Good. P.F. Chang's? My mom has coupons.
Great. Your mom's not coming, right?
Not this time, I promise.
Okay, just to be clear, roller skating was my idea, and I'm very unhappy that you turned it into a double date,
and I hope you both fall on your asses and break your coccyxes. The plural of coccyx is coccyges.
Screw you. Give me back my lima beans.
Oh, my God. Have you ever been so embarrassed?
Not recently. I don't know which was lamer: their roller skating or their disco dancing.
For me, the worst part was when people saw us leave with them.
You had some nice moves out there, Howard. Thanks. You, too.
Not really. I was in my boogie zone.
When Howard tried to do the splits...Shh.
Sorry. I'm moving a little slow. I think I bruised my coccyx.
Oh, poor baby. Don't tell Koothrappali.
After you. Oh, what a gentleman.
Hey, Sheldon. Oh, my God! Are you... Good Lord! You're ruining everything!
嗨 謝爾頓 天啊 你在 我的神啊 你們把一切都?xì)Я?/div>
Oh, damn. Are you okay?
該死的 你沒事吧
Do I look okay? Don't bark at me. I fell, too.
我看起來像沒事嗎 別沖我發(fā)火啊 我也摔了
Oh, you've been falling all night. You're used to it.
你都摔一晚上了 也該習(xí)慣了
Sheldon, what the hell are you doing?
謝爾頓 你到底在干嘛
The same thing I've been doing for three days.
Trying to figure out why electrons behave as if they have no mass when traveling through a graphene sheet.
With marbles? Well, I needed something bigger than peas, now, didn't I?
用大理石來推測 我總得找點(diǎn)比豆子大的東西不是嗎
Sheldon, when was the last time you got any sleep?
謝爾頓 你上次睡覺是什么年代
I don't know, two, three days. Not important. I don't need sleep. I need answers.
不知道 大概2 3天 這無關(guān)緊要 我不需要睡眠 我想要答案
I need to determine where in this swamp of unbalanced formulas squatteth the toad of truth.
我要找出 在這個充滿不平衡方程的沼澤中是什么阻礙了真理的蛤蟆
Toad of truth? Is that a physics thing?
真理的蛤蟆 這是物理學(xué)上的名詞嗎
No, that's a crazy thing. Okay, Sheldon.
不 那是瘋狂的產(chǎn)物 好了 謝爾頓
What happens to our neuroreceptors when we don't get enough REM sleep?
如果我們不能保證足夠的快速眼動睡眠的話 會對神經(jīng)受體造成怎樣的影響呢
They lose their sensitivity to serotonin and norepinephrine. Which leads to...? Impaired cognitive function.
會失去對5 羥色胺和正腎上腺素的敏感性 那就會引起認(rèn)知功能受損
Right, so march in there, brush your teeth and go to bed.
沒錯 所以進(jìn)屋去 刷刷牙 上床睡覺
But I don't want to go to bed.
I'm going to count to three. One...
我數(shù)三下 一
Oh, all right. That was amazing how you handled him. I know how to deal with stubborn children.
哦 好吧 你的手段真是太高明了 我知道怎么對付不聽話的小孩
My mother used to run an illegal day care center in our basement.
Leonard, you're... you're giggling in your sleep.
萊納德 你睡覺時在鬼笑嗎
It's not me. It's my new ringtone. The Joker from Batman.
不是我笑的 是我的新手機(jī)鈴聲 是《蝙蝠俠》里的小丑
Well, it creeps me out.
Me, too, but I paid three bucks for it. Just answer the phone.
也嚇我一跳 但我花了3塊錢定的 接電話吧還是
Hello. Yeah, I'm Leonard Hofstadter.
你好 我是萊納德·霍夫斯塔德
Yeah, yeah, he's my roommate. Oh, God, is he okay?
沒錯 他是我的室友 天啊 他沒事吧
Yeah, all all right. I'll be right there.
好的 我馬上過去
What happened? Sheldon's escaped and is terrorizing the village.
怎么了 謝爾頓逃走了 恐怖降臨了村莊
Okay. Have fun.
好吧 去吧 玩的開心點(diǎn)
Hi. I'm Dr. Hofstadter. Where is he? Ball pit.
我是霍夫斯塔德博士 他在哪兒 海洋球那里
Thanks for not calling the cops.
Oh, hey, it's no big deal. My sister's got a kid who's special.
沒事的 我姐姐也有個智障小孩
ah, well, he's extra special.
呃 他是極度智障
Hey, Shelly. What you doing?
嘿 謝利 你干嘛呢
Size ratio was all wrong. Couldn't visualize it. Needed bigger carbon atoms.
體積比錯得一塌糊涂 我不能把它們具象化 我要找更大的碳原子
Sure, sure. How did you get into this place?
好好好 你怎么進(jìn)來的
Back door has a five pin tumbler system, single circuit alarm. Child's play.
后門裝了個五針腳制動系統(tǒng)和單回路報警器 小孩子的玩意了
You can start sorting protons and neutrons while I build carbon atoms.
我在建立碳原子模型的時候 你正好可以把質(zhì)子和中子分類整理出來
No, I don't think so. We need to go home now. But I'm still working.
我可不這么想 我們現(xiàn)在該回家了 但我還在工作
If you don't come out of there, I'm going to have to drag you out.
要是你不出來 我就去把你抓出來
You can try, but you'll never catch me.
試試看啊 你永遠(yuǎn)別想抓到我
For God's sakes. Sheldon, come here!
我的老天爺啊 謝爾頓 過來
Bazinga. Bazinga. Bazinga. Bazinga. Bazinga.
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