this week is just getting worse and worse. first. i slept in because instead of hitting snooze on my alarm clock,i accidentally turned it off. i woke up just fifteen minutes before i was duo to be at work and it takes me twenty minutes to get there when there is no traffic.
my boss noticed, but luckily he didn't give me a hard time about it. it was a stressful start to my day.then, i met anna for lunch and she told me that she went to a big party at our friend luke's house on saturday night.
she talked and talked about how much fun it was. eventually, she asked me why i didn't go and i told her that i wasn't invited so i didn't konw about it.i don't think anna noticed that i was feeling so left out and sad.
i started thinking that maybe my friends don't like me anymore. maybe they didn't invite me on purpose.i have been on the verge of tears all day. i am probably making a big deal out of nothing, but my feelings are really hurt.
i'm your fried and i like you! i'm sorry you didn't get invited to the party.i'm sorry you didn't get invited to the party.i'm sure they didn't mean to leave you out.
you konw what probably happened? everybody probably thought that somebody else had invited happends all the time! don't feel bad, i bet it was an accident.
i would invite you to every party and never forget you. if only we were not so far apart!