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> 影視聽說 > 影視原聲 > 老爸老媽浪漫史 > 老爸老媽的浪漫史第四季 >  第1篇





[00:01.10]Kids,in the fall of 2008,I had a little problem.

[00:01.10]孩子們 2008年的秋天 我出了點(diǎn)小問題

[00:04.10]All right,I got to get to Stella's.

[00:04.10]好了 我要去Stella家了

[00:07.38]Tonight's the night,guys.

[00:07.38]就是今晚了 伙計(jì)們

[00:08.58]I've tried it before,I've failed every time.

[00:08.58]我以前也試過 可每次都失敗

[00:10.13]This time,I am gonna do it.

[00:10.13]這次 我一定要成功



[00:14.26]I pick up a lesbian.


[00:17.76]Robin,I need your lipstick.

[00:17.76]Robin 借你唇膏一用


[00:20.66]噢 不是吧!

[00:22.72]Take pictures,all right?




[00:27.27]I lived in New York,but Stella lived across the river in New Jersey...

[00:27.27]我住在紐約 可Stella住在河那邊的新澤西


[00:34.73]噢 不是吧!

[00:38.63]which meant I was always taking the train.


[00:40.66]What's up,Ted?

[00:40.66]你好嗎 Ted?


[00:42.01]嘿 Matisse

[00:44.60]- Hey,T-Diddy! - Theodore!

[00:44.60]- 嘿 T老弟! - Theodore!

[00:46.46]You missed it.


[00:47.36]Robin got that national anchor job.


[00:48.95]And we got a free bottle of champagne.


[00:50.79]Ah,but it's empty now.



[00:52.95]噢 不是吧!

[00:54.60]And as result,it seemed like I was missing out on everything.

[00:54.60]結(jié)果是 我好像什么都錯(cuò)過了

[00:59.03]Sorry,we couldn't wait. It was getting cold.

[00:59.03]不好意思 沒等你 飯菜都涼了



[01:02.46]- Hey,big guy. - What's up,G?

[01:02.46]- 嘿 傻大個(gè) - 怎么了 小丫頭?

[01:05.32]Are you okay?


[01:06.30]Yeah,I'm fine. It's just...

[01:06.30]嗯 我沒事 只是...

[01:07.53]you know,I want to hang out with you guys.


[01:09.51]I want to hang out with my friends.


[01:10.70]I just feel like I'm spending all my time on the train.


[01:13.42]Okay,how about this,why don't you ask your friends to come out here sometime?

[01:13.42]OK 這樣如何 改天你把你朋友 都請到這兒來玩吧?

[01:16.91]That's a great idea.


[01:18.73]You want us to go to New Jersey? Oh,that is rich.

[01:18.73]你想讓我們?nèi)バ聺晌? 太有才了



[01:22.48]Well,for starters,I don't have any of my gold medallions anymore.

[01:22.48]呃...首先 我的那些 金閃閃的夸張服飾早就不在了

[01:26.45]I sold them when they went out of style 400 years ago.

[01:26.45]在它們八百年前過氣的時(shí)候 我就給賣了




[01:31.23]抱歉 Ted

[01:32.66]I'm a born and raised New Yorker.


[01:34.41]I'm programmed to despise and loathe New Jersey and all that it stands for.

[01:34.41]我已經(jīng)形成了"輕視厭惡新澤西及 其所代表事物"的思維模式

[01:38.49]Why am I telling you this?


[01:39.89]You hate New Jersey more than anyone.


[01:41.82]What? I don't hate New Jersey. Why would you think that?

[01:41.82]什么? 我才不厭惡新澤西 你怎么會(huì)這么想?

[01:44.93]And then he cut in front of me.


[01:46.62]God,I hate line cutters more than I hate New Jersey.

[01:46.62]上帝 我恨插隊(duì)的 比我恨新澤西還厲害

[01:50.96]Well,that's not true. There's nothing I hate more than New Jersey.

[01:50.96]不對 沒什么能勝過 我對新澤西的厭惡



[02:02.69]Hey,you want us to wait for you?

[02:02.69]嘿 要我們等你嗎?

[02:04.06]No,I might be awhile.

[02:04.06]不用了 我可能還要一會(huì)兒吧

[02:05.54]I got a drop a massive New Jersey.


[02:08.76]Okay,so New Jersey's not my favorite place.

[02:08.76]好吧 新澤西不是我最喜歡的地方

[02:11.63]But once Stella and I get married and she and Lucy move in with me,

[02:11.63]可只要Stella跟我結(jié)婚后 她跟Lucy就可以搬來跟我住

[02:14.70]I'll never set foot in New Jersey again.


[02:16.99]Unless I'm going to see a Giants game or flying out of Newark or God forbid,disposing of a body.

[02:16.99]除非去看巨人隊(duì)比賽 或者坐飛機(jī)去 紐瓦克 或者去看God Forbid樂隊(duì)演出 再不然就是去那里棄尸...

[02:22.86]Ted,if you murder me and bury me in New Jersey,I'll haunt you forever.

[02:22.86]Ted 如果你殺了我 然后又把我埋在新澤西 我做鬼也不會(huì)放過你的

[02:28.22]But if I murder you and bury you somewhere else?

[02:28.22]要是我殺了你 把你埋在別的地方呢?

[02:30.33]Eh,I'll leave you alone.


[02:32.15]I'm sure you had your reasons.


[02:49.69]=,your Aunt Robin was sick of her job at Metro News One.

[02:49.69]孩子們 你們的Robin阿姨厭倦了 在地鐵新聞一臺(tái)的工作

[02:53.30]She was sick of the low production value...


[02:55.18]I'm Robin Scherbatsky,and you're watching...

[02:55.18]我是Robin Scherbatsky 你們正在收看的是...

[02:59.50]Etro News One at 11:00.


[03:03.43]And again at 1:00.

[03:03.43]不對 是1點(diǎn)

[03:06.01]sick of the stories she had to report...


[03:07.94]So hurry up and get your votes in for New York's cutest doggie.

[03:07.94]那么趕快來為紐約 最可愛的狗狗投上一票吧

[03:13.93]and most of all,she was sick of all the stupid puns.

[03:13.93]最重要的是 厭倦了那些愚蠢的雙關(guān)語

[03:16.90]Four transit workers were electrocuted when a subway train jumped the tracks.

[03:16.90]由于地鐵脫軌 四名運(yùn)輸工人當(dāng)場斃命

[03:21.05]Stay tuned for the...


[03:23.02]shocking derails.

[03:23.02]驚人的出軌 (derail出軌與detail細(xì)節(jié)音近)

[03:25.10]Joel,people died.

[03:25.10]Joel 死人了誒 有點(diǎn)同情心好不好

[03:28.90]So when the call came in that she got the big national anchor job,


[03:32.17]she finally got to say the words she'd been dreaming of saying for years...

[03:32.17]她終于能夠說那些 她多年以來想說的話了...

[03:35.89]Tonight will be my last broadcast.


[03:38.19]I came to Metro News One as a little caterpillar.

[03:38.19]我還是個(gè)黃毛丫頭的時(shí)候 就來了地鐵新聞一臺(tái)

[03:41.31]And for four years,this desk has been my cocoon.

[03:41.31]四年過去了 這張桌子就像我的繭

[03:45.80]But tonight,I emerge an ambitious butterfly.

[03:45.80]不過今晚 我要破繭而出了

[03:50.89]Why does she sound like an idiot? Did she have a stroke?

[03:50.89]她怎么聽起來像個(gè)傻子? 腦袋撞墻了?

[03:53.31]Yeah. A stroke of genius.

[03:53.31]是啊 靈光一現(xiàn)的一撞

[03:55.97]This speech is really good.


[03:59.21]With one eye on the horizon,one eye on the truth,

[03:59.21]一眼看著地平線 一眼看著真相

[04:03.71]and one eye on all of you.


[04:07.39]You wrote it for her,didn't you?

[04:07.39]你給她寫的 對不對?

[04:10.15]It's a modified version of the speech I gave


[04:12.35]when I had to leave the swim team because of a chronic inner ear situation.


[04:15.73]I thought you were the towel boy.


[04:16.90]It's part of the team.


[04:19.37]So that Saturday as Robin went off for her first day at her new job,

[04:19.37]所以周六 就在Robin換工作后 第一天上班的時(shí)候

[04:22.69]we all headed across the river to experience some of that crazy New Jersey nightlife.

[04:22.69]我們一行人越過大河去體驗(yàn) 瘋狂的新澤西夜生活

[04:26.95]Okay,Stella couldn't find a sitter,so we can't go out. Instead...

[04:26.95]OK Stella找不到保姆 所以我們沒法出門了 不如...

[04:30.36]we're all gonna hang out here and it's gonna be just as awesome.

[04:30.36]我們就呆在這兒 我想會(huì)一樣好玩的

[04:34.16]Right,we got board games,we got movies.

[04:34.16]沒錯(cuò) 可以玩棋盤游戲 可以看電影

[04:36.67]And I think there may be some beer out in the garage.


[04:42.95]Ted,this is pathetic. It's Saturday night.

[04:42.95]Ted 這太可悲了 這可是大周六晚上

[04:44.93]We should be out at a bar. drinking alcohol.

[04:44.93]我們應(yīng)該在酒吧 大口喝酒的

[04:46.76]Now I know that that sounds depressing,bordering on tragic,but it's just a fact.

[04:46.76]我知道這么說你會(huì)很郁悶 傷心 不過這就是事實(shí)

[04:50.22]Yeah,and I want another crack at that chick,Doris.

[04:50.22]沒錯(cuò) 我還想再調(diào)戲調(diào)戲 那個(gè)叫Doris的妞呢

[04:52.70]I know I can land that lesbian plane.


[04:54.85]No snakes on that plane.


[04:58.33]Okay,guys. Come on,you promised.

[04:58.33]OK 伙計(jì)們 別這樣 你們答應(yīng)了的

[05:00.70]Let's just hang out here,try to have fun.

[05:00.70]我們就呆在這兒吧 盡量開心點(diǎn)

[05:03.31]I mean,we're all together,friends hanging out.

[05:03.31]我們都在啊 朋友們一起玩玩

[05:06.25]Isn't that what really matters?


[05:12.62]Okay,if we take the next train,we can be at MacLaren's by 11:00.

[05:12.62]OK 如果我們趕下一趟車 能在11點(diǎn)前趕到MacLaren

[05:15.41]We can be there by 10:00.


[05:16.28]No,I have to change first.

[05:16.28]不 我得換身衣服

[05:17.46]I am not walking into MacLaren's smelling like New Jersey.

[05:17.46]我才不想沾滿一身新澤西味地 跑到MacLaren去

[05:24.42]You guys really hate it here,huh?

[05:24.42]你們很討厭這兒 對嗎?

[05:26.77]What? No! Stels...

[05:26.77]什么? 才沒有 Stels...

[05:30.30]I get it,I mean,you guys are all New Yorkers.

[05:30.30]我明白 你們都是紐約人嘛

[05:32.46]You need to go hang out at a bar.


[05:33.70]Well,you could just hang out at the coolest bar in the state,which is so close it will blow your mind.

[05:33.70]你們可以到全州最酷的酒吧逛逛 絕對會(huì)讓你們大跌眼鏡的

[05:40.97]And boom goes the dynamite.

[05:40.97]瞧好了 您咧

[05:43.29]The coolest bar in New Jersey.


[05:45.39]Yeah,it probably is.

[05:45.39]是啊 可能吧

[05:47.27]This is great! We got darts.

[05:47.27]棒極了! 有飛鏢

[05:50.57]Half a ping-pong table. A fish bowl.

[05:50.57]半個(gè)乒乓球桌 一整個(gè)魚缸

[05:54.05]Look what turned out to be an awesome night as promised.

[05:54.05]瞧瞧 答應(yīng)你們的超級(jí)一夜 沒讓你們失望吧

[05:57.07]Maybe we can drop some Bac-O's in here and make them fight.

[05:57.07]也許我們能扔點(diǎn)培根進(jìn)去 看看它們打架

[05:59.80]No,thanks.I don't mess with fish bowls unless they have my two favorite fish--

[05:59.80]不用了吧 我從來不對魚感興趣 除了兩類我最喜歡的魚--

[06:03.84]the sucker fish and the blow fish.


[06:06.66]What up!


[06:08.61]For "blow fish"?


[06:10.17]I don't think so.


[06:13.40]- Marshall. - You're better than that.

[06:13.40]- Marshall - 你水平不該這么差的

[06:15.74]- Lily. - Not good enough.

[06:15.74]- Lily - 不夠好





[06:24.83]I am not lowering this until someone gives me the respect


[06:28.13]of another person's knuckles tapping against mine in a light but decisive manner.


[06:35.69]Pretty,pretty... Pretty,pretty... Pretty... Who's a pretty baby?

[06:35.69]來嘛 來嘛... 來嘛 小寶貝

[06:41.46]Then know this...

[06:41.46]那好吧 再聽著...

[06:42.90]until it gets what it wants,nay,deserves,

[06:42.90]在他得到想要的東西...不對... 是應(yīng)得的東西之前

[06:47.32]this fist will not yield.


[06:51.50]It. Will. Not. Yield.


[06:57.25]- So who wants to play Scrabble? - Sure,whatever.

[06:57.25]- 誰想玩拼字游戲? - 好啊

[07:00.13]Oh,heads up,the "X" tile is little hard to read because a couple years ago,

[07:00.13]對了 "X"形狀的拼板有點(diǎn)看不清

[07:03.39]it went all the way through my dog.


[07:07.11]You know,maybe we should get a dog again when you move in.


[07:10.59]When I what?


[07:12.25]Oh,great. There's Robin.

[07:12.25]哦 太好了 是Robin來了

[07:20.01]I thought they were moving in with you.


[07:22.19]So did I.


[07:25.36]Oh,God,am I moving to New Jersey?

[07:25.36]噢 上帝 我要搬來新澤西?

[07:28.96]Hey,guys,I bet that dog was really flying high after it swallowed a little "X."

[07:28.96]嘿 伙計(jì)們 我打賭那狗吞下"X"之后 肯定很嗨

[07:33.94]Nailed it!


[07:37.19]Come on!


[07:42.38]I can't live here.


[07:44.13]It wouldn't be that bad.


[07:45.68]You could put a mini - fridge over there and maybe some knock hockey.

[07:45.68]你能在那擺個(gè)迷你冰箱 還能玩玩小型曲棍球

[07:48.81]Knock hockey. Nice one,Big Mon.

[07:48.81]小型曲棍球 好樣的 來一個(gè)

[07:51.61]I meant New Jersey in general,not this basement.

[07:51.61]我是說整個(gè)新澤西 不是這個(gè)地下室

[07:54.93]She wants me to move here? I don't get it. We discussed this months ago.

[07:54.93]她想讓我搬來? 我糊涂了 幾個(gè)月前我們談過

[07:59.21]So I was thinking after the wedding,you and Lucy could move in here.

[07:59.21]我在想我們結(jié)婚以后 你跟Lucy可以搬過來

[08:06.03]Yeah,she could play out on the fire escape,

[08:06.03]當(dāng)然了 她可以在救生梯那玩

[08:08.38]maybe make friends with that guy who sleeps on that couch in the alley,

[08:08.38]也可以跟那個(gè)在后巷 睡在沙發(fā)上的人交朋友

[08:11.46]ride her bike up and down Broadway.


[08:13.39]It's a great idea,Ted.

[08:13.39]主意棒極了 Ted

[08:17.62]I don't understand why you'd want to live in New Jersey


[08:20.53]when you have a chance to live in Manhattan?


[08:22.75]I thought having a rent-controlled apartment on the Upper West Side

[08:22.75]我原以為在上西區(qū)有套 租金固定的公寓

[08:24.76]was half the reason she agreed to marry me.


[08:26.63]Really,I thought it was the whole reason. What is up?

[08:26.63]是嗎 我以為是全部原因呢? 這個(gè)不錯(cuò)吧

[08:30.90]Robin,hey! Looking good.

[08:30.90]Robin 嘿! 看起來不錯(cuò)哦

[08:33.67]Bump the Barnacle.


[08:35.07]Stella already told me not to.


[08:37.01]How was your first day?


[08:38.06]- It wasn't. - What?

[08:38.06]- 不是 - 什么?

[08:39.56]It wasn't my first day.


[08:41.01]I showed up and there were 20 other people.


[08:43.11]It turns out,I didn't actually get the job.


[08:44.94]I only got an audition.


[08:46.60]What,how did that happen?

[08:46.60]什么 怎么會(huì)這樣?

[08:47.68]I don't know. Because he told me that I got it.

[08:47.68]我不知道 因?yàn)樗麄兏嬖V我成功了啊

[08:50.15]I got it? I got it!

[08:50.15]我成功了? 我成功了!

[08:53.21]And just to be clear,when I say "you got it," I mean an audition.

[08:53.21]得說清楚 我說"你成功了" 指的是試鏡機(jī)會(huì)

[08:58.62]You got an audition.


[09:00.31]I don't want there to be any confusion. You have an audition only.

[09:00.31]我不想有任何誤會(huì) 你得到的只是試鏡

[09:04.96]Not the job.


[09:07.71]Thank you! Thank you!

[09:07.71]謝謝! 謝謝!

[09:09.92]Okay,I'm going to call and beg Joel to give me my job back.

[09:09.92]好了 我現(xiàn)在要給Joel打電話 讓我回去

[09:12.55]- No! - You hated that job.

[09:12.55]- 別! - 你討厭那份工作

[09:14.63]I don't know,it wasn't so bad.

[09:14.63]不知道 也沒那么糟吧

[09:16.14]Robin,what did they make you call Tropical Storm Hector when it was raining cats and dogs?

[09:16.14]Robin 外面下著磅礴大雨的時(shí)候 他們讓你管熱帶風(fēng)暴叫啥?

[09:21.04]A furricane.


[09:22.75]Hey,Ted. Rock me like a furricane.

[09:22.75]嘿 Ted 像"熱風(fēng)雨"一樣震撼我





[09:29.57]Okay,yeah,it sucks,but what can I do?

[09:29.57]OK 是的 糟透了 可我能怎么辦?

[09:31.63]I mean,I'm not going to get that other job.


[09:33.41]You guys should have seen the other women at this audition.


[09:35.59]They all had more experience than me,were more ethnic than me.

[09:35.59]個(gè)個(gè)比我有經(jīng)驗(yàn) 比我有特色

[09:38.95]There was an African-American chick with blue eyes,how can I compete with that?

[09:38.95]居然有個(gè)長著藍(lán)眼睛的非裔美國小妞 我能比得上嗎?

[09:43.23]Mm,you can't.


[09:44.90]No,you can compete with anyone.

[09:44.90]不 你能勝過任何人

[09:46.85]You're Robin Scherbatsky.

[09:46.85]你是Robin Scherbatsky

[09:48.50]Confident. Strong. Tall.

[09:48.50]自信 強(qiáng)硬 高挑

[09:50.73]With crazy long legs that look great in shorts.


[09:53.65]I'm calling Joel.


[09:54.82]No,Robin,if you call him right now,you will hate yourself.

[09:54.82]不 Robin 如果你現(xiàn)在給他打電話 你會(huì)后悔的

[09:58.39]Look,I have slept with lots of women who afterwards told me off and stormed out.

[09:58.39]聽著 我跟很多女人睡過 之后有些人會(huì)消失

[10:03.15]And sometimes they'd pick up the phone and they'd call me and then we'd hook up again.

[10:03.15]但是有時(shí)候又會(huì)拿起電話打給我 我們會(huì)再勾搭上

[10:08.04]And when we were finished,I could see that look on their faces,

[10:08.04]完事之后 我能看到她們的表情

[10:11.07]that look that says they hate themselves and they wish they'd never called.

[10:11.07]那是厭惡自己 后悔不該打電話的表情

[10:16.27]But if you could see that look...


[10:17.98]Actually,you can see that look,there's a video. www-dot...

[10:17.98]實(shí)際上 你能看到 有個(gè)視頻 在www.....

[10:21.15]No! Stop,okay? I won't call.

[10:21.15]別說了! 好了! 我不打就是

[10:24.43]Don't drink the beer!


[10:25.49]I just remembered when I bought it.


[10:26.89]It was right before I got pregnant with Lucy.


[10:28.90]Ted,would you mind running to PriceCo and picking some up?

[10:28.90]Ted 能不能去趟PriceCo買點(diǎn)回來?

[10:31.61]Oh,and while you're there,maybe you could sign up for a card.

[10:31.61]你到了那 也許該申請個(gè)會(huì)員卡

[10:33.49]I mean,you'll probably end up going there all the time.


[10:38.84]That's the look.


[10:42.75]I can't move here. I hate it here. I would kill myself.

[10:42.75]我不能搬來這里 我討厭這 我會(huì)自殺的

[10:46.46]Maybe New Jersey's not that bad. Stella has a lawn.

[10:46.46]也許新澤西也沒那么糟 Stella有塊草坪

[10:49.91]You could get a riding lawn mower. They sell them over there.

[10:49.91]你可以玩割草機(jī) 那邊就有賣的

[10:52.68]I saw one with a cup holder.


[10:54.41]I saw a recliner with a built-in cup holder.


[10:56.94]I even saw a hammock with a cup holder.


[10:58.70]You live in New Jersey,you never have to hold a cup again.

[10:58.70]要是你住在新澤西 就再也不用手舉著杯子了

[11:01.27]I don't think I have as big a problem holding cups as you do.

[11:01.27]我還真不像你似的對 舉杯子有那么大障礙

[11:04.25]I will give you $100 to fist pump me.

[11:04.25]你跟我碰下拳 我給你100塊


[11:11.87]Just put it down,Barney.

[11:11.99]放下來吧 Barney

[11:13.45]Your arm must be killing you by now.



[11:20.55]Look,you'll be right across the river. You'll be in New York all the time.

[11:20.55]瞧 你只是剛好在河對岸 你隨時(shí)能到紐約的

[11:23.11]- Oh,yeah? - Yeah.

[11:23.11]- 真的么? - 真的

[11:24.89]Um,excuse me.


[11:26.27]You guys are from New York,right?


[11:27.58]Yeah,we moved here from Manhattan.

[11:27.58]對 我們從曼哈頓搬來

[11:28.99]Do you ever get into the city?


[11:30.61]All the time.


[11:31.57]See? All the time.

[11:31.57]聽見了沒 隨時(shí)都能進(jìn)

[11:32.86]When was the last time you were there?


[11:34.33]We just had dinner at O'Rourke's.


[11:36.29]That's been closed for six years.


[11:38.42]It has been awhile.


[11:40.11]Funny,we don't miss it.

[11:40.11]有趣 我們都沒發(fā)現(xiàn)

[11:41.48]Well,I guess we're New Jersey-ians now.


[11:43.83]Honey,look,dog shirts.

[11:43.83]親愛的 瞧 狗狗T恤

[11:48.02]I can't do it.


[11:48.74]I'm just going to tell Stella she and Lucy have to move into the city and that's that.

[11:48.74]我要告訴Stella 她和Lucy該搬去紐約

[11:52.95]MARSHALL: Okay,what do you guys think?


[11:54.94]Beagle or Boston terrier?


[12:00.95]Are those tears?


[12:04.15]They're awesome... manly pain tears. They're not emotional.

[12:04.15]是勇敢的男兒淚水 不帶感情的

[12:09.69]Okay,they're a little bit emotional.

[12:09.69]好吧 稍稍有些感情在里面

[12:13.04]Where's Robin?



[12:15.95]哦 不!

[12:18.46]Hey,Shirley,it's Robin calling for Joel.

[12:18.46]嘿 Shirley 我是Robin 要找Joel

[12:20.93]Robin,hang up the phone. Don't do this.

[12:20.93]Robin 掛掉電話 別這樣

[12:22.92]Sorry,I know,okay?

[12:22.92]對不起 我明白

[12:24.37]- If you don't hang up right now... - Stop.

[12:24.37]- 如果你現(xiàn)在不掛電話... - 別說了

[12:26.97]Hey,Joel,it's Robin.

[12:26.97]嘿 Joel 我是Robin

[12:29.19]So Madam Butterfly wants to come back to the cocoon.


[12:32.87]Yeah,look,I'm sorry I said all that stuff.

[12:32.87]聽著 說了那樣的話 我很抱歉

[12:35.15]Well,you can stick your sorries in your sock drawer,'cause you've already been replaced.

[12:35.15]道歉的話留著對家里裝襪子的抽屜說去吧 因?yàn)槟阋呀?jīng)被頂替了

[12:38.93]I've got Brian in makeup and he couldn't be more excited.

[12:38.93]Brian在這里精心化妝 他已經(jīng)無比激動(dòng)了

[12:42.39]I can't do this. I can't do this.

[12:42.39]我不行 我不行

[12:45.10]Uh,okay,look,as much as I want to see college boy here wet himself on camera,

[12:45.10]好吧 我可不想見到一個(gè)大學(xué)生 在鏡頭前汗流浹背

[12:49.70]if you can get here in time to read the 11:00 news,you can have your old job back.

[12:49.70]如果你能及時(shí)趕回來播報(bào)11點(diǎn)新聞 你就能保住飯碗

[12:54.18]Okay,I have a half hour to make it to the studio.

[12:54.18]好 我有半個(gè)鐘頭趕到電臺(tái)

[12:56.91]There's no way you can make it to the city in a half hour.


[12:59.22]Robin,don't do this.

[12:59.22]Robin 別這樣

[13:00.29]I know it's scary to bet on yourself,but if you don't,nobody else will.

[13:00.29]我知道自己賭一把很讓人害怕 但如果你不賭 沒人會(huì)為你賭

[13:03.64]And I'm not just saying that to get a fist bump.


[13:05.47]Although,come on,a fist bump would be great. But I really mean it.

[13:05.47]盡管碰個(gè)拳也挺好 但我是說真的

[13:07.95]I am betting on myself.


[13:09.13]I am betting that I can make it there by 11:00.


[13:27.80]Hey,did you get the beer?


[13:29.03]Yeah,I got 144-pack.


[13:31.31]The rest is in the trunk.


[13:33.15]And did you sign up for the membership?




[13:36.91]Why not?


[13:37.69]There was a line for the photos... my hair's a mess...


[13:40.12]I don't want to move to New Jersey.




[13:43.83]I can't do it.


[13:44.62]And I can't see any reason why you and Lucy shouldn't move to New York.


[13:48.40]Well,my daughter goes to school here.


[13:50.30]All of her friends are here.


[13:51.57]I've lived here my whole life. My whole family is here.

[13:51.57]我一輩子都住在這里 我的全家都在這

[13:53.71]This is my house. I'm on the PTA.

[13:53.71]這是我的房子 我是家庭教師協(xié)會(huì)一份子

[13:55.46]And as of June 1,I'm the deputy mayor.

[13:55.46]等到6月1號(hào) 我就是副會(huì)長了

[13:59.87]Yes,but my apartment is really close to the subway.

[13:59.87]沒錯(cuò) 但我的公寓離地鐵很近

[14:05.03]Ted,we're not moving,end of discussion.

[14:05.03]Ted 我們不會(huì)搬的 討論結(jié)束

[14:07.87]How can it be end of discussion if there's never been a discussion?

[14:07.87]如果沒有討論過 哪來的討論結(jié)束呢

[14:11.05]This is part of being a parent. I can't just uproot Lucy.

[14:11.05]這就是為人父母的一部分 我不能改變Lucy的生活

[14:13.92]People with kids move all the time.


[14:15.88]I think it would be really great for Lucy to grow up in the greatest city in the world.

[14:15.88]我想對Lucy來說 在世界數(shù)一數(shù)二的 大城市里成長再好不過

[14:19.73]Oh,here we go-- New York's the greatest city in the whole wide world.


[14:22.46]It's where dreams come true and pigeon poop tastes like tapioca.

[14:22.46]在這里美夢成真 就連鴿子的便便味道都像木薯粉

[14:25.42]Want to know a little secret,Ted?

[14:25.42]想知道個(gè)小秘密嗎 Ted

[14:26.95]New Jersey is better than New York.


[14:30.37]Better than... You think... I...


[14:33.71]The Empire State Buil...


[14:35.86]H and H Bage...


[14:37.61]Lincoln Ce... Zabar's... Papaya King.

[14:37.61]林肯中心... 休閑酒吧... 木瓜大王熱狗店

[14:41.91]New York is the intellectual and cultural hub of the planet.


[14:45.56]New York is full of weirdoes,and snobs and mean people.

[14:45.56]紐約全是怪人 盡是些諂媚和刻薄之人

[14:49.24]Ted,do you know that once,an old lady actually called me a bitch and threw a cat in my face?

[14:49.24]Ted 知道有次一個(gè)老婦人罵我婊子 還把貓扔我臉上嗎?

[14:53.53]And you want to know if that happened in New Jersey?


[14:55.42]Uh-uh,86th and Lex,right in front of your beloved little Papaya King.

[14:55.42]沒有 Lex大街86號(hào) 剛好發(fā)生在 你最愛的木瓜大王熱狗店門前

[14:59.46]Ted,people are nice in New Jersey.

[14:59.46]Ted 新澤西的人很友好

[15:02.29]I mean it's the kind of place where you know your neighbors.


[15:04.48]Hey,I know my neighbors.

[15:04.48]嘿 我和我的鄰居很熟

[15:06.52]Oh,yeah? Like who?

[15:06.52]是嗎 比如誰?

[15:07.84]Right across the hall,I got...

[15:07.84]就對門的 我認(rèn)識(shí)...

[15:09.68]Clax... pa... mon...

[15:09.68]Clax... pa... mon...



[15:12.57]His name is Paxton.


[15:14.15]Love that dude.


[15:16.80]Sorry,in a hurry. Got to get to the front. Got to get off first.

[15:16.80]抱歉 趕時(shí)間 要到前面去 請讓開

[15:19.86]Whoa,don't run over Matisse.


[15:22.10]Okay,so this is crazy.


[15:23.73]You can't actually think that New Jersey is better than New York.


[15:27.73]New York has Broadway. We win right there.

[15:27.73]紐約有百老匯 憑這點(diǎn)我們就贏了

[15:30.15]Oh,no,she did not. Knuckle up for safety.

[15:30.15]不 她沒有 碰一下以策安全

[15:34.24]We have Atlantic City.


[15:35.37]Can't beat the A.C. Pretty please? No one has to know.

[15:35.37]無法超越的大西洋城 靚女碰下吧 沒人知道的

[15:39.01]New York has Greenwich Village.


[15:40.30]New Jersey has The Shore.

[15:40.30]新澤西有The Shore樂隊(duì)

[15:41.79]Woody Allen.

[15:41.79]紐約有Woody Allen

[15:43.03]Oscar-winning chronicler of urban neuroses. Bump it!

[15:43.03]榮獲奧斯卡獎(jiǎng)的都市傳奇人物 來吧

[15:47.12]Bruce Springsteen.

[15:47.12]Bruce Springsteen



[15:49.24]He's from Hoboken... New Jersey.


[15:51.25]Yeah,but what city is he singing about?

[15:51.25]沒錯(cuò) 但他唱的是什么城市來著

[15:53.54]It's not "Secaucus,Secaucus."

[15:53.54]不是"錫考克斯鎮(zhèn) 錫考克斯鎮(zhèn)"吧

[16:03.45]Now you kids can either believe this or not,

[16:03.45]孩子們 不管你們相信與否

[16:06.20]but this is how your Aunt Robin swears it happened.


[16:15.35]Look,Stella,I understand that coming from New Jersey you don't picture yourself loving New York,

[16:15.35]聽著 Stella 我明白從新澤西來的你 無法想象自己會(huì)熱愛紐約

[16:21.51]but trust me,Marshall didn't expect to,and now he wouldn't think of living anywhere else.

[16:21.51]但請相信我 Marshall一開始也不相信 但現(xiàn)在他都不愿意住在別處

[16:26.68]I hate New York!


[16:29.01]I'm sorry,but it's true.

[16:29.01]對不起 但是真的

[16:30.81]Okay,today I was walking around PriceCo.


[16:32.95]Have you ever been there? It's huge.

[16:32.95]你去過嗎 里面超大的

[16:34.83]All the stores in New York are so cramped.


[16:36.54]Every time I turn,I knock something over.


[16:38.43]I'm like some huge monster that came out of the ocean to destroy bodegas.

[16:38.43]我就像從海里來的大怪獸 一心想毀掉酒窖似的

[16:42.37]But,Marshall,you love New York.

[16:42.37]但是Marshall 你是愛紐約的

[16:43.71]Yeah,I do,except that I hate it.

[16:43.71]是的 但我更恨它

[16:46.52]I'm too big for New York,okay?


[16:48.89]I'm always trying to fit into cramped little subway seats


[16:51.22]or duck under doorways that were built 150 years ago.


[16:53.83]Hey,guess what? People are bigger now. Build bigger doorways.

[16:53.83]知道嗎 現(xiàn)在人們塊頭都大了 弄個(gè)大點(diǎn)的門

[16:56.70]What the hell is the matter with you?


[16:58.01]Small city,big man-- give it up.

[16:58.01]小城市 大塊頭-- 來一下

[17:00.02]And it's so loud,all the time.

[17:00.02]而且那里還很吵鬧 一刻不停

[17:02.76]Yes,it's the city that never sleeps.


[17:04.14]Well,guess what,I like to sleep.

[17:04.14]但你猜怎么著 我就喜歡睡覺

[17:06.34]I've been tired for eight years.


[17:08.54]Tired and scared with black and blue marks on my elbows from trying to fit through all these tiny elf doorways.

[17:08.54]我厭倦了因?yàn)殂@矮子的門口 而把自己手肘弄得青一塊紫一塊

[17:13.96]New Jersey's great.


[17:15.61]It's got huge stores,and lawns and you never have to carry a cup again.

[17:15.61]大商店 草坪 而且還不用自己舉杯子

[17:20.52]Not for the rest of your life.


[17:22.67]I'm not afraid to say it-- I love New Jersey.


[17:28.92]I'm just kidding.



[17:32.61]聽著 Stella...

[17:34.82]I get it,okay?


[17:37.10]I see what you're saying.


[17:38.93]I guess...


[17:42.32]we could live in Brooklyn.

[17:42.32]我們可以住在布魯克林區(qū) (紐約貧民區(qū))

[17:45.46]You know what,Ted...

[17:45.46]知道嗎 Ted...

[17:47.52]live wherever you want. I don't care.

[17:47.52]你愛住哪住哪 我管不著

[17:58.12]Awkward silence. Tap it.

[17:58.12]尷尬的沉默 碰一下

[18:12.56]Oh,hey,Lucy. What are you doing up?

[18:12.56]嘿 Lucy 起來干嘛

[18:14.97]There was some loud noises in the basement.


[18:17.53]Sorry about that.


[18:19.21]Why don't you got back to bed,sweetie.

[18:19.21]干嘛不回去睡覺呢 親愛的

[18:20.44]I can't go to sleep without a story.

[18:20.44]不聽故事 我睡不著

[18:22.88]- Okay,I'll just get your mom... - Why don't you read it to me?

[18:22.88]- 好 我去給你找媽媽... - 你能念給我聽嗎

[18:28.47]Okay,come on.

[18:28.47]好 來吧

[18:29.08]* You know she thrills me with all her charms *

[18:35.05]* When I'm wrapped up in my baby's arms *

[18:40.74]* My little girl gives me everything *

[18:46.67]* When I'm walking down the street with you *

[18:52.02]* Sing sha-la-la,la-la-la-la Sha-la-la-la...*

[18:59.18]I'm moving here.


[19:02.71]- Really? - Really.

[19:02.71]- 真的嗎? - 真的

[19:06.02]New Jersey wins.


[19:26.91]Oh,thank you!




[19:42.96]Good evening,New York.

[19:42.96]晚上好 紐約

[19:44.26]Hey,look,she made it.

[19:44.26]瞧 她趕到了

[19:46.60]Our top story tonight-- the newborn panda at the Central Park Zoo got its first tooth today.

[19:46.60]今晚的頭條是 在中央動(dòng)物園出生的 熊貓寶寶剛長出了第一顆牙

[19:51.66]I guess that makes her a...


[19:54.53]molar bear.


[19:57.07]Molar bear. Molar bear.

[19:57.07]臼齒熊 臼齒熊

[20:02.52]You know what? I really am done.

[20:02.52]知道嗎 我還是算了

[20:05.73]Good night,New York.

[20:05.73]晚安 紐約

[20:12.18]Wow,she really quit.


[20:14.37]You think we had anything to do with that?


[20:16.83]Yeah,I think we did.

[20:16.83]是啊 我想有的

[20:20.71]Nice job,Barney.

[20:20.71]干得漂亮 Barney

[20:23.52]Oh,my God! Thank you!

[20:23.52]額滴神啊 謝謝

[20:28.69]Oh,that was killing my arm.


[20:31.32]My arm hasn't been this sore since I was 13 years old and figured out how to lock a bathroom.

[20:31.32]上次這么酸疼還是我13歲 想把浴室的門鎖上的時(shí)候呢

[20:35.84]Up top.



[20:39.44]哦 不

[20:46.74]What's wrong?


[20:47.73]Well,I officially didn't get that job.


[20:50.35]I'm so sorry.


[20:51.48]That's okay. They,um,they offered me another one.

[20:51.48]沒關(guān)系 他們提供了另一份工作

[20:54.74]Hey,that's great. What are you going to be doing?

[20:54.74]好極了 那你要做什么

[20:57.01]Foreign correspondent. I'm,uh...

[20:57.01]海外通訊記者 我...

[20:59.97]moving to Japan.


[21:07.54老爸老媽浪漫史 第四季 第3集 結(jié)束


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