BBC News with Stewart Macintosh
President Ladynar Putin has dismissed allegations that Russia tried to spy the US presidential eletion in favor of Donald Trump by hiking computer systerms, he described as it satirical, claimed by the White House that Russia was behind the cyber attacks including locations of the US democratic party's computers.
The U.N. has warned that the coming winter could be the hardest for the people of Syria since the war began more than five years ago. A senior U.N. official said a cruel conflict had become even more ruthless and was affecting more and more civilians.
Twitter has confirmed that it's cutting 9% of its workforce as it tries to restructure its loss-making business. The San Francisco-based company plans to cut about 350 jobs.
The President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, has offered a 40% pay rise in the minimum wage, the fourth increment this year. The latest rise comes a day after hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets to protest against the government.
The acting prime minister of Spain Maliano Rahoine has lost a preliminary symbolic vote of confidence in parliament. But in the second vote on Saturday the opposision Socialist party has already said they would obtained allowing the Rahoine's popular party to formed a minority goverment.
Pakistan has expelled an Indian diplomat hours after Delhi ordered a Pakistani official to go home, accusing him of spying. The statement in Islamabad said the activities of the Indian official were in violation of the Vienna Convention.
Police in Kenya say they have shot dead a man who attacked a police officer guarding the U.S. Embassy in the capital, Nairobi. It said the attacker stabbed the officer in the hand.
More than a million people have signed a petition, demanding a captive polar bear in China be moved. Animal rights groups have released a video of the creature, named Pizza, in a small glass enclosure in a shopping mall.
BBC News.
BBC News with Stewart Macintosh
President Ladynar Putin has dismissed allegations that Russia tried to spy the US presidential eletion in favor of Donald Trump by hiking computer systerms, he described as it sterical, claimed by the White House that Russia was behind the cyber attacks including locations of the US democratic party's computers.
The U.N. has warned that the coming winter could be the hardest for the people of Syria since the war began more than five years ago. A senior U.N. official said a cruel conflict had become even more ruthless and was affecting more and more civilians.
Twitter has confirmed that it's cutting 9% of its workforce as it tries to restructure its loss-making business. The San Francisco-based company plans to cut about 350 jobs.
The President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, has offered a 40% pay rise in the minimum wage, the fourth increment this year. The latest rise comes a day after hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets to protest against the government.
The acting prime minister of Spain Maliano Rahoine has lost a preliminary symbolic vote of confidence in parliament. But in the second vote on Saturday the opposision Socialist party has already said they would obtained allowing the Rahoine's popular party to formed a minority goverment.
Pakistan has expelled an Indian diplomat hours after Delhi ordered a Pakistani official to go home, accusing him of spying. The statement in Islamabad said the activities of the Indian official were in violation of the Vienna Convention.
Police in Kenya say they have shot dead a man who attacked a police officer guarding the U.S. Embassy in the capital, Nairobi. It said the attacker stabbed the officer in the hand.
More than a million people have signed a petition, demanding a captive polar bear in China be moved. Animal rights groups have released a video of the creature, named Pizza, in a small glass enclosure in a shopping mall.
BBC News.