Do I owe you money?
Cause I'm, uh...running a little short at the moment.
You don't owe me anything, Mr. Reese.
That's the name you prefer, isn't it?
I know you've had several.
Don't worry, I'm not gonna tell anybody about you.
You don't know anything about me.
I know exactly everything about you, Mr. Reese.
I know about the work you used to do for the government.
I know about the doubts you came to have about that work.
I know that the government, along with everybody else, thinks you're dead.
I know you've spent the last couple of months trying to drink yourself to death.
I know you're contemplating more efficient ways to do it.
So you see, knowledge is not my problem.
Doing something with that knowledge...that's where you'd come in.
And you can call me Mr. Finch.
I think you and I can help one another.
I don't think you need a psychiatrist or a support group, pills...
What do I need?
You need a purpose.
More specifically, you need a job.
Eight million people.
You know what they all have in common?
None of them knows what happens next.
Someone is murdered in New York city every 18 hours.
At the end of the day, one of these people will be gone.
Bad things happen to people every day.
You can't stop that.
What if you could?
Not the things that happen in the heat of the moment.
But so many crimes are planned days, weeks in advance.