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聽電影學(xué)英語 在云端 07 中英雙語

所屬教程:聽電影學(xué)英語 在云端



[00:00.76]How's everybody doing out there? 大家玩得開心不?
[00:04.96]Right about now, give it up for a very special alphaTECH guest. 現(xiàn)在 暫停一下 歡迎alphaTECH的特別嘉賓
[00:08.28]Young MC! Young MC!
[00:13.08]What's up, alphaTECH? 玩得如何 alphaTECH?
[00:15.88]I got a busted computer. Can somebody fix it for me? 我有臺電腦壞了 有人能幫我修好嗎?
[01:05.20]I want you to have a key to my place. 我把住地的鑰匙給你
[01:12.52]Wow. I had no idea we were at that point in our relationship. 我都不知道 我們的關(guān)系已發(fā)展到這個地步了
[01:15.76]Oh,yes. - Wow. - 哦 是這樣 - 哇
[01:24.04]Where is she? 她在哪里?
[02:00.32]Back home I don't get to act the way I do with you. 我回家后 就不會像現(xiàn)在和你一起時這樣了
[02:02.68]That's why I don't have a back home. - I know. - 這就是我沒有家的理由 - 我明白
[02:08.08]You're so cool. Mr Empty Backpack. 你太特別了 空背包先生
[02:11.00]You know about my backpack? - I Googled you. - 你知道我的事? - 我上網(wǎng)查過你
[02:13.64]You did? 是嗎?
[02:15.16]It's what us modern girls do when we have a crush. 如今女生暗戀男生都會這樣
[02:19.04]Does it bother you? - It depends. - 你喜歡嗎? - 得看情況吧
[02:22.76]Is the bag empty because you hate people or because you hate the baggage they come along with? 不背累贅 是因為你不喜歡交際 還是討厭交際后帶來的負(fù)擔(dān)?
[02:27.28]I don't hate people. I'm not exactly a hermit. 我又不是什么隱士 還是交朋友的
[02:28.64]You just don't want to be tied down with the whole responsibility thing. 這樣說 你是討厭負(fù)擔(dān)了
[02:33.80]I don't know what originally sparked the backpack. 初始原因 我也不太記得了
[02:36.10]Probably needed to be alone. 可能是習(xí)慣了孤單一人吧
[02:41.68]Recently,I've been thinking that I needed to empty the backpack 最近我一直在想著清空背包
[02:45.40]before I know what to put back in it. 以防未來不時之需
[03:07.92]Oh,no! - I think we're out of gas. - 不會吧 - 應(yīng)該是船沒油了
[03:50.64]Hey. You're up? 嘿 你起來啦
[03:52.68]I have to fly standby and make a meeting in Cincinnati. - 馬上就得飛去辛辛那提開會 - 好吧
[04:00.52]I made you feel cheap. 看來我賺了你便宜啊
[04:05.00]It's all right. Just leave the money on the dresser. 沒事 把錢放梳妝臺就行了
[04:09.08]I'll text you later so we can swap schedules. 待會我再把日程短信給你吧
[04:18.40]I really like you. 我很喜歡你
[04:21.92]I like you too. - Good. - 我也是 - 那就好
[04:25.16]Go catch your plane. 別誤了飛機(jī)
[04:42.16]Last night er... 昨天晚上...
[04:43.84]It was kind of out of hand. I said things erm... 我有點(diǎn)失控 說的話...
[04:48.44]I'm not actually sure everything that I said. 我也不太記得了
[04:50.36]But I didn't want you to think... - Just relax. - 但請你不要放... - 沒事
[04:54.60]It was nice to see you cut loose. 看你放松挺不錯的
[04:57.80]Did you wake him up or slip out? 你叫醒他了嗎 還是溜出來的?
[05:01.56]What? - This morning. Your new friend. - 什么? - 就是昨晚的新朋友
[05:04.60]Did you wake him up for an awkward goodbye,or did you 今天早晨 你是叫醒他 說再見了呢
[05:06.36]just slip out and make him feel like a whore? 還是溜出來 留他一人在屋里了?
[05:09.10]I just left. - Protocol's always tricky. - 我遛了 - 不要不安 都會這樣
[05:17.44]What happened to Alex? 那Alex呢?
[05:18.20]She had to leave town early to get to a meeting. 她一早就離開去開會了
[05:21.00]That's too bad. Where's she live? - Chicago. - 真掃興 她住哪? - 芝加哥
[05:24.12]Thinking of going to see her? 想過去見她嗎?
[05:27.52]We don't really have that kind of relationship. Try it over there. 我們關(guān)系沒到那一步 站那里試試
[05:32.56]What erm... kind of relationship do you have? 那你們是什么關(guān)系?
[05:35.76]Well,you know...casual. 就是隨性而已
[05:37.16]Sounds pretty special. - It works for us. - 聽起來蠻特別的 - 挺適合我們的
[05:42.36]Don't you think there's a future there? 你沒想過你們的未來嗎?
[05:45.20]I never thought about it. What's going on? 我從沒想過 干嗎這么問?
[05:49.56]Really never thought about it? - No. - 真沒想過? - 是的
[05:52.80]How can you not think about that? 你怎么不去想想?
[05:53.64]How does it not cross your mind you might want a future with someone? 你就那么確定你想孤單一人?
[05:59.76]It's simple. You know that moment when you look into somebody's eyes 很簡單 戀人間相互注視時
[06:00.56]and you can feel them staring into your soul and the whole world goes quiet just for a second? 心靈不是都會有所觸動嗎?
[06:07.88]Yes. - Right. Well,I don't. - 是啊 - 好吧 我沒有
[06:10.40]You're an asshole. 你個混賬
[06:11.00]I'm just dicking around. Give me a hand. - Shouldn't you give her a chance? - 我也就隨便玩玩嘛 別走 幫幫我啊 - 那你為什么不給她一個機(jī)會?
[06:16.28]A chance for what? - A chance at something real. - 什么機(jī)會? - 真實(shí)生活的機(jī)會
[06:20.52]Natalie,your definition of real will evolve as you get older. Natalie 對于真實(shí)生活的理解 是會隨著年齡而改變的
[06:23.40]Can you stop condescending for one second or is it a principle of your bullshit philosophy? 你就不能屈服一下 還是你的狗屁生活哲學(xué)就在于此?
[06:26.44]Bullshit philosophy? - The isolation,the travelling. - 狗屁生活哲學(xué)? - 孤身一人 馳騁天空
[06:29.08]Is that supposed to be charming? - No,it's a life choice. - 這難道很酷嗎? - 不 這只是我的選擇
[06:33.48]It's a cocoon of self-banishment. - Wow. Big words. - 你就作繭自縛吧 - 大道理來了
[06:34.76]Screw you. - Screw you,too. - 去你的 - 也去你的
[06:40.20]You have set up a way of life that makes it impossible for you to have any human connection. 你的生活方式 基本上隔絕了人際交往
[06:42.60]And this woman comes along and runs the gauntlet of your life choice, 結(jié)果有個女人披荊斬棘 來到你面前
[06:47.56]and comes out on the other end smiling just so you can call her "casual"? 你確用"隨性"一筆帶過?
[06:51.48]I need to grow up? You're a 12-year-old. 需要長大的人不是我 是你 小屁孩
[06:54.80]I don't have a gauntlet... 和我交往 又不需要披荊斬棘...
[07:00.08]Fuck. 操
[07:43.76]Listen,these Detroit guys can be tough. They're getting hammered. 聽著 底特律的人可沒那么好惹 他們已經(jīng)被剝削殆盡了
[07:47.48]Don't get distracted. Stick with the simple stuff. 別分心 把簡單的事做好
[07:50.24]Get these packets in their hands and get them out the door,OK? 把宣傳冊給他們 然后送出門 就這樣
[08:07.28]Hey,welcome to Detroit. 歡迎來到底特律
[08:08.20]What's going on here? 又怎么了?
[08:09.60]I've been looking at those great numbers. I thought we should nut up and give this a try. 我看了最近的公司業(yè)績 是時候試試新系統(tǒng)了
[08:13.92]We could use a little more time. 還是再等等吧
[08:17.24]You gotta leave the nest at some point,huh? 萬事總有第一次嘛
[08:19.44]This a real company,Craig. We're here to do some damage. 這是個真正的公司 Craig 我們又不是來做善事的
[08:21.96]I know. It's a good thing we brought our best. Let's stop screwing around. 我知道 所以才讓最好的接手 開始吧
[08:25.12]Just give me a minute to prepare and get my things together. 給我點(diǎn)時間理清頭緒吧
[08:28.84]I thought Natalie was going to take this one. 這次讓Natalie來吧
[08:33.84]She's hardly ready for that. 她還沒準(zhǔn)備好
[08:34.04]I've watched her results the last few days. She's great. 我看過她的業(yè)績 很不錯
[08:36.44]This is a whole other animal. 這次的對象和以往完全不同
[08:37.32]You know,she created it,right? Natalie,are you not up for it? 系統(tǒng)不都是她做出來的嗎? Natalie 你準(zhǔn)備好了嗎?
[08:44.16]Yeah,I'm game. 沒問題
[08:46.76]That's my girl. 看你的表現(xiàn)啦
[08:49.92]Just remember,don't apologise or tell them how hard this is for you. 記住 不要道歉 也不要體現(xiàn)同情
[08:53.24]Today's one of the worst days they're ever gonna have. How we feel doesn't even compare. 今天會是他們?nèi)松凶钤愀獾囊惶?我們的同情太微不足道了
[08:59.56]Got it. - Keep it professional. You'll be fine. - 明白了 - 專業(yè)點(diǎn) 不會有事的
[09:07.28]What's all this? What's going on? 要我來這干嗎? 發(fā)生什么了?
[09:07.52]Hello,Mr Samuels. 你好 Samuels先生
[09:09.28]I wish I were here with better news. 我也希望是來告訴你好消息的
[09:13.72]However,your position here is no longer available. 但是 公司已經(jīng)取消你的職位
[09:16.16]What are you talking about? 你是什么意思?
[09:20.80]You've been let go. 公司要求你離開
[09:24.68]Just like that? 就這樣嗎?
[09:27.72]Who are you? 你是誰?
[09:30.40]My name is Miss Keener and I'm here today to talk about your options. 我是Keener女士 來這探討你的選擇
[09:33.72]I worked for this company for 17 years and they send a 4th-grader to can me? 我在這個公司17年 他們就找個菜鳥來炒我?
[09:41.84]What the fuck is this? 這他媽還有沒有公理?
[09:51.72]It's perfectly normal to be upset. 我能理解你的憤怒
[09:54.00]However,the sooner you can tell yourself greater opportunities... 但如果你能更快接受現(xiàn)狀 享受未來的無盡可能...
[09:59.08]Greater opportunities? I'm 57 fucking years old. 無盡可能? 我他媽的都已經(jīng)57了

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