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LECTURE 16 基本動詞 COME 8





LECTURE 16 基本動詞 COME 8


1. come to one's senses **覺醒;恢復意識,蘇醒

解 習語;詞義溯源:變成[有意識、有知覺(senses)]的狀態(tài)

例 Isuggest you take a few days to come to your senses before you buy the Grandeur you want so much. You've got a bad case of“consumer fever!” You can't afford it, but you want it anyway. Does that make sense?

2. come to terms with sb. or sth. / come to terms **達成協(xié)議,妥協(xié);(勉強)接受

解 習語;詞義溯源:達成[協(xié)議(terms)]

例 This generation of British seems to have come to terms with the fact that England is no longer the great world power it once was. With this realization, they are, for better or worse, not tied to the past the same way their parents' generation was.

3. come to the fore **(問題等)涌現(xiàn);脫穎而出

解 習語;詞義溯源:變成[在前面的(to the fore)]的狀態(tài)

例 Gang activities among children of the wealthy came to the fore when police arrested over a dozen members of an AAA gang who had been terrorizing local high school students. Every TV news program and major newspaper featured special reports on the shameful but interesting problem.

4. come 〔get〕 to the point **談到要點;直截了當?shù)卣f

解 習語;詞義溯源:變成[切題(to the point)]的狀態(tài)

例 We haven't got all night, Bob. Do you think you could come to the point so we can all get out of here before it's late?

5. come to think of it **想起來了;的確;再三考慮

解 習語;詞義溯源:開始[想到(think of)];用于描述突然想起某事或認識到其重要性;參照when (now) I come to think of it

例 Yesterday I told you I had never made an overseas long distance call from the office, but come to think of it, I have. I think it was to Singapore. But it was long time ago, so I didn't remember it at first.


(A) Come to your senses

(B) come to terms with

(C) comes to the fore

(D) come to the point

(E) Come to think of it

1. A: Tom, I know I asked you before, but let me ask you again: Have you seen my compact disk player? B: ______, yes. It's in my car. A: You just now remembered it was in your car? I don't think so. I think you knew all along it was there. Go get it!

2. A: You're going to marry this girl after only knowing her for two weeks? Are you out of your mind? ______, son. B: You're saying I need to think clearly and logically about this, but I have already, Dad. It's the most logical thing I've ever decided.

3. A: Chuck's mother has never ______ the fact that her son is a drug dealer. She keeps insisting he's an innocent boy and that the police lied about him. B: Chuck's her only son, so it's understandable that she has a time accepting reality. She'd rather die than face the truth.

4. A: What has made the trade imbalance issue gain prominence all of a sudden? Why has it become so noticeable? B: It ______ because the United States is no longer preoccupied with wars in that area.

5. A: Excuse me, but could you please ______? I've got another appointment to attend. B: Oh, sorry. What I want to say is...


1. (E)

2. (A)

3. (B)

4. (C)

5. (D)


I. 1. 我建議你在購買你一直想要的現(xiàn)代君爵之前,先花幾天時間清醒一下。你現(xiàn)在的情形就是糟糕的“購物狂”!你買不起,但還想要。這有意義嗎?

2. 這一代英國人似乎已經(jīng)接受了這個事實,即英國已經(jīng)不再是從前的超級世界強國了。意識到這一點之后,他們無論如何都不再像父輩一樣糾纏于歷史。

3. 警察逮捕了十幾名“三A幫”的團伙之后,富裕家庭青少年的幫派行為問題開始凸顯。該幫派一直恐嚇當?shù)馗咧猩?。所有電視新聞?jié)目和各大報紙都對這一引人關(guān)注的罪惡問題進行了特別報告。

4. 我們沒有一晚上的時間,鮑勃。你能不能直截了當?shù)卣f,這樣我們從這兒走時不會太晚。

5. 昨天我告訴過你,我從來沒有從辦公室打過國際長途電話,但是我突然想起來我打過,應(yīng)該是打往新加坡的。但那是很久以前的事了,所以我一開始沒想起來。

II. 1. A:湯姆,我知道我以前問過你,但是我再問你一遍:你有沒有見過我的光盤播放器?B:我想起來了,見過,在我車里。A:你剛剛想起來它在你車里?我可不這么認為。我想你一直都知道它在那里。去給我拿來!

2. A:你剛剛跟那個女孩認識了兩周就要跟她結(jié)婚?你瘋了嗎?清醒一下吧,兒子。B:您要我更清晰地、更有邏輯地考慮這件事。但我已經(jīng)想過了,爸爸。這是我作出的最符合邏輯的決定。

3. A:查克的媽媽不接受她兒子是毒販的事實。她堅持認為他是一個無辜的孩子,認為警察在他的事情上撒了謊。B:她只有查克這么一個兒子,所以她難以接受這一現(xiàn)實是可以理解的。她寧死也不愿意面對這個現(xiàn)實。

4. A:是什么使貿(mào)易不平衡問題突然凸顯?這個問題為什么變得如此顯著?B:問題之所以如此顯著,是因為美國已經(jīng)不再專注于那一地區(qū)的戰(zhàn)爭了。

5. A:抱歉,你能直接說重點嗎?我還有一個約會。B:哦,對不起。我想說的是……


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