After WWII, Bush worked in the oil industry and became a multi-millionaire. Like his father,George becameinterested in politics. He served two terms as a Representative to Congress fromTexas. Then he was appointed to several high-level positions: Ambassador to the UnitedNations, Chairman of the Republican NationalCommittee, and Director of the CentralIntelligence Agency (CIA).
In 1980 Bush campaigned for the Republican nomination for President. He lost, but was chosenas a running mate by Ronald Reagan. As Vice President, Bush had responsibility in severaldomestic areas and visited scores of foreign countries. In 1988 Bush won the general electionto become President. He faced a dramatically changing world, as the Cold War ended and theSoviet Union ceased to exist.
In other areas of foreign policy, President Bush sent American troops into Panama to overthrowthe corruptregime of General Manuel Noriega. His greatest test came when Iraqi PresidentSaddam Hussein invaded Kuwait. He sent 425,000 American troops as part of Operation DesertStorm to defeat Iraq's million-man army. Helost the 1992 election because of a poor economyand rising violence in inner cities.