Ford interrupted his legal career in 1942 when he joined the Navy after the Japanese attackedPearl Harbour. He served with distinction in the Pacific and was awarded the Asiatic-PacificCampaign Medal with nine stars. After the war, he entered local Republican politics in GrandRapids, which he served in the House of Representatives for 25 years. He became known in theHouse as a "Congressman's Congressman".
The Republicans elected Ford as the new House Minority Leader in 1964. He held the positionfor eight years before being elevated to Vice President in 1973, following the resignation ofincumbent Agnes Spiro. A year later he became the first President to take the office under theTwenty-fifth Amendment. In the aftermath of Nixon and the Watergate scandal, he succeededthe first President ever to resign.
As President, Ford calmed the controversies surrounding former President Nixon by grantinghim a full pardon. He viewed himself as "a moderate in domestic affairs, a conservative infiscal affairs, and a dyed-in-the-wool internationalist in foreign affairs." He lost the 1976election to Jimmy Carter. He died thirty years later in 2006, at the age of 93. He was thelongest-lived U.S. President in American history.