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聽電影學(xué)英語(yǔ) 在云端 04 中英雙語(yǔ)

所屬教程:聽電影學(xué)英語(yǔ) 在云端



[00:04.66]What is it that you're working on so furiously? 你這么發(fā)狠地寫什么呢?
[00:06.42]I'm building a workflow of firing techniques. 解職技術(shù)的工作流程
[00:09.94]It's questions and responses, actions and reactions. 問答形式 不同情況 不同對(duì)策
[00:13.62]A script taking you through the steps of firing someone. 指導(dǎo)你一步步的解雇員工
[00:15.14]Who's it for? 給誰(shuí)看的?
[00:18.74]you could put it in the hands of anyone and they'd be downsizing immediately. 無(wú)論給誰(shuí) 只要按照流程走
[00:22.66]All you have to do is follow the steps. 想炒誰(shuí) 就炒誰(shuí)
[00:26.74]Natalie, what is it you think we do here? Natalie 你以為咱在干啥呢
[00:30.22]We prepare the newly-unemployed for the emotional and physical hurdles of job hunting, 我們?yōu)樾码x職的員工 做好找工作的身心準(zhǔn)備
[00:34.26]while minimising legal blowback. 同時(shí)減少被起訴
[00:34.94]That's what we're selling. It's not what we're doing. 我們這么宣傳 但不是做這個(gè)的
[00:36.82]OK, what are we doing? - We are here to make limbo tolerable, - 好吧 我們做什么呢? - 我們讓地獄變的可以容忍
[00:43.26]to ferry wounded souls across the river of dread until the point where hope is dimly visible. 幫受傷的靈魂度過恐懼之河 讓他們看到渺茫的希望
[00:53.34]Then stop the boat, shove 'em in the water and make 'em swim. 再停下船 把他們踹下去 自已游到對(duì)岸
[00:55.46]That's really impressive. Are you gonna put that in your book? 說得好 要記下這句臺(tái)詞嗎?
[01:09.98]I gotta grab this. I'll meet you at the car rental. 我要接個(gè)電話 租車場(chǎng)見
[01:13.50]Hey, I was hoping I'd hear from you. 嘿 一直等你打電話來呢
[01:17.78]I'm in Hotlanta and I need a rib-joint recommend bad. 我在亞特蘭大呢 快推薦家吃排骨的地方
[01:21.42]Fat Matt's. Bring a bib. Fat Matt那家 帶上餐巾
[01:22.66]You never called. - I wasn't sure what was appropriate. - 你咋不打電話 - 我不知道是否合適
[01:26.02]Appropriate? I'm not some waitress you banged in a snowstorm. 合適? 我可不是你泡的女服務(wù)生
[01:29.74]That word has no place in our vocabulary. 咱倆的詞典里沒這詞
[01:34.66]I'm the woman that you don't have to worry about. 我這種女人 你不用瞎擔(dān)心
[01:39.02]Sounds like a trap. - Listen... - 聽著像是陷阱 - 聽我說...
[01:41.34]the next time that you're worried about manners, don't. 下次你擔(dān)心是否"合適"時(shí) 免了吧
[01:43.46]If you wanna call, call. Just think of me as yourself, only with a vagina. 想來電就打 把我想成你自己 女體的你
[01:50.10]When am I gonna see you? 咱倆啥時(shí)再見面啊?
[01:51.74]Well, I'm out of Hartsfield into IAD, with a connection in ORD into SDF. 我就要從菲爾德機(jī)場(chǎng)飛華盛頓了 然后從芝加哥再去路易斯維爾
[01:58.94]Yeah, tell me about it. 可不是嘛
[01:59.02]Sorry. 真遺憾
[02:01.14]How long's your layover? They got multiples into SDF. Could you push? 你停留多久 去路易斯維爾的航班很多 能不能擠點(diǎn)時(shí)間
[02:07.34]Yeah, I can push. 可以啊
[02:21.54]All you have to do today is watch and listen. 你今天只管坐這旁聽
[02:25.98]And when I talk about a strategy packet, hand them one of those. 我說宣傳冊(cè)時(shí) 你遞給他們
[02:31.02]So although I wish I were here with better news, 雖然我也想報(bào)喜
[02:31.62]Sounds great. 好的
[02:35.58]the fact is that you and I are sitting here today because 不過今天找你 主要是為了告知...
[02:39.78]this will be your last week of employment at this company. 本周是你在公司工作的最后一周了
[02:42.06]Why me? - What am I supposed to do now? - 為啥炒我? - 我該怎么辦?
[02:44.26]Am I supposed to feel better I'm not the only one losing my job? 我不是唯一被裁的 是不是該欣慰一下?
[02:48.46]This is ridiculous! I have been a fine employee for over 10 years 搞笑吧 10年來我都是優(yōu)秀員工
[02:53.46]and this is the way you treat me. 你們就這么對(duì)我啊
[02:55.22]How do you sleep at night, man? How? 哥們 你晚上不會(huì)失眠嗎?
[02:59.42]How's your family? They sleeping well at night? 你家人呢 也都能安然入睡嗎?
[03:01.50]Electricity still on? 家里燈還開著沒?
[03:04.22]Heat still on, refrigerator full of food? 供暖是否繼續(xù) 冰箱里是否塞滿食物?
[03:08.42]Gas tank full of gas? 煤氣是否充足?
[03:10.70]Going to Chuck E. Cheese this weekend or something? 周末全家能否去查克芝士(兒童餐廳)?
[03:10.74]Not me. 不會(huì)是我
[03:13.90]No, my kids, we're not gonna do anything. 不 我的孩子們 我們不會(huì)做任何事
[03:21.46]What do you suggest I tell them? 給個(gè)建議 我怎么告訴他們?
[03:27.74]Perhaps you're underestimating the positive effect 也許你低估了你轉(zhuǎn)換工作...
[03:30.22]your career transition can have on your children. 將對(duì)孩子們產(chǎn)生的積極影響
[03:33.38]The positive effect? 積極影響
[03:37.78]I make about 90 grand a year now. 現(xiàn)在我每年賺9萬(wàn)美元
[03:41.50]Unemployment is what - 250 bucks a week? 失業(yè)就等于 - 每周250塊錢?
[03:45.26]Is that one of your positive effects? 這就是你所謂的積極影響之一?
[03:45.86]We'll get to be cosier cos I'm not gonna be able to pay my mortgage on my house. 我們會(huì)生活舒適 因?yàn)槲以僖哺恫黄鸱孔拥牡盅嚎?br /> [03:48.58]So maybe we can move into a nice fucking one-bedroom apartment somewhere. 也許我們能搬進(jìn)某套該死的一臥室公寓
[03:53.62]And I guess without benefits, 我猜如果沒有了津貼...
[03:56.18]I'll be able to hold my daughter as she, you know, suffers from her asthma 我還能保住我女兒 她飽受哮喘折磨
[04:01.22]that I won't be able to afford the medication for. 我再也負(fù)擔(dān)不了醫(yī)療費(fèi)了
[04:04.74]Well...tests have shown that children under moderate trauma have a tendency to 嗯...很多測(cè)試表明 承受一般創(chuàng)傷折磨的孩子傾向于...
[04:09.42]apply themselves academically... 全心投入學(xué)習(xí)中....
[04:12.74]..as a method of coping. ..作為一種對(duì)抗痛苦的方式
[04:16.38]Go fuck yourself. 見你他媽的鬼去
[04:19.54]That's what my kids'll think. 我孩子將來就會(huì)這么想的
[04:23.06]Your children's admiration is important to you? - Yeah. - 孩子們的敬佩對(duì)你來說很重要? - 是的
[04:25.46]Yeah, it was. 是的 是這樣
[04:28.10]Well, I doubt they ever admired you, Bob. 我懷疑他們是否敬佩過你 Bob
[04:30.66]Hey, asshole, aren't you supposed to be consoling me? 嘿 混蛋 你不是應(yīng)該來安慰我嗎?
[04:34.74]I'm not a shrink, Bob. I'm a wake-up call. 我不是心理醫(yī)生 Bob 我是來給你當(dāng)頭一棒的
[04:37.62]You know why kids love athletes? - Cos they screw lingerie models? - 知道孩子們?yōu)楹螣釔圻\(yùn)動(dòng)員嗎? - 因?yàn)樗麄兒蛢?nèi)衣模特上床?
[04:41.06]No, that's why we love athletes. Kids love athletes 不 我們喜歡運(yùn)動(dòng)員 孩子們喜歡運(yùn)動(dòng)員
[04:46.10]because they follow their dreams. 是因?yàn)樗麄兣ψ分饓?mèng)想
[04:51.10]Well, I can't dunk. - No, but you can cook. - 我可不會(huì)灌籃 - 是的 可你會(huì)烹飪
[04:52.70]What are you talking about? 你在說什么?
[04:56.54]Your r閟um?says that you minored in French culinary arts. 你的簡(jiǎn)歷上說你輔修法式烹飪
[04:59.82]Most students, they work on the fryer at KFC, 大多數(shù)學(xué)生 他們?cè)诳系禄蚬ふㄊ項(xiàng)l
[05:02.38]but you bussed tables at Il Picador to support yourself. 可你在Il Picador打工賺取生活費(fèi)
[05:07.10]Then you get out of college and then you come and work here. 你畢業(yè)后就來這里工作
[05:10.34]How much did they first pay you to give up on your dreams? 最初他們付你多少錢 讓你放棄夢(mèng)想?
[05:12.90]27 grand a year. - And when were you going to stop - 年薪2萬(wàn)7千元 - 你打算什么時(shí)候結(jié)束這一切...
[05:18.46]and come back and do what makes you happy? 回頭做自己真正喜歡的事情?
[05:23.10]I see guys who work at the same company for their entire lives, 我看到很多員工在這里干了一輩子...
[05:26.66]guys exactly like you. 他們和你很像
[05:28.78]They clock in, they clock out, and they never have a moment of happiness. 他們準(zhǔn)時(shí)上班 準(zhǔn)時(shí)下班 卻從來沒有快樂過
[05:37.06]You have an opportunity here, Bob. 你現(xiàn)在有一個(gè)機(jī)會(huì) Bob
[05:38.54]This is a rebirth. 這是一次重生
[05:42.34]If not for you, do it for your children. 即使不為自己 也為你的孩子們考慮一下
[06:13.62]He just waltzes in and cuts in line? 難道他可以大搖大擺過來插隊(duì)?
[06:16.46]We reserve priority assistance for our Hilton Honors members. 希爾頓酒店榮譽(yù)會(huì)員享受優(yōu)先服務(wù)
[06:20.02]The promotions are great. You should check it out. 促銷活動(dòng)很棒 你可以看看
[06:30.22]Hungry much? 你很餓嗎?
[06:32.18]Our business expense allots $40 each for dinner. 我們的商務(wù)開支允許花40美元吃頓晚飯
[06:34.90]I plan on grabbing as many miles as I can. 我計(jì)劃盡可能多積累里程數(shù)
[06:36.94]OK, you gotta fill me in on the miles thing. What is that about? 你得告訴我關(guān)于里程數(shù)的事 到底怎么回事?
[06:42.70]Are you talking about... like frequent flyer miles? 你是不是在說...常飛客里程數(shù)?
[06:44.46]You really want to know? - I'm dying to know. - 你真想知道? - 我想知道的要死
[06:50.22]I don't spend a nickel if I can help it unless it somehow profits my mileage account. 如果可以 我一個(gè)子也不想花 除非它對(duì)我的里程帳戶有益
[06:53.18]So what are you saving up for - Hawaii, South of France? 你積累那么多里程數(shù)是為什么- 去夏威夷 法國(guó)南部?
[06:55.70]It's not like that. The miles are the goal. 不是那樣的 里程數(shù)就是目標(biāo)
[07:02.02]That's it? 就這樣?
[07:02.60]Just say I have a number in mind and I haven't hit it yet. 只能說我腦子里有個(gè)數(shù)字 我目前還沒達(dá)到它
[07:03.46]You're saving just to save? 你只是為了積累里程數(shù)而積累?
[07:05.94]That's a little abstract. What's the target? 這聽上去有點(diǎn)抽象 目標(biāo)是什么?
[07:10.98]I'd rather not. - Is it a secret target? - 我寧愿沒有 - 是不能說的目標(biāo)嗎?
[07:15.50]It's 10 million miles. 是1千萬(wàn)英里的里程
[07:20.26]OK. Isn't 10 million just a number? - Pi's just a number. - 1千萬(wàn)英里程難道不只是個(gè)數(shù)字么? - 圓周率也只是個(gè)數(shù)字
[07:21.42]Well, we all need a hobby. 我們都需要有個(gè)嗜好
[07:25.34]No, I... I don't mean to belittle your collection. I get it. It sounds cool. 不 我...我不是輕視你的努力 我明白了 聽上去很酷
[07:29.10]I'd be the seventh person to do it. More people have walked on the moon. 我將成為第七個(gè)成功者 登月過的人數(shù)都比這個(gè)多
[07:34.30]Do they throw you a parade? - You get lifetime executive status, - 他們會(huì)為你舉行一場(chǎng)慶賀游行? - 你會(huì)得到終身的最高會(huì)員待遇
[07:37.30]you get to meet the chief pilot, Maynard Finch... 你會(huì)見到首席飛行員 Maynard Finch...
[07:40.60]Men get hard-ons putting their name on stuff. You guy;s dont grow up. 男人總渴望把名字刻在什么東西上 你們就是長(zhǎng)不大
[07:41.10]And they put your name on a plane. 會(huì)把你的名字刻在飛機(jī)上
[07:44.58]It's like you need to pee on everything. - Now who's stereotyping? - 就像你們走到哪里就在那里撒尿 (雄性動(dòng)物標(biāo)明領(lǐng)地的行為) - 到底誰(shuí)是老古板啊?
[07:46.86]Fear of mortality. It's like, yeah, you're gonna die one day. 恐懼死亡 就好像 呃 人總有一天會(huì)死
[07:51.82]Why is that singular to men? 干嘛只針對(duì)男人?
[07:55.34]Probably because you can't have babies. - The baby argument. - 多半因?yàn)槟銈儧]法生育 - 孩子之爭(zhēng)
[08:02.42]If I had that many miles... 如果我能積攢到那么多里程數(shù)...
[08:03.50]I would show up at an airport, 我會(huì)去機(jī)場(chǎng)
[08:06.66]look at the destination board, pick a place and go. 在目的地公告牌上尋找 挑一個(gè)地方直接飛過去
[08:31.30]Can't fall asleep. 睡不著覺
[08:37.14]Me too just laying here 我也是 無(wú)聊躺著呢
[08:41.58]You should rub one out. 你應(yīng)該自己用手解決
[08:47.02]Thank you for the advice. 多謝你的建議
[08:50.26]Only fair if you do too 只有你也照辦才算公平
[08:59.34]Way ahead of you. 早干過了
[09:10.62]Call me next tim so I can listen 下次再做時(shí)給我電話 我要旁聽
[09:17.74]Have sweet dreams about me. 做個(gè)好夢(mèng) 夢(mèng)到我
[09:31.42]OK. Closer. Way closer. 好了 近一點(diǎn) 再近一點(diǎn)
[09:37.14]Still closer. 還要靠近
[09:38.22]Closer. 再近一點(diǎn)
[09:41.62]Er...a little left. 哦...有點(diǎn)偏左了
[09:42.62]Down a little. 往下一點(diǎn)
[09:45.42]Too far. Up. Up one more inch. 太下面了 上來一點(diǎn) 再向上1英寸
[09:48.86]I don't get it. Why does your sister want a fake photo? 我不懂 你妹妹干嘛要假的照片
[09:53.46]My sister is kooky. She thinks this is charming. It's like the gnome thing. 我妹妹是個(gè)怪人 她覺得這樣很吸引人 就好像侏儒一樣
[09:55.62]No, I mean, why would she want a fake photo in front of St Louis airport? 不 我是說 她干嘛要弄一張 站在圣路易斯機(jī)場(chǎng)前的假照
[09:59.82]Are you kidding - Lambert Field? The Wright brothers flew through there. 你開玩笑嗎- Lambert區(qū)域? 萊特兄弟駕機(jī)飛過那里

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