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[00:01.00]Previously on Lost: "迷失"前情提要...
[00:02.68]Is that a helicopter? 那是直升機(jī)嗎?
[00:03.88]Is that how a helicopter's supposed to sound? 那聽起來是直升機(jī)的聲音嗎?
[00:06.28]Get away from her! 別圍著她!
[00:09.32]Desmond. Desmond
[00:13.32]What's wrong? 怎么啦?
[00:14.52]- What's wrong is I'm married. - Right. - 我結(jié)婚了 - 沒錯
[00:31.60]You're pregnant. 你懷孕了
[01:00.88]Hey. 嘿
[01:03.44]Good morning, Jack. Jack 早上好
[01:05.40]Need a hand? 要幫忙嗎?
[01:07.36]Thank you. 謝謝
[01:15.00]I came by your tent earlier. 我早些時候路過你的帳篷
[01:18.48]Is Jin gone? Jin走了嗎?
[01:21.08]He went off with Charlie, Hurley, and Desmond. 噢
[01:21.02]他和Charlie Hurley 還有Desmond一起走了
[01:24.12]- Did you need him? - Actually, I was looking for you. 你找他嗎?
[01:25.50]實(shí)際上 我是在找你
[01:27.12]I wanted to see how you were doing with your pregnancy. 我想了解下你懷孕的生理反應(yīng)
[01:33.28]I'm doing fine. A little tired, but that's normal, right? 噢
[01:35.30]- 有點(diǎn)疲倦 但那是正常的 對嗎? - 對
[01:37.64]- Sure. Any morning sickness? - Not anymore.
[01:39.62]- 早上有嘔吐嗎? - 沒有
[01:43.20]Any bleeding? 有出血嗎?
[01:48.16]Why are you asking me all these questions, Jack? Jack 你為什么要問我這些問題?
[01:52.48]I'm just checking in. 我只是在例行檢查
[01:54.80]Now that I'm back, I just wanted to make sure that you were doing OK. 現(xiàn)在我回來了 我只是...
[01:59.96]Thank you. I'm OK. 謝謝
[02:03.52]Great. 那就好
[02:25.30]好好習(xí)慣吧 你現(xiàn)在是結(jié)了婚的女人
[02:27.66]你知道嗎? 我給我們的公寓 找了非常漂亮的亞麻布墻紙
[02:30.90]只要你喜歡 我就喜歡
[02:33.50]我在家呢 我用午飯時間順便來看房子
[02:52.06]沒錯 老婆
[03:46.62]嫁給了漁夫的兒子 那會蒙受相當(dāng)大的羞辱
[03:48.86]我知道 沒什么大不了的
[03:55.74]他也是妓女的兒子 這你知道嗎?
[04:09.42]如果真像你自己說的 如此愛你丈夫
[04:11.70]那你還是保護(hù)他的自尊心 別讓他知道真相吧
[04:27.60]- Who is she? - I've no idea. - 她是誰? - 我不知道
[04:29.20]She seems to know you, dude. She just said your name. 老兄 她好像認(rèn)識你 她剛才說出了你的名字
[04:32.20]I've never seen her before in my life. 我以前從未見過她
[04:36.08]She's waking up. 她醒了
[04:40.12]She's trying to talk. We should get her some water. 她想說話 我們得給她喝點(diǎn)水
[04:44.00]- Give me a hand. - Yeah. - 來幫我一把 - 好
[04:49.84]- What's she saying? - Don't know. 她在說什么?
[04:52.12]- It's Spanish, dude. - Do you understand her, then? 不知道
[04:52.54]伙計(jì) 是西班牙語
[04:54.14]什么 你能聽懂?
[04:59.44]She says she's dying. 她說她快死了
[05:06.68]Oh, my God! - 天啊! - 是樹枝!
[05:07.72]A branch. She must have hit it on the way down. 肯定是她在降落的時候被撞上的
[05:10.04]Get her pack. We haven't got much in this first-aid kit. 幫她包扎一下 急救箱內(nèi)繃帶不多了
[05:13.40]- See if there's anything we can use. - What if this is a rescue? - 看看那里是否有能用的東西 - 如果這是個救援行動怎么辦?
[05:16.64]What if she came for us? Is she gonna be OK? 如果她是來找我們的怎么辦? 如...
[05:19.12]Just go. Start looking. 我是說 她會沒事嗎? 我們不能讓她...
[05:24.72]- We get Jack. Jack. - She could be our way off the island. 我們得去找Jack
[05:25.94]Jack... 我們必須馬上帶她去Jack那
[05:29.08]- If we move her, it'll make it worse. - We just let her bleed to death? - 她或許能帶我們離開這島 - 不 別動她 那會更糟
[05:32.60]- No, we need to bring Jack here. - It's an eight-hour walk, one way. 不 我們...得把Jack叫來
[05:36.36]- Then I'll run. - Are you out of your mind? 我跑過去
[05:39.12]It's not safe. Who knows who's out in this jungle? 你瘋了 太危險了
[05:40.26]馬上就天黑了 天知道叢林里有誰 難道你忘了
[05:42.24]People on this island are trying to kill us. 島上有人想殺我們!
[05:44.68]Nobody knows we're here. 沒人知道我們在這
[06:00.24]Oops. 糟了
[06:27.62]謝謝 我先把箱子理完
[06:30.78]先吃 等下再理
[07:14.50]沒有 他去世時我在當(dāng)兵
[07:18.30]當(dāng)兵? 你上次說 你爸爸在你16歲那年死的
[07:21.98]不 我在當(dāng)兵
[07:35.18]沒什么 對不起
[07:48.56]- How's this? - That's perfect. Thank you. 這樣如何?
[07:59.76]What do you think happened to Jack while he was with the Others? Jack和那些人在一起的時候 發(fā)生了什么事?
[08:04.28]Since he's been back, he seems different. 他回來后有點(diǎn)異樣
[08:09.24]He says that he was pretty much a prisoner, 他說他被他們關(guān)了起來
[08:11.48]and he only cooperated 'cause he thought they'd let him off the island. 他之所以配合 是因?yàn)樗詾樗麄儠屗x開這里
[08:17.24]Do you believe him? 你相信他嗎?
[08:20.88]Why wouldn't I? 為什么不?
[08:23.96]He came to me, asking about my pregnancy. 他來問我懷孕的事
[08:28.08]- What would that have anything to do... - What if... 那怎么了?
[08:31.12]What if the Others want my baby? 要是那些人要我的孩子...
[08:34.08]He's been there alone for over a week. 他一個人在那呆了一個多星期
[08:36.20]How do we know he isn't working with them? 說不定他已經(jīng)和他們一伙了
[08:43.20]He's not working with them. 他沒和他們一伙
[08:47.52]Do you know something, Kate? Kate 你知道些什么嗎?
[08:58.16]It's Juliet. 是Juliet
[09:00.16]She was their doctor, their fertility doctor, studying pregnant women. 她是他們的醫(yī)生
[09:01.42]婦產(chǎn)科醫(yī)生 研究懷孕的女人
[09:04.04]And when Claire was sick, she told me and Jack Claire生病時 她告訴我和Jack...
[09:08.48]the reason the Others wanted her baby was for research. 那些人要她的孩子...
[09:19.64]Sun. Wait. You don't have to do this. Sun!
[09:21.60]Go away, Kate. - 等等 不要這樣 - 走開 Kate
[09:25.56]I want to know about your research. 你在做什么研究?
[09:28.44]- Sun... - What happens to pregnant women? Sun...
[09:33.28]You're pregnant? 你懷孕了
[09:35.28]- Are you sure? How do you know? - I asked you a question. 你肯定嗎? 你怎么會知道?
[09:38.96]Everyone might be all right with you washing your clothes, eating our food. 我在問你
[09:39.06]你在這洗衣服吃東西 別人都不會說什么
[09:43.00]But I want to know what's going on. I want answers. 可是我想知道發(fā)生了什么事
[09:48.28]What are you people doing? Why are you taking children? 你們那些人在干什么? 為什么把別人的孩子帶走?
[09:53.52]What happens to pregnant women on this island? 島上的孕婦會怎么樣?
[09:57.84]- What happens... - They die. - 會發(fā)生什么? - 她們會死
[10:02.24]They all die. 她們都會死去
[10:06.76]Sun, come on. Let's go. Sun 走吧
[10:18.28]- What's she saying? - Chinese, not Korean. 她在說什么?
[10:19.58]不是韓文 可能是中文
[10:21.84]- Maybe we should pull it out. - You'll make it worse. 我們把它拔出來
[10:24.52]Have you forgotten what's at stake, or is this another flash? - 不 那會更糟 - 你忘了這里有多危險嗎?
[10:25.86]也許這在你的閃念中早就發(fā)生了 這次又是誰中箭?
[10:27.64]- Who's getting an arrow in the neck? - Lest you forget, she said my name. 難道你忘了 她喊了我的名字!
[10:32.72]She had a photo of me and my girlfriend. 她有我和我女朋友的照片
[10:36.12]I understand better than the lot of you. 你明白嗎? 我比你們每一個人都清楚
[10:38.20]Hey, guys, chill. 嗨 冷靜點(diǎn)
[10:40.36]We've wasted enough time already. 我們已經(jīng)浪費(fèi)了很多時間
[10:43.16]- You're not leaving us. - Get out of my way. 嘿 你別走
[10:45.52]No. - 走開 Charlie - 不!
[11:16.36]Hey, Jin! Jin! Jin!
[11:17.88]Jin! - Jin! - Jin!
[12:04.16]Who are you? 你是誰?
[12:06.88]I said, who are you? 快說你是誰?
[12:11.00]He's the guy who shot Sayid. 是他朝Sayid開的槍
[12:13.52]Kate told us he lived out in that station Locke blew up. He's an Other. Kate說的 他以前住在被Locke炸掉的那個房子
[12:18.04]I thought Locke killed that guy with the electro-fence thingy. 他也是其他人
[12:21.80]You've got five seconds to talk or I fire this gun, brother. 給你五秒鐘 不然我就開槍了
[12:27.48]That's a flare gun. - 這是信號槍 - 讓這把槍在你胸口開花
[12:28.68]And how do you think it'll feel
[12:30.36]taking a flare to the chest at this range? 這種感覺會怎樣?
[12:34.88]As your friend pointed out, I already died once this week. 你朋友說了 我這個禮拜已經(jīng)死了一次
[12:45.32]- You understand her. - She's speaking Italian. 你聽得懂她說什么?
[12:48.80]She said she's dying. She needs help. 她說她快要死了 需要幫助
[12:53.00]I was a Soviet army field medic. I can offer you my services. 以前我是蘇聯(lián)軍隊(duì)的醫(yī)生 我可以幫你們
[12:57.52]- Wait. What are you doing? - I'm saving her. - 等等 你干什么 - 我要救她
[13:08.08]This branch has punctured her lung. It's filling with blood. 她的肺被樹枝戳穿了
[13:11.28]If it is not ventilated soon, she is going to die. 肺部積滿了血
[13:11.84]如果不吸入新鮮空氣 她就會死
[13:18.20]Well, do it. Help her. 救她吧
[13:20.20]If I fix her, you must let me walk away as if I never came upon you. 如果我救了她 你們得放我走 當(dāng)我沒來過這
[13:32.84]What do you need? 你怎么救她?
[15:39.28]在他還是嬰兒時 媽媽就死了
[16:05.12]我甚至不知道 自己是不是他親生父親
[17:16.52]Be quiet. Don't move. 小聲點(diǎn)
[17:20.28]You want me to help you and your baby, I have answers. 想讓我?guī)椭愫湍愕暮⒆訂?
[17:21.92]我可以回答你的問題 但是你得跟我走一趟
[17:23.68]But you have to come with me right now.
[17:25.92]Just you and me. Nobody else. 就我們倆
[17:35.32]If what you said was true, that means I'm already dead. 要是你說的是真的話 我注定要死
[17:39.12]- Why should I go anywhere with you? - Because there may be hope for you yet. 為什么還要和你走?
[18:07.64]Where are we going? 我們這是去哪兒?
[18:09.60]There's a medical station. They have an ultrasound machine. 這旁邊有個醫(yī)療站 里面有臺B超儀
[18:12.84]Claire and Kate told me about that place. Claire和Kate提到過那個地方
[18:16.56]It was abandoned. They found nothing there. 那個地方已經(jīng)廢棄了 她們什么也沒有找到
[18:18.92]Well, that's because they didn't know where to look. 她們不知道去哪里找
[18:22.24]What are you going to do to me? 你要對我做什么?
[18:28.00]I'm gonna look at your baby and determine the DOC. 我要檢查你肚子里的孩子
[18:31.12]Date of conception. 確定是哪天懷孕的
[18:32.56]The ultrasound will tell me when you got pregnant, give or take a day. 做下B超 我們就知道你哪天懷孕了 誤差在一天之內(nèi) 非常小
[18:36.04]If you got pregnant off the island, then you and your baby will probably be OK. 如果你不是在島上懷孕的 你和孩子可能會沒事
[18:41.36]But if you got pregnant here... 如果是在這里懷的話...
[18:46.44]We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. 我只能說 船到橋頭自然直
[18:49.72]When was the last time you and your husband had sex? 最近一次和你丈夫做愛是什么時候?
[18:52.84]- I would rather not talk about that. - I know it's personal. 我不想說這些
[18:54.38]聽著 我知道這是隱私 但如果你告訴我 我就能找出...
[18:56.12]- But if I know when, I can figure... - Isn't that what the machine will do? 那臺機(jī)器不是可以檢查出來嗎?
[19:00.28]- Yeah. - Then let's keep walking. 是的
[19:55.62]怎么了 親愛的女兒?
[20:14.42]你不說理由 我怎么可能給你錢?
[20:46.58]在這個世上 人人都有提問的權(quán)力
[20:53.34]我這樣做 是為了讓我深愛的人擺脫恥辱
[22:01.76]What do you know about her? Did she have anything besides the flare gun? 對這個女人你還知道些什么?
[22:03.38]除了信號槍 其他還帶了什么?
[22:05.52]Just a book, a fancy radio phone thingy. 就一本書 還有無線電話...
[22:11.08]Does it work? 可以用嗎?
[22:13.72]Like I'd tell you. 可以的話我早就告訴你了
[22:15.92]One of you must help. The rest, clear the way. I need space. 你們中的一個人得來幫忙
[22:17.30]其他人都讓開 我需要空間
[22:20.20]I'll do it. 我來
[22:23.80]Wipe away as much of the blood as you can. 盡可能地擦去血
[22:26.76]We need to evacuate the air now. 現(xiàn)在要放氣了
[22:29.36]Hold her steady. 抓牢她
[22:31.32]- Steady! - Yeah, I heard you. 抓牢
[22:38.76]Is that normal? 這樣...沒事吧?
[22:47.36]Gauze. 紗布
[22:51.64]Tape it. Be careful. The covering needs to be hollow. 包起來 小心
[22:56.56]The wound needs to breathe. 傷口需要透氣
[23:05.40]What did she say? 她說什么?
[23:07.80]"Thank you." "謝謝"
[23:10.00]She said, "Thank you for helping me." 她說"謝謝救了我"
[23:22.72]It's right down here. 就在這里
[24:20.04]Why are you doing this? 你干嗎要這么做?
[24:22.60]What? 什么?
[24:24.64]Helping me. 幫助我
[24:35.80]Once upon a time, 從前
[24:38.12]I told women that they were pregnant, 當(dāng)我告訴別人她們懷孕時
[24:41.80]and their faces... 她們的表情說明...
[24:45.28]It was the best news they ever got in their entire life. 這是她們一生中聽到最好的消息
[24:51.88]Then I came here. 然后我到了這里
[24:56.80]I've lost... 在過去的三年里
[24:59.92]...nine patients in the last three years.
[25:07.68]I'm helping you because I want to tell you 我?guī)椭闶且驗(yàn)槲蚁敫嬖V你
[25:10.16]that you and your husband got pregnant before you came here. 你是在來到這里之前懷孕的
[25:18.20]I'm helping you because I want to give good news again. 我?guī)椭闶且驗(yàn)?我想再告訴別人好消息
[25:27.72]I slept with another man. 我和另外一個男人睡過
[25:33.80]Before we got to the island. 在我們來到這里之前
[25:39.44]Jin and I, we were having... Jin和我這方面...
[25:43.72]...trouble. 有困難 我們不能...
[25:45.04]We weren't...
[25:51.20]And I had a friend. 然后我的一個朋友...
[26:01.36]It was a mistake. 我做錯了
[26:03.36]We all make mistakes. 我們都會犯錯
[26:09.84]Which way? 哪邊?
[26:44.68]Will you help me move this forward? 你能幫我把這往前移一移嗎?
[27:18.88]Why is this room hidden? 為什么這間房間是隱藏的?
[27:23.20]- Don't worry about it. - What is this place? 別擔(dān)心
[27:28.56]Tell me. 告訴我
[27:32.60]It's where we brought the women to die. 我們把將要死的女人帶到這里
[27:40.68]She's fine. Keep the wound as clean as you can. 她沒事了
[27:45.88]- She should be better in a day. - A day? Her lung was punctured. 一天后她就應(yīng)該好多了
[27:52.08]On this island, the rules are a bit different. 在這個島上 游戲規(guī)則有點(diǎn)不同
[27:55.00]Maybe a day and a half. 也許要一天半
[28:01.92]I did as I promised. She will live. 我做了我該做的
[28:05.72]- You're considering letting him go? - Just go. - 你不會真的讓他走吧 - 走吧
[28:10.76]- He's one of them. - So what would you have me do, Charlie? 沒開玩笑吧? 他是他們的人
[28:12.02]Charlie 那你要我怎么做?
[28:13.68]We've got to make a stretcher and carry her. How do we bring a prisoner? 我們要做個擔(dān)架 還要抬她
[28:15.02]我們要怎么應(yīng)付這些 還要帶上一個犯人?
[28:17.36]- I'll take responsibility. - Phone. Phone! 把繩子給我 我來管
[28:19.06]電話 電話!
[28:22.04]- No, Jin! - Phone! - 等等 Jin! - 電話!
[28:23.40]- Jin, it's all right. - No, let him, Desmond. - Jin 沒事 - 不 讓他走!
[28:25.84]Let him! - Jin 回來 - 讓他走!
[28:28.84]Jin, it's all right! Jin! - Jin 沒事 Jin! - 電話!
[28:31.08]Let him go. Jin, let him go! Jin 讓他走!
[28:31.50]Jin 讓他走!
[28:33.80]Phone! 電話!
[28:42.12]You stole this? 是你偷的?
[28:43.44]How could you respect me if I didn't try? 如果我不下手 你會尊敬我嗎?
[28:45.52]How about I take your other eye? Would you respect that? 要不要我弄瞎你另一只眼睛?
[28:48.56]Sorry. What? 這個你尊不尊敬?
[28:48.90]抱歉 我
[28:51.76]- Charlie, don't! Charlie, let him go! - This is a mistake. Charlie 不要
[28:53.02]Charlie 讓他走!
[28:55.56]- We can't keep letting these people go. - We gave him our word. 這不對!
[29:08.40]Go on. Get out of here. 走吧
[29:32.96]The baby isn't Jin's. 這孩子不是Jin的
[29:38.68]We tried to have a baby back in Korea and couldn't. 在韓國我們想生一個孩子 但是不行
[29:41.48]And the doctor... 醫(yī)生...
[29:46.92]He told me Jin was infertile. 告訴我Jin不育
[29:49.60]- And then you came here. - What? 所以你來到了這里
[29:54.04]Did you know that the average male sperm count 你知道男性的平均精子數(shù)量是...
[29:57.24]is between 60 and 80 million? 6到8千萬嗎?
[30:02.36]But on this island, it's five times that. 但在這個島上 這個數(shù)量要翻五倍
[30:05.72]We call that good odds. 幾率很高
[30:10.60]You ready? 準(zhǔn)備好了?
[30:13.68]- Yes. - OK. Wanna lift up your shirt a little? 好了
[30:18.28]It's cold. 有點(diǎn)冷
[30:22.60]- Will I see the baby? - Maybe. 我會看到孩子?
[30:24.72]It's your first trimester, so it's a little iffy. 也許
[30:25.16]這是你妊娠頭三個月 我不確定
[30:28.56]If you don't see a heartbeat, don't worry about it, it's just early. 如果沒看到心跳
[30:30.44]也不要著急 現(xiàn)在只是早期
[30:34.96]How does it work? 這是怎么用的?
[30:36.92]Well, I take a measurement of the fetus, 我測量一下胎兒
[30:39.44]and that will tell us when your baby was conceived. 這可以告訴我們
[30:44.32]And then we'll know who. 然后就知道是誰的孩子
[30:50.12]You OK? 你沒事吧?
[30:53.60]I lose either way. 不管怎樣 我都是失敗者
[30:57.12]If I'm going to live, that means the baby's not Jin's. 如果我活下來了...
[31:04.04]Do you still wanna do this? 你還想繼續(xù)嗎?
[31:08.20]Yes. - 是的 - 好的
[31:10.32]OK. The moment of truth.
[31:52.36]下次一定來 我保證
[31:57.84]對不起 我忘了
[32:06.36]Jin 等等!
[32:37.08]蜜月...家具 我知道時間要長些
[32:42.44]但都會有的 我會付得起的
[32:48.44]我會一直照顧你的 Sun
[33:22.96]- 真的? - 真的
[33:52.40]There it is. There's your baby. 這里
[33:55.64]You see? 是你孩子 看到了嗎?
[34:01.48]I can see it. 我看到了
[34:06.12]- Is it a boy or a girl? - It's a little early. 是男孩還是女孩?
[34:09.64]But do you see that little flutter? 你看到這里的跳動了沒?
[34:15.52]That's the heart beating. 那是心跳
[34:21.64]It's very strong. It's very healthy. 很強(qiáng)壯 很健康
[34:29.48]OK. 好了
[34:31.68]You crashed here 90 days ago. 90天你前墜機(jī)于此
[34:36.16]The baby was conceived about eight weeks ago, so 53 days. 寶寶是在8星期前懷上的
[34:46.08]You got pregnant on the island. 你是在島上懷孕的
[34:52.16]I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Sun. 對不起 對不起 Sun
[34:55.32]I will do everything that I can. 我會盡我所能
[35:08.72]It's Jin's. 孩子是Jin的
[35:54.22]我生了他 但這并不意味我就是他的母親 (意指撫養(yǎng)他)
[36:42.32]So how long do I have? 那么我還剩多少時間?
[36:46.32]Most of the women made it into the middle of their second trimester. 大部分孕婦都能挺到妊娠中三個月
[36:52.72]Nobody made to their third. 但沒人能挺到妊娠末三個月
[36:56.96]That gives me two months. 那我還有兩個月
[37:03.08]I am... 我...很高興孩子是Jin的
[37:08.24]...very happy the baby is Jin's.
[37:11.68]You gave me good news, Juliet. Juliet 你告訴了我好消息
[37:15.92]It was my pleasure, Sun. 我很榮幸 Sun
[37:19.96]I'm gonna go back inside and make sure I didn't miss anything. 我想進(jìn)去確保一下沒遺漏什么
[37:23.52]I don't wanna take the chance that we didn't cover our tracks. 我可不想冒險留下蹤跡
[37:30.52]Do you wanna wait out here? 你在這等我吧
[37:33.40]All right. 好的
[37:38.76]Juliet. Juliet?
[37:42.36]Thank you. 謝謝
[38:17.32]Ben, it's 6 AM on Saturday morning. Ben 現(xiàn)在是星期六早上6點(diǎn)
[38:21.80]Kwon is pregnant. 權(quán)太太懷孕了
[38:23.36]The fetus is healthy and was conceived on island with her husband. 胎兒很健康 是在島上和他丈夫懷上的
[38:27.12]He was sterile before they got here. 他們到這之前 他是不育的
[38:29.08]Still working on getting samples from the other women. 我仍然在收集其他女人的樣品
[38:32.00]I should have Austen's soon. I'll report back when I know more. 馬上就能拿到Austen的了
[38:42.64]I hate you. 我恨你
[38:50.96]You can't trust them, you know. - 你不能相信他們 - 怎么了?
[38:53.52]- What's that? - The Others. 其他人 你放走的那個人
[38:55.64]The one you let go, he'll be back tomorrow with five of his mates.
[38:59.64]We should've killed him. 應(yīng)該殺了他
[39:02.24]- Charlie. Tight. - OK. Charlie 弄緊點(diǎn)
[39:05.36]You know, brother, 好的
[39:07.80]by my count, you've killed more of them than they've killed of you. 如果照我的算法
[39:13.04]They started it. Just 'cause one comes back with Jack and Kate 是他們先挑起的
[39:16.28]doesn't mean that we can trust them now. 不能因?yàn)樗麄冎械囊粋€人
[39:16.30]和Jack Kate一起回來 就相信他們
[39:38.88]Mom? 媽媽?
[39:43.88]Where am I? 我在哪?
[39:46.56]- You had a branch... - Where am I? 放松點(diǎn) 一根大樹枝刺入了你的...
[39:48.44]I don't know. - 我在哪? - 我不知道
[39:50.80]You're on an island. Are you here to rescue us? 你在一個島上
[39:54.04]Are there more of you? Can you make your phone work? 你是來救我們的?
[39:54.50]還有其他人嗎? 你能修好你的電話嗎?
[39:56.68]- Who are you? - Hugo Reyes. - 你是誰? - Hugo Reyes
[39:59.00]I crashed here on Oceanic Flight 815. A bunch of us survived. 我坐的Oceanic 815航班墜機(jī)于此
[40:02.52]Is that why you're here? Were you looking for us? 我們中的一些人幸存了下來 你是來找我們的? 是這個原因么?
[40:06.20]815? 815? 815航班?
[40:08.56]Flight 815? The one from Sydney?
[40:11.16]Yeah. - 從悉尼起飛的? - 是的
[40:13.28]No. That's not possible. - 不 不可能 - 我知道
[40:15.40]Yeah, I know. It wasn't easy, but we found food and a hatch and more food... - 確實(shí)不太可能 但我們找到了食物 - 不 不
[40:19.44]Flight 815... They... They found the plane. - 在那個艙里 還有更多的食物 - 不 815航班 他們...
[40:25.00]There were no survivors. 沒有生還者
[40:30.40]They were all dead. 他們都死了
[40:36.44]What? 什么?

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