David: Do you think China is loosing some of itstraditions as it modernizes?
You: Well, maybe a little. As people advance theykind of get nostalgic and want to look back. Whenthey find that something is good they treasure it,but when it seems bad, they just let it go with thewind. The things we treasure are really part of our culture.
David: Very interesting, but maybe some Beijing people would disagree. Maybe they thinkChinese people should stick to their traditions and not change.
You: They are just of different minds. Everyone has a right to his own opinion. However, sometraditional treasures are not so popular with youngsters?
David: In your opinion, what are the some of the trussure traditions taht have become lessimportant.
You: A number of middle aged people and most elderly people enjoy listening to Beijing Operabut, with the modernization of society, the younger generation has develop their own taste inpop music.
David: This is true in America as well. Every new generation has its own interests. Before in themind 1900's many people liked jazz, but now young people like hard rock, heavy metal and hiphop.
You: Actually, the traditions of jazz and Beijing Opera are symbols of the cultural identity forour two countries. So we should preserve and develop them.
David: That's a good idea.