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With each passing year, I like to take to time to reflect on the lessons that I’ve learned. These are the things that I’ve learned about life as I turn 28....


1. Take accountability for your mistakes. If you find yourself blaming others, look for your part and take ownership.

1. 自己犯的錯要承擔責任。在責怪別人之前先找找自己的過錯,承擔責任。

2. Sometimes life puts you through circumstances that show you who’s really there for you. Focus on the ones who are there and who love and support you, rather than the ones that aren’t, or can’t be.

2. 有時候生活會告訴你誰才是真正在乎你的人。把目光放在那些在乎你、愛你、支持你的人身上,不要在意那些不關心你也不會關心你的人身上。

3. Listening is so much more important than talking. You already know what you know when you open your mouth. When you open your ears that’s when true learning takes place.

3. 傾聽比說話重要得多。用嘴巴說的時候你知道的不會增加,用耳朵聽的時候你就真的是在學習。

4. Our energy is one of our greatest resources, so it’s important to be careful who surrounds us. It’s okay to close the door on negativity. You’ll soon see how this preserves your positive energy.

4. 能量是我們最重要的資源,所以我們要留意身邊的人。把負能量拒之門外沒有錯,你很快就會發(fā)現(xiàn)這會保護你的正能量。

5. Travel makes you richer - even if it’s not far from home. Opening your eyes to the world and all the wonders in it will enrich the quality of your life.

5. 旅行會使你更富有,就算只是去附近的地方旅行。放眼世界,世界的精彩會讓你的生活變得美好充實。

6. The older we get, the faster time goes: the only way to slow it down is to be grateful for each moment.

6. 年齡越大,時間走得越快。放慢時間的唯一方法就是感激每一刻。

7. Be patient with the world around you, give others the benefit of the doubt, for you are the one who suffers most when you’re irritated.

7. 耐心對待身邊的人和事,要先假定他人沒有錯,因為你要是生氣,最難受的還是你自己。

8. Comparing yourself to others is the fastest way to put limitations on your potential. Stick with competing with the person you were yesterday.

8. 在你拿自己和他人比較的時候,你就限制了自己的潛力。堅持和昨天的自己競爭吧。

9. It is inevitable that bad things will happen, to you or to someone equally undeserving of pain. These moments are meant to measure our reactions to the event, and that’s where you’ll see how strength is truly defined.

9. 不管是在你身上還是別人身上,不管應不應該,不愉快的事情總會發(fā)生。這樣的事情是用來衡量我們的應對能力的,從中你會發(fā)現(xiàn)什么是真正的強大。

10. Support your friends dreams and encourage them whenever you can. An added benefit is that you’ll be happy to be surrounded by people who love their lives.

10. 盡你所能支持朋友的夢想,鼓勵他們。這樣有一個好處,就是你身邊會充滿熱愛自己生活的人。

11. If you want things to change, start by changing yourself.

11. 如果你想要讓事情有所改變,先改變自己。

12. If you genuinely don’t want to do something or go somewhere, be honest. No one wants to spend time with you when you wish you were somewhere else.

12. 如果你確實不想做某件事或者去某個地方,坦白拒絕吧。如果你的心在別處,沒人會想花時間和你在一起的。

13. Follow your dreams. Don’t be afraid of them...or what other people think of them. Give it all you’ve got and you can never fail.

13. 追隨你的夢想,不要懼怕夢想,不要懼怕別人的看法。全力以赴,你就不會失敗。

14. Tell people your dreams, as often as they are willing to listen. Goals become more tangible when we say them aloud.

14. 把你的夢想告訴別人,只要別人沒有厭煩,說得越多越好。當你把夢想大聲說出來,目標就會變得切實明確。

15. Align yourself with like-minded people, people who motivate and inspire you, and those that make you feel genuinely happy when they are around. Treat them with love and respect.

15. 和志趣相投的人做朋友,和會激勵你、啟發(fā)你的人做朋友,和在你身邊會讓你感到高興的人做朋友。要用愛和敬意對待他們。

16. Be a role model: let your actions and your words be unified. Be someone you’d look up to.

16. 成為楷模,言行一致,成為一個自己敬仰的人。



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