It's as if the body plays an unbelievably cruel joke on itself, causing the starved to resemblepeople whose bellies are large from over-eating.
Is there a connection? In fact the two instances -- starvation and overeating -- only resembleeach other in a superficial way.
The belly of an over-eater looks the way it does due to a build-up of fat cells, also present onother areas of the body.
The starvation belly stands out in painful relief against emaciated arms, legs, and face, andwill appear more taut and inflexible.
That's because the belly on a starving person has nothing to do with fat. Rather, it is often theresult of Protein Calorie Malnutrition, or PCM.
PCM means a healthy number of calories are being eaten -- say in the form of rice -- but with asevere deficiency in protein.
This is often the case in third-world countries where meat and fish are rare or too expensive formany.
Even in a healthy state, the blood vessels and organs leak fluids a little.
This is generally no problem, as the lymphatic system removes the excess, and a little fluidcushioning the organs is a good thing.
In PCM, however, the lymphatic system can't keep up with the leakage, and the stomach areabegins to bloat with its own waste fluids.
Add to this the likelihood of a swollen liver, which is another result of PCM, and you wind upwith the terrible irony of a person on the verge of starvation looking weirdly similar to anovereater.