72. Tribute to Diana
72. 致戴安娜
There is no doubt that she was looking for a new direction in her life at this away from England, mainly because of the treatment that she received at the hands of the newspapers. I don't think she ever understood why her genuinely good intentions were sneered at by the media, why there appeared to be a permanent quest on their behalf to bring her down. It is baffling.
My own and only explanation is that genuine goodness is threatening to those at the opposite end of the moral spectrum. It is a point to those at the opposite end of the moral spectrum. It is a point to remember that of all the ironies about Diana, perhaps the greatest was this a girl given the name of the ancient goddess of hunting was, in the end, the most hunted person of the modern age.
She would want us today to pledge ourselves to protecting her beloved boys William and Harry from a similar fate and I do this here Diana on your behalf. We will not allow them to suffer the anguish that used regularly to drive you to tearful despair.
And beyond that, on behalf of your mother and sisters, I pledge that we, your blood family, will do all we can to continue the imaginative way in which you were steering these two exceptional young men so that their souls are not simply immersed by duty and tradition but can sing openly as you planned.
permanent :adj. 永久的,永恒的;不變的
例句:Heavy drinking can cause permanent damage to the brain.
spectrum:n. 光譜;頻譜;范圍;余象
例句:This can be terrible news for those at both ends of the age spectrum.
be sneered at:被嘲笑
例句:But arguably Detroit needs dry-cleaners just as much as stem-cell researchers: any business development at all in the city is not to be sneered at.
on your behalf:代表
例句:I signed the document on your behalf.