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1. come about ***發(fā)生

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:[在周邊(about)]出現(xiàn)、發(fā)生

例 It's best we let the changes come about naturally. If they occur without any outside influence, they are much more likely to be lasting. So rather than forcing their government to change by threatening sanctions, we ought to be patient. Eventually they will bring about the changes themselves out of necessity.

2. come 〔run〕 across sb. or sth. ***偶然碰見

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:[穿過(across)]某人或某物來到

例 While reading last week's Newsweek, I came across an article about my old employer, Mr. Davies. I was quite surprised. I never expected to find a story about him in such a prestigious publication. He's involved in a joint-venture with a Vietnamese company in Ho Chi Minh City.

3. come apart at the seams **四分五裂;失??;衰落;崩潰,(情緒)失去控制

解 〈口〉習(xí)語;詞義溯源:變成[接縫處(seams)][拆散的(apart)]狀態(tài);參照fall apart at the seams

例 Mega-Biotech, which used to be a model of modern management, innovation and efficiency in the biotechnology industry, is coming apart at the seams. Industry analysts point to a series of costly mistakes as signs that the giant is losing control over its operations just as smaller upstart companies are beginning to challenge for market share.

4. come away empty-handed **空手而歸

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:[空手(empty-handed)][分離(away)] 而來;參照go away empty-handed

例 Irefuse to come away empty-handed!If I go back to my office with nothing from this four-day trip, my boss will fire me!I'm going back in that negotiation room and I'm not coming out until I have something tangible to bring back .

5. come between sb. and sb. else ***阻礙;分開;在…之間

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:來到[中間(between)]

例 Try not to let your religious and ethnic differences come between you and your teammates. When we're out there on the football field, we're all the same—we're all football players.


(A) come about

(B) came across

(C) coming apart at the seams

(D) come away empty-handed

(E) come between

1. A: You'll never guess what I found by accident this morning while going through some old boxes in the attic. B: Those old boxes? There's no telling what you ______. Whatever it is, I hope it's not an embarrassing part of my past.

2. A: I won't be attending the funeral service. I'm afraid I'd lose control of my emotions and break down into tears. B: And you don't want newspapers printing pictures of you ______, right? I understand—you have a public image of strength to maintain.

3. A: Don't waste your time trying to get a donation from Hobson & Fenner Law Firm. Your volunteer will spend hours talking but return to the office with nothing. B: You don't know our secret weapon—Linda Stefano. She'll use her charm on old man Hobson and I guarantee you, she won't ______.

4. A: You know it's risky going into business with a good friend. Money could cause a strain on your friendship. B: No way. Nothing will ever ______ Jiang Wan and me. We're best friends and nothing is going to cause us to split.

5. A: I'd like to explain how this happened. B: All I want to know is did it ______ by accident or by intention. A: Of course it occurred by accident, sir. Please let me explain.


1. (B)

2. (C)

3. (D)

4. (E)

5. (A)


I. 1. 我們最好讓改革自然發(fā)生。如果改革在沒有外力的影響下出現(xiàn),就更可能持久。所以,與其通過威脅性制裁迫使政府進行改革,我們不如耐心點。他們最終會不得已而進行改革。

2. 我看上周的《新聞周刊》時,碰巧讀到了一篇關(guān)于我的老雇主戴維斯先生的文章。我非常吃驚。我沒想到能在這種聲望頗高的刊物上讀到關(guān)于他的文章。他在胡志明市與一家越南公司成立了合資公司。

3. 美佳生物科技公司曾經(jīng)被生物科技行業(yè)作為現(xiàn)代管理、創(chuàng)新和效率的榜樣,目前正在衰落。行業(yè)分析家指出,該公司犯了一系列代價慘重的錯誤,這表明隨著新興的規(guī)模較小的公司開始爭奪市場份額,這個行業(yè)巨頭的運營正在逐漸失控。

4. 我不會空手而歸的!如果出差四天我什么也沒有得到,回到公司,老板會炒我魷魚的!我要再回到洽談室,除非我得到我能拿回去的實實在在的東西,否則我就不出來。

5. 盡量避免宗教和種族差異破壞你和球隊成員的關(guān)系。在足球場上,我們是一樣的——都是足球運動員。

II. 1. A:你肯定猜不到我今天早上翻看閣樓的那些盒子時,碰巧找到了什么。B:那些舊盒子?誰知道你碰巧找到了什么。不論是什么,我希望不是關(guān)于我過去的那些尷尬事的東西。

2. A:我不會參加葬禮。我怕控制不住情緒,放聲慟哭。B:而且你不希望報紙上出現(xiàn)你情緒失控的照片,對吧?我能理解——你需要在公眾面前維護堅強的形象。

3. A:不要再浪費時間,試圖讓霍布森&芬納律師事務(wù)所捐款了。你們的志愿者將花幾個小時跟他們談,但最后還是得空手而歸。B:你不知道我們的秘密武器——琳達(dá)·斯特凡諾。她會用她的魅力征服霍布森那個老家伙,而且我敢保證她絕不會空手而歸。

4. A:你知道跟好朋友一起創(chuàng)業(yè)有很大的風(fēng)險。錢的問題可能會影響你們的友誼。B:不可能。沒有什么能離間我和江萬。我們是最好的朋友,什么也別想把我們分開。

5. A:我想解釋一下事情的經(jīng)過。B:我只想知道這是意外發(fā)生的還是蓄意導(dǎo)致的。A:當(dāng)然是意外發(fā)生的,先生。請聽我解釋。


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