Here’s how Knab explained it: males gather aroundsome landmark—a cornstalk, perhaps the head ofan unsuspecting human–and wait for eligiblefemales. When a female enters the swarm, the malesimmediately pick up her flight tone, which isdifferent from theirs. Coupled with one lucky guy,she flies to some protected place to mate. After theirinterlude, the female goes to lay her eggs, but themale returns to the swarm, on the outside chancethat he’ll get lucky once more. That’s why Knabnetted so many more males than females.Sometimes, these gatherings get quite large. In Germany, in 1807, people saw a huge cloud ofsmoke billowing over a church. So they called in the fire brigade, only to realize that the darkcloud was actually a swarm of gnats who’d picked the church steeple as their rendezvous.