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LECTURE 29 基本動詞 GET 8





LECTURE 29 基本動詞 GET 8


1. get 〔be〕 back on one's feet ***重新站起來;重獲獨立;恢復健康

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:變得[重新(back)] [站起來、自立、康復(on one's feet)]

例 Could you ask me again after I get back on my feet financially? I'd love to go to Europe with you, but I really don't have the money to take a trip right now.

2. get back to sb. / get back ***回話

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:[重新、再一次(back)]向某人走

例 Make sure you get back to me as soon as possible. I'll be waiting for your reply, but I can't wait forever—there are a lot of other companies who are interested in the business. So think it over and give me a call.

3. get better **變得更好

解 習語;詞義溯源:成為[更好的(better)]狀態(tài)

例 While discrimination against women in the workplace is still a factor, things are getting better. The disparity between men's wages and women's has shrunk to just over 15%, down from the 33% of the 1990's.

4. get 〔have〕 butterflies in one's stomach **焦慮

解 〈口〉習語;詞義溯源:[胃(stomach)][里(in)]有[因緊張而引起的顫動(butterflies)];參照give one butterflies in one's stomach

例 Medicine won't help you. When you get butterflies in your stomach, the only thing you can do is use your mind to control the feeling. Try closing your eyes, taking several deep breaths and thinking of pleasant thoughts.

5. get by with sth. / get by ***勉強過活,過得去;逍遙法外,僥幸躲過

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:[經(jīng)過(by)][向(with)]某物走去或[盡管有(with)]某事(通常是壞事),還能[經(jīng)過(by)];本詞組作“逍遙法外”解釋時,同get away with sth.

例 Two of the food packages were swept away by the torrential rain. We now had only three left to divide among the ten of us for the next five days. Captain Alston assured us we could get by with only one food package, a thought none of us relished.


(A) get back on your feet

(B) got back to

(C) getting...better

(D) gets butterflies in his stomach

(E) get by with

1. A: Have you replied with an answer to Mr. King's question at yesterday's meeting yet? B: Yeah, I ______ him this morning by telephone. Everything's okay.

2. A: Hello? Douglas? This is your father. How's that problem with your dormitory roommate. Have things improved any? B: Well, yes, it is ______ a little ______. He doesn't leave his dirty underwear on the floor anymore and he's started to taking showers and using deodorant. So, it's not as bad as it was.

3. A: Nervous? B: You bet!There are four hundred people out there waiting for my speech. A: Don't worry—everybody ______ before a big event like this. Just remember everything you've practiced.

4. A: Joe, can you lend me some money? My wife and baby are getting hungry and I still haven't found a job. B: I'm not doing so well myself. Can you ______ $50? It's all I got until next payday. A: $50? Well, Okay Joe. It's enough to survive—but barely! Thanks buddy.

5. A: Trust me—I've seen many cases like yours. You're bankrupt right now, but follow my advice and you will recover. B: I'm glad you think so, but right now, I feel like I'll never regain my financial strength and start normal operations of my shop. It's over. A: It's not over, Mr. Chen. You'll ______ by the end of the year. Trust me.


1. (B)

2. (C)

3. (D)

4. (E)

5. (A)


I. 1. 你能不能在我的經(jīng)濟狀況好轉之后再問我?我想跟你一起去歐洲,但是我現(xiàn)在真的沒錢旅行。

2. 你要保證盡快回復我。我會等你,但是也不可能永遠等下去—— 一些其他的公司對這筆單子也非常感興趣。所以,你再考慮考慮,然后給我電話。

3. 盡管對女性的歧視依然是職場的一個因素,但是情況已有所好轉。男女之間的工資差距已經(jīng)從20世紀90年代的33%下降到15%多一點。

4. 吃藥對你不管用。當你緊張不安的時候,唯一能做的就是用自己的意識來控制這種感覺。試著閉上眼睛,深呼吸幾次,然后想一想開心的事情。

5. 兩袋食物被暴雨沖走了。在接下來的五天里,我們要將剩下的三袋食物分給十個人。奧爾斯頓船長向我們保證,就算只有一袋食物也能勉強應付過去,但是沒有人對此感到高興。

II. 1. A:關于金先生在昨天的會議上提出的問題,你有沒有答復?B:答復了,我今天早上電話回復的他。一切順利。

2. A:喂?道格拉斯?我是爸爸。你跟你室友的問題處理得怎么樣了?情況有沒有改善?B:是的,有一點好轉。他不再把他的臟內衣扔到地板上了,也開始洗澡和使用防臭劑了。所以,已經(jīng)比以前好些了。

3. A:緊張嗎?B:當然!外面有400多人等著聽我的演講呢。A:別擔心——任何人在這種大型的活動之前都會感到緊張不安。只要記住你練習過的所有東西就可以了。

4. A:喬,你能借我點錢嗎?我老婆和孩子都餓著肚子,可我還沒有找到工作。B:我自己過得也不好。50美元能勉強應付嗎?發(fā)工資前,我只有這么多了。A:50美元?好吧,喬。不至于餓著了——但也僅僅是不餓著!謝謝你,伙計。

5. A:相信我——我見過很多跟你類似的情況。雖然你現(xiàn)在破產了,但是只要你聽從我的建議,肯定會東山再起的。B:很高興你這么想,但是現(xiàn)在,我感覺我的經(jīng)濟狀況永遠無法好轉,我的店鋪也無法正常運營了。一切都結束了。A:還沒結束,陳先生。今年年底肯定能好轉起來的。相信我。


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