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1.Not a soul passed that way for a long while, and the faint notes of the band were the only human sounds audible within the rim of blue hills. 很長時間沒有人經(jīng)過,在山巒的四周,能夠聽到的人類聲音只有那隱約傳來的銅管樂隊的音樂。

2.It is a vale whose acquaintance is best made by viewing it from the summits of the hills that surround it—except perhaps during the droughts of summer. An unguided ramble into its recesses in bad weather is apt to engender dissatisfaction with its narrow, tortuous, and miry ways. 從環(huán)繞在谷地周圍的山巒的頂上往下看,景色一覽無余——但也許夏天的干旱天氣要除開不算。天氣不好的時候,沒有向?qū)范氉月蔚焦葍?nèi)幽深之處的人,容易對蜿蜒其間的狹窄的泥濘小道產(chǎn)生不滿情緒。

3.Behind him the hills are open, the sun blazes down upon fields so large as to give an unenclosed character to the landscape, the lanes are white, the hedges low and plashed, the atmosphere colorless. 在他的身后,山巒盡收眼底,太陽照耀著廣闊的田野,為那片風(fēng)景增添了氣勢恢弘的特點,小路是白色的,低矮的樹籬的枝條糾結(jié)在一起,大氣也是清澈透明的。

4.The village was shutting its eves. Candles and lamps were being put out everywhere. 村子閉上眼睛。所有地方的燭光和燈火都熄滅了。

5.The atmosphere turned pale, the birds shook themselves in the hedges, arose, and twittered; the lane showed all its white features, and Tess showed hers, still whiter. The huge pool of blood in front of her was already assuming the iridescence of coagulation; and when the sun rose a hundred prismatic hues were reflected from it. 天色已經(jīng)發(fā)白,小鳥在樹籬中抖擻著,飛起來,吱吱地叫著;道路完全顯露出它的白色面目,苔絲的面目也顯露出來,比道路還要灰白。她面前的一攤血水已經(jīng)凝固了,宛如彩虹的色彩;當(dāng)太陽升起來時,上面就反射出一百種光譜的顏色。

6.It was a fine September evening, just before sunset, when yellow lights struggle with blue shades in hair-like lines, and the atmosphere itself forms a prospect without aid from more solid objects, except the innumerable winged insects that dance in it. 這是九月里一個美好的傍晚,正是太陽落山的時候,黃色的亮光同藍(lán)色的暮靄相互爭斗,變成了一縷縷發(fā)絲一樣的光線,大氣本身就構(gòu)成了一種景色,除了在大氣中展翅亂舞的無數(shù)飛蟲而外,它根本就不需要更多的實體的幫助。

7.Darkness and silence ruled everywhere around. Above them rose the primeval yews and oaks of The Chase, in which were poised gentle roosting birds in their last nap; and about them stole the hopping rabbits and hares. 周圍的一切沉浸在黑暗和寂靜中。在他們的四周,都是獵苑里長的密密麻麻的古老的水杉和橡樹,樹上棲息的溫柔小鳥還在睡最后的一覺;在樹林中間,大大小小的野兔在悄悄地蹦來跳去。

8.It was a hazy sunrise in August. The denser nocturnal vapors, attacked by the warm beams, were dividing and shrinking into isolated fleeces within hollows and coverts, where they waited till they should be dried away to nothing. 那是八月里的一個霧氣朦朧的黎明。夜間產(chǎn)生的濃厚的霧氣,在溫暖陽光的照射下,正在分散開來,縮小成一堆一簇的霧團(tuán),掩藏在洼地里,樹林中,它們就聚集在那兒,直到最后消失得一干二凈。

9.A particularly fine spring came round, and the stir of germination was almost audible in the buds. 一個特別明媚的春天來到了,幾乎聽得見苞芽里生命的萌動。

10.The Froom waters were clear as the pure River of Life shown to the Evangelist, rapid as the shadow of a cloud, with pebbly shallows that prattled to the sky all day long. 佛盧姆河的流水卻是清澈的,就像那位福音教徒看見的那條生命河一樣純凈,流得也快,就像一片浮云的陰影,流過鋪滿卵石的淺灘,還整天對著天空喃喃絮語。

11.Rays from the sunrise drew forth the buds and stretched them into long stalks, lifted up sap in noiseless streams, opened petals, and sucked out scents in invisible jets and breathings. 在朝陽的光照下,苞芽滋生了,長出了長條,汁液在無聲的溪流中奔涌,花瓣綻開了,在無形的噴吐和呼吸中把香氣散發(fā)出去。

12.The summer fog was more general, and the meadows lay like a white sea, out of which the scattered trees rose like dangerous rocks. Birds would soar through it into the upper radiance, and hang on the wing sunning themselves, or alight on the wet rails subdividing the mead, which now shone like glass rods. 夏霧彌漫了全谷,草地就變成了白茫茫的大海,里面露出來幾棵稀稀落落的樹木,就像海中危險的礁石。小鳥也會從霧氣中飛出來,一直飛到高空中發(fā)光的地方,停在半空中曬太陽,或者,它們降落在把草地隔離起來的濕欄桿上,這時的欄桿閃閃發(fā)亮,像玻璃棒一樣。

13.The hot weather of July had crept upon them unawares. 七月的炎熱天氣在不知不覺中來到了人們身邊。

14.Though near nightfall, the rank-smelling weed-flowers glowed as if they would not close for intentness, and the waves of color mixed with the waves of sound. 雖然夜晚快要降臨了,但是氣味難聞的野草的花朵,卻光彩奪目,仿佛聽得入了迷不能閉合了,顏色的波浪和琴音的波浪,相互融合在一起。

15.At half-past six the sun settled down upon the levels, with the aspect of a great forge in the heavens, and presently a monstrous pumpkin-like moon arose on the other hand. 六點半鐘的時候,太陽落到了地平線上,那樣子就像天上的一個巨大的煉鐵爐,同時,一個像南瓜一樣的大月亮從另一邊升了起來。

16.With the departure of the sun the calm mood of the winter day changed. Out of doors there began noises as of silk smartly rubbed; the restful dead leaves of the preceding autumn were stirred to irritated resurrection, and whirled about unwillingly, and tapped against the shutters. It soon began to rain. 太陽落了下去,冬日的平靜樣子也發(fā)生了變化。門外開始出現(xiàn)了沙沙聲,像是絲綢摩擦發(fā)出的聲音;秋天剛剛過去,枯葉靜靜地堆在地上,現(xiàn)在也騷動起來,復(fù)活了,不由自主地旋轉(zhuǎn)著撲打在百葉窗上。不久天就開始下雨了。

17.The night came in, and took up its place there, unconcerned and indifferent the night which had already swallowed up his happiness, and was now digesting it listlessly; and was ready to swallow up the happiness of a thousand other people with as little disturbance or change of mien. 客廳里夜色深沉,對他們的事一點兒也不關(guān)心,毫不同情;黑夜已經(jīng)吞噬掉了他的幸福,現(xiàn)在正在懶洋洋地加以消化;黑夜還準(zhǔn)備同樣吞噬掉其他干萬人的幸福,并且一點兒也不慌亂。

18.The swift stream raced and gyrated under them, tossing, distorting, and splitting the moon’s reflected face. 激流在他們的下面奔騰,打著漩渦。月亮的倒影被河水拋擲著,扭曲著,撕裂著。

19.There had not been a winter for years. It came on in stealthy and measured glides, like the moves of a chess-player. 許多年來,這種冬天是沒有過的。它是悄悄地來的,一點兒聲音也沒有,就像棋手下棋移動棋子一樣。

20.The blast smelt of icebergs, artic seas, whales, and white bears, carrying the snow so that it licked the land but not deepen on it. 在這陣風(fēng)雪里,聞得出冰山、北極海和北極熊的氣味,風(fēng)吹雪舞,雪一落到地上,立即就被風(fēng)吹走了。

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