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生活大爆炸 第五季:第4集 Raj的拜金聾女友(下)





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Mustache is looking good there, Sheldon.

小胡子不錯啊 謝爾頓
Don't thank me. Thank the dice.They told me what percentage of my face to shave.
別夸我 夸骰子吧 骰子告訴我該刮多少比例的胡子
Why are you still doing this?
Because it's working.
In the past few weeks, unburdened by trivial decisions,I've co-authored two papers in notable peer reviewed journals,and I'm close to figuring out why the Large Hadron Collider has yet to isolate the Higgs boson particle.
這幾周因為不用做瑣碎的決定 我已經(jīng)和別人合作在著名 同行評審期刊上發(fā)表了兩篇論文我也就快搞清楚 大型強子對撞機 是如何分離出希格斯玻色子的
You left out, got chafed testicles because you no longer wear underpants.
還有個你沒提 你蛋蛋擦破了 就因為骰子告訴你不用再穿內(nèi)褲了
The dice giveth and the dice taketh away.
成也骰子 敗也骰子
Is Raj out with Emily again?
Yeah, every night for the last month.
嗯 這個月來每晚都出去
Wow, can't believe he has a girlfriend.
Me neither.
Here's some other fun news on the Raj/Emily front.
He gave her a pair of diamond earrings and leased her a car.
他送了她一對鉆石耳環(huán) 還給她租了一輛車
You're kidding.
You think she's taking advantage of him?
Oh, of course not.She wouldn't do something like that.She's deaf.
當(dāng)然不會 她不會做這種事 她可是聾子
Deaf women can't be gold diggers?
Handicapped people are nice, Leonard.Everyone knows that.
殘疾人都人很好 萊納德 地球人都知道
Yeah, I actually have information about Raj that would be helpful with this discussion.
我知道一些關(guān)于拉杰的事 也許對你們的討論有幫助
Could you tell us?
Let's see.
Snake eyes. Sorry, bud.
兩點 不好意思了
Wait, hang on.Doubles. Roll again.
等下 雙人賽 再擲一次
Okay, get this.
好吧 聽好了
It doesn't matter if he's showering her with gifts,because the Koothrappalis are vastly wealthy.
他給她買再多禮物也無所謂 因為庫薩帕里家超有錢
What do you mean "Vastly wealthy"?
Well, "Wealthy" Means a lot of money.
Vastly Means even more. I'm not sure what's tripping you up.
加上個超就是有很多很多錢 這有什么聽不懂的啊
Look, I know they have money. I don't think it's that much.
聽著 我知道他們有錢 但沒這么有錢吧
No, you're wrong.As you know, a few years ago, I achieved one of my lesser dreams and became a notary public.Well, from time to time,I notarize banking documents for Raj.
不 你錯了 幾年前 我實現(xiàn)了其中一個小夢想 做了一名公證人 時不時地 我要替拉杰公證一下賬戶記錄
The Koothrappalis aren't just rich, they're Richie Rich rich.
庫薩帕里家不僅是有錢 而是超超超有錢
Well, so how much is that?
About halfway between Bruce Wayne and Scrooge McDuck.
差不多介于布魯斯·韋恩和斯克魯奇之間(前者是蝙蝠俠 超有錢 后者是《圣誕歡歌》主人公 超有錢也超小氣)
What the hell? The last time we went to the zoo, that son of a bitch made me buy him a churro.
搞毛 我們上次去動物園 那丫的還讓我給他買西班牙油條
Listen, guys, I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude,but I need to go call Raj's sister, who I love so much.So vastly much.
聽著 伙計們 不好意思 我也不想這么無禮 但我得打個電話給拉杰的妹妹 我超愛的那個 超超超愛的那個
Okay, so he's got money, and it's a few gifts and a car.
好吧 他是很有錢 買了很多禮物...還有車
And she got him to pay off all her credit cards.
What? He paid off her credit cards?
啥 他還幫她付信用卡賬單
Damn it, I could've dated Raj for a couple months.
我靠 我怎么就沒和拉杰約會幾個月呢
But I I wouldn't have, because I'm not that kind of girl.We should really talk to Raj.
好吧 我不會這樣 我不是這種人 我們得和拉杰談?wù)?/div>
He's not going to listen, he's in love.
他聽不進的 他墜入了愛河
Can't figure out what to do? I remember those days. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to...stay right here.
不知道該怎么辦嗎 我也有過這種日子 而現(xiàn)在 請原諒 我不得不...繼續(xù)留在這
Yeah, this is a bad idea.We should go.
這個主意太爛了 我們還是走吧
No.I'm the one that introduced him to her.I've got to say something.
不行,是我把她介紹給他的 我得說點什么
You're engaged to my friend.
Hey, Bernadette doesn't mind where I get my motor running,as long as I park in the right garage.
伯納黛特又不介意我在哪兒變得性致勃勃 只要別出軌 意淫也無妨
I can't believe you're engaged to my friend.
Oh, here she comes.
Smart. Whisper so the deaf chick can't hear you.
真聰明啊 小聲說 讓那聾女聽不見
Hi, oh, hi.Nice to see you.
Um, can we talk to you about Raj?
She says, "Sure, what about him""
她說 當(dāng)然 他怎么了
Okay, um, gosh, how do I start?
好吧 哎 我該怎么說呢
Um, see, Raj is kind of naive.
那個 拉杰其實蠻天真的
I mean, he hasn't dated a whole lot of women.
我是說 他沒怎么和女人約會過
And I'm concerned that, without meaning to,
而我只是有點擔(dān)心 沒別的意思
you might be taking advantage of him.
You know, by letting him buy you a bunch of expensive things.And I I...Howard, focus.
比如 讓他給你買了很多奢侈品 而我...霍華德 專心點
Tell her what I'm saying.
Right.Are you a gold digger or not?
好 你是拜金女在找冤大頭嗎
Oh, uh, something, something,who the something do you think you are? Mind your own something business and go something yourself.
你他媽以為你是誰 我的事關(guān)你屁事 滾你妹的 (此處省略不禮貌用語 something=fucking)
Wait, I got this now.
好吧 我總算懂了
I'm so mad at you!
Okay, wait...
好吧 等等
How dare you ambush my girlfriend at the gym!
We didn't mean for it to be an ambush.Just, it's kind of impossible not to sneak up on deaf people.
我們不是想偷襲她的 只是對聾子 想不偷襲都不可能
And hey, since when are you so chatty?
I'm hammered.
Raj, come here.This girl is trouble.I mean, what kind of relationship is it where you buy her gifts and she gives you sex?
拉杰 進來說話 她是個大麻煩 你們這算哪門子關(guān)系 你送禮物給她 她用性愛做回禮
The best one I ever had!
Okay, come on.You know you can do better.
好吧 拜托 你知道的 你還有更好選擇
Ah-huh, I see what's going on here.
You and I had our crazy night together,and now you can't stand to see me with another woman.
你我共度了瘋狂一夜 現(xiàn)在你受不了我和別的女人在一起了
Wo wo wo wo
I can't get mad at your feelings.
I don't have feelings.
Yeah, that's good.Keep telling yourself that.
是啊 很好 繼續(xù)自欺欺人吧
He is cuter now that I know he's rich.
自從知道他是有錢人 他可愛多了
I have a surprise for you.
Cover your eyes.
Open them.
It's a real ruby.It was a little expensive,but no one can put a price on love.
是天然紅寶石的 有點貴 不過真愛是無價的
Although, the people at Cartier took a pretty good shot at it.
雖然卡地亞公司讓真愛變得好昂貴 (卡地亞:著名奢侈珠寶品牌)
Oh, Mummy, Daddy. What a nice surprise.
媽媽 爸爸 真是意外之喜
No, it's not a nice surprise, it's a bad surprise.
不 不是意外之喜 是意外之怒
Penny called us.
She told us you're spending all our money on your new girlfriend.
她告訴我們 你把我們的錢 都揮霍在新女友身上了
I just got her a couple of things.She gives me things, too.
我只送了她幾件東西 她也有回禮呀
Yeah, yeah, I'm a gynecologist.I know exactly what she gives you.
是 我是婦科醫(yī)生 非常清楚她回的什么禮給你
You need to find a nice Indian girl from a good family.
If you keep seeing this woman, you're cut off.
你要是繼續(xù)跟她好 就拿不到我們的錢
What? You're going to make me choose between the woman I love and the money I... have very strong feelings for?
什么 你們讓我在深愛的女人 和強烈吸引我的金錢之間做抉擇
It's up to you.
Well, I choose love.
好吧 我選愛情
You're an idiot.Love doesn't last.
你個笨蛋 愛情好比曇花一現(xiàn)
Well, he's going to find out eventually.Think about it.
他最終會發(fā)現(xiàn)的 好好想想吧
My parents are making me choose between money and you.I choose you.
我父母讓我在錢和你之間作選擇 我選了你
No, I think we'll have to return the car.And that necklace, yeah, that, too.But none of those things matter,because we have something better.We have love.
不 那車得退回去 那項鏈 也得退 但那些都不重要 因為我們有更好的 我們有愛
Oh, Penny, I hurt so bad.
佩妮 我心都碎了
I know, I know.
我知道 我知道
Sometimes I put the TV on mute just to pretend she's still with me.
有時候我會把電視靜音 就為了假裝她還和我在一起
But I can't watch the closed captioning without crying.
但我一看那隱藏字幕 就忍不住哭
Oh, I'm so sorry.I wish I could make you feel better.
我真為你痛心 真希望能讓你心情好點
Seriously? I'm heartbroken and you're hitting on me?
什么人啊 我心都碎了 你還要勾引我
What?! No!
什么 不是的
Look, Penny, you're great,but I had a long talk with my parents,and they said if I date an Indian girl,I get a Maserati.
佩妮 你是個好人(著名的好人卡)但我跟父母長談了一番 他們說只要我跟印度女孩約會 就送我輛瑪莎拉蒂
Oh, cheesecake,you're just as good as a woman,even though I can't have sex with you.
奶油蛋糕 你跟女人一樣美味 即便我不能跟你上床
Try throwing it in the microwave for a few seconds. Should I use the rest room or wait until we get home? Come on, papa needs to void his bladder.
我該現(xiàn)在上廁所呢 還是等回家再上 小乖乖 爸爸需要排空膀胱
Oh, that's not what you want to see after three buttermilks.
喝了三杯酸奶之后 可不想看到這結(jié)果
Here you go, boys.I'll pick it up when you're ready.
賬單來了 各位 把錢準(zhǔn)備好了 我再過來
Thanks for dinner, buddy.
謝謝請客 兄弟
Yeah, real big of you.
是啊 你真是大方
Hurry, hurry, hurry.
快點 快點 快點
Oh, and don't cheap out on the tip.We all know you're loaded now.
小費可不準(zhǔn)少給了啊 我們都知道你是闊少


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