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名人演講:A Whisper of AIDS 低語艾滋[瑪麗·費(fèi)舍爾]





A Whisper of AIDS 低語艾滋
—— Mary Fisher 瑪麗·費(fèi)舍爾

A Whisper of AIDS 低語艾滋 Mary Fisher 瑪麗·費(fèi)舍爾


  • [00:00.07]Less than three months ago
  • [00:03.15]at platform hearings in Salt Lake City
  • [00:05.99]I asked the Republican Party
  • [00:08.21]to lift the shroud of silence
  • [00:10.33]which has been draped over the issue of HIV and AIDS
  • [00:14.69]I have come tonight
  • [00:16.78]to bring our silence to an end.
  • [00:19.82]I bear a message of challenge
  • [00:23.16]not self-congratulation.
  • [00:25.64]I want your attention
  • [00:27.47]not your applause.
  • [00:30.10]I would never have asked to be HIV-positive.
  • [00:33.44]But I believe that in all things
  • [00:36.12]there is a purpose,
  • [00:38.04]and I stand before you
  • [00:39.92]and before the nation, gladly.
  • [00:43.00]The reality of AIDS is brutally clear.
  • [00:46.69]Two hundred thousand Americans
  • [00:48.82]are dead or dying
  • [00:51.04]a million more are infected.
  • [00:53.89]Worldwide, 40 million, 60 million
  • [00:57.82]or a hundred million infections
  • [00:59.84]will be counted in the coming few years.
  • [01:03.10]But despite science and research
  • [01:06.04]White House meetings, and congressional hearings,
  • [01:09.17]despite good intentions and bold initiatives
  • [01:12.71]campaign slogans, and hopeful promises
  • [01:16.10]it is, despite it all, the epidemic
  • [01:20.37]which is winning tonight.
  • [01:23.31]In the context of an election year,
  • [01:26.21]I ask you
  • [01:27.67]here, in this great hall,
  • [01:30.43]or listening in the quiet of your home
  • [01:33.69]to recognize that the AIDS virus
  • [01:36.52]is not a political creature.
  • [01:38.95]It does not care whether you are Democrat or Republican.
  • [01:42.54]It does not ask whether you are black or white,
  • [01:46.70]male or female,
  • [01:49.13]gay or straight
  • [01:51.36]young or old.
  • [01:54.56]Tonight
  • [01:57.61]I represent an AIDS community
  • [02:00.47]whose members have been reluctantly drafted
  • [02:03.15]from every segment of American society.
  • [02:07.16]Though I am white and a mother,
  • [02:10.40]I am one with a black infant struggling with tubes
  • [02:14.65]in a Philadelphia hospital.
  • [02:17.98]Though I am female
  • [02:20.23]and contracted this disease in marriage,
  • [02:22.34]and enjoy the warm support of my family,
  • [02:25.43]I am one with the lonely gay man
  • [02:28.59]sheltering a flickering candle
  • [02:30.92]from the cold wind of his family's rejection.
  • [02:41.03]This is not a distant threat;
  • [02:43.91]it is a present danger.
  • [02:46.14]The rate of infection is increasing fastest
  • [02:49.22]among women and children.
  • [02:51.70]Largely unknown a decade ago
  • [02:54.40]AIDS is the third leading killer of young adult Americans today
  • [02:59.36]but it won't be third for long.
  • [03:01.58]Because, unlike other diseases,
  • [03:04.34]this one travels.
  • [03:06.86]Adolescents don't give each other cancer
  • [03:09.29]or heart disease because they believe they are in love.
  • [03:13.49]But HIV is different.
  • [03:15.40]And we have helped it along
  • [03:17.83]we have killed each other
  • [03:19.77]with our ignorance, our prejudice, and our silence.
  • [03:25.55]We may take refuge in our stereotypes,
  • [03:29.89]but we cannot hide there long.
  • [03:33.43]Because HIV asks only one thing of those it attacks
  • [03:38.44]Are you human?
  • [03:40.52]And this is the right question
  • [03:43.15]Are you human?
  • [03:46.08]Because people with HIV have not entered some alien state of being.
  • [03:50.83]They are human.
  • [03:52.70]They have not earned cruelty
  • [03:54.89]and they do not deserve meanness.
  • [03:57.62]They don't benefit from being isolated or treated as outcasts.
  • [04:02.13]Each of them is exactly what God made,
  • [04:06.09]a person.
  • [04:07.37]Not evil,
  • [04:08.65]deserving of our judgment;
  • [04:10.62]not victims,
  • [04:12.61]longing for our pity.
  • [04:14.79]People,
  • [04:16.20]ready for support and worthy of compassion.
  • [04:30.76]My call to you, my Party,
  • [04:33.31]is to take a public stand,
  • [04:35.55]no less compassionate than that of the President and Mrs. Bush.
  • [04:39.44]They have embraced me and my family in memorable ways.
  • [04:43.74]In the place of judgment,
  • [04:45.37]they have shown affection.
  • [04:47.59]In difficult moments,
  • [04:48.82]they have raised our spirits.
  • [04:51.19]In the darkest hours,
  • [04:53.58]I have seen them reaching not only to me,
  • [04:55.80]but also to my parents,
  • [04:58.08]armed with that stunning grief
  • [04:59.85]and special grace that comes only to parents
  • [05:02.94]who have themselves leaned too long
  • [05:06.79]over the bedside of a dying child.
  • [05:10.90]With the President's leadership,
  • [05:13.55]much good has been done.
  • [05:15.58]Much of the good has gone unheralded,
  • [05:17.70]and as the President has insisted,
  • [05:20.44]much remains to be done.
  • [05:23.12]But we do the President's cause no good
  • [05:26.63]if we praise the American family
  • [05:29.45]but ignore a virus that destroys it.
  • [05:42.62]We must be consistent if we are to be believed.
  • [05:47.13]We cannot love justice
  • [05:49.30]and ignore prejudice,
  • [05:51.79]love our children and fear to teach them.
  • [05:55.79]Whatever our role
  • [05:57.57]as parent or policymaker,
  • [06:00.35]we must act as eloquently as we speak
  • [06:04.40]else we have no integrity.
  • [06:10.11]My call to the nation is a plea for awareness.
  • [06:14.15]If you believe you are safe,
  • [06:16.93]you are in danger.
  • [06:19.67]Because I was not hemophiliac,
  • [06:22.30]I was not at risk.
  • [06:24.43]Because I was not gay,
  • [06:26.50]I was not at risk.
  • [06:29.35]Because I did not inject drugs,
  • [06:31.73]I was not at risk.
  • [06:36.18]My father has devoted much of his lifetime
  • [06:39.87]guarding against another holocaust.
  • [06:43.05]He is part of the generation who heard Pastor Nemoellor
  • [06:46.89]come out of the Nazi death camps to say,
  • [06:50.13]They came after the Jews,
  • [06:51.59]and I was not a Jew,
  • [06:53.78]so, I did not protest.
  • [06:56.11]They came after the trade unionists,
  • [06:58.07]and I was not a trade unionist,
  • [07:00.96]so, I did not protest.
  • [07:03.26]Then they came after the Roman Catholics,
  • [07:05.19]and I was not a Roman Catholic,
  • [07:07.93]so, I did not protest.
  • [07:11.31]Then they came after me,
  • [07:13.19]and there was no one left to protest.
  • [07:27.75]The lesson history teaches is this
  • [07:30.49]If you believe you are safe,
  • [07:32.76]you are at risk.
  • [07:34.91]If you do not see this killer stalking your children,
  • [07:38.35]look again.
  • [07:40.33]There is no family or community,
  • [07:43.36]no race or religion, no place left in America that is safe.
  • [07:48.88]Until we genuinely embrace this message,
  • [07:53.43]we are a nation at risk.
  • [07:57.49]Tonight, HIV marches firmly towards
  • [08:00.68]AIDS in more than a million American homes,
  • [08:03.32]littering its pathway with the bodies of the young
  • [08:06.35]young men, young women,
  • [08:09.95]young parents, and young children.
  • [08:13.64]One of the families is mine.
  • [08:17.13]If it is true that HIV inevitably turns to AIDS,
  • [08:20.57]then my children will inevitably turn to orphans.
  • [08:25.72]My family has been a rock of support.
  • [08:29.51]My 84-year-old father,
  • [08:31.49]who has pursued the healing of the nations,
  • [08:33.86]will not accept the premise
  • [08:35.53]that he cannot heal his daughter.
  • [08:38.56]My mother refuses to be broken
  • [08:40.94]she still calls at midnight to tell wonderful jokes
  • [08:44.27]that make me laugh.
  • [08:46.55]Sisters and friends, and my brother Philip
  • [08:49.44](whose birthday is today)
  • [08:51.86]all have helped carry me over the hardest places.
  • [08:55.70]I am blessed,
  • [08:57.37]richly and deeply blessed, to have such a family.
  • [09:03.55]But not all of you
  • [09:18.98]But not all of you have been so blessed.
  • [09:22.41]You are HIV-positive
  • [09:26.05]but dare not say it.
  • [09:28.03]You have lost loved ones,
  • [09:29.91]but you dared not whisper the word AIDS.
  • [09:33.30]You weep silently;
  • [09:35.58]you grieve alone.
  • [09:38.16]I have a message for you
  • [09:40.69]It is not you who should feel shame; it is we.
  • [09:45.08]We who tolerate ignorance and practice prejudice,
  • [09:49.03]we who have taught you to fear.
  • [09:51.76]We must lift our shroud of silence,
  • [09:55.44]making it safe for you to reach out for compassion.
  • [09:58.83]It is our task
  • [10:00.55]to seek safety for our children,
  • [10:03.09]not in quiet denial
  • [10:05.01]but in effective action.
  • [10:08.11]Someday our children will be grown.
  • [10:10.90]My son Max, now four,
  • [10:13.28]will take the measure of his mother.
  • [10:15.66]My son Zachary, now two,
  • [10:17.98]will sort through his memories.
  • [10:20.97]I may not be here to hear their judgments,
  • [10:23.84]but I know already what I hope they are.
  • [10:27.59]I want my children to know
  • [10:29.82]that their mother was not a victim.
  • [10:32.34]She was a messenger.
  • [10:34.72]I do not want them to think, as I once did,
  • [10:37.56]that courage is the absence of fear.
  • [10:40.69]I want them to know
  • [10:42.26]that courage is the strength
  • [10:44.80]to act wisely when most we are afraid.
  • [10:48.60]I want them to have the courage
  • [10:50.66]to step forward when called by their nation
  • [10:53.82]or their Party and give leadership,
  • [10:56.51]no matter what the personal cost.
  • [10:59.94]I ask no more of you than I ask of myself
  • [11:02.99]or of my children.
  • [11:05.82]To the millions of you
  • [11:07.71]who are grieving,
  • [11:09.48]who are frightened,
  • [11:10.96]who have suffered the ravages of AIDS firsthand
  • [11:15.34]Have courage and you will find support.
  • [11:19.89]To the millions who are strong
  • [11:22.42]I issue this plea
  • [11:24.49]Set aside prejudice and politics
  • [11:27.34]to make room for compassion and sound policy.
  • [11:43.47]To my children, I make this pledge
  • [11:46.46]I will not give in,
  • [11:47.63]Zachary, because I draw my courage from you.
  • [11:51.22]Your silly giggle gives me hope
  • [11:54.25]your gentle prayers give me strength
  • [11:56.88]and you, my child, give me the reason to say to America
  • [12:01.17]You are at risk
  • [12:04.31]And I will not rest, Max
  • [12:06.08]until I have done all I can to make your world safe.
  • [12:10.58]I will seek a place
  • [12:12.51]where intimacy is not the prelude to suffering.
  • [12:16.59]I will not hurry to leave you, my children,
  • [12:19.84]but when I go, I pray that
  • [12:22.57]you will not suffer shame on my account.
  • [12:26.57]To all within the sound of my voice
  • [12:29.35]I appeal
  • [12:31.07]Learn with me the lessons of history and of grace
  • [12:35.32]so my children will not be afraid
  • [12:38.15]to say
  • [12:39.76]the word AIDS when I am gone
  • [12:42.61]Then their children, and yours
  • [12:46.41]may not need
  • [12:48.10]to whisper it at all
  • [12:50.73]God bless the children
  • [12:52.55]and God bless us all.
  • [12:54.27]Good night.

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