The one thing that won't change in the future is Egypt's complete and art dependenceon the Nile. So far Egypt has been able to discover all threaten other Nile state to prevent them tapping into the supply of Nile water. Most Egyptians believe it's their historical birth right. On road island which sit the center of the Nile in Cairo, I went in searching of a rather forgotten site. There illustrates the enormous importance of the river for the whole of Egypt. This place is in rely on the tourist's traveling. There might be a tourist. Where is it? This way. OK. Oh my, this is a fascinating place, absolutely center to the story of the Nile. This is the Nile lonmiter. It does look like what sound it does. It measures the height of the Nile. Long before the S one damregulated the flow of the Nile, the Nile lomiter record the critic level of the aniou flood. So there are three points where the water would come in. The water would fill this cabin, would rise up through the chain but. The height of the water could make or break the Egyptian harvest.