Yael: OK, but why are you jogging in place?
Don: Because I'm trying to solve the puzzle.
Yael: Right. But what does jogging have to do withit?
Don: It's what scientists call embodied cognition—how the body affects the mind, and viceversa. The idea is that moving your body in certain ways can help you solve problems. Forexample, in one study, participants were presented with a puzzle: they had to figure out howto tie together strings hanging from rafters spaced far enough apart that they couldn't graspboth at the same time. While they were trying to solve the puzzle, about half the participantswere told to swing their arms back and forth. The others were told to stretch their arms.
Yael: So,what happend?
Don: The arm swingers were forty-percent more likely to solve the problem. It involved tyingan object to one string and swinging it so they could grab it while holding the other string.
Yael: So the physical act of arm swinging led to a similar mental solution.
Don: Right.The larger point is that the mind isn't separate from the body. How we move andbehave in physical ways can affect, and enhance, how we think.
Yael: Cool, and by the way, the word you're looking for is "mind", as an "mind your manners".
Don: Thanks.