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LECTURE 12 基本動詞 COME 4





LECTURE 12 基本動詞 COME 4


1. come in out of the rain **懂道理;識時務

解 習語;詞義溯源:來到[里面(in)] [躲雨(out of the rain)];參照not know enough to come in out of the rain

例 Tell him the quality of his work has really been suffering for the past two years and that I don't want to talk with him about a pay raise until he comes in out of the rain and starts giving me the kind of writing he used to produce.

2. come into one's own **得到某人應得的東西;進入繁盛期;獲得成功

解 習語;詞義溯源:來到[自己的位置(one's own)][里面(into)]

例 It looks like Lisa is finally coming into her own. She's been given a slot as co-anchor of the midnight news program. It won't be long before she's anchoring the popular “Six O'Clock News”.

3. come of age **到法定年齡;成年

解 習語;詞義溯源:達到[成年(age)]

例 Where Do We Go From Here? is a song about the feelings of loneliness and lack of direction many couples feel after their children have all come of age and left the home. It was popular back in the mid-1980's.

4. come off it *不要胡說,別騙人了

解 俚語;詞義溯源:從[謊言中脫離(off)]而來

例 Your uncle is Obama? Come off it! If your uncle is Obama, then my grandfather is Albert Einstein!

5. come off second best **位居第二;被擊敗

解 習語;詞義溯源:[掉落(off)]成為[第二(second best)]

例 Guys, all of your ideas are good, but I'm afraid they're just not First Place stuff. For three years straight we've come off second best to Horton University in the annual Design Innovation Competition because we haven't been bold enough in our approach. We need something truly inspired or we'll end up behind Horton again.


(A) come in out of the rain

(B) come into his own

(C) come of age

(D) come off it

(E) came off second best

1. A: We have to make the results of the negotiation good enough that no company goes home looking like they ______. B: You're right, it's not good for anybody to appear to have lost—even if they actually did!

2. A: I've found an effective way to make my teenaged son ______ when he's not paying enough attention to schoolwork. B: This I've got to hear. I'm dying to find a way to make my own teenager sensible. All he thinks about nowadays is girls.

3. A: Young Do is a genius lyrics writer. He may be an unknown now, but I really believe he'll achieve the recognition he deserves someday. B: Yeah, he'll ______; he'll be recognized. But he's going to have to find a really good band to perform his works.

4. A: What's the legal age of adulthood in your country? B: I think the government legally considers you to have ______ when you're 21 years old. However, most people think graduation from high school marks the age of maturity and responsibility.

5. A: Oh ______ Tom. Do you really expect us to believe that? B: Yeah, get serious Tom. Tell the truth—what really happened?


1. (E)

2. (A)

3. (B)

4. (C)

5. (D)


I. 1. 告訴他,過去兩年來他干的活非常糟糕,除非他能識時務,給我寫出以前那樣的作品,否則我不會跟他談加薪的事情。

2. 看起來麗薩終于勞有所獲。她被任命參與主持午夜新聞節(jié)目。她很快就會擔任熱播的 《六點鐘新聞》 欄目的主播。

3. 《心歸何處?》這首歌寫的是孩子成年離開家之后,父母孤獨和迷失方向的感覺。這首歌在上世紀80年代中期非常流行。

4. 你叔叔是奧巴馬?別騙人了!如果你叔叔是奧巴馬,那我爺爺就是阿爾伯特·愛因斯坦!

5. 伙計們,你們的想法都很好,但是恐怕這些都不是首選。由于我們的方法不夠大膽,在年度設計創(chuàng)新大賽中,我們已經(jīng)連續(xù)三年輸給霍頓大學了。我們需要一些真正有啟發(fā)性的想法,否則我們還會輸給霍頓。

II. 1. A:我們必須使談判的結果足夠好,不能讓任何公司撤回的時候看起來像是被打敗了。B:你說得對。讓任何人看起來像是輸了不好——即便他們確實是輸了!

2. A:我發(fā)現(xiàn)一種方法,每次我兒子對功課不上心的時候,可以讓他懂道理。B:那我可得聽聽。我一直想要讓我家那位小伙子明白事理。他現(xiàn)在整天就知道想姑娘。

3. A:青為是一位很有天賦的歌詞作者。雖然他現(xiàn)在可能并不出名,但是我想他最終肯定會獲得應得的贊譽。B:是的,他會成功,會獲得認可。但是他得找一個優(yōu)秀的樂隊表演他的作品。

4. A:你們國家的法定成年年齡是多大?B:我想在你21歲的時候,政府就會從法律意義上認定你已經(jīng)成年了。不過,許多人認為高中畢業(yè)意味著已經(jīng)到了成熟和負責任的年齡。

5. A:嘿,別騙人了,湯姆。你真以為我們會相信嗎?B:是啊,嚴肅點,湯姆。說真話——到底發(fā)生了什么事?


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