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LECTURE 39 基本動詞 GET 18





LECTURE 39 基本動詞 GET 18


1. get one's nose out of one's business **停止干涉別人的事情,關(guān)注自己的事情

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:使自己的[鼻子(nose)]離開某人的[事情(business)];keep one's nose out of one's business表示“不干涉別人的事”

例 Take this message to him: “Get your nose out of our business. If I wanted you to know about this, I would have told you. Don't ask about it again. ”

2. get 〔have〕 one's second wind **恢復(fù)正常呼吸;恢復(fù)元氣

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:進(jìn)行[(劇烈運動后恢復(fù)正常)呼吸;恢復(fù)元氣(second wind)];wind在此表示“呼吸”

例 Billy Joel wrote a song titled Second Wind. It's about persistence. He advises people to keep striving for their dream even when things in their life make it seem impossible to achieve. He tells them that “sooner or later, you'll get your second wind. ”

3. get 〔have〕 one's start **獲得第一個重要機會,開始起步

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:邁出[第一步(start)];give sb. a start表示“使某人起步”

例 It's not difficult to get your start in the restaurant business. Nearly every restaurant is in constant need of employees. I got my start back in 2008 as a waiter, and today I'm the owner of two eateries.

4. get 〔sink〕 one's teeth into sth. **死死咬??;認(rèn)真做某事;熱衷于某事

解 〈口〉習(xí)語;詞義溯源:將[牙齒(tooth)]放進(jìn)某物[里面(into)]

例 Math has never been something most students can get their teeth into. However, teachers can make it more interesting by using real life, everyday situations.

5. get out from under sb. or sth. ***自下而出;脫離控制;從繁瑣的問題中解脫出來

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:從某人或某物的下方[出來(get out)]

例 Some countries got out from under their massive debts through a policy of free markets and liberal foreign investment policies. Later they hear voices calling for a return to the ways of control, cotrol and more control.


(A) get my nose out of your business

(B) get your second wind

(C) got my start

(D) get your teeth into

(E) get out from under

1. A: My philosophy on choosing a career is: if you can't do something eagerly, with enthusiasm and expectation, then it's not the kind of work you should choose as a career. B: But let's face reality; being able to ______ your job is nice, but often you have to consider how much you can earn in that career. Money's probably more important to most people.

2. A: Can your father help you get free from this burdensome problem? He's pretty influential and knows a lot of the judges, doesn't he? B: Probably, but I don't want to ask him. I'm 21 years old and it's about time I started solving my own problems. I don't care how difficult it's going to be. I want to ______ this on my own.

3. A: I don't remember inviting you to get involved in this. You are not welcome to comment—it's personal. B: Okay, you don't have to tell me to ______ twice. I won't say another word.

4. A: After several days of slow progress, we got a burst of energy and enthusiasm and finished the painting in just two days. B: What caused you to ______? A: I don't know; we just regained our strength and started performing.

5. A: Tell us, what was your first major opportunity in your career? B: Well, I'd say I ______ when I performed in the Broadway musical CATS. That is the event that launched my career.


1. (D)

2. (E)

3. (A)

4. (B)

5. (C)


I. 1. 給他帶個話:“不要多管閑事。如果我想讓你知道的話會告訴你的。不要再多問了?!?

2. 比利·喬爾寫了一首名為《恢復(fù)精力》的歌。這是一首關(guān)于堅持的歌。他建議人們,即便生活會讓夢想看起來難以實現(xiàn),也依然要為夢想繼續(xù)努力。他告訴人們:“你早晚會精神煥發(fā)的?!?

3. 在餐飲業(yè)起步并不難。幾乎每家餐廳都在不斷招聘員工。我從2008年開始做服務(wù)員,現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)擁有兩家小飯館了。

4. 大多數(shù)學(xué)生都不會潛心研究數(shù)學(xué)。但是,老師可以通過使用現(xiàn)實生活中的事例來使它更加有趣。

5. 一些國家通過自由市場政策和自由的外幣投資政策擺脫了巨額債務(wù)。可后來,他們聽到一些呼聲,要求恢復(fù)控制、控制、加強控制的方式。

II. 1. A:我的擇業(yè)哲學(xué)是:如果你不能充滿熱情和期望地投入某件事情的話,就別干這行。B:但是我們得現(xiàn)實點;能夠全身心投入工作固然很好,但在通常情況下你還要考慮你能從這份工作中賺多少錢?;蛟S,錢對于大多數(shù)人來說更加重要。

2. A:你爸爸能幫你處理這個煩人的問題嗎?他很有影響力,而且認(rèn)識許多法官,是不是?B:可能吧,但是我不想跟他說。我已經(jīng)21歲了,該開始自己解決自己的問題了。不管有多難,我想靠自己擺平這件事。

3. A:我不曾記得曾邀請你參與這件事。我不想讓你作評論——這是私人問題。B:好,你用不著再次告訴我不要插手,我什么都不會再說了。

4. A:前幾天進(jìn)展緩慢,后來,我們忽然精神抖擻,熱情高漲,兩天就完成了粉刷。B:是什么讓你們精神煥發(fā)?A:我不知道,我們只是恢復(fù)了精力,然后開始粉刷。

5. A:跟我們說說,你職業(yè)生涯中第一次重要的機會是什么。B:呃,應(yīng)該說我是從出演百老匯的音樂劇《貓》起步的,是這件事打開了我的職業(yè)之門。


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