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1. Honesty.1. 實事求是。Communicate things as they are. There's really no point playing around with words. People see through it sooner or later and it leads to losing credibility.與他人溝通的時候就該實事求是,不必想著玩弄文字游戲。因為人們遲早都會看穿其中的蹊蹺,從而導致信用缺失。2. Clear communication.2.表達清晰。Honesty is one thing but if you can't communicate your intent clearly, it's not really very useful. It's a skill to be able to communicate clearly your thoughts.人際交往過程其一就是誠實,但如果你無法清晰地表達自己的意圖,也會使最終效果大打折扣。能夠清晰表達自己的意圖也是一種技能。3. Listen.3.懂得傾聽。Listen for what the other person wants in the conversation and what drives them. That will allow you to find where you can align with them and work together towards a common goal if there is one. If there isn't, be honest and clear about it and leave it at that.交談過程用心聆聽他人的真實所需以及他們的內(nèi)在驅(qū)動力。這樣能讓你找到人際交往的突破口,并且若雙方有一個共同目標就能一起攜手前進。如果沒有共同的目標,那也不要隱瞞,就讓它這樣吧。4. Be available.4. 花點時間幫助他人。All of us are super busy people and have tons of things going on. However, being available to other people takes lesser time than most of us think. Be available, listen and communicate. You'll build relationships and credibility that will last long.我們都非常忙碌,常常有一大堆事情要完成。然而,若能抽點時間幫助他人實際上所花的時間比我們想象的要少。騰出點時間,聆聽與溝通。這樣你就能建立起良好的合作關系與信用度,讓你能從長久的日子中得益。5. Last but not the least - Integrity.5.最后一點同樣重要——言行一致。Honor your word, stick to your values and deliver on what your promised. If you are unable to deliver on what you promised, communicate in an honest manner. People respect those who honor themselves and others.說話算話,堅持自己的價值標準并履行自己的承諾。如果你無法履行自己承諾的事情,那就以真誠的態(tài)度表達你的情況。人們都會尊重那些能對自己和他人負責的人。How can I polish my soft skills?如何潤色我的軟技能?1.Identify your goal:1. 明確目標:Doing this initial goal setting will help define timelines, methods, and resources to turn to on your journey.首先把目標明確下來就能幫助你設定時限,方法以及各種有助你開始培養(yǎng)軟技能的資源。2.Do a baseline assessment:2. 基線評估:Figure out where you stand now with respect to the soft skill you want to pick up.找到自己目前關于你希望培養(yǎng)的軟技能的立足點。3.Begin research: 3. 開始調(diào)查研究:See what is out there to help you achieve your goal. If you are looking to make yourself more "marketable", read up on what skills are most in demand in a particular industry.看看手頭上有哪些資料能幫助你達成目標。如果你希望讓自己更具“市場價值”,那就仔細研究當前特定行業(yè)最需要的某種技能。4.Practice, practice, practice: 4. 練習,練習,再練習:For interviews, you can do mock interviews with your peers, or if you know someone senior in the industry who is willing to help you out.就參與面試而言,你可以與朋友們進行模擬面試,或者請某位在該行業(yè)更資深的朋友助你一臂之力。For skills like speaking more confidently in public, join a club or look for opportunities at work or school to speak in front of a large group. 對于諸如自信地進行公開演說的技能,那就參與一個與演說相關的俱樂部或找一些能在學校或規(guī)模較大的組織演說機會。Skills like problem solving and working in a team can be practised and honed at your work place.而諸如解決問題與團隊合作的技能就能通過職場中的鍛煉和打磨。In addition to these steps, finding a group of people who are working on the same skills, or a mentor who believes in you, can be a great help as well. The great thing about picking up a soft skill is, the journey is one of continuous learning, and you yourself begin to figure out along the way what works best for you.除了以上這些步驟,你也可能尋找一些與你相似的人群,或者信任你的導師,都能為你提供很大的幫助。養(yǎng)成一項軟技能的好處在于,這是一個不斷學習的旅程,你很快就會在途中發(fā)現(xiàn)最適合自己的是什么了。Wish you all the best! :)祝你好運!



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