And of course that's just where the problems lie.Though people on both sides appeal to what isnatural, nature unhelpfully supports both sides likingboth consistency and variety in gender andsexuality. So most people are male or female, butthere are some who are born with unfixed gender.Most people are heterosexual but some are not. Mostparents have children but some do not. And thenthere are people who marry knowing they can't havechildren, and children conceived with donatedsperm or eggs, or born through surrogates. Oursociety believes passionately in equality and wants everyone to have the chance of a decent andfulfilled private life. I have no problem with any of that. And yet.I don't want to lose thetraditional view that marriage reflects a particular pattern in which a man and a womanunite across their obvious differences. Civil partnerships have a different pattern, and I thinkthis could be sacramental too. I know partners who have created liturgies which celebrate theirlove, loyalty and commitment in the friendship of God. I'm not allowed to bless suchrelationships, but I think I am allowed to hope the day will come. What I don't want to happenis that the demand for equality reduces gay and straight relationships to sameness. Civilpartnerships offer something new and creative to thank God for, but there is no reason why weshould lose the blessing of what remains both ancient and instinctive.