What? What, what, what? Leonard and Penny.
What? I have good news.
Your cell phone was off.
Because we didn't want to be disturbed.
Well, that didn't work out, did it?
反正也沒什么用 不是嗎
Sheldon, what do you want?
謝爾頓 你到底想干嘛
I came to tell you I've got the answer.
我特來宣告 本天才找到了答案
Really? You figured out the graphene problem?
真的嗎 你解開石墨烯的難題了嗎
No, no, I'm still hopelessly stuck on that, but I figured out how to figure it out.
不 那個(gè)還絕望地卡殼中 但我找到了解決的方法
Okay, you know what, Leonard, I know I said I could handle your roommate, but I was wrong.
你猜怎著 萊納德 我曾經(jīng)說過我能忍受你的室友 但我錯(cuò)得太離譜了
We're going to have to break up.
What are you talking about? Einstein.
你在說什么鬼 愛因斯坦
Yeah, I'm going to need a little more. Albert Einstein. Keep going.
嗯 至少得再多說點(diǎn)吧 艾伯特·愛因斯坦 繼續(xù)繼續(xù)
When Albert Einstein came up with special relativity, he was working at the patent office.
艾伯特·愛因斯坦在專利局工作時(shí) 他提出了狹義相對論
So, you're going to go work at the patent office?
Don't be absurd. That's in Washington.
你傻的啊 那可在華盛頓
You know I could never live in a city whose streets are laid out in a wheel and spoke pattern.
滿大街車聲嘈雜的城市我可待不了 你又不是不知道
No. I'm going to find a similarly menial job where my basal ganglia are occupied with a routine task,
其實(shí) 我是想要找一份半斤八兩的低賤工作 需要?jiǎng)佑梦业幕咨窠?jīng)節(jié)就行
freeing my prefrontal cortex to work quietly in the background on my problem.
Sounds like a great plan. Of course it is.
真是雄心壯志 這不廢話么
Even talking to you is sufficiently menial that I can feel the proverbial juices starting to flow.
就算和你講話也夠低賤的咧 讓我不禁感覺思如泉涌啊
Okay, well, thanks for sharing with us.
得 多謝分享
Good night. You're welcome.And good night to you, too.
晚安 不客氣 你們也安安
Oh, by the way, I was watching you sleep for a moment, and I noticed that your snoring seems to be worse when you're on your back.
順便 我剛觀察了下你的睡相 我注意到當(dāng)你仰面睡覺時(shí)呼嚕打得更響
Leonard doesn't snore.
No, I wasn't talking to Leonard.
Told you. So, Mr. Cooper, you're looking for a job.
我早說了吧 庫珀先生 你是要找份工作嗎
A menial job. Like yours.
一份低賤的工作 好比你這樣的
Well, thank you for noticing. I'm "Menial Employee of the Month."
多謝提醒 我可是"月度低賤員工之星"呢
Do you have a particular field in mind?
I do. For thousands of years, the lowest classes of the human race have spent their lives laboring to erect monuments
當(dāng)然 幾千年來 最底層的人類 在優(yōu)勢一族的鞭撻和壓迫中
under the lash of their betters, until finally, they dropped down and became one with the dust through which they trudged.
致力于樹立起一塊豐碑 直到最后 他們慘烈倒下 化作艱難跋涉之路上的一粒塵埃
Do you have anything like that? No.
有這一類的工作嗎 沒
Shouldn't you check your database? No.
你都不搜一下確認(rèn)嗎 就是沒
You didn't really type?
I didn't really have to. So, how about construction?
不用打也知道 建筑類的如何
Oh, that would be good! Sawing, hammering, eating out of a lunch pail as my working class fellows and I
太棒了 拉拉鋸子 敲敲榔頭 和工人階級同志們一起
sit perched precariously on a girder high above the metropolis.
No, no. This is putting up sheetrock at a housing project in Rosemead.
不 是給羅斯密市的一間住宅安裝石膏板
I could do that. Good. One question.Yes? What's sheetrock?
行啊 很好 就一個(gè)問題 說 什么是石膏板
Moving on. How about doing deliveries for a florist?
過 花店快遞怎么樣
That seems acceptable. Do you have your own car? I don't drive.
聽起來還不錯(cuò) 你有車嗎 我不開車
Of course you don't. Mr. Cooper, let me just ask you a question. What was your last job?
我想也是 庫珀先生 我就問你一個(gè)問題 你上份工作是啥
Senior theoretical particle physicist at CalTech, focusing on M theory, or, in layman's terms, string theory.
加州理工學(xué)院的高級理論粒子物理學(xué)家 主要致力于M理論研究 外行人說法是弦理論
I see. Just give me a second. Security!
懂了 等我一下 保安 這有瘋子
Okay, I'll get those drinks started for you. Behind you.
好的 我先把飲料送上來 小心身后
Sheldon, what the hell are you doing?
謝爾頓 你這是在干嘛
I'm trying to get these tables cleared. We're slammed.
我正要去清理桌子 差點(diǎn)撞上你
No, wait, wait, no, wait. Wh What are you doing here?
等等 等等 你在這干嘛呢
A reasonable question.
I asked myself, what is the most mind numbing, pedeststrian job conceivable, and three answers came to mind:
我問我自己 我能想到最討厭最沉悶的工作是什么 有三個(gè)答案浮現(xiàn)在腦中
uh, toll booth attendant, Apple Store genius...and what Penny does.
收費(fèi)站工作人員 在蘋果專賣店工作的天才 還有佩妮的工作
Now... since I don't like touching other people's coins, and I refuse to contribute to the devaluation of the word "Genius," here I am.
現(xiàn)在 既然我不喜歡碰別人手里的硬幣 也不想幫著抹黑"天才"這個(gè)詞 所以我來了
You just, you just walked in and they hired you, just like that?
你就這么走進(jìn)來 就被錄用了 就這么簡單
Oh, heavens, no. Since I don't need to be paid, I didn't need to be hired.
當(dāng)然不是 既然我不領(lǐng)薪水 也就不需被錄用
I simply came in, picked up a tray, and started "Working for the man."
我就直接走進(jìn)來 拿起個(gè)托盤 然后開始"為人民服務(wù)"
Let me get that plate out of your way.
Sheldon,this is ridiculous. Is it?
謝爾頓 這太荒謬了 是嗎
Just a moment ago, I had a minor epiphany regarding the polymer degradation phenomenon while scraping congealed nachos off a plate.
就在剛剛 在刮掉盤子里凝結(jié)的玉米脆餅時(shí) 我突然間就頓悟了聚合物降解現(xiàn)象
Bernadette, table 10 wants their check. Thanks, Sheldon.
伯納黛特 10號桌買單 謝謝 謝爾頓
Sheldon,wait, this isn't even what I do.
謝爾頓 等等 再說這也不是我的工作
I'm a waitress, not a busboy.
我是服務(wù)生 不是勤雜工
You're right. That is more menial.
你說得對 你的工作更低賤
Hello, I'm Sheldon. I'll be your server today.
兩位好 我是謝爾頓 負(fù)責(zé)這桌的服務(wù)生
I don't recommend the salmon. I saw it in the kitchen.
不推薦點(diǎn)三文魚 我看到它們在廚房的樣子
All right, one bacon cheeseburger, breaking two Jewish dietary restrictions simultaneously kudos.
好了 一份培根芝士漢堡同時(shí)違背兩條猶太飲食禁忌光榮啊
Beer battered fish and chips. Now, here's your tartar sauce. I also brought you salsa.
炸魚加薯?xiàng)l 這里你的韃靼醬 我還幫你拿了莎莎醬
It's a little unconventional, but I think you'll like it.
雖然有點(diǎn)不合常規(guī) 不過我想你會(huì)喜歡的
It's zingy. And for you, Factory Burrito Grande, no cheese, no sour cream,
味道很贊 還有你的招牌大玉米煎餅 不含芝士和酸奶油
no ugly consequences from your lactose intolerance. Bon appetit.
不會(huì)因你的乳糖不耐癥產(chǎn)生不良后果 祝各位好胃口
Hang on. Black beans, not pinto beans? Yes.
等等 這是黑豆 不是斑豆吧 對
Double guacamole? Of course.No cilantro? Nope.
加雙份鱷梨醬 當(dāng)然 沒加香菜 沒
Lettuce shredded, not chopped? Yep.
生菜是切碎的 而不是剁碎的 對
You understand why I'm doing this to you?
I do. That'll be all.That was fun.
知道 那就這樣吧 這太好玩了
How long can he keep this up?
I heard about this professor at MIT who melted down, bought a van, and spent the rest of his life as a mobile dog groomer.
聽說麻省理工有位教授 變賣了財(cái)產(chǎn) 買了輛貨車 余生就做了名流動(dòng)的狗狗美容師
He never went back to the university?
Only to shampoo Professor Shamburg's shitzu Sheesh.
除了在給項(xiàng)伯格教授的西施犬洗澡的時(shí)候 暈
I bet if we all chipped in, we could buy Sheldon a van.
我敢說要是我們一起集資 也能給謝爾頓買輛小貨車
But he's afraid of dogs.
Yeah, that's the only thing wrong with that plan.
是啊 這計(jì)劃唯一的缺陷就是這個(gè)
Hey, guys, sorry you had to wait, but we are swamped.
各位 抱歉久等了 今天太忙了
What's this? Sheldon took our order.
這是什么 謝爾頓幫我們點(diǎn)的單
Sheldon doesn't work here.
Well, honey, not to complain, but we were starting to think you didn't either.
親愛的 我可不是抱怨哈 但我們開始覺得你也不在這工作了
Is that really necessary?
Good Lord. The interference pattern in the fracture.
天哪 整個(gè)一斷面的干涉圖樣
The motion of the wave through the molecular structure. I've been looking at it all wrong.
通過分子結(jié)構(gòu)的波狀運(yùn)動(dòng) 我之前一直想錯(cuò)了
I can't consider the electrons as particles.
They move through the graphene as a wave. It's a wave! The moment to applaud would be now. Troglodytes.
他們是波狀地通過石墨烯的 它是波 趕緊滴都給我喝彩啊 山頂洞人
Sheldon... where are you going? Aren't you going to clean this up?
謝爾頓 你要去哪 不把這清理干凈嗎
I'm sorry. I don't work here.
抱歉 我又不在這工作
Happy now? I'm on a cloud.Swing me.
這下你開心了 我都飄飄然了 一起搖擺吧
Sheldon, come here.
謝爾頓 快過來
Bazinga. Bazinga. Bazinga. Bazinga. Bazinga.
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