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zany ADJ. /滑稽的;瘋狂的/crazy; comic. I can watch the Marx brothers' zany antics
for hours.
zeal N. /熱心;熱誠/eager enthusiasm. Katya's zeal was contagious; soon all her
fellow students were busily making posters, inspired by her ardent
enthusiasm for the cause. zealous,ADJ.
zealot N. /狂熱者/fanatic; person who shows excessive zeal. Though Glenn was
devout, he was no zealot, he never tried to force his beliefs on his
zenith N. /頂點/point directly overhead in the sky; summit. When the sun was at
its zenith, the glare was not as strong as at sunrise and sunset.
zephyr N. /和風;徐風/gentle breeze; west wind. When these zephyrs blow, it is
good to be in an open boat under a full sail.