The Passover season is well and truly on us.We'repreparing our homes for the festival of freedom, withits special foods and elaborate rituals, one of theoldest religious rituals in the world, and one ofJudaism's most sacred moments. What's special isthat it's observed not in the synagogue but at home,around the table, as a family. The starring part isalways taken by the youngest child, and their role isto ask questions.And if there's one element ofJudaism I'd love to share with everyone it's this: Ifyou want to survive and thrive as a people, aculture, a civilisation, celebrate the family. Hold it sacred. Eat together. Tell the story of whatmost matters to you across the generations. Make children the most important people. Putthem centre stage. Encourage them to ask questions, the more the better. That's what Mosessaid 33 centuries ago and Judaism is still here to tell the tale having survived some of the mostbrutal persecutions in human history, yet as a religious faith still young and full of energy.