When I realized that Emily had no symptoms, I suspected she wasn't really allergic. But I bitmy tongue and was a courteous hostess. The last night of their visit, we went out to arestaurant. Emily didn't offer to pay for my meal, which I thought was rude.
Two years ago, Emily finally admitted she's not allergic to cats. Unfortunately, my son marriedher and I am still seething over that visit. I know I should let this go, but I don't like being liedto and she's such a tightwad.-Fuming in the Southwest
兩年前,艾米麗最終承認了她對貓并不過敏。不幸的是,我的兒子娶了她,而我始終對那次見面耿耿于懷。我知道我應該讓它過去,但我不喜歡被欺騙,而且她又是這樣一個吝嗇鬼。 ——來自西南的Fuming。
Dear Fuming:Please let it go. Emily admitted she wasn't allergic, so the lie was to get her ownbedroom-which your son, not you, should have offered. As for the tightwad label, we're not sosure. Many young people are unaware of the etiquette that says you should treat your hoststo a meal.
親愛的Fuming:過去的事就讓它過去吧。艾米麗承認她沒有過敏,那么她說謊就是為了一間臥室,這應該由你兒子提供,而不是你。 至于“吝嗇鬼”標簽,我們不太確定。許多年輕人都不知道“客人應該請主人吃飯”這個禮節(jié)。
You are being exceptionally harsh. Find something to like about Emily before you destroyyour relationship with your son.