Viyasan: Okay, that's a good question. I think there's many fears that I've overcome and I'm sure everyone has as well, but the one that sticks out to me the most was attending university after high school. I think the scariest part of that was meeting all the different types of people, different people from different cultures, from different high schools, from different areas. It was very odd to see that group all mixed together. I wasn't sure how to approach people and talk to them. Some of the classes were very tough. It was just a huge mess of interacting with people and doing well in school. But I think the best way to approach it is to find similarities that you can connect with people. For example, I really liked basketball and so I tried to hang out with other people who liked basketball and other people who enjoyed some of my similar subjects. For example, I like marketing and so I was a big fan of other students who took very similar classes and I would talk to them about my interests. And so, I think that's how I got through university, was trying to find people that made similar interests of mine ... or, sorry, or had similar interests and just grow with them, learn more, and then slowly meet new people with similar interests as well. So I think that's how I overcame the hurdle of first year university.
Gyri: Yeah.
Viyasan: Yeah.
Gyri: And what year are you in?
Viyasan: I am in my fourth year right now.
Gyri: Okay, so you've been for a while.
Viyasan: Just one more semester here at APU and-
Gyri: This is your last semester?
Viyasan: Yep, and then I'll be graduating, so it's pretty scary heading into the real world, the adult world.
Gyri: Yeah, you're gonna have to find a job.
Viyasan: Exactly, yeah. That's gonna be a little bit stressful as well.
Gyri: Are you worried about that?
Viyasan: Finding a job? Right now, I do have a job when I graduate university. I'll be working within a marketing context, luckily, it's something that I'm interested in, in a marketing context at a consulting firm. So that's solving problems for different types of businesses within a marketing context.
Gyri: That sounds cool.
Viyasan: Yeah.