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1.Letting the party go on a little too long1.吃喝玩樂的時間略長Sure, your 20s is usually a life period where you're pretty free of responsibilities, and many of us use that time to enjoy life and go a little wild. But take this too far and you will regret it, warn a number of Quora users.確實,20多歲通常是人的一生中最無拘無束的時期,而且很多同齡人都會選擇在這段時期享受生活甚至干點瘋狂的事情。但是時間長了你就會后悔了,Quora上許多答主都這么提出警告。


2.Living the life your parents want for you, not the one you want2.過著父母希望你過的生活,而不是你自己想過的生活One of the top regrets of seniors is following others' expectations for their life rather than their own dreams and preferences. Apparently, there's a particular flavor of this problem that's common as early as your 20s--living out your parents' aspirations, not your own.對于年紀稍長的人來說,他們后悔的其中一件事情就是活在他人的期待之中而不是自己的夢想和喜好。很明顯,這種特別的現(xiàn)象對于20多歲的年輕人來說是也同樣常見——活出父母的愿望,而不是自己的夢想。


3.Working on a relationship before you work on yourself3.在能夠獨立自理前就經(jīng)營一段感情According to both everyday wisdom and reams of research, love is central to happiness. But you can't really form a quality relationship with someone else until you have your own self sorted, caution several Quora respondents. Rush things and you'll just end up in a regrettable muddle.根據(jù)每日智慧與大量的研究表明,幸福最為重要的因素就是愛。但是,只有當你能夠完全獨立,你才能與他人建立一段良好的關(guān)系,許多Quora答主是這么回答的。沖動魯莽只會使你陷入后悔的泥潭。


4.Confusing a job and a career4.混淆職業(yè)與事業(yè)的概念Your 20s are almost always a decade of professional growth. Several respondents cautioned that you can slow that process if you're not clear with yourself about the value of any particular gig. For some folks that means investing too much in a rent-paying gig they aren't passionate about. For others it means failing to see to it that their current job or interest could and should be built into a real career.每個人的20多歲事情幾乎都是事業(yè)發(fā)展的關(guān)鍵時期。許多Quora答主都認為,如果你無法認清自己的某項職業(yè)行動的價值,你大可以緩一緩。對于有些人來說這就意味著過度投資于付清租房費用,但他們卻并不為之感到振奮。對于別人來說則意味著無法保證他們當前的職業(yè)或興趣能否或應否培養(yǎng)起一份真正的事業(yè)。You can regret either under- or overinvesting in your work, the lesson seems to be. What you won't regret is being clear-eyed about your longer-term professional trajectory and whether today's effort is serving your goals, whatever they may be.你可以后悔自己對工作的投入不足或過度,但你會學到其中的經(jīng)驗。但你不會后悔的是能夠看清自己的長期職業(yè)發(fā)展軌道,以及今天的努力能否為你的目標服務,無論是什么目標。


5.Not exercising5.缺少運動Your body is at its peak when you're young. Keep it healthy, or you'll soon regret it.你的身體在你年輕的時候處于鼎盛時期。所以你得保持身體健康,否則以后你就會后悔了。


Bonus tip:Letting fear of regret hold you back額外貼士:懼怕后悔使自己卻步As an end note, it's also worth pointing out that while plenty of Quora members had regrets from their 20s to share, many others stressed that being too concerned about not making mistakes can paralyze you, keeping you from necessary experimentation and learning in your youth. Don't let fear of regret keep you from trying and failing constructively, this group stresses.作為結(jié)束的提示,值得一提的是,雖然許多Quora答主都有在20多歲時后悔的事情,但是也有很多人強調(diào)過度拘泥不讓自己犯錯會麻痹你的神經(jīng),讓你遠離必要的實驗研究以及年輕時期的經(jīng)驗吸收。千萬不要讓后悔的恐懼感使自己在嘗試和建設性失敗面前卻步,這個群體的答主強調(diào)。It's a healthy dose of perspective--keep these regrets in mind to try to avoid them, but don't be held back by your fear of screwing up. Inevitably you will. Most of the time not only will you survive your misstep, but you'll also come out a better person. What's your top regret from your 20s?這是一個適當?shù)囊暯恰堰@些讓人后悔的事情謹記于心并盡量避免遇到它們,但不能讓害怕失敗的恐懼感征服你。當然你會遇到這種情況。很多情況下你不僅能從這些失誤中幸免于難,還能使自己變得更優(yōu)秀。那么你在20多歲時最后悔的事情是什么呢?




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