Here are the top five "uncertainty avoidance" countries, according to Hofstede's database-
that is, the countries most reliant on rules and plans, and most likely to stick to procedure regardless of circumstances.
No. 1 Greece
1. 希臘
No.2 Portugal
2. 葡萄牙
No.3 Guatemala
3. 危地馬拉
No.4 Uruguay
4. 烏拉圭
No.5 Belgium
5. 比利時
The bottom five- that is, the cultures best able to tolerate ambiguity are:
No.49 Hong Kong
49. 中國香港
No.50 Swiden
50. 瑞典
No.51 Denmark
51. 丹麥
No.52 Jamaica
52. 牙買加
No.53 Singapore
53. 新加坡
It is important to note that Hofstede wasn't suggesting there was a right place or a wrong place to be on anyone of those scales.
Nor was he saying that a culture's position on one of his dimensions was an ironclad predictor of how someone from that country behaves:
it's not impossible, for example, for someone from Guatemala to be highly inpidualistic.
What he was saying, instead, was something very similar to what Nisbett Cohen argued after their hallway studies at the University of Michigan.
Each of us has his or her own distinctive personality.
But overlaid on top of that are tendencies and assumptions and reflexes handed down to us by the history of the community we grow up in,
and these differences are extraordinarily specific.
Belgium and Denmark are only an hour or so apart by airplane, for example.
Dane look a lot like Belgians,and if I drop you on a street corner on Copenhagen, it wouldn't look all that different from a street corner in Brussels.
But when it comes to uncertainty avoidance, they could not be further apart.
In fact, Danes have more in common with Jamaicans when it comes to tolerating ambiguity than they do with some of their European peers.