Most marine organisms are adapted to the ocean’ssalt concentration. Just as humans cannot drinksaltwater, plankton and other small marine creaturesfloating with the currents cannot survive in freshwater. These organisms form the base of the arcticfood chain. If they die, the small fish that feed onthem die. Larger fish and mammals that feed on thesmall fish also lose their food source. Even themighty polar bear would be at risk of starvation.The freshwater lake could have an even largerimpact on Earth’s climate if it emptied into theNorth Atlantic quickly. Ocean currents that move heat around the globe are sensitive tosaltwater concentrations. Because fresh water floats on top of saltier water, a large influx offresh water could slow the currents and alter temperature and weather patterns. At thepresent time, the arctic lake’s size is equivalent to the amount of fresh water the Atlanticreceives in a year. It isn’t a threat to global climate now, but it’s an important lake forscientists to watch.