胖:fat 比較級:fatter
瘦:thin 比較級:thinner
大:big 比較級: bigger
?。簊mall 比較級: smaller
矮:short 比較級: shorter
小熊胖胖的 Bear is fat
小猴瘦瘦的 Monkey is thin
看看哪個胖一點 小熊胖一點, which is the fatter one Bear is the fatter one
看看哪個瘦一點 小猴瘦一點 which is the thinner one Monkey is the thinner one
小小的螞蟻 Ant is small
大大的大象 Elephant is big
看看那個大一點 大象大一點 which is the bigger one Elephant is the bigger one
看看那個小一點 螞蟻小一點 which is the smaller one Ant is the bigger one
長頸鹿高高的 Giraffe is tall
母雞矮矮的 Hen is short
看看哪個高一點 長頸鹿高一點 which is the taller one Giraffe is the taller one
看看哪個矮一點 母雞矮一點 which is the shorter one Hen is the shorter one