Now let us use the analysis of "SWOT",which was always employed in the field of economics to get the above-said problem sloved! Here, S stands for "strengths",W for "weakness",O for "opportunities" and T for "target"!
Working for a big company will have many aspects of strengths for your development in your career, because, in my head, a big company usually provides more competitiveness and it demands its employees to be self- educated at the very beginning of becoming one member of the group or he or she will be dismissed without hesitation, for as a big company, there are always a pool of talents waiting for the position which he or she occupied before! Besides, in a big company, you will deal with shades of people, who are maybe from different provinces or even different countries, having various education, as well as family background, and so on, in such way you will be inevitably influenced by "multi-culture", regardless of the various cultures of different provinces, or of different nations, which is of great importance for a person with the hope of tailoring himself to be an international talent. Finally, in a big company you will be given more opportunities to be charged up in your free time either at home or abroad and be endowed with more chances to contact with more elites in the specific field or other fields.
When speaking of the weakness, in my humble opinion, of course, every thing is a double- edged sword, working for a big company might have little chance for those who have little of parts to get out due to the bulk of talents, but compared with strengths and the opportunities mentioned above, it can be omitted, to put it exceedingly!
When it comes to the target, you, as a member of a big company, you will be more likely to motorize your target because of the plentiful resources including material resources, as well as human resources.
All that I have said above boils down to the conclusion that if you are a person who craves for competitiveness and desires to be an international or Inter-provincial talent, you should choose the big firms for your future development.