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生活大爆炸第二季10.The Vartabedian Conundrum: 關于Leonard和醫(yī)生的同居事件





[00:03.92]I don't see anything at all,Sheldon. 我啥都沒看見 Sheldon

[00:07.24]Well,you're the doctor, but I am constantly hearing this annoying sound. 得 你是醫(yī)生 可我咋老耳鳴呢

[00:11.87]Me,too. 我也是

[00:14.61]Is it a high-frequency whistle? 是高頻口哨音?

[00:16.13]No,it's more of a relentless, narcissistic drone. 不 比較像是無情而又自戀的嗡嗡聲

[00:21.54]Yup,there's no inflammation at all,Sheldon. 嗯 根本沒發(fā)炎 Sheldon

[00:24.00]Then it must be a tumor. 那我肯定長瘤了

[00:27.55]Seriously doubt it. 嚴重懷疑

[00:29.40]Maybe it's a lingering bacterial infection from all those childhood toilet swirlies. 可能是你孩提時代的那些卷紙 殘留的細菌給感染了

[00:35.37]Is that possible? 這有可能嗎?

[00:36.44]I used to get those all the time. 我以前常這么干

[00:38.91]Even in church. 甚至在教堂都是

[00:41.47]Well,if it is from a swirly, there something I can do. 呃 要真是卷紙引起的 我倒是有辦法對付

[00:44.98]Okay,circle, circle,dot,dot, now you have a cootie shot! 好咧 圈 圈 點 點 這是給你的虱子預防針!

[00:44.61]小盆友互相敵視 男生認為女生身上有虱子

[00:53.02]- I'm going to bed. - Okay,I'll be right in. - 我要上床了 - 好 我馬上就來

[00:57.02]It's not enough that she mocks me,but that isn't even the correct procedure for a cootie shot. 她藐視我還不算 虱子預防針根本就不是這么打的

[01:02.16]Do you understand that Stephanie's not here to treat your imaginary ailments? Stephanie可不是來這兒治療 你想象中的微恙的 明白?

[01:06.35]How is it imaginary that I keep hearing an octave above Middle C? 怎么可能是想象出來的? 不然我怎么老聽見比中音C高八度的音?

[01:12.07]Is that imaginary? 那是想象出來的?

[01:15.02]I don't think so. 我可不這么認為

[01:20.82]- Good night. - Another thing. - 晚安 - Leonard 還有件事

[01:23.20]Under Article One,Section Three of our Roommate Agreement, 基于我們室友協(xié)議的第一章第三節(jié)

[01:25.36]I'm calling an emergency meeting. 我要求召開緊急會議

[01:26.83]No,you're not. 才不呢

[01:27.87]Leonard moves the meeting not occur. Is there a second? Leonard請求取消會議 還有別人嗎?

[01:30.20]None heard,the motion fails. 沒有 請求駁回

[01:32.97]I'd like to begin the meeting by congratulating you on the progress in your relationship with Dr. Stephanie. 會議一開始 我想要祝賀你 同Stephanie醫(yī)生的關系突飛猛進

[01:38.78]Thank you. 謝了

[01:40.15]That being said, we have to discuss the implementation of the agreed upon "cohabitation" rider 說完客套話 我們得討論一下 是否執(zhí)行"同居"附加條款之內(nèi)容

[01:44.65]which has been activated now that the two of you are living together. 在你倆住在一起之后 該條款正式生效了

[01:47.68]We're not living together. 我倆沒住在一起

[01:49.19]I beg to disagree. 恕難同意

[01:51.36]"A girlfriend shall be deemed quote living with un-quote Leonard "當某女子在此屋內(nèi)待過以下時間 即可認為其與Leonard

[01:54.90]when she has stayed over for A:ten consecutive nights, 引號 同居 引號 A: 連續(xù)十個晚上

[01:57.21]or B: more than nine nights in a three week period, 或者B: 連續(xù)三周內(nèi)超過九個晚上

[01:59.68]or C: all the weekends of a given month plus three weeknights. 或者C: 一個自然月中 每個周末外加三個晚上

[02:06.89]That's absurd. 真是荒謬

[02:08.93]You initialed it. See? L.H.,L.H.,L.H. 你簽了字的 瞧? L.H. L.H. L.H. (Leonard Hofstadter)

[02:12.14]Wait,I only initialed it because I never thought it would happen! 等等 我簽字 是因為壓根沒想過這種事會發(fā)生

[02:17.25]I initialed another clause naming you my sidekick in case I get superpowers. 我還簽了另一個條款說 一旦我擁有超能力就喊你死黨來著

[02:23.17]Hmm,yes,you did. 哼 沒錯 是你干的

[02:25.01]Now,to review,the following provisions are hereby activated: 現(xiàn)在總結陳詞 以下條款也已激活生效:

[02:29.47]In the refrigerator, as opposed to us having two separate shelves and one communal shelf, 首先是冰箱里 本來我倆一人一個架子 這個架子是公用的

[02:33.36]the three of us now get individual shelves and the door becomes communal. 現(xiàn)在我們仨各擁有一個獨立架子 冰箱門成為公用部分

[02:37.15]Next,apartment vacuuming shall be increased from two to three times a week 接著 每周的吸塵工作 由兩次增加至三次

[02:40.98]to accommodate the increased accumulation of dead skin cells. 以適應新增的死皮細胞

[02:43.93]Third,the bhroom schedule. 第三 洗手間的時間表

[02:45.62]Now,I'm given to understand women have different needs,so, we'll have to discuss that. 既然我已明了 女性需求不同 我們就得一起商量一下

[02:52.88]I'm going to bed. 我要上床了

[02:55.70]At least take this with you. 至少把這個帶上

[02:57.17]Look,and have Stephanie initial here,here,here,here... 瞧 讓Stephanie在這幾個地方都簽字

[03:01.64]and... here. 還有... 這兒

[03:04.78]This states that she does not now nor does she intend to play a percussive or brass instrument. 這條規(guī)定她現(xiàn)在和將來都不能 彈奏打擊樂器或銅管樂器

[03:25.45]Sure sounds like a tumor pressing on the auditory nerve. 聽上去就是個瘤~ 在擠壓我的聽覺神經(jīng)~~

[03:53.08]No,absolutely not. 不 絕對不行

[03:55.51]It's not a big deal. We have latex gloves. 又沒啥了不起的 我們有橡膠手套

[03:59.45]I don't care what the symptoms are, my girlfriend is not going to give you a prostate exam. 我不管你有何種癥狀 我女朋友才不會給你檢查前列腺

[04:06.41]Hi,Sheldon. 嗨 Sheldon

[04:07.35]Good morning, Dr. Stephanie. 早上好 Stephanie醫(yī)生

[04:09.44]I ust Leonard satisfied you sexually last night. 我相信Leonard昨晚讓你爽歪歪了

[04:15.12]Sheldon,we don't ask questions like that. Sheldon 地球人不會問這種問題

[04:17.34]I heard you ask it over and over. 我聽見你一遍又一遍地問來著

[04:20.86]How is it inappropriate for me to ask it once? 讓我問一次有啥不恰當?shù)?

[04:24.08]He did very nicely. 他干得很棒

[04:25.56]See? She's not offended. 瞧見沒? 又沒冒犯人家

[04:27.17]And now you finally have an answer. 還讓你小子知道了答案

[04:31.00]Out of coffee. Need coffee. 咖啡沒了 來借咖啡

[04:33.16]Oh,hello. 噢 你好

[04:35.56]Stephanie,right? 是Stephanie 對吧?

[04:37.82]And-And- And you are? 你-你-你是?

[04:40.37]Penny,I live across the hall. Penny 我住在走廊那頭

[04:42.54]I've heard a lot about you. 我常聽他們提起你來著

[04:44.33]Really? 真的嗎?

[04:45.71]I haven't heard a thing about you. 關于你 他可啥都沒跟我提起呢

[04:56.22]Leonard? Leonard?

[04:57.64]Why haven't I heard a thing about this woman who lives across the hall 為啥你對于這個住在走廊那頭的 好鄰居只字不提呢?

[05:01.09]and comes into your apartment in the morning... 她可會大清早來你們屋

[05:03.77]in her underwear? 還只穿著睡衣喲?

[05:11.95]She's heard about you because we're,you know, involved 我們跟她提起你來 是因為我和你...在談朋友嘛

[05:15.53]and you haven't heard about her because... 我沒同你提起她來是因為...

[05:20.11]I never slept with her,I swear! 我從沒同她睡過 我發(fā)誓!

[05:23.14]In Leonard's defense,it wasn't for lack of trying. Leonard可是爭辯說 自己想方設法要同她睡來著

[05:28.15]Thank you,Sheldon. 謝謝儂 Sheldon

[05:29.47]You're welcome,Leonard. 表客氣 Leonard

[05:31.67]Look,I'm just saying,um... 聽著 我是說...

[05:34.20]Penny is one of our many neighbors,you know, and in our building, Penny不過是我們眾鄰居之一 在我們這棟樓里

[05:39.03]neighbors come and go,it's very casual,no dress code. 鄰里們串門是很正常的 也沒什么著裝要求

[05:43.84]In fact,some mornings I'll just mosey down to the third floor in my pajamas 實際上 在某些早晨 我會穿著睡衣跑去三樓

[05:46.78]and have cereal with Mrs.Vartabedian. 同Vartabedian太太喝燕麥呢

[05:49.48]Really? I have never once been invited to have cereal with Mrs. Vartabedian. 真的假的? 她咋從來也不請我去喝?

[05:54.00]She doesn't like you. 她不喜歡你

[05:56.67]You have a gall bladder to remove and I have to get in the shower 你得去給人動膽囊手術 我得進去洗澡

[06:00.34]and Penny has clothes to put on,so... 而Penny要回房穿衣服 那么...

[06:03.86]Well,it was very nice meeting you. 幸會幸會

[06:05.53]Nice to finally meet you,too. 最終能見著你 我也很高興

[06:07.33]- And I'll see you tonight? - Okay,bye-bye. - 今晚見? - 好咧 拜拜

[06:19.61]What could I possibly have done to offend Mrs. Vartabedian? 我做了啥對不起Vartabedian太太的事兒了?

[06:24.19]So,that's Stephanie,huh? 她就是你的Stephanie?

[06:28.83]Why do I feel like I'm the one that just got the prostate exam? 為啥我覺得自己像才去查過前列腺的?

[06:37.82]You know,she seems very nice. 她看起來相當不錯嘛

[06:39.62]Oh,she is. She's terrific. 那是 她好極了

[06:41.33]And she's proving to be a valuable roommate. 事實證明她是位珍貴的室友

[06:43.96]Roommate? You guys are living together? 室友? 你們同居啦?

[06:46.17]Like hippies. 很前衛(wèi)吧

[06:48.41]We're not living together. 我們沒同居啦

[06:49.99]Do I have to pull out the paperwork again? 又要我拿出書面證明嗎?

[06:52.89]We're not living together. 我們沒同居

[06:54.44]Are you sure? 你確定?

[06:55.45]How could I not be sure? 我怎么不能確定了?

[06:57.58]Well,let's find out. 咱來檢查下吧

[07:00.03]Don't you think if a woman was living with me I'd be the first one to know about it? 難道你不覺得 如果我和人同居了 我會是第一個知道?

[07:03.85]Oh,sweetie,you'd be the last one to know about it. 小伙子 你肯定是最后一個覺悟的

[07:10.27]Hmm,cute dresses. 很漂亮的衣衣呀

[07:14.43]I bet this looks great on you! 我打賭你穿這個一定靚!

[07:18.13]We're not living together. 我們沒同居

[07:19.93]Okay,hmm... 好 嗯...

[07:21.52]Scented candles, fuzzy slippers, Floral bed sheets? 香蠟燭 毛拖鞋 印花床單?

[07:26.95]We're not living together. 我們沒同居

[07:28.44]Okay,moving on. 那好 繼續(xù)檢查

[07:29.87]Now,who are these guys at Disney World? 那 迪斯尼樂園里的這些家伙是誰哦?

[07:32.92]Uh,the big dog is Goofy, 大狗是高飛

[07:36.67]but the older couple with the mouse ears,I have no idea. 但是有老鼠耳朵的那一對 我就不知道了

[07:42.83]We're not living together! 我們沒同居!

[07:45.59]You're going to go down swinging,huh? 不見棺材不落淚?

[07:48.22]All right,well,we got your body lotion, 好吧 我們發(fā)現(xiàn)了你的潤膚露

[07:50.44]your InStyle Magazine,your jewelry box. 你的InStyle時尚雜志 你的首飾盒

[07:52.80]We're not-- 我們沒--

[07:54.49]Where's my Bat Signal? 我的蝙蝠俠標記哪去了?

[07:57.45]You have a Bat Signal? 你有蝙蝠俠標記?

[07:59.20]I did. 有呀

[08:01.40]It was right here. 就放這兒的

[08:04.13]She must've-- 她一定--

[08:06.38]Oh,my God,we're living together. 噢 天啦 我們同居了

[08:10.44]Really? What was your first clue? 真的? 你咋發(fā)現(xiàn)的?

[08:27.39]New pants? 新褲子?

[08:29.30]Yeah,Stephanie got them for me. 對 Stephanie給我買的

[08:32.82]Nice. Cotton? 不錯 全棉的?

[08:34.14]Actually,I think it's more of a wool,fire ant blend. 其實 我覺得更像是羊毛和熱螞蟻混紡

[08:38.75]So,the girlfriend's buying clothes for you,huh? 女友開始給你買衣服了?

[08:40.73]- Sounds serious. - It is actually. - 來真的了 - 確實是

[08:43.31]In fact,I gave it a lot of thought and I decided it was time for us to live together. 事實上 我考慮了很久 我覺得是時候同居了

[08:50.65]Oh,Leonard,huge mistake. Leonard 虧大了你

[08:53.13]There's a whole buffet of women out there and you're just standing in the corner 外面那么多秀色可餐 唾手可得 你卻站在角落

[08:57.16]eating the same deviled egg over and over again. 反復咀嚼你的芥末蛋

[09:01.86]At least I have an egg. What do you have? 起碼我有蛋吃 你有啥?

[09:05.01]A veritable smorgasbord of potential sexual partners. 一大桌性感時髦靚妞兒大雜燴 等我去嘿咻呢

[09:09.45]See the blonde over there? 瞧見那個金發(fā)妞了嗎?

[09:12.62]I can hit on her and you can't. 我可以去跟她搭訕 你卻不能

[09:16.63]So,go hit on her. 那 你去呀

[09:23.00]She's not my type. 不是我的茶

[09:25.88]Too bad,'cause she was checking you out before. 太可惜了 她剛才還在看你咧

[09:27.91]- She was? - Of course not. Look at her. - 真噠? - 假的 你也不瞧瞧人家

[09:32.58]I don't care what you guys think. 我不管你們怎么看的

[09:34.59]Stephanie and I are very happy living together. Stephanie和我的同居生活很快樂

[09:37.43]I will give either of you 20 dollars,right now to trade pants with me. 你們誰和我換褲子 我給他20刀

[09:48.20]Sheldon,what are you doing here? Sheldon 你在這兒干嘛?

[09:49.83]Hang on. 稍等

[09:52.07]130 over 80. (血壓)130/80

[09:54.63]A little high. 有點高

[09:56.06]We can attribute that to the stress of sneaking past the security desk. 應該是偷偷溜過保安的桌子時 太緊張引起的

[10:00.40]Where did you get the stethoscope and the blood pressure cuff? 你在哪兒搞到聽診器和血壓袖帶的?

[10:02.82]My aunt Marion gave them to me for my 12th birthday. Marion姑媽送我的12歲禮物

[10:07.16]She thought if I failed at theoretical physics that I should have a trade to fall back on. 她覺得要是我理論物理學沒出路了 還可以有個謀生的出路

[10:12.82]And by the way,the blood pressure cuff is called a sphygmomanometer. 順便提醒下 血壓袖帶叫血壓計

[10:17.16]I know. 謝謝提醒

[10:17.80]Didn't they teach you that in medical school? 難道醫(yī)學院里不教這個?

[10:21.61]- I'm busy here,Sheldon. - I understand. - 我很忙的 Sheldon - 我知道

[10:23.45]All I need is for you to authorize these tests. 我只需要你授權這些檢查

[10:27.26]A cardiac stress test,a full body MRI,an electromyogram,a CBC,baseline glucose. 心臟負荷測試 全身核磁共振 肌動電流圖 全血球計數(shù) 葡萄糖基線測試

[10:32.27]Upper GI? 上消化道造影?

[10:33.28]Oh,and an exploratory laparoscopy. 還有腹腔鏡探測檢查

[10:35.33]Last time I had hiccups,it felt like my diaphragm was just going through the motions. 上次我打嗝 感覺我的隔膜也跟著動了

[10:40.43]Go home,Sheldon. 回家吧 Sheldon

[10:42.39]Can I at least have the upper GI? 至少來個上消化道造影?

[10:45.01]I already drank the barium! 我已經(jīng)喝了鋇餐了!

[10:51.02]Oh,good. Do you have any fabric softener? 哦 太好了 你有織物軟化劑嗎?

[10:53.07]Yeah,sure. 有 有

[11:03.74]What are you washing? A crocodile? 你在洗什么? 洗鱷魚皮呀?

[11:07.62]No,the pants that Stephanie got me. 不 是Stephanie送我的褲子

[11:09.98]Oh,sweetie,you can't machine wash these. They'll be ruined. 小伙子 這個不能機洗 會洗壞的

[11:13.43]- Are you sure? - Absolutely. - 確定嗎? - 當然

[11:19.06]Oh,no. I wish you'd told me that sooner. 糟糕咧 你咋不早點告訴我呢

[11:24.48]Are you guys having problems? 你倆怎么了?

[11:26.18]No,everything's fine. 沒事 一切順利

[11:27.79]Really? 真的?

[11:29.03]Yeah,it's wonderful. 對呀 好極了

[11:32.07]Okay,maybe this whole living together happened kind of suddenly,but it's fine,it's great. 好吧 也許同居的事有點突然 但還好 很不錯的

[11:38.21]Okay,Leonard,honey,you know,if you're uncomfortable with the way things are going, Leonard 如果你不滿意 戀愛關系的發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀

[11:41.68]you're allowed to say something. 你應該說出來

[11:43.87]Are you sure? That doesn't sound right. 說真的嗎? 聽起來不太對

[11:46.78]Believe me,your feelings are just as important as hers. 相信我 你的感覺和她的一樣重要

[11:50.52]No,that doesn't sound right either. 不對 這個聽著也不太對

[11:54.12]Just tell her you need the relationship to move at a pace that you both are comfortable with. 就告訴她 你需要這段關系 能兼顧你們兩個的節(jié)奏

[12:00.15]Yeah,I could say something like that to her. 對 我可以給她那么說的

[12:03.62]I'll go do that. 我去給她說說

[12:05.80]- Thank you. - Sure. - 謝謝你 - 沒什么

[12:12.93]You ve a really good grasp on this. 談這些東西你很拿手吧?

[12:15.77]Maybe you could talk to her? 也許你可以幫我去說說?

[12:18.98]You're kidding,right? 你開玩笑吧?

[12:21.37]No,but that's okay. 沒 也沒關系啦

[12:25.74]I'll go talk to her. 我去和她談

[12:29.79]Want to come with? 一起來嗎?

[12:32.76]Go! 快去!

[12:45.31]- Oh,no. - Whaa? - 呀 不是吧 - 啥?

[12:48.83]You were right. ur larynx is terribly inflamed. 你說得對 你的喉嚨紅腫的厲害呀

[12:51.89]I mean,I've never seen anything like it. 我都還沒見過這么嚴重的

[12:53.89]I knew it! 我就知道!

[12:57.33]What do I do? 我該怎么辦?

[13:00.16]You're going to need to stop talking immediately. 你得馬上停止說話

[13:04.56]- For how-- - Dut-dut-dut. - 多久才... - 得 得 得

[13:07.97]Immediately. 馬上

[13:12.35]- Oh,hi,honey. - Sheldon. - 噢 嗨 寶貝 - Sheldon

[13:22.60]What's going on? 他怎么了?

[13:24.26]I just performed a "Sheldonectomy." 我剛做完"Sheldon切除術"

[13:28.51]Careful,if you don't get it all,it'll only come back woe. 小心哦 要是沒斬草除根 只會后患無窮

[13:32.54]Gotcha. 明白

[13:34.12]Listen,we need to talk. 聽著 我們得談談

[13:37.26]Do we need to talk or "do we need to talk"? 是"我們談談哈" 還是"我們得好好談談了"?

[13:40.73]I don't know what that means. 不知道你什么意思

[13:43.04]Okay,why don't you just tell me what it is you have to tell me? 這樣吧 你干脆直接把想說的告訴我吧

[13:46.51]Okay,um,well,look,it's just that... 那好 呃 其實 你看 就是...

[13:50.90]things between you and me have been going pretty quick. 我們之間進展得著實快了點

[13:55.25]And... 然后呢...

[13:57.04]It's just a little scary. 有點嚇人哇

[13:58.83]Well,yeah,but scary good,right? 是啊 但這嚇人也是好事 對吧?

[14:01.80]Sure... 那當然...

[14:04.85]When is scary not good? 嚇人還有不好的咩?

[14:08.49]But... 不過...

[14:09.99]okay,um,I have feelings,right? 好吧 我心有所想 是不?

[14:13.18]Okay,and it's perfectly okay to express those feelings,right? 那好 把我所想的表達出來 也無可厚非 是不?

[14:16.60]Of course,honey,why don't you tell me what it is you're feeling? 當然了 寶貝 告訴我你在想些啥吧

[14:19.29]Okay,we,I ju...I think it's important to remember that we move at a pace 好吧 我只是...覺得有必要記清楚 我們的關系 發(fā)展的步伐...

[14:24.59]that is our speed and-- 是我們的速度 然后...

[14:29.06]Oh,shoot,I had it! 噢 真是 剛記得好好的

[14:32.05]Okay,how about this? How about I tell you what I'm feeling? 那 這樣如何? 讓我來告訴你我在想什么

[14:35.96]What's that? 你想什么?

[14:40.54]Really? Right now? 當真? 現(xiàn)在?

[14:43.09]Why not? 為啥不呢?

[14:44.43]I just ate,aren't you supposed to wait an hour? 我剛吃過飯呢 不該等上個把小時?

[14:50.17]I think that's for swimming. 我想那是對游泳而言吧

[14:52.28]Oh,okay. 噢 好吧

[14:55.86]I just hope I don't get cramps. 希望不會抽筋就是了

[15:02.32]- Oh,I put your clothes in the dryer. - Thank you. - 噢 我把你衣服放烘干機了 - 謝謝

[15:04.30]- Your pants are ruined. - Good. - 你的褲子洗壞了 - 忒好了

[15:08.88]So,how did the talk with Stephanie go? 和Stephanie談得怎么樣了?

[15:11.07]Well,um,on one level,really,really well. 呃 某方面來說 非常 非常好

[15:17.06]So,you told her you wanted to slow things down? 那你告訴她了 你想放慢腳步咯?

[15:19.80]Not specifically,but,uh,I did tell her that I had feelings. 沒很明確地說 但是 呃 我確實說了我有些想法

[15:24.13]Good,good. 好嘛 很好

[15:26.49]And then what? 然后咋了?

[15:29.01]And then,uh,the subject got changed somehow. 然后就 呃 話題不知不覺就變了

[15:34.33]You had sex,didn't you? 你們上床了 是吧?

[15:38.44]little bit. 上了一點點

[15:42.89]- What? - Nothing. - 怎么了? - 沒什么

[15:49.65]Okay,well,it sounds like things are going to work out. 好啊 看來事情會進展得很順利

[15:52.48]Yeah,it's all good. Everything's going to work out. 是啊 都好著呢 一切都會很順利的

[15:56.03]One way or another. 正反都順利

[15:58.13]God,come on,Leonard,You are entitled to try and make things go the way you want them to. 天 拜托 Leonard 你有權讓事情按你的想法走下去

[16:03.90]- Really? - Yes! - 是嗎? - 是的!

[16:05.51]You don't always have to go along with what the woman wants. 你沒必要總是遷就女人

[16:11.46]- What? - Nothing. Just... - 怎么了? - 沒什么 只是...

[16:13.33]rethinking my whole life. 重新審視我這一輩子

[16:20.61]Okay,here's the thing. 好啦 是這樣的

[16:23.68]I'm afraid that if I ask her to move out,she'll just dump me. 如果我叫她搬出去 我怕她會甩了我

[16:27.73]Well,it's a chance you have to take. 這個嘛 你不得不冒這個險

[16:30.08]I mean,look,if it's meant to be,it'll be. 你看嘛 該來的 總歸躲不掉

[16:33.85]Very comforting. 真是受用

[16:37.17]Okay,so what do I say to her? 那我該怎么跟她說呢?

[16:40.94]I don't know. 我不知道

[16:41.81]I mean,what have women said to you when they wanted to slow a relationship down? 當女人想慢慢發(fā)展感情時 她們怎么跟你說的呀?

[16:45.76]I really like you,but I want to see how things go with Mark? 我是真的喜歡你 但是我想試試和Mark發(fā)展一下

[16:52.11]Yeah,that'll slow it down. 沒錯 這樣是會慢下來

[17:01.44]I'm sorry,I totally inteupted you. What we you sang? 不好意思 我徹底打斷了你 你剛說啥來著?

[17:05.75]Oh,right,yeah,um. 噢 是的 沒錯

[17:09.50]So,Stephanie,hereththing. 那個 Stephanie 事情是這樣的

[17:14.02]I really like yo 我是真的喜歡你

[17:15.42]Oh,God,here comes the speech. 娘啊 這番話又開始了

[17:22.17]What speech? 什么話?

[17:24.54]"I really like you but maybe we sh spend a little less time together" "我是真的喜歡你 但是也許我們該少聚一點"

[17:29.40]"'cause I need mspace but I'll call you on Tuesday "因為我需要點個人空間 但是我周二會給你打電話的"

[17:33.04]and then you never call me so I call you," 之后你便一直沒打 所以我打給你了

[17:35.27]but you don't call me back and then when I run into you at the coffee shop, 但你又沒給我回電 然后 當我在咖啡店撞見你時

[17:39.03]you pretend like you've been having problems with your voice mail 你假裝說你的語音信箱出了毛病

[17:41.52]and I know that you're lying, 我當然知道你是撒謊

[17:42.90]but I pretend like I don't care even though I'm dying inside! 但還是假裝不在乎 盡管內(nèi)心悲痛欲絕

[17:53.03]No! 不!

[17:55.66]No,no! 不 不是的!

[17:57.37]I wasn't going to say any of that. 這些話我一句都不會講的

[17:59.33]I was just going to say... 我只想要說...

[18:02.94]I really like you. 我是真的喜歡你

[18:06.58]Oh,good! 噢 那就好!

[18:08.94]'Cause I really like you,too. 因為我也是真的喜歡你

[18:15.45]Terrific. 好極了

[18:27.38]Nice sweater. 毛衣不錯嘛

[18:30.54]Yeah,Stephanie got it for me. It's kind of fun. 是吧 Stephanie買給我的 還蠻好玩的

[18:33.56]It's got a big bird on it,dude. 上面印的可是只大鳥啊 老兄

[18:37.37]Yeah,yeah,that's the fun part. 是啊 笑點就在這里嘛

[18:40.60]We're also getting new curtains for my bedroom,and a dust ruffle, 我們還在我臥室換了新窗簾 新床裙

[18:43.73]and a duvet,and I don't even know what a duvet is, 還有羽絨被 我都不知道羽絨被是啥玩意

[18:46.29]but I'm pretty sure if I did I wouldn't want one, 但我很確定要真知道了 我就不想要了

[18:48.20]but every time I talk to her about moving out, 只是每次我說起要分開住

[18:50.69]she cries and we have sex. 她就哭啊 然后咱就嘿咻一場

[18:54.06]You're lucky. With me,it's usually the other way around. 你很走運啊 要是我 通常會是相反的結果

[18:58.85]You know,if you can't talk to her,why don't you just text her? 要知道 你若不能對她直說 為啥不給她發(fā)短信呢?

[19:02.10]Isn't that kind of cowardly? 那豈不是太沒骨氣了?

[19:03.65]Oh,yeah. It's beyond contemptible. 噢 沒錯 簡直是奇恥大辱

[19:06.49]It's true,but on the other hand you are wearing a bird sweater. 話雖如此 但想一想 你都穿了大鳥毛衣了

[19:14.37]Sold. 就這么辦

[19:18.42]"I think it would be better for our relationship if you moved back to your place." "我想 如果你搬回自己那里 對我們的關系會更有好處"

[19:26.15]There. It's done. 好了 發(fā)完了

[19:29.94]Good for you. 為你高興啊

[19:31.43]Yeah,good for me. 對 為我高興

[19:34.64]I'll never have sex again. 我再也沒的嘿咻了

[19:41.80]Hmm,I was wrong. See ya. 喲 說錯了 回見

[19:50.49]Penny. 噴你

[19:52.94]Penny. 噴你

[19:55.68]Penny. 噴你

[20:02.41]Sheldon? Sheldon?

[20:06.21]I have an inflamed larynx. 我喉嚨發(fā)炎了

[20:12.31]Okay? 嗯哼?

[20:16.36]We're out of herbal tea. Do you have any? 我們的藥草茶喝完哩 你這兒有米?

[20:24.66]Okay,let me check. 好的 我去看看吧

[20:29.81]Some hiney would be nice,too. 要有轟蜜就更好咧

[20:34.90]Hiney? 轟蜜? (hiney)

[20:39.56]Honey. 蜂蜜 (honey)


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