Probably the coolest part about this research is how the scientists involved studied mosquitoharmonies. Basically, the researchers used little lassos to harness mosquitoes and fly thempast each other. They also set up small microphones nearby to catch the insects' love songs.And they put sensors in the mosquitoes ears, or auditory organs, to record how they respondedto mating calls. So if you're not a professional or amateur entomologist, why should you carethat mosquitoes harmonize before mating?
Because mosquitoes aren't just annoying pests. They also spread dangerous diseases such asdengue fever, which affects more than fifty million people every year. There's no vaccine forthe fever and no preventive measure other than avoiding disease-carrying mosquitoes. Whichis where the new study could be important. Learning more about how mosquitoes mate couldhelp scientists invent ways to target mosquitoes in areas at risk for dengue fever. For example,scientists could breed sterile male mosquitoes able to create the right tones and harmonies tocompete with wild males and thereby reduce mosquito populations.