Indeed,because I had been with giants for so long,I hadforgotten that my countrymen were as small as me.The onlything the sailors could do was to cut a hole in the top of mybox,and help me to climb out.I was exhausted and unable towalk far.
They took me to their captain.
Welcome to my ship,he said kindly.You're lucky we found you.My men saw that huge box onthe water,and we decided to pull it along behind the ship.Then we realized there was a maninside!Why were you locked up in there?
Was it a punishment for some terrible crime?But tell me all about it later.Now you need tosleep,and then eat.
When I told him my story,a few hours later,he found it difficult to believe.But after a while hebegan to accept that what I told him must be true.
But why do you shout so loudly?he asked.We can hear you perfectly well if you speaknormally.
You see,I explained,for two years I've had to shout to make myself understood by the giants.
I was like a man in the street who was trying to talk to another man at the top of a very tallbuilding.
And another thing-your sailors all seem very small to me,because I've been used to looking up atpeople twenty metres tall.
He shook his head.Well,what a story!I think you should write a book about it when you gethome.
I stayed on the ship for several months,as we sailed slowly home to England.
Finally,we arrived in Bristol on June 3rd,1706.When I reached home,my wife made mepromise never to go to sea again,and I thought my adventures had come to an end.