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生活大爆炸第二季04.The Griffin Equivalency(格里芬當(dāng)量): Raj發(fā)現(xiàn)行星事件





[00:00.28]Let's see,Raj was the kung pao chicken. 那個... 宮保雞丁是Raj的

[00:02.82]- I'm the dumplings. - Yes,you are. - 我是餃子 - 沒錯

[00:06.85]Creepy,Howard. Howard 別惡心

[00:08.90]Creepy good or creepy bad? 你在夸我還是貶我?

[00:11.89]Who was the shrimp with lobster sauce? 小蝦米配龍蝦醬是誰的?

[00:13.66]That would be me. Come to pa,you un-kosher delight. 我的 來讓老爸爽爽 好久沒犯戒了 (不吃蝦是猶太教戒律之一)

[00:19.05]I'm not necessarily talking to the food. 我不是光指蝦蝦哦

[00:26.90]Sit over there. 別坐這兒

[00:33.28]Sit over there. 別坐這兒

[00:44.40]- Baby wipe? - Why do you have... - 要嬰兒衛(wèi)生紙么? - 你為啥...

[00:46.57]- No,don't ask! - No,don't,don't! - 別問! - 不! 不要!

[00:49.98]I'll tell you why. 我來告訴你吧

[00:52.15]I had to sanitize my hands because the university replaced the paper towels in the rest rooms 我得清潔一下我的手 學(xué)校廁所的擦手紙

[00:56.93]with hot air blowers. 都換成干手機了

[00:58.39]I thought the blowers were more sanitary. 我還以為干手機會干凈點

[01:00.12]- Really,don't. - Why... - 實際上不是 - 為啥要再問...

[01:02.32]Hot air blowers are incubators and spewers of bacteria and pestilence. 干手機藏污納垢 然后都噴到你手上

[01:06.99]Frankly,it'd be more hygienic if they just had a plague-infested gibbon sneeze my hands dry. 坦白說 讓得瘟疫的長臂猿來把我手噴干 都比那要來得衛(wèi)生

[01:12.39]Hey,guys,I just got the most amazing news... 嘿 大伙們 我有驚世奇聞...

[01:18.04]Gosh,Raj,do you think you'll ever be able to talk in front of me without being drunk? 喲 Raj 你覺得你還有可能 在清醒時同我說話么?

[01:24.03]Okay,well,I'll just,um,go eat by myself. 好吧 我還是自己一個人回房吃算了

[01:27.48]Penny,you don't have to do that. Penny 沒必要這樣吧

[01:29.00]Oh,it's okay,between him not talking,him talking and him... 沒關(guān)系的 比起他不說話 他亂說話 還有他...

[01:34.77]I'm better off alone. 我一個人舒坦多了

[01:37.12]Good-bye,you poor,strange little man. 再見了 可憐的小怪人

[01:44.34]She's so considerate. 她可真體貼

[01:46.56]So what's your news? 什么事呀?

[01:47.38]Remember that little planetary object I spotted beyond the Kuiper Belt? 還記得我透過古柏帶觀察到的 類似行星的物體嗎?

[01:50.15]Oh,yeah,2008-NQ Sub-17. 記得啊 2008-NQ亞17號

[01:52.63]Or as I call it,Planet Bollywood. 現(xiàn)在我要將它命名為寶萊塢行星

[01:55.75]Anyway,because of my discovery,Peoplemagazine is naming me one of their 30 under 30 to watch. 總之 因為我的發(fā)現(xiàn) 我已經(jīng)是人物雜志"3030計劃"的一員了

[02:01.90]- Congratulations. - that's incredible. - 恭喜你呀 - 真是太贊了

[02:04.36]Excuse me,30 what under 30 what to watch what? 不好意思 啥是"3030計劃"?

[02:10.15]30 visionaries under 30 years of age to watch as they challenge the preconceptions of their fields. 三十位未及而立之年的夢想家 挑戰(zhàn)他們各自領(lǐng)域里種種成見

[02:15.97]If I had a million guesses,I never would have gotten that. 汗... 讓我猜一萬次都猜不著

[02:20.23]It's pretty cool. 還挺酷的

[02:20.80]They've got me in with a guy who's doing something about hunger in Indonesia, 除了我 還有為印尼饑荒奔波游走的

[02:23.70]and a psychotherapist who's using dolphins to rehabilitate prisoners, 還有用海豚來改造犯人的精神醫(yī)療師

[02:26.96]and Ellen Page,star of the charming independent film,Juno. 噢 還有Ellen Page 那部大贊的獨立電影"朱諾"的主角

[02:32.31]Oh,I'd so do her. 噢 我也想像她那樣

[02:36.30]You'd do the dolphins. 就你? 海豚還差不多

[02:39.47]Do I get an honorable mention for designing the telescope camera mounting bracket you used? 有否提及我的貢獻(xiàn)? 我可是為你設(shè)計了望遠(yuǎn)鏡的托架的

[02:43.65]Sorry,it's not part of my heartwarming and personal narrative 抱歉 這可不在我的感人事跡里頭

[02:46.75]in which a humble boy from New Delhi overcame poverty 一個來自新德里的謙遜男孩兒

[02:49.83]and prejudice and journeyed to America to reach for the stars. 沖破貧困和偏見的重重阻礙 千辛萬苦來到美國探索宇宙的奧秘

[02:53.59]Poverty? Your father's a gynecologist. He drives a Bentley. 你還貧困? 你老爸是婦科醫(yī)生 還開賓利跑車呢

[02:58.42]It's a lease. 那是租的

[03:02.93]I'm confused. 我有點困惑

[03:04.39]Was there some sort of peer review committee to determine which scientists would be included? 這是怎么選出來的? 有沒有同行評議會之類的?

[03:09.47]Peer review? It'sPeoplemagazine. Peoplepicked me. 同行評議會? 那是人物雜志 是人們選擇了我

[03:13.69]- What people? - The people fromPeople. - 哪些人? - 人物雜志的那些人唄

[03:17.68]Yeah,but exactly who are these people? 沒錯 但他們究竟是些什么人?

[03:19.33]What are their credentials? How are they qualified? 他們憑什么? 他們夠格嗎?

[03:21.49]What makes accidentally noticing a hunk of rock 你不過是湊巧看見罷了

[03:24.75]that's been traipsing around the solar system for billions of years more noteworthy 不就是塊繞著太陽系漫游了幾十億年的石頭

[03:28.82]than any other scientific accomplishment made by someone under 30? 怎么就比其他未及而立之年的科學(xué)家 取得了更大的成就呢?

[03:33.00]Boy,I'll bet Ellen Page's friends aren't giving her this kind of crap. 我敢打賭 Ellen Page的朋友們可不會說這些廢話

[03:41.89]Are you proud of yourself? 你為自己感到驕傲?

[03:44.11]In general,yes. 總體上是這樣

[04:14.95]Oh,there's my missing neutrino. 噢 丟掉的微中子在這兒

[04:17.97]You were hiding from me as an unbalanced charge,weren't you,you little sub-atomic dickens? 你干嘛像個不穩(wěn)定的電子一樣躲著我 對吧 你這亞原子小鬼?

[04:24.26]Hey,Sheldon. 嘿 Sheldon

[04:25.05]Hey,look,look,I found my missing neutrino. 嘿 看吶 我找到丟掉的微中子了

[04:27.18]Oh good,we can take it off the milk carton. 噢 真棒 能把它從牛奶盒上拿下來了

[04:31.21]Come on,we're going to apologize to Raj and invite him out to dinner. 來吧 我們要去同Raj道歉 順便請他一起去吃飯

[04:34.11]Apologize for what? 為啥要道歉?

[04:36.15]He came over last night with some pretty good news and we weren't very supportive. 他昨晚帶著驚天奇聞而來 可我們卻不怎么支持他

[04:41.35]I sense you're trying to tell me something. 我的第六感告訴我你有話要說

[04:44.43]You were a colossal asshat. 你是個大混球

[04:48.14]No,I beg to differ. 恕難同意

[04:51.39]Of the three of us,I was by far the most supportive. 我們?nèi)齻€里面 我至今都是最支持他的

[04:54.13]Really? Do tell. 真的? 說說看你怎么支持了

[04:55.67]How will Raj ever reach true greatness if his friends lower the bar for him? 要是作為朋友的我們 總是降低他成功的門檻 Raj怎么可能真正取得偉大的成就呢?

[05:00.09]When I was 11,my sister bought our father a "World's Greatest Dad" coffee mug 十一歲時 我姐姐給老爸買了個咖啡杯 上面寫著"世上最棒的老爸"

[05:04.35]and,frankly,the man coasted until the day he died. 可說實在的 他至死都沒當(dāng)一天好爸爸

[05:09.01]Okay,let's try it this way. 好吧 這么跟你說吧

[05:10.53]What if thisPeople magazine thing is the best Raj is ever going to achieve? 如果這已經(jīng)是Raj所能達(dá)到的最高境界了呢?

[05:15.65]I had not considered that. 這倒沒想過

[05:17.77]Come on. 走吧

[05:19.07]I often forget other people have limitations. 我總是以為別人同我一樣沒有極限

[05:22.06]It's so sad. 真是太悲哀了

[05:24.43]He can feel sadness? 他知道什么是悲哀?

[05:26.01]Not really. It's what you and I would call condescension. 不是這樣啦 我和你都管這叫優(yōu)越感

[05:31.16]Now when we go in there,let's show Raj that we're happy for him. 我們進(jìn)去的時候 要展現(xiàn)出高興的神情

[05:34.16]But I'm not. 可我不高興

[05:37.50]Well,then fake it. Look at me. 好 那就裝吧 你看我

[05:39.64]I could be grinding on the fact that without my stabilizing telescope mount 我都能慢慢接受這個事實 要知道 沒有我的固定架

[05:43.42]he never would have found that stupid,little clump of cosmic schmutz. 他哪能看到宇宙中那一小塊垃圾

[05:49.50]But I'm bigger than that. 可我的胸襟 不止那么點啦

[05:51.66]Fine. What do you want me to do? 好吧 你們要我怎么做?

[05:54.01]Smile. 微笑

[06:03.04]Oh,crap,that's terrifying. 我靠 太嚇人了

[06:07.92]We're here to see Koothrappali,not kill Batman. 我們是來這兒看Koothrappali的 又不是追殺蝙蝠俠

[06:12.71]Try less teeth. 少露幾顆牙看看

[06:19.87]Close enough. Come on. 已經(jīng)很接近了 來吧

[06:24.06]- Hey,Raj. - Hey,guys. What's up? - 嘿 Raj - 嘿 大伙都在啊 怎么了?

[06:26.33]We just wanted to invite you out to dinner tonight. 我們想邀請你和我們一起共進(jìn)晚餐

[06:28.69]To celebrate your "30 under 30" thing. Right,Sheldon? 為了慶祝你的"3030" 沒錯吧 Sheldon?

[06:36.28]That's very nice of you. I would like that. 好啊 你們真好

[06:38.06]Hello,boys. 大家好

[06:39.12]- Dr. Gablehauser. - Dr. Koothrappali. - Gablehauser博士 - Koothrappal博士

[06:41.06]- Dr. Gablehauser. - Dr. Hofstader. - Gablehauser博士 - Hofstader博士

[06:42.62]- Dr. Gablehauser. - Dr. Cooper. - Gablehauser博士 - Cooper博士

[06:43.94]- Dr. Gablehauser. - Mr.Wolowitz. - Gablehauser博士 - Wolowitz先生

[06:48.08]Boys,I've got a question for you: Who in this room discovered a star? 我有個問題:我們中誰發(fā)現(xiàn)了一顆星星?

[06:52.53]Actually,2008-NQ Sub-17 is a planetary body. 2008-NQ 亞17號 實際上是一顆行星

[06:55.45]I'm not talking about you,I'm talking about me. 我又沒說你 我在說我呢

[06:57.90]You,my exotic young friend,are my star. 我的外國朋友 你是我的明星

[07:02.63]But you didn't discover him. 又不是你發(fā)現(xiàn)了他

[07:04.30]You merely noticed he was here,much like he did with 2008-NQ Sub-17. 你只是注意到他在這兒而已 就像他注意到2008-NQ亞17號一樣

[07:08.83]- Sheldon... - Oh,sorry. - Sheldon - 噢 不好意思

[07:14.15]Boy,we've got to get you into a better office. 孩子 要給你安排一間好點的辦公室

[07:16.17]Something more suited to your status. 得配得上你現(xiàn)在的身份

[07:18.37]Really,you don't have to go to any trouble. 沒必要麻煩的 真的

[07:19.84]How about if I put you in Von Gerlich's old office? 讓你用Von Gerlich以前的辦公室如何?

[07:21.61]I'd rather have Fishbein's. It's bigger. 我情愿要Fishbein的 大多了

[07:25.30]Wait a minute,I called dibs on Fishbein's office the day he started showing up at work in his bathrobe. 等等 Fishbein穿睡衣來上班以后 我是第一個申請他的辦公室的

[07:30.64]He gets a new office,I can't even get paper towels in the men's room? 他都有新的辦公室了 男廁所里就不能放幾張擦手紙嗎?

[07:33.88]- Sheldon. - Damn,this is hard. - Sheldon - 靠 這也太難了

[07:43.71]Let me ask you something. 我來問問你們

[07:44.82]What do you think the business of this place is? 你們覺得你們成天在這里是為了啥?

[07:53.22]- Science? - Money. - 科學(xué)? - 錢

[07:54.21]Told you. 都跟你說了

[07:56.52]And this boy's picture inPeoplemagazine is gonna raise us a pile of money taller than... 他出現(xiàn)在人物雜志上 不就意味著 有數(shù)不盡的錢要向我們涌來

[08:02.50]well,taller than you. 堆起來都比你高了

[08:06.05]I have a Master's degree. 我是碩士

[08:07.80]Who doesn't? 誰不是?

[08:10.78]Dr. Koothrappali,have you ever had lunch in the president's dining room? Koothrappali博士 你有沒有在校長餐廳吃過午飯?

[08:14.19]I didn't even know there was a president's dining room. 我都不知道還有校長餐廳

[08:16.68]It's the same food as the cafeteria,only fresh. 東西是一樣的 不過新鮮多了

[08:19.85]Come on,little buddy. 走吧 小伙子

[08:20.83]Okay,big buddy. See you tonight,guys. 好咧 大伙晚上見

[08:26.78]You can stop smiling now. 別再笑了

[08:31.84]So anyway,after a fantastic lunch, 總之 在享用了一頓大餐之后

[08:34.21]I was whisked off to the Peoplemagazine photo shoot... 我立馬被接去拍封面照

[08:36.88]Have any of you boys ever been to a photo shoot? 你們幾個拍過雜志封面照么?

[08:38.52]No. 沒

[08:39.36]It's fantastic. 那感覺太妙了

[08:41.41]Apparently,the camera loves me and I,it. 顯然 相機同我惺惺相惜

[08:45.71]They shot me in front of a starry background where I posed like this. 他們給我弄了個星光熠熠的背景 我就擺了這么一個Pose

[08:55.67]They're going to digitally add a supernova. 他們準(zhǔn)備PS一個超新星上去

[08:57.76]They say it's the perfect metaphor for my incandescent talent. 他們都說 對于我這個耀眼的天才而言 這是個完美的比喻

[09:01.19]Right,a ball of hot,flaming gas that collapses upon itself. 沒錯 一團(tuán)滾燙的火球 最終自取滅亡

[09:07.49]Excuse me. Oh,it's my assistant,Trevor. 抱歉 是我的助手Trevor

[09:09.87]Go for Koothrappali. 說吧 我是Koothrappali

[09:12.06]They gave him an assistant? 給他派了個助手?

[09:13.90]If I want a new pen,I have to go to the bank with wire cutters. 我只是要一支新的鋼筆 他們都會讓我?guī)е摻z鉗去搶銀行

[09:18.42]Have we at this point met our social obligations? 我們是否已經(jīng)夠仁至義盡了?

[09:20.76]Not yet. 還沒

[09:21.76]Okay,just put it on my calendar,but start thinking of a reason why I can't go. All righty? 好 替我排上議事日程 不過別忘了編一個我無法出席的理由

[09:25.88]Koothrappali out. Koothrappali斷線

[09:28.47]God bless that boy. I don't know what I'd do without him. 愿主保佑那孩子 沒有他我都不知道怎么辦了

[09:30.75]You just got him this afternoon. 他不是今天下午才成了你的助手

[09:32.89]Yes,but I'm finding that having a lackey suits me. 沒錯 不過我覺得我應(yīng)該有個侍從

[09:37.10]A lackey? 侍從?

[09:38.18]Oh,I'm sorry. Is that politically incorrect? 噢 抱歉 從政治角度 這么說對嗎?

[09:39.81]In India,we just call them untouchables. 在印度 我們管這些人叫賤民

[09:43.27]- Now? - Almost. - 夠了嗎? - 還差一點兒

[09:45.55]Speaking of untouchables,I've got great news for you guys. 說起賤民 我要告訴你們個好消息

[09:50.41]Peoplemagazine is having a reception this Saturday and I managed to get you invited. 人物雜志這周六要辦一個招待會 我已經(jīng)把你們都邀請去了

[09:54.56]- Oh,gee,thanks. - Oh,you're welcome. - 噢 謝了 - 你真客氣

[09:57.27]Of course,I couldn't get you into the VIP section because,you know, 當(dāng)然 我沒法讓你們?nèi)IP區(qū)

[10:00.38]that's for VIPs and you guys are just,you know... P's. 你們也知道 你們只是個P而已 (只是普通人)

[10:06.17]There's a tribe in Papua New Guinea where,when a hunter flaunts his success to the rt of the village, 在巴布亞新幾內(nèi)亞 有個原始部落 如果獵人向村里其他人炫耀自己的獵物

[10:12.14]they kill him and drive away evil spirits with a drum made of his skin. 部族的人就會把他殺了 把他的皮做成鼓 據(jù)說能驅(qū)魔避邪

[10:16.59]Superstious nonsense,of course,but one can see their point. 當(dāng)然是些迷信的話 不過意思大家都明白

[10:27.74]Here you go,Raj. You might want to drink this one slowly. 來了 Raj 你該慢點喝

[10:30.58]Okay. So,Saturday night,can I count on my posse? 好 那這周六晚上大伙一起去吧?

[10:34.36]Gee,I'd love to,Raj,but I can't make it. 我很想去 Raj 可我沒空

[10:37.61]Oh,okay. Leonard? 噢好吧 那Leonard呢?

[10:41.91]No,I could... no. 呃 行吧... 還是算了

[10:45.68]Sheldon? Sheldon呢?

[10:46.40]I can make it. But I won't. 我有空 可我不會去的

[10:49.57]What are you guys talking about? 你們在說啥呢?

[10:50.71]There's a reception for my magazine article on Saturday. 這周六專為我設(shè)的招待會

[10:53.74]And you guys aren't going? 你們這些家伙都不去?

[10:55.78]I can't believe you. 真是難以置信

[10:56.92]Raj is celebrating a tremendous accomplishment and you're not even going to be there to support him? Raj要慶祝如此巨大的成就 你們居然不去捧場?

[11:00.88]A tremendous accomplishment would be if the planetary body he discovered were plummeting toward Earth 巨大成就 是指他發(fā)現(xiàn)的星體正墜向地球

[11:05.80]and he exploded it with his mind. 而他用意念爆破掉它

[11:09.28]That would be cool. I'd go to that reception. 那真牛了 那樣的招待會我肯定去

[11:12.75]Come on,this is huge. 別啊 這已經(jīng)很牛了

[11:14.05]Raj is gonna be inPeoplemagazine,and he didn't even have to knock up one of the Spears sisters. Raj要上人物雜志了 都不用把哪個Spears姐妹搞大了肚子

[11:20.02]Would you like to go with me? 你愿意和我去嗎?

[11:22.26]Of course I would. I would be honored. 當(dāng)然愿意 我很榮幸

[11:24.47]Really? Cool. 當(dāng)真?太好了

[11:26.20]Shame on you guys. 你們真不厚道

[11:30.93]Look at that,I got a date with Penny. 瞧呀 我約到Penny了

[11:34.37]I can't believe it took you a whole year. 花了你一年時間真難以置信

[11:38.19]- Now? - Now. - 夠了嗎? - 咱撤

[11:45.45]Hey,buddy,I'm going to be inPeoplemagazine. 老兄 我要上人物雜志了

[11:48.58]Yeah,call me when you're on the cover. 哦 上了封面再來給爺說

[12:02.78]Raj,look at you! Raj 真帥氣呀!

[12:04.33]I know. I'm resplendent like the noonday sun,am I not? 我知道 像正午的太陽光彩照人 對吧?

[12:09.93]Uh,yeah. Starting with the champagne a little early,aren't you? 是呀 這香檳喝的 不覺得早了點嗎?

[12:13.24]It was in the limo. They sent a limo. I have a limo. 是豪華轎車?yán)锏?他們派了輛加長轎車 我可以用豪華車了

[12:16.33]I just love saying "limo." 我愛死說 "豪華車"了

[12:19.35]Sip on this while you're getting ready. 準(zhǔn)備的時候 小飲幾口吧

[12:20.92]Oh,I'm ready. 我準(zhǔn)備好了

[12:22.75]That's what you're wearing? 就穿這個?

[12:26.29]Um,yeah. Why,what's wrong with it? 對呀 怎么 有什么不對嗎?

[12:28.79]Nothing. I was just hoping for something a little more,you know,ridonkulous. 沒什么 我只是期待你會超夸張超狂野滴

[12:39.24]Mm,yeah. Well,this is all the donkulous you're gonna get tonight. 除了俺這身衣裳 你啥也看不見了

[12:45.55]Okey-dokey,let's roll. 好 也行 出發(fā)吧

[12:48.11]All right,it's time to raise the roof! 好了 是宣泄時間了!

[12:52.40]- Hey,Leonard. - Dude. - 你好 Leonard - 兄弟

[12:54.58]- You look very nice. - Thank you. - 很漂亮 - 謝謝

[13:00.18]- Come on. Good night,Leonard. - Good night. - 走吧 晚安 Leonard - 晚安

[13:02.19]- Hey,Leonard,do you see my limo downstairs? - Yeah. - Leonard 看到樓下的豪華車了嗎? - 嗯

[13:05.47]- It's bigger than the house my grandfather grew up in. - Terrific. - 比我祖父長大的那間房子還大 - 相當(dāng)不錯

[13:09.36]- It has more food,too. - All right,come on. Come on. - 吃的也比那房子里的多 - 行了 走了 走了

[13:14.29]I'm coming out,so get the party started 我要出場了 讓聚會開始吧

[13:17.52]I'm coming out,I'm coming out I'm coming out... 我要出場 出場 出場...

[13:25.58]Hey,good news. You don't have to sulk about Penny anymore. 好消息 你不用再為 和Penny的事悶悶不樂了

[13:27.86]Look,there are hundreds of Croatian women just waiting for you to contact them. 看 這里有無數(shù)的克羅地亞女人 就等你聯(lián)系她們了

[13:33.11]Anything-for-a-greencard. com? 一切為了綠卡.com?

[13:38.12]I'll lend you my user name. It's "Wealthy Big Penis." 你可以用我的ID "超級強悍的那話兒"

[13:43.43]You're joking. 開玩笑

[13:44.76]You gotta make it easy for 'em. They're just learning English. 你得用簡單的詞語 她們還在學(xué)英語中

[13:49.14]Pass. 去你的

[13:50.39]So you're just gonna sit around here and mope 你情愿坐在這里郁郁寡歡

[13:52.18]while Penny is out with Dr. Apu from the Kwik-E Mart? 眼瞅著Penny和Ewik-E超市的Apu博士約會?

[13:52.33]"辛普森一家"里 Apu博士創(chuàng)立的這家超市

[13:56.88]It's not a date,and that's racist. 又不是約會 這么說也太種族主義了 (該角色為印度移民)

[13:59.57]It can't be racist. He's a beloved character onThe Simpsons. 哪能啊 他可是辛普森一家里面 受大家喜愛的角色

[14:05.09]Let's just eat so I can get to bed. 咱快點吃了吧 我好去睡覺

[14:07.02]With any luck,tonight will be the night my sleep apnea kills me. 要是狗屎運 今晚就是我的窒息睡眠死亡夜

[14:14.72]Did you remember to ask for the chicken with broccoli to be diced,not shredded? 記得讓他們 把椰菜雞肉切成塊 而不是絲嗎?

[14:17.20]Yes. 有

[14:17.74]- Even though the menu description specifies "shredded"? - Yes. - 盡管菜單上特別提到 "雞肉絲" - 對

[14:19.83]- Brown rice,not white? - Yes. - 黑米 沒叫白米吧? - 對

[14:21.51]- Did you stop at the Korean grocery and get the good hot mustard? - Yes. - 有在韓國雜貨店買上等的熱芥末嗎? - 有

[14:23.98]- Did you pick up the low sodium soy sauce from the market? - Yes. - 去市場打低鈉醬油沒? - 去了

[14:26.37]Thank you. 謝謝你

[14:29.94]What took you so long? 怎么去了這么久?

[14:32.82]- Just sit down and eat. - Fine. - 坐著吃吧 別廢話 - 好吧

[14:38.81]All right,it's shredded. What do you want me to do? 好啦 是雞肉塊 你想怎樣啊?

[14:41.67]I want you to check before you accept the order. 你接受訂單前 怎么不檢查好呢

[14:43.88]Sorry. 抱歉

[14:46.57]Were you distracted by the possibility that Koothrappali might have intercourse with Penny tonight? 你心煩意亂 是怕今晚Koothrappali 可能會和Penny發(fā)生關(guān)系?

[14:54.05]He's not going to have intercourse with Penny. 他們不會發(fā)生關(guān)系的

[14:56.18]Then there's no excuse for this chicken. 那雞肉的錯誤就不能原諒

[15:00.29]You know,this situation with Koothrappali brings to mind a story from my childhood. Koothrappali的情況讓我想起了件童年往事

[15:05.13]Oh,goody,more tales from the panhandle. 切 這下好喲 狹長土地的又一傳說

[15:05.28]鍋柄狀的突出地帶 狹窄的條帶 這里指德州

[15:08.53]That's northwest Texas. 那是德克薩斯西北部

[15:09.68]I'm from east Texas,the Gulf region,home to many Vietnamese shrimpers. 我來自東德克薩斯的海灣地區(qū) 住著很多越南捕蝦人

[15:15.06]Do the shrimpers feature in your story? 捕蝦人是你故事的重點?

[15:18.19]No. 不是

[15:20.57]Anyway,when I was eight,a Montgomery Ward delivery van ran over our family cat Lucky. 我8歲時 一輛蒙哥馬利·華德的運貨車 壓死了我家的貓Lucky

[15:29.25]- Lucky? - Yes,Lucky. - Lucky(幸運的)? - 是的 Lucky

[15:31.10]He's irony-impaired. Just move on. 他不懂啥叫諷刺 繼續(xù)聽就是了

[15:34.71]Okay,dead cat named Lucky. Continue. 好吧 名叫Lucky的死貓 請繼續(xù)

[15:37.68]While others mourned Lucky, 當(dāng)其他人都因Lucky的死而傷心時

[15:39.54]I realized his untimely demise provided me with the opportunity 我意識到 它的意外身亡

[15:42.83]to replace him with something more suited to my pet needs: 讓我有機會擁有我更需要的寵物:

[15:46.48]a faithful companion that I could snuggle with at night, 晚上可以和我相互偎依的忠實伴侶

[15:49.33]yet would be capable of killing upon telepathic command. 又不會違背人類命令的動物

[15:55.10]So not a puppy? 難道不是小狗?

[15:57.49]Please,nothing so pedestrian. 拜托 怎么可能這么平凡

[15:59.68]I wanted a griffin. 我要一只Griffin (希臘神話中一種獅身鷲首怪獸)

[16:03.10]A griffin? 一只Griffin?

[16:04.63]Yes,half eagle,half lion. 是的 半鷹半獅

[16:07.60]And mythological. 傳說中才有...

[16:10.76]Irrelevant. 與這無關(guān)

[16:13.06]I was studying recombinant DNA technology,and I was confidant I could create one, 我當(dāng)時正在研究DNA重組技術(shù) 而且有信心能造一只出來

[16:17.14]but my parents were unwilling to secure the necessary eagle eggs and lion semen. 但我父母拒絕提供必需的 鷹卵子和獅精子

[16:24.48]Of course,my sister got swimming lessons when she wanted them. 郁悶的是 我妹妹想上游泳課 他們就讓她去

[16:30.17]Sheldon,not that we don't all enjoy a good lion semen story,but... Sheldon 不是我們不喜歡獅子精子的故事 但是...

[16:35.84]what's your point? 你想說什么?

[16:37.15]My point is if Koothrappali is moving on to a new life of shallow undeserved fame, 我想說的是 如果Koothrappali 開始追求淺浮低賤名利的新生活

[16:43.18]perhaps this is an opportunity to create a better cohort. 也許正是我們的機會 創(chuàng)造一個更好的同伴

[16:46.95]You want to breed a new friend? 你想養(yǎng)育一個新朋友?

[16:50.53]That's one option,but who has the time? 這是選擇之一 但是誰這么有空啊?

[16:53.49]But consider this-- the Japanese,they're doing some wonderful work with artificial intelligence. 可你們想想看--日本人 他們在人工智能方面干的很不錯

[16:58.66]Now,you combine that with some animatronics from the imagineers over at Disney, 如果把他們的技術(shù)和迪斯尼動畫家 的一些電子動畫結(jié)合起來

[17:03.01]next thing you know,we're playing HALO with a multilingual Abraham Lincoln. 也許接下來 我們就能和一個懂多國語言的 亞伯拉罕·林肯一起玩HALO

[17:07.98]Sheldon,don't take this the wrong way,but you're insane. Sheldon 別誤會我的意思 你瘋了

[17:12.84]That may well be,but the fact is it wouldn't kill us to meet some new people. 他瘋是瘋 但我們?nèi)ソY(jié)交新朋友又不會死

[17:16.92]For the record,it could kill us to meet new people. 我必須指出 結(jié)交新朋友真的會死啊

[17:21.63]They could be murders or the carriers of unusual pathogens. 他們可能是殺人犯或者 不知名病原體的攜帶者

[17:26.02]And I'm not insane. 還有啊 我一點不瘋

[17:27.28]My mother had me tested. 我媽早就帶我去測試過了

[17:33.03]If we do get a new friend,he should be a guy you can trust. A guy who has your back. 如果我們要結(jié)交個新朋友 他必須值得信任 必須為我們兩肋插刀

[17:37.64]And he should have a lot of money and live in a cool place down by the beach where we could throw parties. 而且他必須很有錢 住在海邊的大房子里 可以供我們開派對

[17:41.89]He should share our love of technology. 必須和我們一樣熱愛科學(xué)技術(shù)

[17:43.66]And he should know a lot of women. 也要認(rèn)識很多女人

[17:46.36]Let's see,money,women,technology. Okay,we're agreed. 我想想 有錢 女人 技術(shù) 好吧 就這么說定了

[17:49.59]Our new friend is going to be Iron Man. 我們的新朋友是 鋼鐵俠

[17:56.12]I can go all night... 我一晚上都能...

[18:00.91]Welcome to the Raj Mahal. 歡迎來到"Raj陵" (引自"泰姬陵")

[18:04.14]It's very nice. Good night,Raj. 很不錯的地方 晚安 Raj

[18:06.02]- No,no,Wait. The evening's not over. - Yes,it is. - 不 不 等等 夜生活還沒結(jié)束呢 - 結(jié)束了啊

[18:07.89]No,it's time to put on some R. Kelly and suck face. 現(xiàn)在得聽聽R. Kelly 再一起吸吸臉喲

[18:13.24]- Oh,wow,is the evening over? - Wait,wait,wait! - 噢 喔哦 夜生活結(jié)束了嗎? - 等等 等等 等等!

[18:16.82]That's my mommy and daddy calling from India. 是我爸媽從印度打來

[18:19.05]I want you to meet my parents. 我想讓你見見我父母

[18:20.67]Wait. Meet them? 等等 見他們?

[18:25.14]Hello,Mommy,Daddy. Good to see you. How are you? I'm not drunk. 好啊 爸爸媽媽 很高興見到你們 你們好嗎? 我沒有喝醉哦

[18:30.22]- Why would you say that? - Just making conversation. - 干嘛這么說? - 隨便說說而已

[18:33.35]Mommy,Daddy,I want you to meet my new squeeze,Penny. 爸爸媽媽 我想讓你見見我的新女友 Penny

[18:36.62]I'm not your squeeze. There is no squeezing. 我不是你的女友 他沒有什么女友

[18:39.80]I can't see her. Center her in the frame. 我看不到她 鏡頭對準(zhǔn)她

[18:42.46]Here you go. Cute,huh? 看看吧 漂亮哈?

[18:45.38]She's not Indian. 她不是印度人

[18:47.49]So she's not Indian. The boy is just sowing some wild oats. 不是印度人又怎樣 咱兒子還年輕 放蕩放蕩嘛

[18:50.07]No,no,no,there's no sowing,no squeezing and no sucking face. 沒有沒有 沒有放蕩 我也不是啥女友 咱也沒吸臉

[18:54.90]What if he gets her pregnant? 萬一他把她肚子搞大了怎么辦?

[18:56.37]Is this little hotsy-totsy who you want as the mother of your grandchildren? 你想要這個粉嫩小妞做你孫輩的母親?

[19:00.39]What right do you have to pick with whom I can have children with? 你們有什么權(quán)利選擇我跟誰生孩子?

[19:02.73]Look,Rajesh,I understand you're in America. 聽著 Rajesh 我知道你在美國

[19:05.49]You want to try the "local cuisine." 想嘗嘗"當(dāng)?shù)匦〕?quot;

[19:08.19]Trust me. You don't want it for a steady diet. 但是相信我 那玩意兒吃不久的

[19:12.77]Now you listen to me. 你們聽我說

[19:13.78]I am no longer a child and I will not be spoken to like one. 我已經(jīng)不是小孩子了 說話也不會再像小孩子

[19:17.24]Now if you'll excuse me,I have to go throw up. 失陪失陪 我去吐一吐

[19:22.44]What's wrong with him? 他怎么了?

[19:23.68]I don't know. Maybe it's the local cuisine. 我不知道 可能是吃了當(dāng)?shù)匦〕?/p>

[19:31.59]Okay,well,it's nice to meet you. 好吧 那么 很高興見到你們

[19:35.52]I'm just gonna set you on down over here. 我就把你們放在桌上吧

[19:38.66]And I'm gonna leave,so namaste. 我要走了 Namaste (合十禮 印度見面拜禮)

[19:45.08]And FYI,you'd be lucky to have me as a daughter-in-law. 還有告訴你們 我做他媳婦 是你們的福氣

[19:50.69]She's feisty. I like that. 妞有點脾氣嘛 我喜歡

[20:04.45]Raj,what are you doing? Raj 你在干嘛?

[20:09.60]No,no notes. If you have something to say to me,say it. 不 不用紙條 如果你有話要說 說出來

[20:27.68]Sorry. 對不起

[20:30.42]Oh,sweetie,it's okay. 噢 寶貝 沒關(guān)系拉


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