酒 打我媽媽
[17:28.16]and beat up my mom, so I blew up his house. 所以我炸了他的房子
[17:32.16]I made it look like an accident. 我偽裝成了一樁...
[17:36.96]A gas leak. 瓦斯泄露的意外
[17:39.60]Took out an insurance policy on the house... 我拿了房子的保險(xiǎn)單
[17:42.60]...for her. 給她
[17:44.72]Set her up for life. 安頓好她的生活
[17:49.52]And then she gave me up. 接著她就不要我了
[17:53.88]Chose him over me. 選擇他 拋棄了我
[17:57.52]So the reason I need to talk to her is, 我要跟她談?wù)劦氖且驗(yàn)?..
[18:01.20]someone I love, 我愛她
[18:02.92]someone who's supposed to care about me, betrayed me. 她原本該在乎我 卻背叛了我
[18:07.84]And I want to know why. 我想知道為什么
[18:12.72]Well, 我們?nèi)フ掖鸢赴?br /> [18:14.76]then let's go find out.
[18:21.84]What are you doing? 你在干嘛?
[18:23.84]Whoever dragged us out here left a trail that will lead us back. 不管誰拖我來這兒的 總該會留下點(diǎn)痕跡吧
[18:25.56]- 這些痕跡能引我們回到原來的地方 - 走吧
[18:27.24]Let's go.
[18:29.12]It's gonna rain. Don't you think we should wait till morning? 要下雨了
[18:30.40]你不覺得 我們該等到天亮再行動嗎?
[18:33.72]No. 不
[18:43.56]- Why? - Why what? 為什么?
[18:45.80]Why would they handcuff you to me and then drag us out into the jungle? 什么為什么?
[18:50.04]Ben has a thing for mind games. Ben愛玩心理游戲
[18:53.48]- Is that why he left you behind? - Do we really have to talk? 這就是他留下你的原因嗎?
[18:57.88]Nope. 不是
[19:05.48]Come on. If the trail gets wet I'll lose it. 快點(diǎn) 如果蹤跡被雨水沖刷 就找不到了
[19:07.72]I hope you're not dragging me all the way back there with you for him. 我希望你一路把我拖回去
[19:10.20]并不是因?yàn)樗?br /> [19:12.88]- Excuse me? - I hope you're not going back for Jack. 你說什么?
[19:17.04]Because I was standing right there when he told you not to come back. 因?yàn)楫?dāng)他告訴你不要回來時(shí)
[19:21.96]Now that you've ruined his chance to get off the island... 既然你已經(jīng)毀掉了 他離開這個島的機(jī)會...
[19:38.24]Are you done? 你說完了嗎?!
[19:40.60]I said are you? 我問你 你說夠了沒有?!
[19:48.72]I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... 對不起 我不是故意的
[19:54.80]What the hell was that? 那是什么鬼東西?!
[20:07.20]- Get up. - You dislocated my shoulder. - 起來! - 你讓我肩膀脫臼了!
[20:09.24]Get up! 起來!
[20:11.20]Come on. 快點(diǎn)!
[20:19.56]Quick, in here. Come on. 等等! 到這邊來
[20:21.92]Get in here. Quick. 蹲下 蹲下
[20:24.28]Get down. Get down.
[20:26.84]What the hell? - 什么鬼... - 噓!
[21:14.20]Are we safe? 我們安全了嗎?
[21:16.28]You tell me. 你說呢
[21:29.64]- I ain't kissing no damn baby. - Claire's really influential. 我才不要親那討厭的嬰兒
[21:33.08]She votes for you, you're home free. 如果她投票讓你留下來 你就沒事了 老兄
[21:35.12]Why wouldn't she vote for me? It's not like I ever done anything bad to her. 她為什么不會投我票?
[21:38.76]No, but you never did anything good for her, either. 是沒有 但你也沒為她做過好事
[21:42.12]And have you ever even asked how Aaron is? 你有問候過Aaron一句嗎?
[21:44.40]Well, I know how he is. 我知道他很好啊
[21:45.68]他... 哭聲很大 味道也很大
[21:47.24]- He cries loud and he smells. - That's what I'm talking about. 你看? 我不就是說這個嘛
[21:50.52]You're sarcastic. 你總是喜歡挖苦人家 大家不喜歡這樣
[21:51.68]- People don't like that. - All right. 好吧
[21:53.76]So I go over and do what? 那么我過去...
[21:58.04]Moms love it when you show an interest in their babies. 媽媽們喜歡你對她孩子感興趣
[22:01.08]So go over there, say something nice, call her "Claire"... 你就過去 說點(diǎn)好話 要叫她"Claire" ...
[22:05.28]...and give her this. 把這個給她
[22:07.64]I know you can do it, dude. 我知道你能做到 老兄
[22:15.16]Hey, Claire. - 嘿 Claire - 嘿
[22:19.72]Hey there, little baby... 你好... 小寶貝... Aaron
[22:27.44]Is there anything I can do for you? 有什么需要我?guī)兔Φ膯?
[22:29.88]No. I just came by to say your baby's... 沒有 我只是來看看你的孩子
[22:37.80]He's not as wrinkly as he was a couple weeks ago. 他不像幾個星期前那么皺皺的了
[22:46.28]Yeah, I guess he's not. 是啊 我猜是吧 謝謝
[22:51.00]Oh, and this is for you. 噢 還有 呃 這是給你的
[22:54.60]- Thank you. - I don't like... 謝謝你
[22:55.44]我不喜歡... 毯子
[23:01.56]- Well, good night. - Good night. 晚安
[23:14.32]Do you think it's gone? Are we safe? 你覺得它走了嗎?
[23:17.96]- Are you serious? - What? 你是認(rèn)真的嗎? 你沒見過這東西?
[23:19.32]- You've never seen that? - If you don't believe me 如果你不相信我 你可以 把我另一邊肩膀也扯斷
[23:22.16]you can pull my other shoulder out of its socket.
[23:25.16]- I wasn't trying to... - Don't flatter yourself. - 我... 我并不是... - 別自夸了
[23:27.76]This is the fourth time it's been dislocated. 我這已經(jīng)是第四次脫臼了
[23:42.64]Gimme your hand. - 把手給我 - 為什么?
[23:44.88]- Why? - I want you to pop it back in. 因?yàn)槲乙銕臀彝苹厝?br /> [23:46.80]- I'm not gonna... - You're gonna. - 不 我做不到... - 你做得到
[23:48.56]Right now it feels like there's broken glass under my skin 我現(xiàn)在感覺像是碎玻璃扎進(jìn)皮膚 而且如果不是你
[23:51.96]and if it weren't for you, I would be on my way home right now.
[23:56.56]Jack told me not to come back to protect me. Jack叫我不要回來是想保護(hù)我 他不想我受傷害
[23:59.16]Because he didn't want me to get hurt.
[24:03.40]- Is that what you think? - Yeah. That's what I think. 你是這么想的嗎?
[24:04.08]是的 我是這么想的
[24:07.04]We have cameras on the cages, Kate. 我們在籠子里裝著攝像頭 Kate
[24:11.48]All of them. 每個都裝著
[24:13.16]He saw you. 他看見你了... 你和Sawyer
[24:15.04]You and Sawyer.
[24:18.60]The reason Jack told you not to come back Jack叫你不要回來不是因?yàn)?他不想你受傷害
[24:22.64]wasn't because he didn't want you to get hurt.
[24:26.96]It was because you broke his heart. 是因?yàn)槟銈怂男?br /> [24:32.72]So grab my wrist, 抓住我的手腕 推上來 扭轉(zhuǎn)
[24:36.20]push up, and twist.
[24:59.72]Why do we gotta be out here so damn early? 我們?yōu)槭裁匆@么早來這兒?
[25:01.84]You asked me to help you catch a boar. 你叫我?guī)湍阕ヒ柏i
[25:04.88]This is when they break cover to eat. 現(xiàn)在就是他們放松警惕 吃東西的時(shí)候
[25:08.40]Looks like they picked today to sleep in. 就像他們會選一天睡個懶覺
[25:10.52]- So what's your angle, brother? - My angle? 你有什么目的 老兄?
[25:14.20]Well, you haven't spoken three words to me, 我的目的?
[25:17.24]and suddenly you want to be my hunting partner. 突然要我陪你來打獵
[25:21.84]My angle is I've got hearts and minds to change. 我的目的...
[25:23.76]就是要改變別人的心思和看法 手段無非是賄賂
[25:26.16]And politics is all about bribes.
[25:30.84]Since money don't mean squat on this island, 鑒于錢在這島上不名一文 我得弄點(diǎn)人們喜歡的東西
[25:34.44]I gotta give the people something they like.
[25:37.84]And people like meat. 人們喜歡肉
[26:02.16]How's your shoulder? 你肩膀怎么樣了?
[26:05.52]- Awesome. - Then let's get going. - 非常好 - 那我們走吧
[26:18.84]Thank you. 謝謝你
[26:20.72]You're welcome, sweetheart. 不客氣 親愛的
[26:38.68]Oh, my God. 噢 天哪!
[26:40.00]I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. 對不起 對不起
[26:41.72]- No worries. - I'm such an idiot. 不用擔(dān)心
[26:43.64]It happens all the time, sweetheart. 經(jīng)常有這種事 親愛的
[26:46.88]Oh, thank you. 噢 謝謝你
[27:07.92]Hi, Mom. 你好 媽媽
[27:11.48]What are you doing here, Katherine? 你來這兒干嗎 Katherine?
[27:16.72]You look good. 你看起來不錯
[27:19.16]I asked you what you are doing here. 我問你來這兒干嗎
[27:26.44]I want to know why you told them what I did to Wayne. 我想知道你為什么 告訴他們我對Wayne做的事
[27:32.88]I thought maybe you came because you wanted to say you were sorry. 我還以為你來這兒 可能是想道歉
[27:37.28]I'm not sorry. 我沒有歉意
[27:40.60]He hit you. He treated you like a dog. 他打你
[27:43.36]You can't help who you love, Katherine. 他把你當(dāng)一只狗 而你...
[27:43.72]你無法選擇愛誰 Katherine
[27:46.76]And for good or bad, I loved him. 無論如何 我愛他
[27:51.08]And you burnt him alive. 你卻燒死了他
[27:53.40]You turned on the gas and you lit a match. 你打開煤氣 點(diǎn)著火
[27:56.20]You murdered him in cold blood. 殘酷地謀殺了他
[28:00.92]- I did it for you. - No. 我是為了你才這么做的
[28:02.32]不 你所做的 全是為了你自己
[28:04.48]What you did, you did for yourself.
[28:11.04]I have to go back to work. 我得回去工作了
[28:15.00]Because you are my daughter, 因?yàn)槟闶俏遗畠?我不會向 桌子邊上的兩個男人告發(fā)
[28:17.40]I'm not gonna tell the two men sitting at the table
[28:20.00]who've been following me for the last month that you are here. 他們已經(jīng)跟蹤我一個月了
[28:23.48]But I swear to God, Katie, 不過我向上帝發(fā)誓 Katie...
[28:25.88]if I ever see you again, 如果我再見到你 我會馬上高喊救命
[28:28.80]the first thing I will do is yell for help.
[28:35.96]Goodbye. 再見
[28:52.44]- Did he say that to you? - Sorry? 他是那么跟你說的?
[28:55.64]That I broke his heart? 說我傷了他的心
[28:58.48]He didn't have to. 他不需要說
[29:03.60]- You don't know anything about him. - I know where he was born. 你并不了解他
[29:06.84]I know what his parents did for a living, that he was married. 我知道他在哪兒出生
[29:08.52]我知道他結(jié)婚了 和誰結(jié)的
[29:11.04]And who he was married to. I know why he got a divorce.
[29:14.44]I know how his father died. 我知道他爸爸是怎么死的
[29:16.60]I know his height, his weight, his birthday, 我知道他的身高 體重 生日和血型
[29:19.28]and his blood type.
[29:23.04]What do you know about him, Kate? 你了解他什么 Kate?
[29:30.56]Let's go. 走吧
[29:39.44]Run. 快跑 快跑!
[29:40.56]Run! Run!
[29:57.52]Get up. Get up! 起來! 起來!
[29:59.72]Run, run! Come on! 快跑 快跑!
[30:03.32]- Stop. Wait. - What are you doing? 你在干嗎?
[30:05.00]I know what happens if you step through those things! 我知道一旦引爆會怎么樣!
[30:07.80]- We go alongside. - We don't need to! They're off! - Kate - 我們要繞過它們
[30:08.80]我們可以去那兒... 引爆!
[30:12.08]- Damn it! - What? 該死!
[30:23.04]You're gonna want to be over here. 你最好到這兒來
[30:26.84]Kate, come on! Kate 快點(diǎn)!
[31:08.20]We don't know what it is, but we know that it doesn't like our fence. 好吧
[31:09.60]我們不知道那是什么 但知道它不像是圍墻
[31:11.88]You had a key. 你有鑰匙
[31:15.00]They left me behind. They gassed me. I know that you don't care, 他們也把我丟下了
[31:18.64]but the people I spent the last three years of my life with, 我知道你并不在乎 但過去三年我和他們一起生活
[31:21.88]they just left me. 他們卻丟下我
[31:27.28]I thought that maybe, 我想如果我能讓你知道 我們同病相憐
[31:29.92]maybe if I could make you think that we were in it together,
[31:36.16]Maybe I wouldn't get left behind again. 或許我就不會再被丟下了
[32:15.20]It's delicious! 噢 真好吃!
[32:16.52]Just a little Dharma A-1 and paprika. 就是一點(diǎn)Dharma A1和辣椒粉...
[32:21.36]I hope you'll remember this at your meeting. 我希望一會兒開會時(shí) 你還記得這個小燒烤
[32:23.68]What meeting? 噢 什么會?
[32:27.56]- Hurley told me about the vote. - Vote? Hurley告訴我有投票
[32:30.48]Since when did anyone around here vote? 投票?
[32:42.96]You son of a bitch. 你個混蛋
[32:44.92]- There was never gonna be no vote. - Right. 根本就沒有什么投票
[32:46.72]不過這樣不是很好嗎? 做個好人
[32:48.48]But wasn't it nice, being nice?
[32:50.96]You tricked me into being decent? 你耍我就是讓我做個好人?
[32:53.16]That's gotta be the lamest con in the history of cons. 這算是欺詐史上最差勁的欺詐了
[32:55.96]It wasn't a con, dude. 這不是欺詐 老兄
[32:57.28]If you're gonna be our temporary leader you need to do damage control. 你要做我們暫時(shí)的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者 就必須彌補(bǔ)過錯
[33:00.76]Leader? What the hell are you smoking? 領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者? 你抽大煙了?
[33:03.20]Jack's gone, Locke's gone. Jack走了 Locke走了
[33:05.52]Kate and Sayid... Kate和Sayid... 我們只剩你一個了
[33:08.28]You're all we got.
[33:10.12]Paulo and Nikki died. 當(dāng)Paulo和Nikki死的時(shí)候 我們就指望你了
[33:12.00]We all look to you. 可你還是想偷他們的鉆石 不過我們還是指望你
[33:13.36]You totally tried to steal the diamonds, but we wanted to look to you.
[33:17.40]Look around. 看看周圍
[33:19.48]- You made everyone happy. - It's great! 你讓每個人都開心了
[33:21.04]噢 真好吃!
[33:23.12]Just for today, they can eat boar, laugh, 只有今天他們可以吃野豬肉 笑著忘記了他們的遭遇
[33:26.72]and forget that they're totally screwed.
[33:30.32]And you did that for them, dude. You. 是你的功勞 老兄... 是你
[33:35.60]- What if I don't want to be the leader? - I don't think Jack wanted it, either. 那如果我不想做領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者呢?
[33:43.24]Sucks for you, dude. 你運(yùn)氣真不好 老兄
[35:13.80]Sayid's in one of those backyards down there. I'll go get him. Sayid就在那邊的一個后院里
[35:18.72]You should get Jack. 你應(yīng)該去找Jack
[35:35.80]Jack? Jack! Jack 嘿
[35:37.04]Jack? Hey. Jack, wake up, it's me, Kate. Jack 醒醒 是我
[35:48.68]- What happened? - They all left. 發(fā)生什么了?
[35:53.84]Left? 都走了?
[36:01.76]- What? - Because of me. 都是因?yàn)槲?br /> [36:05.36]I'm so sorry. 對不起
[36:08.72]I should have listened to you. I never... 我應(yīng)該聽你的
[36:17.92]I wanted to come back to help you. 我回來是想幫你... 但你不需要我的幫助
[36:21.48]But you didn't need me to.
[36:27.76]And now, because of me, you can't go. 現(xiàn)在因?yàn)槲?你走不了啦...
[36:42.84]I'm so sorry.
[36:47.52]I am so sorry. 真對不起 真對不起
[36:53.12]They just... 他們就這樣... 走了?
[37:02.36]Even... Even Juliet? 甚至... Juliet也走了?
[37:10.80]No, they left her too. 不 他們也把她留下了
[37:16.08]Why? 為什么?
[37:21.24]You know her better than I do. 你比我更了解她
[37:29.12]Now what? 現(xiàn)在怎么辦?
[37:36.08]Now... 現(xiàn)在... 現(xiàn)在我們回去
[37:40.56]Now we go back.
[38:15.40]- Thanks for everything, Cassidy. - You got it. 謝謝你所做的一切 Cassidy
[38:21.48]So, this guy who ripped you off? 那個把你騙光的男人... 你要告訴我他的名字嗎
[38:24.68]Will you give me his name? Tell me where I can find him? 告訴我到哪兒能找到他?
[38:28.84]You almost got arrested for me. I want to help you. 你差點(diǎn)因?yàn)槲叶徊读?Cassidy
[38:34.44]I'm pregnant. 我懷孕了
[38:39.32]It's his. The baby's his. 是他的 這孩子是他的 而且我還愛著他
[38:42.36]- And I still love him. - So call the cops. Have him locked up.
[38:44.12]那么報(bào)警 讓他坐牢
[38:46.20]Will you ever forgive your mom for calling the cops? 你媽媽報(bào)警了 你會不會原諒她?
[38:49.76]No. 不不 我不會原諒她
[38:52.00]No, I won't.
[39:02.80]Thanks, Lucy. 謝謝你 Lucy
[39:05.16]My name's Kate. 我的名字是Kate
[39:22.36]- Hey. - Hey. - 嘿 - 嘿
[39:25.28]You OK? - 你還好嗎? - 嗯
[39:27.36]Yeah. - 你呢? - 嗯
[39:39.36]Jack. Jack
[39:44.16]Sayid. Sayid
[39:45.32]I checked all the houses. 我查看過所有房子
[39:47.56]Everyone's gone. 所有人都走了
[39:49.20]No weapons, no trail. 沒有武器 沒有蹤跡
[39:51.64]It's like 50 people disappeared into thin air. 就像50個人蒸發(fā)了
[39:55.60]We should take what we can find and head out while we still got light. 我們把能找到的東西都帶上 天黑前出發(fā)
[40:03.56]She is not coming with us. 她不和我們一起走
[40:08.80]- Yes, she is. - Why? 不 一起走
[40:15.68]Because they left her behind, too. 因?yàn)樗麄儼阉瞾G下了

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